

(nah tah liz’ yoo mab)



Drug Classes

Monoclonal antibody

MS drug

Therapeutic Actions

Monoclonal antibody specific for the alpha-4 subunit on the surface of all leukocytes except neutrophils. Binding with this subunit inhibits adhesion of leukocytes to their counter-receptors, including those on vascular endothelium. Preventing leukocyte adhesion inhibits migration of leukocytes into inflamed tissue and may inhibit recruitment and inflammatory activity of activated immune cells. The exact mechanism of action in MS (thought to be an autoimmune disorder) is not known, but natalizumab may prevent migration of leukocytes into the brain and reduce plaque formation.


  • Monotherapy for patients with relapsing MS to delay physical disability and decrease the frequency of exacerbations.

  • Treatment of Crohn disease in patients who have not responded to or are unable to tolerate other therapies.

Available Forms

Single-use vials—300 mg/15 mL (20 mg/mL)



300 mg by IV infusion over 1 hr every 4 wk.

Pediatric patients

Safety and efficacy not established.


Route Onset Peak
IV Slow 7–8 days

Metabolism: Tissue; T1/2: 11–15 days

Distribution: May cross placenta; may enter breast milk

Excretion: Tissue

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Natalizumab

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