Disease or Condition |
Study |
Result |
Asthma |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis found a significant association between breastfeeding and a 27% reduced risk of asthma in subjects without family history of asthma. Subjects under 10 yr of age who were breastfed and had positive family history of asthma also had reduced risk. |
Bener, Ehlayel, Alsowsidi, & Sabbah (2007) |
Exclusive breastfeeding prevents development of asthma and allergic diseases in children. |
Ogbuanu, Karmaus, Arshad, Kurukulaaratchy, & Ewart (2009) |
Using lung function as a measure of susceptibility to asthma, children breastfed for at least 4 mo had increased lung volume, suggesting a decreased susceptibility to asthma. |
Otitis media |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis showed breastfeeding was associated with a significant reduction (50%) in the risk of otitis. |
Respiratory conditions |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis found a 72% reduction in the risk of being hospitalized with a lower respiratory tract disease in infants who were exclusively breastfed for 4 mo or longer. |
Mihrshahi, Oddy, Peat, & Kabir (2008) |
Exclusive or predominant breastfeeding can reduce rates of respiratory infection. |
Gastrointestinal (GI) infection |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Evidence from three primary studies shows that breastfeeding was associated with 64% reduction in the risk for GI infection during first year of life. |
Mihrshahi et al. (2008) |
Exclusive or predominant breastfeeding can reduce rates of diarrhea. |
Monterrosa et al. (2008) |
Predominantly breastfed infants had lower risk for GI infection during the first 6 mo when compared to formula-fed and partially breastfed infants. |
Cognitive development |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis included preterm and term infants. Results are inconclusive because no studies controlled for maternal IQ. |
Kramer et al. (2008) |
Randomized controlled trial with 17,046 infants (81.5% were followed to age 6.5 yr). Reported strong evidence that prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding is associated with children’s cognitive development. |
Bartels, van Beijsterveldt, & Boomsma (2009) |
Significant positive effect of breastfeeding found on cognitive abilities after controlling for differences in maternal education. |
Rees & Sabia (2009) |
A study of siblings concluded breastfeeding is associated with cognitive ability. |
Sloan, Stewart, & Dunne (2010) |
A study of 137 infants concluded breastfeeding over 1 mo may have a beneficial effect on cognitive development. |
Obesity |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis concluded there is an association between breastfeeding and reduced risk of obesity later in life. |
Butte (2009) |
Breastfeeding had small but consistent protective effect against childhood obesity. Author noted that genetic and environmental variables may pose greater risk, such as socioeconomic status, parental obesity, parental smoking, birth weight, and rapid weight gain during infancy. |
Griffiths, Smeeth, Hawkins, Cole, & Dezateux (2009) |
Initiating and prolonging breastfeeding may reduce excessive weight gain during the preschool years. |
Diabetes |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Evidence suggests that breastfeeding for >3 mo is associated with reduced risk of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes (39%). |
Taylor, Kacmar, Nothnagle, & Lawrence (2005) |
Systematic review concluded that being breastfed for at least 2 mo might lower the risk of diabetes in children. |
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Evidence supports an association between breastfeeding and reduced risk of NEC in preterm infants. |
Henderson, Craig, Brocklehurst, & McGuire (2007) |
Subjects who did not develop NEC were significantly more likely to have received human breast milk when compared to those who did develop NEC (91% vs. 75%). |
Chauhan, Henderson, & McGuire (2008) |
Concluded that feeding preterm infants human milk vs. formula can reduce the risk of NEC threefold. |
Allergies |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Results equivocal, more research needed. |
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis showed a significant reduction in the incidence of SIDS (36%) when infant breastfed. |
Cardiovascular disease |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Results inconclusive on the relationship between breastfeeding and adult cholesterol and between breastfeeding and mortality from cardiovascular disease. However, there was a significant association between breastfeeding and a small reduction in adult blood pressure. |
Childhood leukemia and lymphomas |
Ip et al. (2007) |
Meta-analysis concluded there was a significant association between breastfeeding for at least 6 mo and a reduced risk for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). |