Fatal condition where neonate missing parts of the brain and skull
Saclike protrusions of the brain and the membranes that cover it
Sac of fluid protruding through the back
Part of the spinal cord and nerves in sac protruding through the back
Occult spinal dysraphism
General term including tethered spinal cord
Spina bifida
General term that means “split spine”
Spina bifida occulta
Small gap in spine but no opening on back or sac, cutaneous anomalies may be present
Spinal dysraphism
Term related to malformations of spinal cord
Tethered cord syndrome
Disorder caused by stretching of spinal cord attached to spinal canal
5.2 Etiology
Despite extensive studies, the precise etiology of neural tube defects (NTDs) is not completely understood. Multiple factors, genetic, nutritional, and environmental, are believed to be involved (Nat. Inst. of Neuro. Dis. and Stroke n.d.). The MTHR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene has been the most studied genetic influence. This gene is involved in the processing of folate in the body. Folate, a B vitamin, is necessary for synthesis of DNA during cell division. Dietary intake of folate may be inadequate to reach demand during pregnancy, or there may be a genetic inability to properly process folate due to one or more variants of the MTHFR gene (Zhang et al. 2013; Wenstrom et al. 2000). Either can contribute to the failure of the neural cells to fuse and complete the formation of the neural tube.
The genetic role may also involve mutations in genes that contribute to an abnormal or lack of closure of the neural tube between the third and fourth week of uterine development. Clinical studies have shown that families with a known history of a neural tube defect are at a 2–5 % higher risk for a recurrence, which is a 25–50 times higher prevalence than in that of the general population (Detrait et al. 2005; Elwood et al. 1992). Neural tube defects can be linked to various genetic syndromes, including Meckel syndrome; trisomies 13, 18, and 21; and other chromosomal abnormalities or deletion (Detrait et al. 2005).
The environmental risk factors associated with neural tube defects are the maternal health concerns of hyperthermia, malnutrition, maternal obesity or diabetes (Detrait et al. 2005), or medication use, specifically valproic acid. Additionally but rare is the exposure to other teratogens, including thalidomide and Agent Orange (Detrait et al. 2005).
5.3 Folic Acid
Folic acid has shown the strongest link in the reduction of neural tube defects. Research has shown that prenatal folic acid use can decrease the prevalence of open neural tube defects by 50–70 % (AAP 1999, 2012; CDC 2004; Detrait et al. 2005). Folate is the natural form of folic acid and is found in leafy green vegetables (spinach), beans, liver, and citrus fruits. It is not absorbed at a 100 % ratio of the food that is ingested; thus, vitamin supplementation is recommended. Folic acid is a water-soluble synthetic compound used in vitamin supplements and fortified foods. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Public Health Service (USPHS) recommend that all women of childbearing age who are capable of becoming pregnant should take 400 mcg of folic acid daily, whether or not they are planning a pregnancy, and that women who have had a previous pregnancy or a family history of a neural tube defect take 4,000 mcg of folic acid daily (Table 5.2) (AAP 1999; CDC 2004). After reviewing the evidence, the American College of Medical Genetics reaffirmed its position in support of that policy in 2010 (Toriello 2011). These recommendations are extremely important because the neural tube develops by gestational day 28, often before a woman discovers that she is pregnant, and approximately 45 % of all pregnancies in the United States in 2011 were unintended (Finer and Zolna 2016).
Table 5.2
Folic acid for prevention of neu ral tube defects
0.4 mg (400 mcg) | All women capable of becoming pregnant should take 0.4 mg (400 mcg) of folic acid daily |
4 mg (4,000 mcg) | All women who have a family history of neural tube defect or have had a previous pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect should take 4.0 mg (4,000 mcg) of folic acid daily |
In 1998, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated food manufacturers to fortify certain grain products with folic acid (AAP 1999; Honein et al. 2001). Foods enriched with folic acid may include breads, breakfast cereals, flours, rice, and pasta. The CDC reported a reduction in the prevalence of spina bifida and anencephaly together of 28 % in the period of 1999–2011, as opposed to the period immediately preceding mandatory fortification (CDC 2015). Studies in other countries with mandatory or voluntary folic acid fortification have shown higher rates of reduction (Toriello 2011). In April 2016, the Food and Drug Administration approved a change in the food additive regulations to allow the safe use of folic acid in corn masa flour. This will have an impact on the growing Hispanic population in the United States to decrease the risk of spina bifida (Federal Register).
