Diagnostic or imaging modality
Technology utilized
Nursing and patient considerations
X-rays of the skull and vertebral column
X-rays to look at boney structures of the skull and spine, fractures, integrity of the spinal column, and the presence of calcium intracranially
Patient should be immobilized in a collar for transport if there is a question of spinal fracture
Cranial ultrasound
Doppler sound waves to image through soft tissue. In infants it can only be used if fontanel is open
No sedation or intravenous access needed. Used to follow ventricle size/bleeding in neonates/infants
Computerized tomography with/without contrast
Differentiates tissues by density relative to water with computer averaging and mathematical reconstruction of absorption coefficient measurements
Noninvasive unless contrast is used or sedation needed. Complications include reaction to contrast material or extravasation at injection site
Computerized tomography – bone windows and/or three-dimensional reconstruction
Same as above with software capabilities to subtract intracranial contents to look specifically at the bone and reconstruct the skull or vertebral column in a three-dimensional model
No changes in study for patient. Used for complex skull and vertebral anomalies to guide surgical decision-making
Cerebral angiography
Intra-arterial injection of contrast medium to visualize blood vessels; transfemoral approach most common; occasionally brachial or direct carotid is used
Done under deep sedation or anesthesia; local reaction or hematoma may occur; systemic reactions to contrast or dysrhythmias; transient ischemia or vasospasm; patient needs to lie flat after and CMS checks of extremity where injection was done are required
MRI with or without contrast (gadolinium)
Differentiates tissues by their response to radio-frequency pulses in a magnetic field; used to visualize structures near bone, infarction, demyelination, and cortical dysplasias
No radiation exposure; screened prior to study for indwelling metal, pacemakers, braces, electronic implants; sedation required for young children because of sounds and claustrophobia; contrast risks include allergic reaction and injection site extravasation
Same technology as above used to study flow in vessels; radio-frequency signals emitted by moving protons can be manipulated to create the image of vascular contrast
In some cases it can replace the need for cerebral angiography; new technologies are making this less invasive study more useful in children with vascular abnormalities
Functional MRI
Technique for imaging activity of the brain using rapid scanning to detect changes in oxygen consumption of the brain; changes can reflect increased activity in certain cells
Used in patients who are potential candidates for epilepsy surgery to determine areas of cortical abnormality and their relationship to important cortex responsible for motor and speech functions
Physiologic imaging techniques – nuclear medicine imaging
Nuclear medicine study utilizing injection of isotopes and imaging of the brain to determine if there is increased activity in an area of abnormality; three-dimensional measurements of regional blood flow
Often used in epilepsy patients to diagnose areas of cerebral uptake during a seizure (ictal SPECT) or between seizures (intraictal SPECT)
Utilizing the technology of SPECT with MRI to look at areas of increased uptake in conjunction with MRI images of the cortex and cortical surface
No significant difference for patient; software as well as expertise of radiologist is used to evaluate study
Nuclear medicine study that assesses perfusion and level of metabolic activity of both glucose and oxygen in the brain; radiopharmaceuticals are injected for the study
Patient should avoid chemicals that depress or stimulate the CNS and alter glucose metabolism (e.g., caffeine); patient may be asked to perform certain tasks during study
Electrical studies
Records gross electrical activity across surface of the brain; ambulatory EEG used may be used for 24–48 h with data downloaded after study; video combines EEG recording with simultaneous videotaping
Success of study dependent on placement and stability of electrodes and ability to keep them on in children; routine studies often miss actual seizures but background activity can be useful information
Evoked responses
Measure electrical activity in specific sensory pathways in response to external stimuli; signal average produces waveforms that have anatomic correlates according to the latency of wave peaks
Results can vary depending on body size, age, and characteristics of stimuli; sensation for each test will be different for patient – auditory clicks (BAER), strobe light (VER), or electrical current on the skin – somatosensory (SSER)
MEG (magnetoencephalography) mapping
Noninvasive functional brain imaging that uses electrodes on the scalp to measure tiny changes in magnetic fields between groups of neurons and projects them onto MRI brain imaging for correlation. Used to assist in localization of seizure foci in evaluation of patients for epilepsy surgery and to determine the language dominant hemisphere
Patients will need to remove all metals prior to entry into the room. Pacemakers or vagus nerve stimulators (VNS) will cause artifact. VNS should be turned off prior to the study and any magnetic field can affect the function of the VNS
MSI (magnetic source imaging)
Using a weak magnetic field, images normal and abnormal electrical activity and produces clear images. Messages are sent to the brain via small stimulators on lips and fingers of the patient and measured and recorded as electrical activity
