kalaemia potassium in blood.

kalium potassium; symbol K.

kanamycin broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against many Gram-negative bacteria, some Gram-positive and acid-fast bacteria.

kangaroo care system aimed at promoting closeness between mother and preterm or ill baby, by positioning baby between mother’s breasts, encouraging skin-to-skin contact.

Kaposi’s sarcoma multifocal, metastasising, malignant reticulosis with angiosarcoma features, involving mainly skin; major feature of aids.

karyo- prefix,‘nucleus’.

karyotype number and structure of chromosomes within cell nucleus, usually depicted on photomicrograph of individual’s chromosomes, arranged in standard format with number, size and shape of each chromosome shown, normally 46 chromosomes: 22 autosomal pairs, one pair of sex chromosomes (XX for females, XY for males). Karyotyping aids diagnose of chromosomal disorders, e.g. down syndrome.

karyotyping process of identifying chromosomes by size.

keloid overgrowth of fibrous tissue in scar.

keratin tough protein that forms base of horny tissues.

keratitis inflammation of cornea.

kernicterus bilirubin toxicity; yellow staining of kernel cells in basal ganglia of brain; occurs in babies with severe jaundice, particularly due to Rhesus ISOIMMUNISATION, when unconjugated serum bilirubin exceeds 350 μmol/L (20 mg/100 mL) or lower levels in preterm or seriously ill babies; manifested by irritability, fits, athetoid arm movements; mental or neurological disability, or death; treatment is by replacement transfusions or phototherapy.

Kernig’s sign sign of meningitis; person is unable to straighten leg at knee joint when thigh is supported at right angle to trunk.

ketoacidosis electrolyte imbalance with ketosis and lowered blood pH.

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Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in MIDWIFERY | Comments Off on K

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