Medical-Surgical Nursing: Review Questions with Answers and Rationales


Medical-Surgical Nursing

Review Questions with Answers and Rationales


Note: Thousands of additional practice questions are available on the enclosed companion CD.

image Denotes alternate format question.

Growth and Development

1. When planning discharge teaching for a young adult, the nurse should include the potential health problems common in this age group. What should the nurse include in this teaching plan?

2. What principle of teaching specific to an older adult should the nurse consider when providing instruction to such a client recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus?

3. A 76-year-old male client asks the nurse about the chances of getting osteoporosis like his wife. Which is the best response by the nurse?

4. What is the priority when working with a group of middle-aged adult clients?

5. Which factor does the nurse consider most likely contributes to the increased incidence of hip fractures in older adults?

image6. Which age-related change should the nurse consider when formulating a plan of care for an older adult? Select all that apply.

image7. A nurse is caring for an older adult with a hearing loss secondary to aging. What can the nurse expect to identify when assessing this client? Select all that apply.

8. A 93-year-old client in a nursing home has been eating less food during mealtimes. What is the priority nursing intervention?

9. A 78-year-old client who has hypertension is beginning treatment with furosemide (Lasix). Considering the client’s age, what should the nurse teach the client to do?

Circulatory System (Cardiovascular, Blood, and Lymphatic Systems)

image10. A nurse must obtain a client’s apical pulse. Place an X over the site where the nurse should place the stethoscope.


11. Which client statement indicates an understanding of the nurse’s instructions concerning a Holter monitor?

12. A client with a history of dysrhythmias is to wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours on an outpatient basis. What should the nurse teach the client to do while wearing the monitor?

13. A client with a dysrhythmia is admitted to telemetry for observation. In the morning the client asks for a cup of coffee. What is the nurse’s best response?

14. A client who had several episodes of chest pain is scheduled for an exercise electrocardiogram. Which explanation should the nurse include when teaching the client about this procedure?

15. A client is admitted with chest pain unrelieved by nitroglycerin, an elevated temperature, decreased blood pressure, and diaphoresis. A myocardial infarction is diagnosed. Which should the nurse consider as a valid reason for one of this client’s physiologic responses?

16. What must the nurse do to determine a client’s pulse pressure?

17. After surgery for insertion of a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), a client develops a temperature of 102° F (38.8° C). What priority concern related to elevated temperatures does a nurse consider when notifying the health care provider about the client’s temperature?

18. A nurse is teaching a group of clients with peripheral vascular disease about a smoking cessation program. Which physiologic effect of nicotine should the nurse explain to the group?

19. During an interview, the nurse discovers that the spouse of a debilitated, chronically constipated client digitally removes stool from the client’s rectum. What response to disimpaction is the nurse attempting to prevent by presenting other strategies to regulate the client’s bowel movements?

image20. A nurse is assessing the legs of a client with a history of chronic venous insufficiency. What physiologic changes should the nurse conclude are the result of this disease process? Select all that apply.

21. A nurse is caring for a client with chronic occlusive arterial disease. What precipitating cause is the nurse most likely to identify for the development of ulceration and gangrenous lesions?

22. A client is prescribed prolonged bed rest after surgery. Which complication does the nurse expect to prevent by teaching this client to avoid pressure on the popliteal space?

23. A nurse in the postanesthesia care unit is caring for a client who received a general anesthetic. Which finding should the nurse report to the health care provider?

24. After abdominal surgery a client suddenly reports numbness in the right leg and a “funny feeling” in the toes. What should the nurse do first?

25. After a bilateral lumbar sympathectomy a client has a sudden drop in blood pressure, but there is no evidence of bleeding. What should the nurse identify as the most likely cause of the change in blood pressure?

26. A nurse inspects a two-day-old intravenous site and identifies erythema, warmth, and mild edema. The client reports tenderness when the area is palpated. What should the nurse do first?

image27. While convalescing from abdominal surgery a client develops thrombophlebitis. Which clinical indicators of this complication should the nurse expect to identify when assessing the client? Select all that apply.

28. A client who had surgery 24 hours ago reports pain in the calf. Assessment reveals redness and swelling at the site of discomfort. What should the nurse do?

image29. A nurse is assessing arterial perfusion in a client who had surgery with placement of a graft for an aneurysm in the left femoral artery. Place an X over the site of the pulse that should be assessed to determine maximum arterial perfusion distal to the operative site.


30. A nurse is teaching a client about the use of antiembolism stockings. What instruction should the nurse include?

31. A health care provider orders thigh-high antiembolism stockings for a client with varicose veins. The client’s thighs are heavier than the lower legs, and the stockings fit on the lower leg but are causing discomfort and indentations on the upper thighs. What should the nurse do?