aEEG (amplitude-integrated EEG)
Filtered and compressed EEG data used to evaluate long-term trends in background patterns
Used primarily in neonates to predict neurological outcome following perinatal asphyxia
Cerebral perfusion studies
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Using light, monitors changes in cerebral tissue oxygenation through functional measurements of differential absorption of hemoglobin at multiple wave lengths
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound
A noninvasive method of monitoring cerebral circulation (flow velocity) over the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral, ophthalmic, and carotid arteries
Results indicating low flow velocities after head injury are consistent with low cerebral blood flow, high ICP levels, and a poor prognosis
1.2 Developmental Assessment: Growth and Developmental Tasks by Age
Knowledge of human growth parameters and normal developmental landmarks is critical to the assessment of each age group. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997 (U.S. Department of Education Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 2005) mandates the “early identification of, and intervention for developmental disabilities through the development of community-based systems.” This law requires physicians to refer children with suspect developmental delays to appropriate intervention services in a timely manner. Early identification and intervention can have significant impact on later developmental outcomes (Hamilton 2006).
Development is the essential distinguishing feature of pediatric nursing. Normal development is a function of the integrity and maturation of the nervous system. Only with a working knowledge of age-related developmental standards can the examiner be sensitive to the deviations that indicate slight or early impairment of development and an abnormal neurological assessment. An abnormality in development from birth suggests an intrauterine or perinatal cause. Slowing of the rate of acquisition of skills later in infancy or childhood may imply an acquired abnormality of the nervous system or metabolic disease. A loss of skills (regression) over time strongly suggests an underlying degenerative disease of the central nervous system (Volpe 2009).
Serial measurements can indicate the normal or abnormal dynamics of the child’s growth. One key growth measurement important to the neurological assessment of the child is the head circumference. The measurement is taken around the most prominent frontal and occipital bones that which offers the maximal circumference. How rapidly the head circumference accelerates or decelerates away from the percentile curve can determine if the underlying cause of the growth change is more benign or serious. An example of a benign finding is the presence of extra-axial fluid collections of infancy, which often present with an accelerating head circumference. Generally, the infant with this finding is observed over time, but no intervention is warranted. On the other hand, an accelerating head circumference can also be a sign of increasing intracranial pressure in uncompensated hydrocephalus, which would require immediate evaluation and treatment. A child with a large head in the setting of normal development and normal neurologic exam could be explained by measuring the parents’ head circumference, as large heads can be familial.
Voluntary motor skills generally develop in a cephalocaudal and proximodistal progression, as it parallels the process of myelination. Myelin is a phospholipid layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons, which regulate the speed of transmission. First the head, then the trunk, arms, hands, pelvis, legs, bowel, and bladder are brought under voluntary control. Early in life motor activity is largely reflexive, and generalized movements predominate. Patterns emerge from the general to the specific; for example, a newborn’s total body response to a stimulus is contrasted with the older child, who responds through simply a smile or words. So as the neuromuscular system matures, movement gradually becomes more purposeful and coordinated (Schultz and Hockenberry 2011). The sequence of development is the same for all children, but the rate of development varies from child to child.
Finally, as important to a complete neurological exam is an assessment of the child’s cognitive and emotional development. These abilities impact directly on expectations of the child’s behavioral, social, and functional capabilities. The younger the child, the more developmental history is needed from the parents. Accurate identification of the child’s mastery of cognitive and emotional developmental milestones, as it relates to chronological age, is necessary for a comprehensive neurological assessment. It is imperative to note if the child is making steady developmental progress or has experienced regression. If regression has occurred, then it is important to note the onset of regression. Documenting examples of regression and the temporal relationship to current symptoms gives further context that may influence the evaluation, diagnosis, and subsequent treatment plan. If the child had significant regression in speech at 18 months of age followed by seizure onset at 3 years of age, this knowledge may lead to further consideration of autism spectrum disorder rather than simply a seizure disorder. This history is imperative in planning a comprehensive evaluation and future treatment plan that would span many health-care disciplines.
