Overview of the NIC taxonomy
The 554 interventions in the Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) Sixth Edition have been organized, as in the last three editions, into 7 domains and 30 classes. This three-level taxonomic structure is included on the following pages. At the top, most abstract level are 7 domains (numbered 1 to 7). Each domain includes classes (assigned alphabetical letters) or groups of related interventions (each with a unique code of four numbers) that are at the third level of the taxonomy. Only intervention label names are used in the taxonomy. Refer to the alphabetical listing in the book for the definition and defining activities for each intervention. The taxonomy was constructed using the methods of similarity analysis, hierarchical clustering, clinical judgment, and expert review. Refer to previous editions for more details on the construction, validation, and coding of the taxonomy.
The taxonomy clusters relate interventions for ease of use. The groupings represent all areas of nursing practice. Nurses in any specialty should remember that they should use the whole taxonomy with a particular patient, not just interventions from one class or domain. The taxonomy is theory neutral; the interventions can be used with any nursing theory and in any of the various nursing settings and health care delivery systems. The interventions can also be used with various diagnostic classifications, including NANDA International, International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and the Omaha System Problem List.
Each of the interventions has been assigned a unique number to facilitate computerization. If one wishes to identify the class and domain of the intervention, one would use six digits (e.g., 1A-0140 is Body Mechanics Promotion and is located in the Activity and Exercise Management class in the Physiological: Basic domain). Activity codes are not included in this book as we did not wish the classification to be dominated by numbers. If one wishes to assign codes, then each intervention’s activities can be numbered using two spaces after a decimal (e.g., 1A-0140.01). Given the sheer number of activities and the amount of resources that would be needed to keep track of them and the changes in activities over time, there has been no attempt to assign unique codes to activities. If activities are coded in a particular facility, they need to be used together with the related intervention code.
Some interventions have been included in two classes but are coded according to the primary class. We have attempted to keep cross-referencing to a minimum because the taxonomy could easily become long and unwieldy. Interventions are listed in another class only if they were judged to be sufficiently related to the interventions in that class. No intervention is listed in more than two classes. Interventions that are more concrete (i.e., those with colons in the title) have been coded at the fourth digit (e.g., Exercise Therapy: Ambulation is coded 0221). Occasionally an intervention is located in only one class but has a code that is assigned to another class (e.g., Nutritional Counseling is located in class D, Nutrition Support, but is coded 5246 to indicate that it is a counseling intervention). The interventions in each class are listed alphabetically, but the numbers may not be sequential because of additions and deletions. The last two classes in the domain Health System (Health System Management, coded a, and Information Management, coded b) contain many of the indirect care interventions (those that would be included in overhead costs).
The taxonomy first appeared in the second edition of NIC in 1996 with 6 domains and 27 classes. The third edition, published in 2000, included one new domain (Community) and three new classes: Childrearing Care (coded Z) in the Family domain and Community Health Promotion and Community Risk Management in the Community domain (c and d). In this edition, no new domains or classes were added; the 23 new interventions were easily placed in the existing classes.
The coding guidelines used for this and previous editions are summarized as follows:
• Interventions that are most concrete are coded using the fourth digit.
