Knee Pain

Knee Pain


Knee pain can occur from direct injury to its bone, meniscus, and ligaments or can be referred from more proximal muscles and hip (Figure 12-1).


Treatment for Patellofemoral Syndrome and Patellar Tendonitis

Treatment involves addressing tight quadriceps.

Hip Flexor Stretches


  • With the patient supine, place the involved leg off the end of the table.

  • Flex the patient’s other hip and knee.

  • Hold both knees stable, and ask the patient to raise the involved knee against your resistance while taking three belly breathes, then relax; move the involved leg further into an extension stretch.

  • Repeat these steps for three stretch-relax cycles.



  • With the patient prone and involved knee flexed, lift the involved leg off the table to the end point.

  • Ask the patient to gently bring the knee down toward the table, using 10% effort, against resistance for three belly breaths.

  • Have the patient relax and move the hip further into extension.

  • Repeat these steps for total of three cycles.


  • If this stretch is too painful, perform reciprocal inhibition.

Reciprocal Inhibition for Hip Flexor Tightness

  • With the patient supine and the involved leg hanging off the end of the table and the opposite knee and hip flexed, place one hand on the uninvolved knee and gently lift the involved thigh to the end point with the other hand.


  • Ask the patient to use 10% effort to try to bring the thigh down against resistance while taking three belly breaths.

  • Then ask the patient to relax while you move the involved leg further into hip extension to the end point (you can also add more hip flexion on the opposite side, if it makes the patient feel better.)

  • Repeat these steps for three stretch-relax cycles.

Kinesiology Taping for Patellar Tendonitis

  • Have the patient sitting with the knee flexed off the end of the table.

  • Measure the strip from the mid-thigh to the distal aspect of the patellar tendon, then double the length of the tape and cut.

  • Cut a second 6-inch strip.

  • Split the long piece of tape in the middle and stretch it 50% tension. Apply over the infrapatellar tendon.


  • Maintain 50% tension as you apply each side proximally up the medial and lateral thigh. Apply the last 2 inches on each side without tension. Rub the tape to activate the adhesive.


  • Split the middle of the second piece of tape and apply across the inferior patellar tendon, applying the last 2 inch without tension.


  • Rub to activate the adhesive.


Figure 12-3 shows the anatomy of the IT band.

Oct 19, 2020 | Posted by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT | Comments Off on Knee Pain

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