1.2.1 Developmental Assessment Tools
With the diagnosis of a neurosurgical condition comes the awareness of potential or realized developmental delays. A comprehensive approach to assessment with a family history, developmental observations, comprehensive neurological assessment, and developmental screening is indicated. Selected screening tools can aid in identification of developmental disorders defined by prevalence (Rydz 2004).
Spencer and Daniels (2015) stress the importance of developmental screening with documented developmental surveillance at each encounter. An important part of this assessment is the use of parent-report developmental screening tools. Refer to Table 1.2 adapted by Spencer and Daniels (2015) from Rydz (2004) to review currently used evidence-based tools. This table is a useful reference for finding the most appropriate screening tool for identifying a developmental delay in a young child, so that referral can be made for further evaluation by a specialist, and early intervention can occur. The goal of a comprehensive developmental approach in the hospital or outpatient setting is to determine the most appropriate developmentally based neurosurgical care for the patient. Treatment for identified needs can be better directed toward the developmental age of the child that, if different from the chronological age, will impact the assessment and patient care of the child. This developmental information can guide the nurse in planning for the child’s home care, including targeted resources such as early intervention services, adapted educational plans, and rehabilitation and therapy services.
Table 1.2
Comparison of commonly used parent-report developmental screening tools (Spencer and Daniels 2016)
Instrument | Age appropriate | Developmental areas screened | Sensitivity and specificity | Language availability |
Ages and Stages Questionnaires (3rd Ed.) ASQ-3 | 3–66 months | Global communication, gross and fine motor, problem-solving, personal-social, autonomy, affect | Sensitivity 71–86% Specificity 90–98% | English Spanish |
Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) | 18–60 months | Screens for autism spectrum disorder | Sensitivity 90% Specificity 99% | English Spanish Others |
Infant-Toddler Checklist for Language and Communication | 6–24 months | Language, social and communication | Sensitivity 78% Specificity 84% | English Spanish Others |
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) | Birth to 8 years | Global: fine motor, gross motor, self-help, expressive language, receptive language and social-emotional | Sensitivity 70–94% Specificity 77–93% | English Spanish Vietnamese Others |
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status Developmental Milestones (PEDS:DM) | Birth to 8 years | Global: fine/gross motor, self-help, academics, expressive/receptive language, social-emotional | Sensitivity 75–87% Specificity 71–88% | English Spanish Vietnamese Others |
Child Development Review: Parent Questionnaires (CDR-PQ) | 18 months to kindergarten | Social, self-help, gross motor, fine motor, language | Sensitivity 88% Specificity 88% | English Spanish Vietnamese |
1.2.2 Neonate
Aside from head shape and size and assessment of fontanels, there are other aspects unique to the neurological exam of the neonate and/or infant. These are important to understanding the integrity of the nervous system early in life and are detailed in this section. The proportional changes in head and body growth from fetal life to adulthood are depicted in Fig. 1.1 (Santrock 1998). Maternal and Pregnancy/Labor and Delivery History
An interview with the biological mother, or another familiar with the pregnancy, should include questions about any maternal illness, nutrition status, drug and/or alcohol use, chronic diseases, and any medications taken routinely, including prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal supplements. Important factors to know about the delivery include the administration of anesthesia or drugs and difficulties with the delivery like the need for forceps or vacuum devices.
Note the infant’s Apgar scores. A need for supplemental oxygen, intubation/ventilation, glucose, and abnormalities of bilirubin levels is also important. A history of post-birth infections, a need for medication/oxygen, feeding difficulties, and/or seizures may also indicate underlying problems. Physical Appearance
The neonatal period is defined as the first 4 weeks of life. The neonate may be term or premature, and the physical characteristics of neonates vary with their gestational age. Inspection of the shape, symmetry, and mobility of the head of the neonate is critical for evaluating cranial abnormalities or soft tissue injuries. Head circumference at term will range from 34 to 36 cm within the 25–75% ranges. Neonates outside this range should be accurately plotted on the appropriate growth chart and serially measured (Nellhaus 1968). Further examination of the neonate’s head for a patent fontanel, tautness, and approximation of cranial sutures is vital. Fontanels are best palpated when the neonate is in the upright position and not crying. The cranial sutures should be well approximated, especially the coronal, squamosal, and lambdoid sutures, and should not admit a fingertip. The sagittal suture may be wider in normal newborns, especially if the baby is premature. A soft, flat, or sunken anterior and posterior fontanel should be palpated. The posterior fontanel may be palpated up to 4 weeks of age. More detailed information and illustrations regarding cranial sutures and related abnormalities can be found in Chapter 3.