Domain 1 | Domain 2 | Domain 3 | Domain 4 | Domain 5 | Domain 6 | Domain 7 | |
Level 1 Domains | 1.Physiological: Basic Care that supports physical functioning | 2.Physiological: Complex Care that supports homeostatic regulation | 3.Behavioral Care that supports psychosocial functioning and facilitates life style changes | 4.Safety Care that supports protection against harm | 5.Family Care that supports the family | 6.Health System Care that supports effective use of the health care delivery system | 7.Community Care that supports the health of the community |
Level 2 Classes | A Activity and Exercise Management Interventions to organize or assist with physical activity and energy conservation and expenditure B Elimination Management Interventions to establish and maintain regular bowel and urinary elimination patterns and manage complications due to altered patterns C Immobility Management Interventions to manage restricted body movement and the sequelae D Nutrition Support Interventions to modify or maintain nutritional status E Physical Comfort Promotion Interventions to promote comfort using physical techniques F Self-Care Facilitation Interventions to provide or assist with routine activities of daily living | G Electrolyte and Acid-Base Management Interventions to regulate electrolyte/acid base balance and prevent complications H Drug Management Interventions to facilitate desired effects of pharmacological agents I Neurologic Management Interventions to optimize neurologic function J Perioperative Care Interventions to provide care prior to, during, and immediately after surgery K Respiratory Management Interventions to promote airway patency and gas exchange L Skin/Wound Management Interventions to maintain or restore tissue integrity M Thermoregulation Interventions to maintain body temperature within a normal range N Tissue Perfusion Management Interventions to optimize circulation of blood and fluids to the tissue | O Behavior Therapy Interventions to reinforce or promote desirable behaviors or alter undesirable behaviors P Cognitive Therapy Interventions to reinforce or promote desirable cognitive functioning or alter undesirable cognitive functioning Q Communication Enhancement Interventions to facilitate delivering and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages R Coping Assistance Interventions to assist another to build on own strengths, to adapt to a change in function, or achieve a higher level of function S Patient Education Interventions to facilitate learning T Psychological Comfort Promotion Interventions to promote comfort using psychological techniques | U Crisis Management Interventions to provide immediate short-term help in both psychological and physiological crises V Risk Management Interventions to initiate risk reduction activities and continue monitoring risks over time | W Childbearing Care Interventions to assist in the preparation for childbirth and management of the psychological and physiological changes before, during, and immediately following childbirth Z Childrearing Care Interventions to assist in raising children X Lifespan Care Interventions to facilitate family unit functioning and promote the health and welfare of family members throughout the lifespan | Y Health System Mediation Interventions to facilitate the interface between patient/family and the health care system a Health System Management Interventions to provide and enhance support services for the delivery of care b Information Management Interventions to facilitate communication about health care | c Community Health Promotion Interventions that promote the health of the whole community d Community Risk Management Interventions that assist in detecting or preventing health risks to the whole community |
Level 1 Domains | 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL: BASIC Care that supports physical functioning | |||||