Although the use of folic acid greatly reduces the risk of a neural tube defect, it does not eliminate the risk altogether. Nurses working with women who are capable of pregnancy can be highly effective in educating them about the importance of folic acid supplementation.
5.4 Epidemiology
Collectively, birth defects are the leading cause of death in infants under 1 year of age in the United States and account for up to 121.5 infant deaths per 100,000 live births (National Vital Statistics Reports 2015). Neural tube defects are the second leading birth defect and can result in devastating outcomes in infants and children. Generally, NTDs are more common in females than males and particularly anencephaly (Deak et al. 2008). In the United States, children born to Hispanic mothers have the highest prevalence of NTDs. Data from 12 birth defects tracking centers from 1997 to 2007 showed a prevalence of spina bifida among three ethnic groups: Hispanic, 3.80 per 10,000 live births; non-Hispanic black or African-American, 2.73 per 10,000 live births; and non-Hispanic white, 3.09 per 10,000 live births (Canfield et al. 2014).
Fortunately, the overall incidence of neural tube defects in the United States has steadily declined during the past few decades. This is likely attributable to an increased awareness of the need for additional folic acid supplementation, mandatory fortification, and improved prenatal diagnosis with elective termination of pregnancy. Prior to 1980, the incidence of neural tube defects in the United States was 1–2 per 1,000 live births (Lary and Edmonds 1996), and it had decreased to 0.6 per 1,000 live births in 1989 (Yen et al. 1992). As noted above, the current incidence is in the range of 0.3–0.4.
5.5 Pathophysiology
Neurulation is the embryologic formation of the neural plate, neural folds, and neural tube (Table 5.3). The neural tube is the cellular structure that later differentiates into the brain and spinal cord. (Fig. 5.1) This process of human embryonic development occurs in 23 stages, each stage lasting 2–3 days. The development of the neural tube is complete by 28 days of gestation. The neural tube is formed by two different processes called primary and secondary neurulation. Primary neurulation begins immediately after fertilization, or day one of gestation, and consists of the formation of the neural tube from the rostral (head) to the caudal (bottom) neuropore, which forms into the brain and most of the spinal cord (Park 1999).

Table 5.3
Neural development terminology
Ectoderm | The outer layer of cells in the developing embryo |
Neural crest | A band of cells in the ectoderm at the margins of the neural tube that form into the cranial and spinal ganglia |
Neural fold | One or two longitudinal elevations of the neural plate of an embryo that unite to form the neural tube |
Neural groove | A narrow midline groove in the neural tube |
Neuropore | An opening of the neural tube |
Neural plate | A dorsal thickening of ectoderm in the developing embryo that develops into the nervous system |
Neural tube defect | A defect in the embryologic development of the anterior or posterior neuropore during neural tube formation |

Fig. 5.1
Neural tube at the end of the third week. Neural folds have begun to fuse at the cervical level of the future spinal cord. Right, cross sections of the neural tube at four different levels. Total length of the neural tube at this time is about 2.5 mm (Printed with permission from McCance and Huether 2002)
Secondary neurulation is the process by which the caudal end of the neural tube develops into the lower sacral and coccygeal segments (part of the conus medullaris or end of the spinal cord) (Park 1999). The development of the neural tube begins around 17–19 days of gestation with dorsal thickening of the ectoderm, forming into the neural plate. During days 19–21, the neural plate unfolds and forms a neural groove, and neural folds begin to develop laterally. During days 21–23, the neural folds continue to grow to midline which allows closure of the tube. The neural folds develop into a rostral neuropore and a caudal neuropore. Finally, the closure of the neural tube takes place over 4–6 days. Traditionally, researchers have thought the neural tube closed in the midline cervical area, and then closure extended up and down. More recently, evidence seems to indicate that the neural tube closes at several points simultaneously and then extends to the rostral and caudal ends to complete the closure.
5.6 Spina Bifida and Spinal Dysraphism
Spina bifida is a general term that means “split spine.” The term encompasses three major types of NTDs: meningocele and myelomeningocele (MM), which are both open defects; and spina bifida occulta, which describes “hidden” or closed defects. All involve incomplete closures of the spine, but the consequences of each are significantly different. MM and spina bifida are often used interchangeably, but not all spina bifida results in a myelomeningocele.