Spine assessments include evaluation for abnormal midline lumps, dimples, tufts of hair on the spine, and palpation for vertebral anomalies. Skin markings such as petechiae, hemangiomas, and hypopigmented or hyperpigmented lesions may be present at birth and indicative of neurological congenital conditions. It is important to note the size, location, and number of hypo- or hyperpigmented lesions. In addition, congenital anomalies of the heart, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract may suggest abnormalities of brain development. However, optic or facial dysmorphisms more accurately predict a brain anomaly (American Academy of Pediatrics 1996). Some facial dysmorphisms to note include hyper- or hypotelorism, flat philtrum, thin upper lip, epicanthic folds, unequal size of the eyes, nystagmus, microphthalmia, hypoplastic face or facial droop, micrognathia, abnormal shape/size of the nose, asymmetry of smile, high-arched palate, congenital cataracts, small or simple ears, and preauricular skin tag/dimple and cleft lip/palate. Functional Capabilities
Neonatal function is primarily reflex activity and necessitates the assessment of infantile automatisms, i.e., those specific reflex movements which appear in normal newborns and disappear at specific periods of time in infancy. Table 1.3 outlines the primitive reflexes in more detail (Slota 1983a). Functional examination may begin by observation of the neonate in supine and prone positions, noting spontaneous activity in each position and the presence of primitive reflexes. The posture of the neonate is one of partial flexion with diminishing flexion of the legs as the neonate ages. Observe for hypotonia, which could indicate neurologic deficit or a genetic/metabolic disorder. Look for random movements of the extremities and attempt to distinguish single myoclonic twitches, which are normal, from repetitive movement seen with seizures. Observe for symmetry of movements. Care should be taken to observe for infantile spasms characterized by atonic head drops accompanied by the arms rising upward. Some neonates have an excessive response to arousal with “jitteriness” or tremulousness. This is a low-amplitude, rapid shaking of the limbs and jaw. It may appear spontaneously and look like a seizure. However, unlike seizures, jitteriness usually follows some stimulus, can be stopped by holding the limb or jaw, and does not have associated eye movements or respiratory change. When prominent, slow, and coarse, it may be related to central nervous system stress or metabolic abnormalities, but otherwise it is often a normal finding (Kramer et al. 1994; Shuper et al. 1991).
Table 1.3
Interpreting the neurological examination in the neonate/infant
Reflexes | Methods of testing | Responses/comments |
Palmar grasp | Press index finger against palmar surface; compare grasp of both hands | Infant will grasp the finger firmly. Sucking facilitates grasp. Meaningful grasp occurs after 3 months |
P – birth | ||
D – 3–4 months | ||
Plantar grasp | Press index finger to sole of the foot | Toes will flex in an attempt to grasp the finger |
P – birth | ||
D – 8–10 months | ||
Acoustic – cochleopalpebral | Create loud noise | Both eyes blink. This reflex may be difficult to elicit in first few days of life |
Rooting | Stroke perioral skin or cheek | Mouth will open and infant will turn to stimulated side |
P – birth | ||
D – 3–4 months when awake | ||
D – 3–8 months when asleep | ||
Sucking | Touch lips of infant | Infant will suck with the lips and the tongue |
P – birth | ||
D – 10–12 months | ||
Trunk incurvation (Galants) | Hold infant prone in one hand and stimulate one side of the back about 3 cm from midline | Trunk will curve to stimulated side |
P – birth | ||
D – 2 months | ||
Vertical suspension positioning | Support baby upright with hands under axillae | Legs flex at hips and knees. Legs extend after 4 months. Scissoring of legs indicates spastic paraplegia |
P – birth | ||
D – 4 months | ||
Placing response | Hold baby upright with hands under axillae and allow dorsal surface of foot to touch undersurface of table without plantar-flexing foot | Infant will flex hip and knee and place the foot on table with stepping movement |
P – few days after birth | ||
D – 10–12 months | ||
Stepping response | Hold infant upright with hands under axillae and feet flat on table | Infant will pace forward alternating feet |
P – birth | ||
D – 3 months | ||
Tonic neck reflex | Turn the head to one side | Arm and leg on same side extend and others flex |