Level 2 Classes | A Activity and Exercise Management Interventions to organize or assist with physical activity and energy conservation and expenditure | B Elimination Management Interventions to establish and maintain regular bowel and urinary elimination patterns and manage complications due to altered patterns | C Immobility Management Interventions to manage restricted body movement and the sequelae | D Nutrition Support Interventions to modify or maintain nutritional status | E Physical Comfort Promotion Interventions to promote comfort using physical techniques | F Self-Care Facilitation Interventions to provide or assist with routine activities of daily living |
Level 3 Interventions | 0140 Body Mechanics Promotion 0180 Energy Management 0200 Exercise Promotion 0201 Exercise Promotion: Strength Training 0202 Exercise Promotion: Stretching 0221 Exercise Therapy: Ambulation 0222 Exercise Therapy: Balance 0224 Exercise Therapy: Joint Mobility 0226 Exercise Therapy: Muscle Control 5612 Teaching: Prescribed Exercise S* | 0550 Bladder Irrigation 0410 Bowel Incontinence Care 0412 Bowel Incontinence Care: Encopresis Z 0430 Bowel Management 0440 Bowel Training 0450 Constipation/Impaction Management 0460 Diarrhea Management 0466 Enema Administration 0470 Flatulence Reduction 0480 Ostomy Care L 0490 Rectal Prolapse Management 0560 Pelvic Muscle Exercise 0630 Pessary Management 0640 Prompted Voiding 1804 Self-Care Assistance: Toileting F 1876 Tube Care: Urinary 0570 Urinary Bladder Training 0580 Urinary Catheterization 0582 Urinary Catheterization: Intermittent 0590 Urinary Elimination Management 0600 Urinary Habit Training 0610 Urinary Incontinence Care 0612 Urinary Incontinence Care: Enuresis Z 0620 Urinary Retention Care | 0740 Bed Rest Care 0762 Cast Care: Maintenance 0764 Cast Care: Wet 6580 Physical Restraint V 0840 Positioning 0846 Positioning: Wheelchair 1806 Self-Care Assistance: Transfer F 0910 Splinting 0940 Traction/Immobilization Care 0970 Transfer | 1020 Diet Staging 1024 Diet Staging: Weight Loss Surgery 1030 Eating Disorders Management 1056 Enteral Tube Feeding 1050 Feeding F 1080 Gastrointestinal Intubation 1100 Nutrition Management 1120 Nutrition Therapy 5246 Nutritional Counseling 1160 Nutritional Monitoring 1803 Self-Care Assistance: Feeding F 1860 Swallowing Therapy F 5614 Teaching: Prescribed Diet S 1200 Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Administration G 1874 Tube Care: Gastrointestinal 1240 Weight Gain Assistance 1260 Weight Management 1280 Weight Reduction Assistance | 1320 Acupressure 1330 Aromatherapy 1340 Cutaneous Stimulation 1350 Dry Eye Prevention 6482 Environmental Management: Comfort 1380 Heat/Cold Application 1390 Healing Touch 1480 Massage 1450 Nausea Management 1400 Pain Management 1440 Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Management 1460 Progressive Muscle Relaxation 3550 Pruritus Management L 1520 Reiki 5465 Therapeutic Touch 1540 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) 1570 Vomiting Management | 1610 Bathing 1620 Contact Lens Care 6462 Dementia Management: Bathing V 1630 Dressing 1640 Ear Care 1650 Eye Care 1050 Feeding D 1660 Foot Care 1670 Hair and Scalp Care 1680 Nail Care 1710 Oral Health Maintenance 1720 Oral Health Promotion 1730 Oral Health Restoration 1750 Perineal Care 1770 Postmortem Care 1800 Self-Care Assistance 1801 Self-Care Assistance: Bathing/Hygiene 1802 Self-Care Assistance: Dressing/Grooming 1803 Self-Care Assistance: Feeding D 1805 Self-Care Assistance: IADL 1804 Self-Care Assistance: Toileting B 1806 Self-Care Assistance: Transfer C 1850 Sleep Enhancement 1860 Swallowing Therapy D 5603 Teaching: Foot Care S 1870 Tube Care |
0100 to 0399 | 0400 to 0699 | 0700 to 0999 | 1000 to 1299 | 1300 to 1599 | 1600 to 1899 |
Level 1 Domains | 2. PHYSIOLOGICAL: COMPLEX Care that supports homeostatic regulation | ||||
Level 2 Classes | G.Electrolyte and Acid-Base Management Interventions to regulate electrolyte/acid base balance and prevent complications | H Drug Management Interventions to facilitate desired effects of pharmacological agents | I.Neurologic Management Interventions to optimize neurologic function | J.Perioperative Care Interventions to provide care before, during, and immediately after surgery | |