Spinal dysraphism is another general term used to describe a collection of NTDs, both open and closed. It can be used synonymously with spina bifida, but that is not always the case. Sometimes the term is used in a broader sense including spina bifida and other defects, while other times, it is used in discussing a tethered spinal cord (which is a type of occult spinal dysraphism). These various usages occur in both the literature and the parlance of neurosurgeons, nurses, and other medical providers, depending on their education and training. Hence, when you see or hear the terms spina bifida or spinal dysraphism used, consider the context or inquire further to avoid potential confusion.
5.7 Open Defects
An open neural tube defect is a complex neurological defect of the central nervous system that results in permanent and potentially severe disabilities. This defect is the result of a deficiency in primary neurulation. Open defects include MM, meningocele, encephalocele, and anencephaly.
5.7.1 Myelomeningocele
When the spinal column does not fuse together, allowing outward growth of the spinal contents, including cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), spinal cord, nerves lined with meninges, and sometimes skin (Fig. 5.2), this defect in the spine is called a myelomeningocele, and the disease process is spina bifida (Fig. 5.3). The defect can occur anywhere in the spinal axis, with 85 % in the lumbosacral spine, 10 % in the thoracic spine, and 5 % in the cervical spine (Cohen and Robinson 2001).

Fig. 5.2
Normal spinal cord and myelomeningocele. (a) Anatomic diagram showing normal anatomy of spine and spinal cord. (b) A myelomeningocele defect (Printed with permission from University of Wisconsin Hospitals & Clinics Authority, Madison, WI)

Fig. 5.3
Myelomeningocele (Courtesy of Bermans Iskandar, M.D., Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI)
The prognosis of a myelomeningocele is highly dependent on the size and location of the spinal defect and on the severity of its comorbidities, which include hydrocephalus and Chiari II malformation. The most common clinical complications are paralysis, hydrocephalus, and bowel and bladder incontinence. The survival rate of spina bifida has increased with advanced and more aggressive surgical intervention. Historically, dating back to the 1960s, infants born with spina bifida were managed conservatively without surgery. Many infants died from perinatal problems, hydrocephalus, or infection. A study by Laurence in South Wales evaluated children born between 1956 and 1962 that were not surgically treated and found that only 11 % of the children survived to 10–16 years of age (Laurence 1974). Although this is a high rate of mortality demonstrating the natural progression of untreated MM, the percentage of survival gave thought to more aggressive treatment. Throughout the 1960s, continued research showed a substantially higher rate of survival for infants who had immediate surgical repair of the MM and surgical treatment of hydrocephalus (Park 1999). Ames and Shut (1972) evaluated 171 patients with myelomeningocele that were treated surgically between 1963 and 1968. They found the survival rate continued to improve, climbing to 50–80 % for children 3–8 years old (Ames and Shut 1972).
Later, in the 1970s and 1980s, the trend for aggressive and immediate surgical intervention continued and became the current standard of care. Throughout the 1990s, researchers learned more about the untoward effects of hindbrain herniation and hydrocephalus to the fetus and the overall impact on lifetime livelihood. Currently, there is the “two-hit” pathogenesis theory of MM. Not only is the incomplete neural tube the cause, but also the exposed part of the cord is further injured during gestation by exposure to amniotic fluid, direct trauma, and hydrodynamic pressure, especially in the third trimester. This theory brought about the idea of fetal MM surgery (Adzick 2010; Meuli and Moehrien 2014). If the defect can be repaired prenatally, the spinal cord will be protected during remaining gestation and labor. To determine whether early fetal surgery would be a greater benefit than risk, a landmark 7-year National Institutes of Health-funded trial called the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) was conducted from 2003 to 2010. The outcome of this study continues to mold and shape the care of these patients. Results of the MOMS two study are due out in November, 2016, which will further guide the direction of care for patients with myelomeningocele.
