Intrapartum Fetal Assessment


Intrapartum Fetal Assessment


Intrapartum fetal assessment is essential to providing critical information regarding fetal well-being and the fetal response to labor. FHR and uterine activity (UA) data can be collected by nonelectronic or electronic methods. Regardless of the method chosen to assess fetal status, the nurse is accountable for knowing and responding to auditory and electronically obtained data (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009). Nonelectronic assessment uses auscultation and palpation to assess the FHR and UA. Electronic assessment or electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) uses electronic techniques, such as tocodynamometer, ultrasound, fetal scalp electrode (FSE), or intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) to monitor FHR and UA. The technique provides a permanent record that can be observed and discussed instantaneously or retrospectively by professional care providers. Events that cannot be heard or measured by auscultation, such as variability, are available through EFM. Therefore, EFM is another tool available to the care provider to easily provide information that would otherwise consume many hours of care and yield less complete data. The ability to monitor using short- or long-distance telemetry influences nursing care management and patient comfort and may aid consultation and transport practices. Although there are few confirmatory data that show that the use of EFM has significantly improved outcomes, it is still used in the labor and delivery arena (Simpson, 2008a). The reader should also be aware of research in progress to refine or augment interpretation of fetal status and probable outcomes. Such methods that may become available include oxicardiotocograph, computer analysis of fetal electrocardiogram, near-infrared spectroscopy for high-risk pregnancies, lactate measurement as a replacement for pH fetal blood sampling, ST-segment analysis, and artificial intelligence to assess all fetal data and clinical events. Today, proper interpretation of FHR patterns may be the best method to reliably determine fetal status.

In 1995-1996 the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) pulled together EFM experts to discuss EFM terminology. In 1997 this group of experts published new EFM definitions that were based not only on clinical data, but also on laboratory, manufacturing, and published research. These definitions were “reaffirmed and updated at the 2008 meeting” (Lyndon, O’Brien-Abel, and Simpson, 2009, p. 104). One goal of these definitions was to allow the predictive value of fetal monitoring to be assessed more meaningfully. Another was to allow evidence-based clinical management of intrapartum fetal compromise (Macones, Hankins, Spong, Hauth, & Moore, 2008). In December 2004, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Canada (SOGC) adopted the NICHD nomenclature as their standard in the interpretation of FHR tracings. In May 2005, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Association for Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) followed suit and also adopted the NICHD nomenclature to be used in the interpretation of FHR tracings. The language used in this chapter is consistent with the most recently understood interpretations of EFM tracings in general use and is consistent with AWHONN’s current Fetal Heart Monitoring Program, revised in 2006, 2008, and 2009 to coincide with the NICHD. The reader must recognize that although the NICHD committee agreed to the FHR that was definitely evident of a fetus that was well oxygenated and agreed to the FHR that definitely needed immediate intervention, there was not consensus on FHR patterns that fell between those two extremes (Parer & Ikeda, 2007).

Regardless of the practice setting, the terminology, or even the areas of non-consensus, the process of interpreting a FHR monitoring tracing includes (a) examining the tracing for trends of FHR and UA parameters and (b) answering the question, “At the present time, what is the likely status of this fetus?” (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Lyndon et al, 2009; Macones et al, 2008). Nurses using EFM should know the capabilities, benefits, limitations, and troubleshooting of the assessment modalities used.


Methods of FHR Assessment

Nonelectronic methods of FHR assessment

1. Auscultation (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Feinstein, Sprague, & Trepanier, 2008)

a. Fetoscope

b. Doptone

c. Benefits (Feinstein et al, 2008)

d. Limitations (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Feinstein et al, 2008)

e. Documentation

(1) Numerical BL rate

(2) Rhythm

(3) Increases and decreases (abrupt or gradual) in BL rate

(4) Timing related to contraction

(5) Frequency for intermittent auscultation (IA) (ACOG, 2005; AWHONN, 2008; SOGC, 2007). note: These guidelines may change as new data are presented. This information is a guideline and not suggestive of or dictating an exclusive procedure or plan of action. The individual patient and her clinical situation must always be considered to ensure an individualized plan of care.