Level 3 Interventions | 1910 Acid-Base Management 1911 Acid-Base Management: Metabolic Acidosis 1912 Acid-Base Management: Metabolic Alkalosis 1913 Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Acidosis K* 1914 Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Alkalosis K 1920 Acid-Base Monitoring 2000 Electrolyte Management 2001 Electrolyte Management: Hypercalcemia 2002 Electrolyte Management: Hyperkalemia 2003 Electrolyte Management: Hypermagnesemia 2004 Electrolyte Management: Hypernatremia 2005 Electrolyte Management: Hyperphosphatemia 2006 Electrolyte Management: Hypocalcemia 2007 Electrolyte Management: Hypokalemia 2008 Electrolyte Management: Hypomagnesemia 2009 Electrolyte Management: Hyponatremia 2010 Electrolyte Management: Hypophosphatemia 2020 Electrolyte Monitoring 2080 Fluid/Electrolyte Management N 2100 Hemodialysis Therapy 2110 Hemofiltration Therapy 2120 Hyperglycemia Management 2130 Hypoglycemia Management 2150 Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy 4232 Phlebotomy: Arterial Blood Sample N 1200 Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Administration D | 2210 Analgesic Administration 2214 Analgesic Administration: Intraspinal 2840 Anesthesia Administration J 4054 Central Venous Access Device Management N 6430 Chemical Restraint V 2240 Chemotherapy Management S 2280 Hormone Replacement Therapy 2300 Medication Administration 2308 Medication Administration: Ear 2301 Medication Administration: Enteral 2310 Medication Administration: Eye 2311 Medication Administration: Inhalation 2302 Medication Administration: Interpleural 2312 Medication Administration: Intradermal 2313 Medication Administration: Intramuscular (IM) 2303 Medication Administration: Intraosseous 2319 Medication Administration: Intraspinal 2314 Medication Administration: Intravenous (IV) | 2320 Medication Administration: Nasal 2304 Medication Administration: Oral 2315 Medication Administration: Rectal 2316 Medication Administration: Skin 2317 Medication Administration: Subcutaneous 2318 Medication Administration: Vaginal 2307 Medication Administration: Ventricular Reservoir 2380 Medication Management 2390 Medication Prescribing 2395 Medication Reconciliation V 2400 Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Assistance 2260 Sedation Management 5616 Teaching: Prescribed Medication S 4270 Thrombolytic Therapy Management N | 2540 Cerebral Edema Management 2550 Cerebral Perfusion Promotion 2560 Dysreflexia Management 2570 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Management 2590 Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring 2620 Neurologic Monitoring 2660 Peripheral Sensation Management 0844 Positioning: Neurologic 2680 Seizure Management V 2690 Seizure Precautions 2720 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Precautions 1878 Tube Care: Ventriculostomy/Lumbar Drain 2760 Unilateral Neglect Management | 2840 Anesthesia Administration H 2860 Autotransfusion N 3000 Circumcision Care W 6545 Infection Control: Intraoperative 0842 Positioning: Intraoperative 2870 Postanesthesia Care 2880 Preoperative Coordination Y 3582 Skin Care: Donor Site L 3583 Skin Care: Graft Site L 2900 Surgical Assistance 2910 Surgical Instrumentation Management 2920 Surgical Precautions V 2930 Surgical Preparation 5610 Teaching: Preoperative S 3902 Temperature Regulation: Perioperative M |
1900 to 2199 | 2200 to 2499 | 2500 to 2799 | 2800 to 3099 |
Level 1 Domains | 2. PHYSIOLOGICAL: COMPLEX—CONT’D Care that supports homeostatic regulation | ||||
Level 2 Classes | K.Respiratory Management Interventions to promote airway patency and gas exchange | L.Skin/Wound Management Interventions to maintain or restore tissue integrity | M.Thermoregulation Interventions to maintain body temperature within a normal range | N.Tissue Perfusion Management Interventions to optimize circulation of blood and fluids to the tissue | |