Today, we understand that although these infants are often born with significant neurological deficits, many have normal intelligence and the capability to enjoy a productive and fulfilling life. Major factors that affect long-term clinical outcomes are intelligence quotient (IQ), ambulatory function, degree of bowel and bladder function, the presence of hydrocephalus, or symptomatic Chiari II malformation, and upward to 20 % may have seizures in childhood (Liptak 1997). Intellectual ability is strongly influenced by the presence and severity of hydrocephalus, the level of the defect and associated handicap, and a history of having central nervous system infection (e.g., meningitis). Individuals with myelomeningocele may have below-average cognitive abilities or mild intellectual disability. It is understood that a lower level lesion may correlate with less motor deficit and higher intellectual capability. The ability to ambulate is directly correlated to the anatomic level of the spinal defect and subsequent neurological deficit. Children with a lower spinal defect have a greater chance of ambulating. Approximately 95 % of children with lower lumbar or sacral level defects can achieve walking, with or without assistive devices (Sakakibara et al. 2003). The ability to ambulate ranges from independent walking, or requiring assistive mobility devices (orthotic braces, crutches, or walker), to complete dependence on a wheelchair (Fig. 5.4e). Bowel and bladder dysfunction is a notable determinant of social acceptance. Some patients may be incontinent of bowel and bladder, while others can achieve “social continence.”

Fig. 5.4
Mobility devices. (a) Solid ankle foot orthosis (AFO). (b) Lofstrand crutches. (c) Posterior walker. (d) Fixed frame lightweight manual wheelchair (Photos courtesy of Jim Miedaner, MS, PT, University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics, Rehabilitation Clinics, Madison, WI), (e) gait trainer (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons and Rifton Products)
5.7.2 Comorbidities of Myelomeningocele Hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) inside the ventricles of the brain, causing increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Hydrocephalus can be diagnosed prenatally with an ultrasound or fetal magnetic resonance image (MRI) to determine the presence and severity measured by the size of the ventricles in the fetus. Coniglio et al. (1997) have hypothesized that moderate to severe ventriculomegaly determined by a prenatal high-resolution ultrasound shows a correlation to an overall lower cognitive development quotient (Coniglio et al. 1997). Largely, literature alludes to the fact that progressive hydrocephalus may impinge on brain development. Clinically, it is noted that a higher incidence of hydrocephalus occurs with a high-level myelomeningocele lesion, such as those in the thoracic spine, as opposed to those in the sacral spine.
In the past, up to 90 % of infants with spina bifida required surgical treatment for hydrocephalus (McLone 1998). Beginning in the mid-1990s, more stringent policies for shunt placement (symptomatic hydrocephalus, severe ventricular dilation at the time of presentation, and/or unequivocal progressive ventriculomegaly after primary closure) were developed in one center, which brought the VP shunt rate down to the 50–60 % range (Chakraborty et al. 2008). In another, fontanelle characteristics, head circumference at birth, and head growth velocity were associated with the need for shunt placement in 75 % of the study participants (Phillips et al. 2014). MOMS (Management of Myelomeningocele Study) showed that with prenatal surgery for closure of myelomeningocele, VP shunt rates dropped to as low as 44 % (Tulipan et al. 2015).
More recent research has shown encouraging findings that support the treatment of hydrocephalus from a myelomeningocele with an endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) and choroid plexus cauterization (CPC) (Warf 2005). An ETV is a procedure to create an opening in the floor of the third ventricle to create free-flowing communication between the ventricular system and basal subarachnoid spaces (Petronio and Walker 2001). A CPC is a procedure that destroys the choroid plexus, where CSF is made within the ventricles. Warf’s most recent study (2011) found that ETV/CPC successfully treated hydrocephalus without any further surgery in 76 % of patients with myelomeningocele and was superior to shunting in regard to the incidence of treatment failure, operative mortality, and infection in over a decade of experience in Sub-Saharan Africa. Please see Chap. 2 for a more indepth description of Hydrocephalus. Chiari II Malformation
A Chiari II malformation is a downward herniation of the posterior fossa structures (medulla and cerebellum) into the spinal canal and is present in nearly all infants with myelomeningoceles. This may be the most serious comorbidity as it increases the mortality risk significantly due to potential apnea, stridor, vocal cord paralysis, and difficulty with feeding. It can also cause nystagmus and a lower cranial nerve palsy. Up to 30 % of infants have mild symptoms from compression on the brainstem, feeding difficulties, or gastroesophageal reflux, and fewer have severe symptoms of weak or absent cry, stridor, apnea or color change, drooling, increased tone in the arms and legs, or arching of the neck (Rekate 1999; Sandler 2010).