P – birth to 6 weeks | ||
D – 4–6 months | ||
Traction response | Pull infant from supine position to sitting with his hands | Shoulder muscle movement will be noted |
Perez reflex | Hold in prone position with one hand and move the thumb from sacrum to the head | Infant will extend the head and spine, flex knees on the chest, cry, and urinate |
P – birth | ||
D – 3 months | ||
Moro reflex | Create loud noise or sudden movement such as extension of the infant’s neck | Infant stiffens, extremities extend, index finger and thumb form C shape, and fingers and toes fan |
P – birth | ||
D – 4–6 months |
Strength is assessed by observing the newborn’s spontaneous and evoked movements and by eliciting specific newborn reflexes. Neonates with neuromuscular conditions may manifest with abnormally low muscle tone (hypotonia), paradoxical breathing, hip dislocation, or contractures. The neonate is capable of reacting to moving persons or objects within sight or grasp, both for large and small objects. Neonates can visually fixate on a face or light in their line of vision (American Academy of Pediatrics 1996). The quality of the cry can suggest neurological involvement. A term newborn’s cry is usually loud and vigorous. A weak or sedated neonate will cry only briefly and softly or may just whimper. A high-pitched cry is often associated with a neurological abnormality or increased intracranial pressure (Freedman et al. 2009). Functional capabilities of the preterm infant will vary by gestational age. Premature infants demonstrate less strength and decreased muscle tone compared to a term infant. Table 1.3 provides some of the key changes and the approximate time when selected milestones appear in most premature infants (McGee and Burkett 2000). Vulnerabilities
The most critical need of both the term and premature neonate is for the establishment of adequate respiratory activity with appropriate oxygenation. Respiratory immaturity added to the neurological insults from seizures, congenital conditions such as spina bifida and genetically linked syndromes, as well as intraventricular hemorrhage and hydrocephalus all have the capability to severely limit the neonates’ ability to buffer these conditions. Infections, an immature immune system, and gastrointestinal deficiencies also can severely compromise the neonate’s ability to dampen the physiological effects of neurological conditions. For the preterm neonate with a neurological disorder, dampening the effects becomes even more crucial and makes the preterm infant vulnerable to multisystem failures. Developmental care teams can be mobilized to augment the neonate’s capacity for optimal growth and interaction with his or her environment.
In the United States, all 50 states have laws that require car seats for infants and toddlers. Since the implementation of such passenger safety laws, hospitals and health-care providers have played an important role in providing awareness, education, and access to equipment (Elliott et al. 2013; Knoeker et al. 2015). Despite this, motor vehicle accidents continue to be one of the leading causes of death for children and youth. These statistics emphasize the need to provide appropriate car safety education to caregivers during the assessment. Tips in Approach to Child/Family
Observation of the neonate at rest is the first step in a comprehensive approach to neurological assessment of the neonate. Usually, the head can be inspected and palpated before awakening the neonate and measuring the head circumference. Most neonates arouse as they are unwrapped, and responses to stimuli are best assessed when the neonate is quietly awake. As the neonate arouses further, the strength of his spontaneous and active movement can be observed and cranial nerves assessed. Stimulation of selected reflexes, like the Moro reflex, and eye exam are reserved for last, since they usually elicit vigorous crying. The typical cry of an infant is usually loud and angry. Abnormal cries can be weak, shrill, high pitched, or catlike. Crying usually peaks at 6 weeks of age, when healthy infants cry up to 3 h/day, and then decreases to 1 h or less by 3 months (Freedman et al. 2009). The ability to console, including the sucking response, can be evaluated whenever the neonate is agitated. The sequence of the examination can always be altered in accordance with the newborn’s state or situation. Excessive stimulation or cooling may cause apnea or bradycardia in the preterm neonate, and components of the exam may need to be postponed until the neonate is stabilized.