Level 3 Interventions | 1913 Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Acidosis G* 1914 Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Alkalosis G 3120 Airway Insertion and Stabilization 3140 Airway Management 3160 Airway Suctioning 6412 Anaphylaxis Management V 3180 Artificial Airway Management 3200 Aspiration Precautions V 3210 Asthma Management 3230 Chest Physiotherapy 3250 Cough Enhancement 4106 Embolus Care: Pulmonary N 3270 Endotracheal Extubation 3300 Mechanical Ventilation Management: Invasive 3302 Mechanical Ventilation Management: Noninvasive 3304 Mechanical Ventilation Management: Pneumonia Prevention V 3310 Mechanical Ventilatory Weaning 3316 Nasal Irrigation 3320 Oxygen Therapy 3350 Respiratory Monitoring 1872 Tube Care: Chest 3390 Ventilation Assistance | 3420 Amputation Care 3440 Incision Site Care 3460 Leech Therapy 3480 Lower Extremity Monitoring 0480 Ostomy Care B 3500 Pressure Management 3520 Pressure Ulcer Care 3540 Pressure Ulcer Prevention V 3550 Pruritus Management E 3582 Skin Care: Donor Site J 3583 Skin Care: Graft Site J 3584 Skin Care: Topical Treatments 3590 Skin Surveillance 3620 Suturing 3660 Wound Care 3661 Wound Care: Burns 3662 Wound Care: Closed Drainage 3664 Wound Care: Nonhealing 3680 Wound Irrigation | 3740 Fever Treatment 3786 Hyperthermia Treatment 3790 Hypothermia Induction Therapy 3800 Hypothermia Treatment 3840 Malignant Hyperthermia Precautions U 3900 Temperature Regulation 3902 Temperature Regulation: Perioperative J | 2860 Autotransfusion J 4010 Bleeding Precautions 4020 Bleeding Reduction 4021 Bleeding Reduction: Antepartum Uterus W 4022 Bleeding Reduction: Gastrointestinal 4024 Bleeding Reduction: Nasal 4026 Bleeding Reduction: Postpartum Uterus W 4028 Bleeding Reduction: Wound 4030 Blood Products Administration 4035 Capillary Blood Sample 4040 Cardiac Care 4044 Cardiac Care: Acute 4046 Cardiac Care: Rehabilitative 4050 Cardiac Risk Management 4054 Central Venous Access Device Management H 4062 Circulatory Care: Arterial Insufficiency 4064 Circulatory Care: Mechanical Assist Device 4066 Circulatory Care: Venous Insufficiency 4070 Circulatory Precautions 4095 Defibrillator Management: External U 4096 Defibrillator Management: Internal 4240 Dialysis Access Maintenance 4090 Dysrhythmia Management 4104 Embolus Care: Peripheral 4106 Embolus Care: Pulmonary K 4110 Embolus Precautions 2080 Fluid/Electrolyte Management G | 4120 Fluid Management 4130 Fluid Monitoring 4140 Fluid Resuscitation 4150 Hemodynamic Regulation 4170 Hypervolemia Management 4180 Hypovolemia Management 4190 Intravenous (IV) Insertion 4200 Intravenous (IV) Therapy 4210 Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring 4091 Pacemaker Management: Permanent 4092 Pacemaker Management: Temporary 4220 Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Care 4232 Phlebotomy: Arterial Blood Sample G 4234 Phlebotomy: Blood Unit Acquisition 4235 Phlebotomy: Cannulated Vessel 4238 Phlebotomy: Venous Blood Sample 4250 Shock Management 4254 Shock Management: Cardiac 4256 Shock Management: Vasogenic 4258 Shock Management: Volume 4260 Shock Prevention 4266 Stem Cell Infusion 4270 Thrombolytic Therapy Management H |
3100 to 3399 | 3400 to 3699 | 3700 to 3999 | 4000 to 4299 |
Level 1 Domains | 3. BEHAVIORAL Care that supports psychosocial functioning and facilitates life style changes | ||
Level 2 Classes | O.Behavior Therapy Interventions to reinforce or promote desirable behaviors or alter undesirable behaviors | P.Cognitive Therapy Interventions to reinforce or promote desirable cognitive functioning or alter undesirable cognitive functioning | Q.Communication Enhancement Interventions to facilitate delivering and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages |
Level 3 Interventions | 4310 Activity Therapy 4320 Animal-Assisted Therapy Q* 4330 Art Therapy Q 4340 Assertiveness Training 4350 Behavior Management 4352 Behavior Management: Overactivity/Inattention 4354 Behavior Management: Self-Harm 4356 Behavior Management: Sexual 4360 Behavior Modification 4362 Behavior Modification: Social Skills 4364 Commendation 4370 Impulse Control Training 4380 Limit Setting 4390 Milieu Therapy 4400 Music Therapy Q 4410 Mutual Goal Setting 4420 Patient Contracting 6926 Phototherapy: Mood/Sleep Regulation 4470 Self-Modification Assistance 4480 Self-Responsibility Facilitation 4490 Smoking Cessation Assistance 4500 Substance Use Prevention 4510 Substance Use Treatment 4512 Substance Use Treatment: Alcohol Withdrawal 4514 Substance Use Treatment: Drug Withdrawal 4516 Substance Use Treatment: Overdose 4430 Therapeutic Play Q | 4640 Anger Control Assistance 4680 Bibliotherapy 4700 Cognitive Restructuring 4720 Cognitive Stimulation 4740 Journaling 5520 Learning Facilitation S 5540 Learning Readiness Enhancement S 4760 Memory Training 4820 Reality Orientation 4860 Reminiscence Therapy | 4920 Active Listening 4320 Animal-Assisted Therapy O 4330 Art Therapy O 4974 Communication Enhancement: Hearing Deficit 4976 Communication Enhancement: Speech Deficit 4978 Communication Enhancement: Visual Deficit 5000 Complex Relationship Building 5020 Conflict Mediation 5328 Listening Visits R 4400 Music Therapy O 5100 Socialization Enhancement 4430 Therapeutic Play O |