(a) AWHONN: auscultation and EFM

(b) SOGC

2. Palpation

a. Detects relative uterine resting tone (Harmon, 2009)

b. Detects relative frequency, duration, and relative strength of uterine contractions (Harmon, 2009).

c. Benefits (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

d. Limitations (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

Electronic methods of FHR assessment

1. Doppler ultrasound for FHR assessment

a. Detects FHR BL rate, accelerations, decelerations, and variability of the FHR

b. Benefits (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

c. Limitations (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Moffatt & Feinstein, 2003; Simpson, 2008a)

2. FSE for FHR assessment

a. Detects FHR BL rate, variability, accelerations, and decelerations

b. Detects FHR dysrhythmias

c. Benefits (Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

d. Limitations (Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

3. Tocodynamometer (tocotransducer) for UA assessment

a. Detects relative uterine resting tone

b. Detects relative frequency and duration of uterine contractions

c. Benefits (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

d. Limitations (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

4. IUPC for UA assessment

a. Detects actual uterine resting tone and frequency, duration, and strength of uterine contractions

b. Access for amniotic fluid testing (e.g., amniotic fluid sampling)

c. Allows for amnioinfusion

d. Benefits (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Harmon, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

(1) Objective; accurate assessment of uterine contraction frequency, duration, intensity, and resting tone

(2) Correlation of timing of FHR changes with UA is more accurate.

(3) Provides a tracing via hard copy, electronic disks, or microfilm process for future assessment and for permanent medical record

(4) Provides means for aspiration of amniotic fluid to assess for chorioamnionitis

(5) Provides means for amnioinfusion as intervention for oligohydramnios or thick meconium-stained amniotic fluid

(6) Solid-tipped IUPC is easily zeroed/rezeroed to atmospheric pressure.

(7) Solid-tipped IUPC design avoids pressure artifacts that may be caused by a catheter containing air, that becomes kinked, or becomes lodged against the uterine wall, as may occur with fluid-filled IUPC.

(8) Can be used to calculate Montevideo units during oxytocin infusion

(9) Assists in interpretation of late versus variable decelerations

e. Limitations (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Moffatt & Feinstein, 2003; Simpson, 2008a)

(1) General

(2) Fluid-filled IUPC

(3) Solid-tipped IUPC


Parasympathetic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system


Chemoreceptors (Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009; O’Brien-Abel, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)


Hormonal influences

1. Catecholamines facilitate hemodynamic changes in response to hypoxemia and adaptational changes in neonate at birth (Lagercrantz & Slotkin, 1986; Parer, 1976, 1999).

2. Epinephrine increases FHR and blood flow to skeletal muscle.

3. Norepinephrine

4. Vasopressin

5. Renin-angiotension system


Baseline Fetal Heart Rate

The FHR BL is assessed by determining the mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 beats per minute (bpm) during a 10-minute window. Additionally, there needs to be 2 minutes of interpretable data to determine FHR BL. The 2 minutes do not necessarily have to be continguous—they may be 2 consecutive minutes or two 1-minute segments (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Macones et al, 2008; Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009; Simpson, 2008a; Tucker, Miller, & Miller, 2009). Normal FHR BL ranges from 110 to 160 bpm; it is assessed when mother has no uterine contraction and excludes accelerations, decelerations, and periods of marked variability (>25 bpm). If a FHR BL cannot be determined (i.e., not enough data to interpret, marked variability present so cannot determine BL, sinusoidal pattern, etc.), the BL is interpreted as “indeterminate” (Figure 12-1).

Tachycardia (FHR >160 bpm for ≥10 minutes)

1. History: possible causes (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009; Simpson, 2008a; Tucker et al, 2009)

a. Maternal causes

(1) Fever

(2) Infection

(3) Dehydration

(4) Hyperthermia

(5) Hyperthyroidism

(6) Endogenous adrenaline or anxiety

(7) Medication or drug response

(8) Illicit drugs (cocaine; methamphetamines)

(9) Anemia

(10) Nicotine, if inhaled (if inhaled by smoking, may increase the FHR; if absorbed through nicotine patch, may decrease FHR) (Lyndon et al, 2009; Muller, Antunes, Behle, Teixeira, & Zielinsky, 2002; Oncken et al, 1997; Oncken, Kranzler, O’Malley, Gendreau, & Campbell, 2002)

b. Fetal causes (Lyndon et al, 2009; Simpson, 2008a)

2. Physical findings (Figure 12-2)

3. Related physiology

4. Interventions—tachycardia

a. Monitor maternal vital signs, specifically temperature and pulse.

b. Increase or initiate hydration with intravenous fluids as needed.

c. Initiate interventions to decrease maternal temperature, if elevated (e.g., antipyretics).