32. What should the nurse teach a client who is taking antihypertensives to do to minimize orthostatic hypotension?

33. A client being treated for hypertension reports having a persistent hacking cough. What class of antihypertensive should the nurse identify as a possible cause of this response when reviewing a list of this client’s medications?

34. What client response indicates to the nurse that a vasodilator medication is effective?

35. What should the nurse assess to determine if a client is experiencing the therapeutic effect of valsartan (Diovan)?

36. What information should the nurse include when teaching a client with heart disease about cholesterol?

37. Which instructions should the nurse include in the teaching plan for a client with hyperlipidemia who is being discharged with a prescription for cholestyramine (Questran)?

38. A nurse is providing dietary instruction to a client with cardiovascular disease. Which dietary selection by the client indicates the need for further instruction?

image39. A nurse asks a client with ischemic heart disease to identify the foods that are most important to restrict. The nurse determines that the client understands the dietary instructions when the client identifies the following foods. Select all that apply.

image40. Which instructions should the nurse include in the teaching plan for a client who will be taking simvastatin (Zocor) when discharged? Select all that apply.

41. Which topic should the nurse determine is most appropriate when presenting health-related instruction to clients from an African-American community?

42. Amlodipine (Norvasc) is prescribed for a client with hypertension. Which response to the medication should the nurse instruct the client to report to the health care provider?

image43. Atenolol (Tenormin) 150 mg by mouth is prescribed for a client with hypertension. Each tablet contains 50 mg. How many tablets should the nurse administer? Record your answer using a whole number.

44. What should the nurse identify as the primary cause of the pain experienced by a client with a coronary occlusion?

45. What instructions about the use of nitroglycerin should the nurse provide to a client with angina?

4. “Place 1 tablet under the tongue when pain occurs, and use an additional tablet after the attack to prevent recurrence.”

46. Which nursing action is most important when caring for a client after a cardiac catheterization?

47. For which common complication of myocardial infarction should the nurse monitor clients in the coronary care unit?

48. A nurse prepares a client for insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter. What information can be obtained from monitoring the pulmonary artery pressure?

image49. A client with a thromboembolic disorder is receiving a continuous intravenous infusion of heparin 1000 units per hour. There are 25,000 units of heparin in 500 mL of 5% dextrose solution. At how many milliliters per hour should the nurse set the rate on the electronic infusion control device? Record your answer using a whole number.

50. An older adult with cerebral arteriosclerosis is admitted with atrial fibrillation and is started on a continuous heparin infusion. What clinical finding enables the nurse to conclude that the anticoagulant therapy is effective?

51. What specifically should the nurse monitor when a client is receiving a platelet aggregation inhibitor such as clopidogrel (Plavix)?

52. A client is receiving warfarin (Coumadin). Which test result should the nurse use to determine if the daily dose of this anticoagulant is therapeutic?

53. What should the nurse teach a client to expect when preparing for discharge after surgery for a coronary artery bypass graft?

image54. A client with left ventricular heart failure is taking digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg daily. What changes does the nurse expect to find if this medication is therapeutically effective? Select all that apply.

55. A nurse identifies signs of electrolyte depletion in a client with heart failure who is receiving bumetanide (Bumex) and digoxin (Lanoxin). What does the nurse determine is the cause of the depletion?

56. A client is in cardiogenic shock. What explanation of cardiogenic shock should the nurse include when responding to a family member’s questions about the condition?

57. What clinical indicator is the nurse most likely to identify when completing a history and physical assessment of a client with complete heart block?

58. A nurse in the emergency department is assigned to care for four clients with serious health problems. Which health problem should the nurse identify as the priority?

59. While a pacemaker catheter is being inserted, the client’s heart rate drops to 38 beats/min. What medication should the nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe?

60. A client with a bundle branch block is on a cardiac monitor. What ECG change should the nurse identify on the client’s cardiac monitor?

image61. A nurse observes the cardiac monitor of a client who has had a pacemaker inserted. Place an X on the rhythm strip where there is evidence of pacemaker function.


image62. A nurse observes the following dysrhythmia on a client’s cardiac monitor. What rhythm does the nurse identify?


63. In addition to atrial fibrillation, what ventricular rhythm exhibited by a client does the nurse determine may be converted to a sinus rhythm by cardioversion?

64. What nursing action should be included in the plan of care for a client who had a permanent fixed (asynchronous) pacemaker inserted?

65. What assessment of the pulse should the nurse identify when a client’s on-demand pacemaker is functioning effectively?

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