4300 to 4599 | 4600 to 4899 | 4900 to 5199 | |
Level 2 Classes | R.Coping Assistance Interventions to assist another to build on own strengths, to adapt to a change in function, or achieve a higher level of function | S.Patient Education Interventions to facilitate learning | T.Psychological Comfort Promotion Interventions to promote comfort using psychological techniques |
Level 3 Interventions | 5210 Anticipatory Guidance Z 5220 Body Image Enhancement 5230 Coping Enhancement 5240 Counseling 6160 Crisis Intervention U 5250 Decision-Making Support Y 5260 Dying Care 5270 Emotional Support 5280 Forgiveness Facilitation 5242 Genetic Counseling W 5290 Grief Work Facilitation 5294 Grief Work Facilitation: Perinatal Death W 5300 Guilt Work Facilitation 5310 Hope Inspiration 5320 Humor 5326 Life Skills Enhancement 5328 Listening Visits Q 5330 Mood Management 5340 Presence 5360 Recreation Therapy 5422 Religious Addiction Prevention 5424 Religious Ritual Enhancement 5350 Relocation Stress Reduction 5370 Role Enhancement X 5380 Security Enhancement 5390 Self-Awareness Enhancement 5395 Self-Efficacy Enhancement 5400 Self-Esteem Enhancement 5248 Sexual Counseling 5426 Spiritual Growth Facilitation 5420 Spiritual Support 5430 Support Group 5440 Support System Enhancement 5450 Therapy Group 5460 Touch 5410 Trauma Therapy: Child 5470 Truth Telling 5480 Values Clarification | 2240 Chemotherapy Management H 6784 Family Planning: Contraception W 5510 Health Education c 5515 Health Literacy Enhancement 5520 Learning Facilitation P 5540 Learning Readiness Enhancement P 5562 Parent Education: Adolescent Z 5566 Parent Education: Childrearing Family Z 5568 Parent Education: Infant Z 5580 Preparatory Sensory Information 5602 Teaching: Disease Process 5603 Teaching: Foot Care F 5604 Teaching: Group 5606 Teaching: Individual 5640 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 0–3 Months Z 5641 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 4–6 Months Z 5642 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 7–9 Months Z 5643 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 10–12 Months Z 5645 Teaching: Infant Safety 0-3 Months Z 5646 Teaching: Infant Safety 4–6 Months Z 5647 Teaching: Infant Safety 7-9 Months Z 5648 Teaching: Infant Safety 10-12 Months Z 5655 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 0-4 Months Z 5656 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 5-8 Months Z 5657 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 9-12 Months Z 5610 Teaching: Preoperative J 5614 Teaching: Prescribed Diet D 5612 Teaching: Prescribed Exercise A 5616 Teaching: Prescribed Medication H 5618 Teaching: Procedure/Treatment 5620 Teaching: Psychomotor Skill 5622 Teaching: Safe Sex 5624 Teaching: Sexuality 5660 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 13–18 Months Z 5661 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 19–24 Months Z 5662 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 25–36 Months Z 5665 Teaching: Toddler Safety 13–18 Months Z 5666 Teaching: Toddler Safety 19–24 Months Z 5667 Teaching: Toddler Safety 25–36 Months Z 5634 Teaching: Toilet Training Z | 5820 Anxiety Reduction 5840 Autogenic Training 5860 Biofeedback 5880 Calming Technique 5900 Distraction 6000 Guided Imagery 5920 Hypnosis 5960 Meditation Facilitation 6040 Relaxation Therapy 5922 Self-Hypnosis Facilitation |
5200 to 5499 | 5500 to 5799 | 5800 to 6099 |
Level 1 Domains | 4. SAFETY Care that supports protection against harm | |
Level 2 Classes | U.Crisis Management Interventions to provide immediate short-term help in both psychological and physiological crises | V.Risk Management Interventions to initiate risk reduction activities and continue monitoring risks over time |
