The kidneys are paired organs located retroperitoneally, one on each side of the vertebral column between T12 and L3.1 The right kidney is slightly lower than the left because of the position of the liver. Each kidney is approximately 12 centimeters (cm) long, 6 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick in the adult. Kidney size and weight varies between men and women; 125 to 170 grams in men, and 115 to 155 grams in women.1 The kidneys are protected anteriorly and posteriorly by the rib cage and by a tough fibrous capsule that encloses each kidney. Additional protection is provided by a cushion of perirenal fat and the support of the kidney fascia. Internally, the kidneys are made up of two distinct areas: the cortex and the medulla. The kidney cortex is the outer layer and contains the glomeruli, proximal tubules, cortical portions of the loops of Henle, distal tubules, and cortical collecting ducts. The kidney cortex is about 1 cm in thickness. The kidney medulla is the inner kidney layer, made up of the pyramids, which contain the medullary portions of the loops of Henle, the vasa recta, and the medullary portions of the collecting ducts. Numerous pyramids taper and join to form a minor calyx; several minor calyces join to form a major calyx. The major calyces then join and enter the funnel-shaped kidney pelvis, a 5- to 10-mL conduit that directs urine into the ureter (Fig. 25-1). The kidney system also includes the urinary drainage system—the ureters, bladder, and urethra (Fig. 25-2). The ureters are fibromuscular tubes that exit the central part of the kidney pelvis. The ureters are 28 to 34 cm in length and enter the urinary bladder at an oblique angle. As urine is formed by the kidneys, the urine flows through the ureters by peristalsis. The peristaltic action of the ureters and the angle at which the ureters enter the bladder help prevent reflux of urine from the bladder back up into the kidneys. The bladder is a muscular sac within the pelvis and has a capacity of 280 to 500 mL. Urine leaves the bladder through the urethral orifice and is excreted from the body through the urethra. The male urethra is about 20 cm long; the female urethra is 3 to 5 cm long. The kidneys are highly vascular and receive up to 20% of the cardiac output—about 1 liter to 1.2 L/min of blood flow.2 Blood enters the kidneys through the renal arteries, which branch bilaterally from the abdominal aorta. The renal artery divides into arterial branches that become progressively smaller vessels, eventually ending with the afferent arterioles. A single afferent arteriole supplies blood to each glomerulus, a tuft of capillaries that is the first structure of the nephron. The nephron is often described as the functional unit of the kidneys.1 Blood exits the glomerulus by the efferent arteriole, which connects with the peritubular capillary network, also known as the vasa recta (straight vessels), that parallel the long loops of Henle. The intricate capillary network maintains the intracapillary pressure that allows water and solutes to move between the tubules and the capillaries for urine formation and the concentration and dilution of urine. The capillaries then rejoin and form gradually enlarging venous vessels, until the blood leaves each kidney through the renal vein and returns to the general circulation by the inferior vena cava.2 Each kidney is made up of about one million nephrons, the functional units of the kidneys. Because of the vast number of nephrons, the kidneys can continue to function even when several thousand nephrons are damaged or destroyed by disease or injury. Each nephron has the ability to perform all of the individual functions of the kidneys. The nephron is made up of several distinct structures: the glomerulus, the Bowman capsule, the proximal tubule, the loop of Henle, the distal tubule, and the collecting duct (Fig. 25-3). The first structure of each nephron is the glomerulus, a high-pressure capillary bed that serves as the filtering point for the blood. Positive filtration pressure in the glomerulus is achieved as a result of the high arterial pressure as the blood enters the afferent arteriole and the resistance created by the smaller efferent arteriole as the blood exits the glomerulus. As a result of the positive-pressure gradient, fluid and solutes are filtered through the glomerular capillary walls. The glomerulus has three layers: the endothelium, the basement membrane, and the epithelium. The inner endothelial layer lines the glomerulus and contains numerous pores that allow filtration of fluid and small solutes from the blood. The middle basement membrane layer also controls filtration according to the size, electrical charge, protein-binding capability, and shape of the molecules. This complex is also described as the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB). It is freely permeable to water and small or midsized molecules but large molecules such as albumin and red blood cells are prevented from