Nervous System

Chapter 9

Nervous System

For an in-depth study of the nervous system, consult the following publications:

Seizure Terminology

Seizure Abnormal electrical activity in the brain

Epilepsy Recurrent unprovoked seizures

Generalized tonic-clonic seizure Previously called grand mal. Tonic means stiffening, and clonic means rhythmic shaking. There is abnormal electrical activity affecting the whole brain (thus the term “generalized”).

Partial seizure Sometimes confused with petit mal. Only a part of the brain is affected.

Simple partial The patient remains alert and is behaving appropriately.

Complex partial The person is conscious but impaired.

Absence seizure Previously called petit mal. This is a generalized seizure without shaking.

Postictal state The period after a generalized or partial seizure during which the person usually feels sleepy or confused.

Aura A warning of a seizure. Actually, the aura is an early part of the seizure itself.

Febrile seizures Generally occur in infants and young children; they are most often generalized tonic-clonic seizures. They typically occur in children with a high fever, usually higher than 102°F.

Status epilepticus (SE) A state of continuous or frequently reoccurring seizures lasting 30 minutes or more.

Care of the Patient with Seizures

Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Nervous System

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