If untreated, Chiari II can lead to death. Surgical decompression of a Chiari malformation can resolve these symptoms, except when they present immediately after birth, which may indicate irreversible problems from brainstem compromise. The surgery involves removal of part of the upper cervical vertebrae and expansion of the dura overlying the malformation in order to decompress the herniating brain. A review of the MOMS participants at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia showed that the posterior fossa in patients with myelomeningocele is smaller than patients without myelomeningocele. Prenatal surgery resolved both the smaller posterior fossa and the tonsillar herniation (Grant 2011).
Another complication that can occur with the presence of a Chiari II malformation is syringomyelia, which is a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) that expands within the spinal cord causing neurological symptoms. The center of the spinal cord is a CSF filled canal. This central canal can expand secondary to pressure of spinal fluid. This may occur during prenatal development or as a result of progressive hydrocephalus prior to shunt placement. A syrinx can develop associated with growth, spinal cord tethering, or a shunt malfunction. The presence of the Chiari II Malformation may contribute to the formation of a syrinx. A change in motor and sensory function may be noted at the level of the syrinx and below. This is more fully discussed in Chap. 6. Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction
The majority of patients with a myelomeningocele have some degree of neurogenic bladder and bowel dysfunction (Anderson and Travers 1993; Cohen and Robinson 2001). The level of the defect is not always predictive of the degree of dysfunction. A urologist is vital to the multidisciplinary team and will evaluate the kidneys and the bladder integrity (elasticity and filling capacity) and initiate a bowel and bladder maintenance program. Common urological tests to evaluate these concerns are a renal ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), and urodynamics, known as video urodynamic studies. Often, early management of the bowel and bladder dysfunction begins with baseline diagnostic evaluation and testing throughout the lifetime to prevent deterioration of the urinary tract, preserve current level of function, and ultimately decrease the risk of renal complications. The primary goal of a neurogenic bladder program is to prevent scarring of the kidneys from increased bladder pressures caused by decreased compliance. The secondary goal is to provide socially acceptable continence or “social continence” in the future. Clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) several times a day has improved regulation of bladder function and resulted in greater social continence.
A sub-study of the MOMS study showed that although prenatal surgery did not significantly change the number of patients requiring CIC, there was less bladder trabeculation and open bladder neck (Brock et al. 2015). The MOMS II study, to be released in November 2016, may include further longitudinal information about bladder continence/incontinence.
5.7.3 Prenatal Screening for Myelomeningocele
Prenatal screening is helpful in the detection of an open neural tube defect and is extremely important in planning a timely and safe delivery. Screening and a consequent diagnosis can be determined with a maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP), ultrasound, or amniocentesis (Coniglio et al. 1997). The MSAFP is done between 14 and 21 weeks and is optimal between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation. If this number is higher than the normal value range, it may be an indicator of a possible neural tube defect. This is a screening test, and a normal AFP does not completely exclude the possibility of a myelomeningocele. An ultrasound is done between 15 weeks and up to the end of pregnancy for the assessment of the fetal age and general anatomy of the brain and spine (d’Ercole et al. 2003). If a neural tube defect is found, the patient is referred to a perinatologist for a high-resolution ultrasound and possible amniocentesis. Some medical facilities have the capability to do a prenatal ultrafast MRI of the mother’s abdomen for structural assessment of the fetus and the severity of hydrocephalus (Fig. 5.5). Fetal blood sampling and chorionic villi sampling are not useful in the determination of an open neural tube defects.

