Chapter 22 Medical complications
Sickle cell disease (HBSS; HBSC; HB THAL)
Labour and delivery
Condition affects women from areas where historically malaria was prevalent, for example South East Asia (thalassaemia A and B) Middle East, India and the Mediterranean (mainly thalassaemia B). Most women are thalassaemia B trait with anaemia as the main risk factor. (Low mean corpuscu-lar volume and mean cell haemoglobin with normal mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration). Diagnosis is by globin chain analysis. Active management of the third stage to limit blood loss is important.
Inherited disorders of coagulation: haemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease and factor IX deficiency
Platelet disorders
Respiratory problems
The following are the more usual neurological conditions relevant to labour.
Raised intracranial pressure
This may be benign (benign intracranial hypertension) or secondary to space-occupying lesions, cerebral oedema, infection, impaired cerebral spinal fluid absorption or drugs.
Neuromuscular disease
Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Myotonic dystrophy
Arulkumaran S, Rauff M, Ingemarsson I, et al. Uterine activity in myotonia dystrophica. Case Report. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1986;93:634-636.
Batocchi AP, Majolini L, Evoli A, et al. Course and treatment of myasthenia gravis during pregnancy. Neurology. 1999;52:447-452.
Confavreux C, Hutchinson M, Hours MM, et al. Rate of pregnancy-related relapse in multiple sclerosis. Pregnancy in Multiple Sclerosis Group. New England Journal of Medicine. 1998;339:285-291.
George JN, Woolf SH, Raskob GE, et al. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura – practice guideline developed by explicit methods for the American Society of Hematology. Blood. 1996;8:3-40.
Howard RJ. Management of sickling conditions in pregnancy. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 1996;56:7-10.
Jaffe R, Mock M, Abramowicz J, et al. Myotonic dystrophy and pregnancy: a review. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 1986;41:272-278.
Lusher JM, McMillan CW. Severe factor VIII and factor IX deficiency in females. American Journal of Medicine. 1978;65:637-648.
Orvieto R, Achiron R, Rotstein Z, et al. Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis: a 2 year experience. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 1999;82:191-194.
Ramsahoye BH, Davies SV, Dasani H, et al. Obstetric management in von Willebrand’s disease: a report of 24 pregnancies and a review of the literature. Hemophilia. 1995;1:140-144.
Weisberg LA. Benign intracranial hypertension. Medicine. 1975;54:197-207.
Yerby MS, Freil PN, McCormick K. Antiepileptic drug disposition during pregnancy. Neurology. 1992;42(Suppl):12-16.