entering the filtrate.3 The presence of large molecules in the urine is a signal that the glomerular membrane is damaged. The outer epithelium layer contains pores that allow the filtered blood, or filtrate, into the Bowman space. A filtrate of plasma, usually called the ultrafiltrate, enters the Bowman space, which is surrounded by the Bowman capsule, a tough, membranous layer of epithelial cells that completely surrounds the glomerular capillary bed. The Bowman space is located between the capillary walls of the glomerulus and the inner layer of the Bowman capsule and contains the initial filtrate from the blood. Fluid, solutes, and other substances filtered by the glomerulus collect in the space. The Bowman space is a continuous structure that joins the first portion of the nephron’s tubular system—the proximal tubule.1 The proximal tubule is located in the cortex of the kidney and has a large surface area available for solute and fluid transportation. The proximal tubule resorbs (takes back) most of the filtered water and sodium and many of the solutes the body does not routinely excrete in the urine. Solutes that are usually resorbed include all of the glucose, some of the water-soluble vitamins, most phosphate and bicarbonate, and much of the potassium, chloride, and calcium that is filtered by the glomerulus. Proteins are resorbed in the proximal tubule by two specialized receptors known as megalin and cubilin that bind albumin and vitamin-binding proteins.1 Creatinine is minimally resorbed and is excreted in the urine. In addition to its major role in resorbing water and solutes from the filtrate, the proximal tubule secretes organic anions and cations into the tubular lumen. Ammonia is produced from the metabolism of glutamine in the mitochondria of the proximal tubule cells, where ammonia (NH3) combines with hydrogen (H+) to form ammonium (NH4+), which is secreted into the proximal tubule lumen.1 Several distal tubules join to form a collecting duct that begins in the cortex and extends through the medulla to empty into the papilla. The final composition of the urine occurs in the collecting duct, primarily because of the transport of potassium, sodium, and water. Water permeability is determined by the absence or presence of ADH. In the absence of, or with small amounts of ADH, the urine becomes dilute, whereas larger amounts of ADH result in concentrated urine. The filtrate usually is more concentrated when it leaves the collecting duct than it was when it entered. Acidification of the urine is accomplished by the transport of bicarbonate and hydrogen in the collecting duct. Several collecting ducts then combine to form the pyramids. After the urine leaves the collecting ducts, no change in the composition of the filtrate occurs. Box 25-1 summarizes tubular resorption and secretion in the various structures of the nephron. The first process in urine formation is glomerular filtration, which depends on glomerular blood flow, pressure in the Bowman space, and plasma oncotic pressure.2 Glomerular blood flow is the most important of these three factors and is maintained through an autoregulatory mechanism within the kidneys.2 The autoregulatory mechanism maintains consistent kidney blood flow and perfusion at a constant level as long as the mean arterial pressure (MAP) remains between 80 and 180 mm Hg. The afferent and efferent arterioles of the glomeruli have the ability to increase or decrease the glomerular blood flow rate through selective dilation and constriction. When the mean arterial blood pressure is decreased, the afferent arteriole dilates, and the efferent arteriole constricts to maintain a higher pressure in the glomerular capillary bed and maintain the GFR at 125 mL/min. The ability of the kidneys to autoregulate blood flow begins to fail when the mean arterial blood pressure is less than 80 mm Hg or greater than 180 mm Hg. The threshold concentration of a substance is important in active transport. The threshold of a substance is the plasma level of a substance at which none of the substance appears in the urine.2 When the threshold of a substance in the plasma is exceeded, progressively larger amounts of the substance appear in the urine because the large amounts cannot be resorbed. For example, the serum threshold concentration for glucose is about 180 mg/dL. At or below a plasma glucose concentration of 180 mg/dL, all glucose is actively resorbed from the kidney tubules back into the circulation, and none is excreted in the urine. When the plasma glucose concentration is above 180 mg/dL, the threshold concentration is exceeded, and some of the glucose cannot be resorbed from the tubules and is excreted in the urine.
Kidney Anatomy and Physiology
Macroscopic Anatomy
Vascular Anatomy
Microscopic Structure and Function
The Bowman Capsule
Proximal Tubule
Collecting Duct
Urine Formation
Glomerular Filtration
Tubular Resorption
Active Transport
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Kidney Anatomy and Physiology