1.2.3 Infant Physical Development
Infancy is defined as 30 days to 12 months of age. An infant’s head grows at an average rate of 1 cm per month over the first year. Palpation of the head should reveal soft and sunken fontanels when quiet and in the upright position. A bulging fontanel in a quiet infant can be a reliable indicator of increased intracranial pressure. However, vigorous crying of an infant can cause transient bulging of the fontanel. The posterior fontanels will close by 1–2 months of age with wider variability in the anterior fontanel, often closing between 6 and 18 months of age. If the sutures close prematurely and skull shape becomes abnormal, evaluate for craniosynostosis. Delayed closure of the sutures may indicate increased intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus, warranting further evaluation. Inspection of the scalp should include observation of the venous pattern, because increased ICP and thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus can produce marked venous distention (Dlamini et al. 2010).
Observation of the spine should include an examination for lumps, bumps, dimples, midline hemangiomas, and tufts of the hair. Examination of rectal tone for an anal wink should be performed, especially when suspicion is present for an occult spinal dysraphism. The absence of an anal wink is noted when the anal sphincter does not contract when stimulated or there is a lack of contraction of the anal sphincter during the rectal examination. Identification of a sensory level of function in an infant with a spinal abnormality can be very difficult. If decreased movement of extremities is noted, observe the lower extremities for differences in color, temperature, or perspiration, with the area below the level of spinal abnormality usually noted to be cooler to touch and without perspiration (McGee and Burkett 2000). Functional Capabilities
Assessment of the infant’s function requires knowledge of normal developmental landmarks. Refer to Table 1.4.
Table 1.4
Age-appropriate neuro assessment table (Wallace and Disabato)
Age | Gross motor | Fine motor | Personal/social | Echoes two or more words |
Newborn | Head down with ventral suspension | Hands closed | With sounds, quiets if crying; cries if quiet; startles; blinks | Crying only monotone |
Flexion posture | Cortical thumbing (CT) | |||
Knees under abdomen – pelvis high | ||||
Head lag complete | ||||
Head to one side prone | ||||
4 weeks | Lifts chin briefly (prone) | Hands closed (CT) | Indefinite stare at surroundings | Small, throaty noises |
Rounded back sitting head up momentarily | Briefly regards toy only if brought in front of the eyes and follows only to midline | |||
Almost complete head lag | Bell sound decreases activity | |||
6 weeks | In ventral suspension head up momentarily in same plane as body | Hands open 25% of time | Smiles | Social smile (first cortical input) |
Prone: pelvis high but knees no longer under the abdomen | ||||
2 months | Ventral suspension; head in same plane as body | Hands open most of the time (75%) | Alert expression | Cooing |
Smiles back | ||||
Lifts head 45° (prone) on flexed forearms | Active grasp of toy | Vocalizes when talked to | Single vowel sounds (ah, eh, uh) | |
Sitting, back less rounded, head bobs forward | Follows dangled toy beyond midline | |||
Energetic arm movements | Follows moving person | |||
3 months | Ventral suspension; head in same plane as body | Hands open most of the time (75%) | Smiles spontaneously | Chuckles |
Lifts head 45° (prone) on flexed forearms | Active grasp of toy | Hand regard | “Talks back” if examiner nods head and talks | |
Sitting, back less rounded, head bobs forward | Follows dangled toy 180° | Vocalizes with two different syllables (a-a, oo-oo) | ||
Energetic arm movements | Promptly looks at object in midline | |||
Glances at toy put in hand | ||||
4 months | Head to 90° on extended forearms | Active play with rattles | Body activity increased at sight of toy | Laughs out loud increasing inflection |
Only slightly head lag at beginning of movement | Crude extended reach and grasp | Recognizes bottle and opens mouth for nipple (anticipates feeding with excitement) | No tongue thrust | |
Bears weight some of time on extended legs if held standing | Hands together | |||
Rolls prone to supine | Plays with fingers | |||
Downward parachute | Toys to the mouth when supine | |||
6 months | Bears full weight on legs if held standing | Reaches for toy | Displeasure at removal of toy | Shy with strangers |
Sits alone with minimal support | Palmar grasp of cube | Puts toy in the mouth if sitting | Imitates cough and protrusion of the tongue | |
Pivots in prone | Lifts cup by handle | Smiles at mirror image | ||
Rolls easily both ways | Plays with toes | |||