d. Assess for possible tachyarrhythmias or dysrhythmias; administer appropriate medications to lower FHR (e.g., cardiac agents for SVT, tocolytic agents or discontinuation of uterine-stimulating agents to enhance placental blood flow).

e. Perform scalp stimulation for tachyarrhythmias or dysrhythmias.

f. Reduce anxiety, offer explanations, provide comfort measures, and assist with breathing and relaxation techniques (Simpson, 2009).

g. Change or maintain maternal position that optimizes uteroplacental perfusion (e.g., side lying, walking).

h. Administer oxygen (10 to 12 L/min via rebreather face mask) as needed.

i. Assess for use of illicit and legal drugs and alcohol.

j. If auscultating, intervene as needed and consider application of EFM to further assess FHR, variability, and periodic and episodic changes.

Bradycardia (FHR <110 bpm for ≥10 minutes) (Figure 12-3) (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009; Simpson, 2008a; Tucker et al, 2009)

1. History: possible causes

a. Maternal causes

b. Anesthetic agents (e.g., epidural, spinal, pudendal, paracervical)

c. Adrenergic-receptor blocking agents (e.g., propranolol)

d. Connective tissue disease (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus) (Hohn & Stanton, 2002; Tucker et al, 2009)

e. Prolonged maternal hypoglycemia

f. Conditions that cause acute maternal cardiopulmonary compromise (e.g., pulmonary embolus, anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy [formally amniotic fluid embolism], trauma, uterine rupture)

g. Fetal causes

2. Physical findings

a. FHR less than 110 bpm for duration of 10 minutes

b. Bradycardia accompanied by adequate variability may be normal (fetal dependent).

c. Prolonged deceleration resulting in change in FHR BL to bradycardia can be due to a sudden drop in oxygenation (as occurs with abruptio placentae), a decrease or occlusion in umbilical blood flow (cord prolapse or uterine rupture), or a decrease in uterine blood flow (significant maternal hypotension). This type of pattern can be indicative of fetal hypoxemia and may require immediate intervention (Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009).

d. Moderate variability less likely if FHR persists at rate less than 90 bpm for more than 10 minutes; if variability and accelerations present, is considered benign or reassuring and not associated with acidemia (Freeman, Garite, & Nageotte, 2003; Simpson, 2008a).

e. Bradycardia accompanied by loss of variability and late decelerations may indicate current or impending fetal hypoxia (NICHD, 1997).

3. Related physiology

a. Excessive parasympathetic nervous system tone

b. Rate of approximately 60 to 70 bpm in second trimester and 50 to 60 bpm at term without variability may indicate CCHB (Eronen, Heikkila, & Teramo, 2001).

c. Bradycardia may be related to maternal hypotension secondary to supine hypotension, hypovolemia, vasodilation following epidural anesthesia, or maternal catecholamine production.

d. The lower the FHR, the lower the fetal cardiac output (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Lyndon et al, 2009; Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009).

e. Bradycardia less than 60 bpm or associated with decreased variability requires immediate attention and collaborative management (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Lyndon et al, 2009; Nageotte & Gilstrap, 2009).

f. Rate must be differentiated from maternal rate (use real-time ultrasound or palpate maternal apical pulse and compare to FHR).

g. Rate must be differentiated from prolonged deceleration (prolonged deceleration duration is more than 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes; if deceleration is more than 10 minutes, bradycardia occurs).

4. Interventions—bradycardia


Variability is defined as “the fluctuations in the FHR over time” and “is present when there are irregular fluctuations in the baseline FHR (Lyndon et al, 2009, p. 109).“These fluctuations are irregular in amplitude and frequency and are visually quantitated as the amplitude of the peak-to-trough in beats per minute” (Curran & Torgersen, 2006, p. 156). The two branches of the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic and sympathetic) have opposite effects on the FHR. The parasympathetic nervous system slows the FHR, and the sympathetic nervous system speeds the FHR. This continual push-and-pull effect produces the moment-to-moment change in the FHR that is called variability. Variability is interpreted as a single combined term (NICHD, 1997); however, it is important to understand the different types of variability, specifically LTV and STV. These two types provide the visual tracing that is recorded on the EFM.