Level 3 Interventions | 6140 Code Management 6160 Crisis Intervention R* 4095 Defibrillator Management: External N 6200 Emergency Care 7170 Family Presence Facilitation X 6240 First Aid 3840 Malignant Hyperthermia Precautions M 6260 Organ Procurement 6300 Rape-Trauma Treatment 6320 Resuscitation 6340 Suicide Prevention V 6362 Triage: Disaster 6364 Triage: Emergency Center 6366 Triage: Telephone | 6400 Abuse Protection Support 6402 Abuse Protection Support: Child Z 6403 Abuse Protection Support: Domestic Partner 6404 Abuse Protection Support: Elder 6408 Abuse Protection Support: Religious 6410 Allergy Management 6412 Anaphylaxis Management K 6420 Area Restriction 3200 Aspiration Precautions K 6522 Breast Examination 6430 Chemical Restraint H 6440 Delirium Management 6450 Delusion Management 6460 Dementia Management 6462 Dementia Management: Bathing F 6466 Dementia Management: Wandering 6470 Elopement Precautions 6480 Environmental Management 6486 Environmental Management: Safety 6487 Environmental Management: Violence Prevention 6490 Fall Prevention 6500 Fire-Setting Precautions 6510 Hallucination Management 6520 Health Screening d 6530 Immunization/Vaccination Management c 6540 Infection Control 6550 Infection Protection 6560 Laser Precautions 6570 Latex Precautions 3304 Mechanical Ventilation Management: Pneumonia Prevention K 2395 Medication Reconciliation H 6574 Patient Identification 6580 Physical Restraint C 6590 Pneumatic Tourniquet Precautions 3540 Pressure Ulcer Prevention L 6600 Radiation Therapy Management 6610 Risk Identification d 6630 Seclusion 2680 Seizure Management I 6648 Sports-Injury Prevention: Youth Z 6340 Suicide Prevention U 2920 Surgical Precautions J 6650 Surveillance 6670 Validation Therapy 9050 Vehicle Safety Promotion d 6680 Vital Signs Monitoring |
6100 to 6399 | 6400 to 6699 |
Level 1 Domains | 5. FAMILY Care that supports the family | ||
Level 2 Classes | W.Childbearing Care Interventions to assist in the preparation for childbirth and management of the psychological and physiological changes before, during, and immediately following childbirth | Z.Childrearing Care Interventions to assist in raising children | X.Lifespan Care Interventions to facilitate family unit functioning and promote the health and welfare of family members throughout the lifespan |
Level 3 Interventions | 6700 Amnioinfusion 6720 Birthing 4021 Bleeding Reduction: Antepartum Uterus N* 4026 Bleeding Reduction: Postpartum Uterus N 6750 Cesarean Birth Care 6760 Childbirth Preparation 3000 Circumcision Care J 6771 Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Antepartum 6772 Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Intrapartum 7104 Family Integrity Promotion: Childbearing Family 6784 Family Planning: Contraception S 6786 Family Planning: Infertility 6788 Family Planning: Unplanned Pregnancy 7160 Fertility Preservation 5242 Genetic Counseling R 5294 Grief Work Facilitation: Perinatal Death R 6800 High-Risk Pregnancy Care 6824 Infant Care: Newborn 6826 Infant Care: Preterm 6830 Intrapartal Care 6834 Intrapartal Care: High-Risk Delivery 6840 Kangaroo Care 6850 Labor Induction 6860 Labor Suppression 6870 Lactation Suppression 6900 Nonnutritive Sucking 6924 Phototherapy: Neonate 6930 Postpartal Care 5247 Preconception Counseling 6950 Pregnancy Termination Care 6960 Prenatal Care 7886 Reproductive Technology Management 6972 Resuscitation: Fetus 6974 Resuscitation: Neonate 6612 Risk Identification: Childbearing Family 6656 Surveillance: Late Pregnancy 1875 Tube Care: Umbilical Line 6982 Ultrasonography: Limited Obstetric | 6402 Abuse Protection Support: Child V 5210 Anticipatory Guidance R 6710 Attachment Promotion 1052 Bottle Feeding 0412 Bowel Incontinence Care: Encopresis B 8240 Cup Feeding: Newborn 8272 Developmental Enhancement: Adolescent 8274 Developmental Enhancement: Child 8278 Developmental Enhancement: Infant 6820 Infant Care 5244 Lactation Counseling 7200 Normalization Promotion 5562 Parent Education: Adolescent S 5566 Parent Education: Childrearing Family S 5568 Parent Education: Infant S 8300 Parenting Promotion 8340 Resiliency Promotion 7280 Sibling Support 6648 Sports-Injury Prevention: Youth V 5640 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 0–3 Months S 5641 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 4–6 Months S 