Anterior propping | ||||
7 months | Bears weight on one hand prone | Stretches arms to be taken | Murmurs “mom” especially if crying | |
Held standing, bounces | Keeps the mouth closed if offered more food than wants | Babbles easily (Ms, Ds, Bs, Ls) | ||
Sit on hard surface leaning on hands | Smiles and pats at mirror | Lateralizes sound | ||
9 months | Sits steadily for 15 min on hard surface | Picks up small objects with index finger and thumb (pincer grasp) | Feeds cracker neatly | Listens to conversation |
Reciprocally crawls | Drinks from cup with help | Shouts for attention | ||
Forward parachute | Reacts to “strangers” | |||
10 months | Pulls to stand | Pokes with index finger, prefers small to large objects | Nursery games (i.e., pat-a-cake), picks up dropped bottle, waves bye-bye | Will play peekaboo and pat-a-cake to verbal command |
Sits erect and steadily (indefinitely) | Says Mama, Dada appropriately, finds the hidden toy (onset of visual memory) | |||
Sitting to prone | ||||
Standing: collapses and creeps on hands and knees easily | ||||
Prone to sitting easily | ||||
Cruises – laterally | ||||
Squats and stoops – does not recover to standing position | ||||
12 months | Sitting; pivots to pick up object | Easy pinch grasp with the arm off the table | Finds hidden toy under cup | One other word (noun) besides Mama, Dada (e.g., hi, bye, cookie) |
Walks, hands at shoulder height | Independent release (e.g., cube into cup) | Cooperates with dressing | ||
Bears weight alone easily momentarily | Shows preference for one hand | Drinks from cup with two hands | ||
Marks with crayon on paper | ||||
Insists on feeding self | ||||
13 months | Walks with one hand | Mouthing very little | Helps with dressing | Three words besides Mama, Dada |
Explores objects with fingers | Offers toy to mirror image | Larger receptive language than expressive | ||
Unwraps small cube | Gives toy to examiner | |||
Imitates pellet bottle | Holds cup to drink, tilting the head | |||
Affectionate | ||||
Points with index finger | ||||
Plays with washcloth, bathing | ||||
Finger feeds well but throws dishes on the floor | ||||
Appetite decreases | ||||
14 months | Few steps without support | Deliberately picks up two small blocks in one hand | Should be off bottle | Three to four words expressively minimum |
Peg out and in | Puts toy in container if asked | |||
Opens small square box | Throws and plays ball | |||
15 months | Creeps up stairs | Tower of two cubes | Feeds self fully leaving dishes on tray | Four to six words |
“Helps” turn pages of book | ||||
Kneels without support | Scribbles in imitation | Uses spoon turning upside down, spills much | Jargoning | |
Gets to standing without support | Completes round peg board with urging | Tilts cup to drink, spilling some | Points consistently to indicate wants | |
Stoop and recover | Helps pull clothes off | |||
Cannot stop on round corners suddenly | Pats at picture in book | |||
Collapses and catches self | ||||
18 months | Runs stiffly | Tower of three to four cubes | Uses spoon without rotation but still spills | One-step commands, 10–15 words |
Rarely falls when walking | Turns pages two to three at a time | May indicate wet pants | Knows “hello” and “thank you” | |
Walks upstairs (one hand held one step at a time) | Scribbles spontaneously | Mugs doll | More complex “jargon” rag | |
Climbs easily | Completes round peg board easily | Likes to take off shoes and socks | Attention span 1 min | |
Walks, pulling toy or carrying doll | Knows one body part | Points to one picture | ||
Throws ball without falling | Very negative oppositions | |||
Knee flexion seen in gait | ||||
21 months | Runs well, falling some times | Tower of five to six cubes | May briefly resist bathing | Knows 15–20 words and combines 2–3 words |
Walks downstairs with one hand held, one step at a time | Opens and closes small square box | Pulls person to show something | Echoes two or more | |
Kicks large ball with demonstration | Completes square peg board | Handles cup well | Knows own name | |
Squats in play | Removes some clothing purposefully | Follows associate commands | ||
Walks upstairs alternating feet with rail held | Asks for food and drink | |||
Communicates toilet needs | ||||
Helps with simple household tasks | ||||
Knows three body parts | ||||
24 months | Rarely falls when running | Tower of six to seven cubes | Uses spoon, spilling little | Attention span 2 min |
Walks up and down stairs alone one step at a time | Turns book pages singly | Dry at night | Jargon discarded | |
Kicks large ball without demonstration | Turns door knob | Puts on simple garment | Sentences of two to three words | |
Claps hands | Unscrews lid | Parallel play | Knows 50 words | |
Overthrow hand
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