Fig. 5.5
MRI of the fetus showing ventriculomegaly (hydrocephalus) (Courtesy of Bermans Iskandar, M.D., Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Wisconsin Madison, WI)
5.7.4 Management Medical Management
In many cases, an infant with a myelomeningocele is delivered by a planned cesarean section to minimize trauma to the defect during delivery. The infant is immediately assessed by neonatologists, neurosurgeons, and nurses. Initial evaluation of hydrocephalus is done by palpating the fontanel, measuring a baseline head circumference, and obtaining pertinent imaging. A cranial ultrasound can be helpful to determine a baseline assessment of ventricle size, although a CT or MRI will offer a more detailed assessment of the severity of hydrocephalus. A thorough neurological exam is done, the defect is carefully examined, and the spine is assessed for abnormal curvature. The myelomeningocele may appear as an obvious bubble that sits midline somewhere on the spine, filled with CSF, spinal cord, and nerves, with a membranous covering. It can also appear with a ruptured membrane or as an open defect with no membrane covering. Motor function is assessed by observing upper and lower extremities for spontaneous active movements, symmetry, muscle bulk, and tone. The sensory level is evaluated in the trunk and lower extremities. Assess anal wink (gluteal reflex) as a predictor of bowel control. A thorough preoperative examination and appropriate diagnostic testing of medical abnormalities are important to ensure the best possible circumstance prior to surgery. Surgical Management
Fetal Surgical Management
Dating back to the 1930s, infants born with a myelomeningocele underwent postnatal surgery to close the spinal defect. Over the years, it became understood that closure of the defect is optimally done within hours after birth. Delay in surgical treatment can increase both morbidity and mortality because of the increased risk of meningitis. The major goals of surgery are to anatomically restore the already damaged spinal cord, surrounding nerves and tissues, and to ultimately preserve the current neurologic function of the neonate.
For a surgical repair of a myelomeningocele, the infant is placed in a prone position. The neurosurgeon will open the sac, close the neural structures, and then close the dura, the fascia, the subcutaneous tissues, and finally the skin. Some defects are so large or complex that a plastic surgeon is consulted to assist in the closure.
Starting in the 1970s, early sonogram screening allowed the opportunity for serial monitoring of the fetal movement as pregnancy progressed. Physicians began to recognize decreased fetal movement in the legs and feet throughout pregnancy, lending to the idea of progressive damage to the open portion of the exposed spinal cord causing increased neurologic damage. Additionally, it was theorized that the hindbrain herniation may result from leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the open neural tube during a critical time of posterior fossa formation (Manning et al. 2000).
In 1994, physicians conceptualized early closure of the defect to minimize further neurological damage and began intrauterine repair (Box 5.1). Fetal surgery was improved and performed by talented neurosurgeons in the United States, but the potential morbidity and mortality to both fetus and mother raised the question of whether the overall benefit outweighed the overall risk factors. This question launched a major clinical trial designed to compare the outcome of surgical prenatal repair to that of postnatal repair. The Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) was a randomized controlled trial funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (a part of the National Institutes of Health) conducted between February 2003 and December 2010 at three designated maternal-fetal surgical centers: the University of California in San Francisco, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee (Adzick et al. 2011). No other hospitals throughout the United States performed prenatal surgery while the trial was ongoing.
Box 5.1 A Parent’s Perspective: Bowel and Bladder Continence
Our son was born with a sacral level myelomeningocele. When others see him, they don’t see a child with a disability because he does not have any outward signs of spina bifida. He walks normally and has a shunt, but his biggest struggle is with bowel and bladder continence.
We have tried many things over the past 7 years to achieve bowel and bladder continence. We started catheterizing our son when he was 3.5 years old. We were taught how to catheterize him during a clinic visit and were sent home with supplies and our memory of what we had learned. After a few difficult weeks, we were on our way to a lifelong routine of cathing every 3–4 h. The bowel issues have been extremely difficult. We have tried several types of bowels programs: enemas and drinks that made him gag from the taste or texture. We were diligent patients as we could be with each program, but our emotions went up and down as each new promising method failed. After repeated failure to gain control of the bowel continence, we were told about a surgical procedure called the Malone antegrade continence enema (MACE) to help in bowel flushing.
He had the surgery when he was 8 years old. After surgery, things had improved, but he still has daily struggles. Every day after our son comes home from school, he has just enough time to do his homework and to eat supper before we begin our daily bowel program. We go to the “cinematography room” (what we call our bathroom) equipped with a TV/DVD player that is kept in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. He spends the next hour or more on the toilet while we do the “cleanout” procedure.
Our life revolves around the “cleanouts.” He has little time to spend with friends or extracurricular activities, and overnights are almost impossible. We have to plan everything in advance. The stress of his situation is shared by the entire family. It has changed our family routine; mom quit her job to stay home and tend to medical needs, dad is the sole financial provider for the family, and his little sister feels left out at times.
We hope this helps medical professionals understand what goes on behind the scenes of a family dealing with ongoing medical needs. When doctors tell us, it’s time to try something new, we brace ourselves for the implications this will have on our family life for the weeks to come.

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