5642 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 7–9 Months S 5643 Teaching: Infant Nutrition 10–12 Months S 5645 Teaching: Infant Safety 0-3 Months S 5646 Teaching: Infant Safety 4–6 Months S 5647 Teaching: Infant Safety 7-9 Months S 5648 Teaching: Infant Safety 10-12 Months S 5655 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 0-4 Months S 5656 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 5-8 Months S 5657 Teaching: Infant Stimulation 9-12 Months S 5660 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 13–18 Months S 5661 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 19–24 Months S 5662 Teaching: Toddler Nutrition 25–36 Months S 5665 Teaching: Toddler Safety 13–18 Months S 5666 Teaching: Toddler Safety 19–24 Months S 5667 Teaching: Toddler Safety 25–36 Months S 5634 Teaching: Toilet Training S 0612 Urinary Incontinence Care: Enuresis B | 7040 Caregiver Support 7100 Family Integrity Promotion 7110 Family Involvement Promotion 7120 Family Mobilization 7170 Family Presence Facilitation U 7130 Family Process Maintenance 7140 Family Support 7150 Family Therapy 7180 Home Maintenance Assistance 7260 Respite Care 6614 Risk Identification: Genetic 5370 Role Enhancement R |
6700 to 6999 | 8200-8499 | 7000 to 7299 |
Level 1 Domains | 6. HEALTH SYSTEM Care that supports effective use of the health care delivery system | ||
Level 2 Classes | Y.Health System Mediation Interventions to facilitate the interface between patient/family and the health care system | a.Health System Management Interventions to provide and enhance support services for the delivery of care | b.Information Management Interventions to facilitate communication about health care |
Level 3 Interventions | 7310 Admission Care 7320 Case Management c* 7330 Culture Brokerage 5250 Decision-Making Support R 7370 Discharge Planning 6485 Environmental Management: Home Preparation 7380 Financial Resource Assistance 7400 Health System Guidance 7410 Insurance Authorization 7440 Pass Facilitation 7460 Patient Rights Protection 2880 Preoperative Coordination J 7500 Sustenance Support 7560 Visitation Facilitation | 7610 Bedside Laboratory Testing 7620 Controlled Substance Checking 7630 Cost Containment 7640 Critical Path Development 7650 Delegation 7660 Emergency Cart Checking 7680 Examination Assistance 8550 Fiscal Resource Management c 7690 Laboratory Data Interpretation 7700 Peer Review 7710 Physician Support 7722 Preceptor: Employee 7726 Preceptor: Student 7760 Product Evaluation 7800 Quality Monitoring 7820 Specimen Management 7850 Staff Development 7830 Staff Supervision 7840 Supply Management 7880 Technology Management 7890 Transport: Interfacility 7892 Transport: Intrafacility | 7910 Consultation 7930 Deposition/Testimony 7920 Documentation 7940 Forensic Data Collection 7960 Health Care Information Exchange 7970 Health Policy Monitoring c 7980 Incident Reporting 8020 Multidisciplinary Care Conference 8060 Order Transcription 8080 Prescribing: Diagnostic Testing 8086 Prescribing: Non-Pharmalogic Treatment 8100 Referral 8120 Research Data Collection 8140 Shift Report 6658 Surveillance: Remote Electronic 8180 Telephone Consultation 8190 Telephone Follow-Up |
7300 to 7599 | 7600 to 7899 | 7900 to 8199 |
Level 1 Domains | 7. COMMUNITY Care that supports the health of the community | |
Level 2 Classes | c.Community Health Promotion Interventions that promote the health of the whole community | d.Community Risk Management Interventions that assist in detecting or preventing health risks to the whole community |
Level 3 Interventions | 7320 Case Management Y* 8500 Community Health Development 8550 Fiscal Resource Management a 5510 Health Education S 7970 Health Policy Monitoring b 6530 Immunization/Vaccination Management V 8700 Program Development 8750 Social Marketing | 8810 Bioterrorism Preparedness 8820 Communicable Disease Management 8840 Community Disaster Preparedness 6484 Environmental Management: Community 6489 Environmental Management: Worker Safety 8880 Environmental Risk Protection 6520 Health Screening V 6610 Risk Identification V 6652 Surveillance: Community 9050 Vehicle Safety Promotion V |
8500-8799 | 8800 to 9099 |

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