History of variability

1. Described as normal irregularity of cardiac rhythm

2. Influenced by fetal oxygenation status, cardiac output regulation, fetal behavior during fetal sleep-wake states, humoral regulation, and drug effects (Freeman et al, 2003; Martin, 1982; Parer, 1997). Also influenced by alcohol and illicit drugs that can cause fetal neurologic damage thus affecting variability: morphine (Kopecky et al, 2000), methadone (Anyaegbunam, Tran, Jadali, Randolph, & Mikhail, 1997), anomalies, and previous insults damaging the fetal brain (Wadhwa, Sandman, & Garite, 2001)

3. Impulse transmission to the FHR is influenced by CNS oxygenation.

4. Adequate oxygenation and a mature and functioning autonomic nervous system contribute to production of variability (Lyndon et al, 2009).

5. Minimal variability may be associated with preterm fetus (less than 28 to 32 weeks’ gestation), alteration in the function of the nervous system, inadequate oxygenation, or any combination (Lyndon et al, 2009).

6. Minimal variability without associated decelerations is almost always unrelated to fetal acidemia (Parer & Livingston, 1990).

7. Moderate variability, even in the presence of decelerations, has a 98% association with an umbilical pH >7.15 or an Apgar score ≥7 at 5 minutes (Parer, King, Flanders, Fox, & Kilpatrick, 2006).

8. NICHD nomenclature describes and communicates variability as one unit (versus LTV and STV); however, it is still important to understand the physiology of LTV and STV.

Sinusoidal pattern

1. Defined as “having a visually apparent, smooth, sine wave-line undulating pattern in FHR baseline with a cycle frequency of three to five per minute that persist for ≥20 minutes” (Macones et al, 2008, p. 662)

2. In the presence of a true sinusoidal pattern the BL rate is usually within 110 to 160 bpm, frequency of two to five cycles, and amplitude undulations 5 to 15 bpm above and below the baseline (Simpson, 2008b).

3. A sinusoidal-like pattern can be seen following the administration of some drugs (i.e., Stadol, Fentanyl) and will resolve once the drug has been excreted (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Simpson, 2008b). However, this pattern differs from the true sinusoidal pattern in that there are fewer and less uniform oscillations, periods of moderate variability and the presence of acceleration patterns (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Simpson, 2008b) (Figure 12-7).

4. Sinusoidal characteristics (Figure 12-8)

5. Interventions

Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

Fetal heart rate patterns are described as periodic (associated with uterine contractions) or episodic (not associated with uterine contractions) (Macones et al, 2008). Periodic and episodic patterns can be distinguished by the waveform, whether abrupt or gradual, and are described by the NICHD as such. Additionally, the FHR patterns can also be described as recurrent, repetitive or intermittent (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Macones et al, 2008). These terms are defined below:


Periodic patterns are FHR patterns that have a direct relation to uterine contractions. Periodic patterns include accelerations and early, variable, and late decelerations.


Probable causes

Physical findings (Figure 12-9)

1. Pattern characteristics (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Macones et al, 2008; NICHD, 1997; Parer & Ikeda, 2007; Simpson, 2008b)

a. Term fetus: visually abrupt FHR increase defined as from the onset of acceleration to the peak of the acceleration in <30 seconds; the peak must be ≥15 beats above the BL FHR and must last a minimum of ≥15 seconds from onset to return

b. Preterm fetus <32 weeks’ gestation: visually abrupt (from onset to peak in <30 seconds) FHR increase from the onset of acceleration to the peak of the acceleration in <30 seconds; the peak acceleration defined as ≥10 beats above the BL FHR for a duration of ≥10 seconds

c. Prolonged acceleration: acceleration (as described above) lasting ≥2 minutes but <10 minutes

d. Variability is usually present.

e. Accelerations are considered to be benign patterns, indicate fetal well-being (well oxygenated), and require no interventions.

f. Shoulders: physiologic increase in the FHR before or after a variable deceleration secondary to an occlusion of the umbilical vein; increase in rate generally <20 bpm and lasting <20 seconds (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Lyndon et al, 2009).

g. Overshoot: smooth, blunt, and prolonged acceleration following a late or variable deceleration; lasts more than 60 to 120 seconds with increase in rate 10 to 20 bpm; has no variability, no abruptness, and returns to BL FHR gradually; if repetitive with absent variability may require fetal intrauterine resuscitation (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Lyndon et al, 2009)

2. Clinical findings

Variable Decelerations

Probable causes

Physical findings

1. Pattern characteristics (Curran & Torgersen, 2006; Macones et al, 2008; NICHD, 1997; Parer & Ikeda, 2007; Simpson, 2008b)


1. Change maternal position to left or right lateral, upright, hands and knees, or knee-chest, whichever position relieves the FHR pattern.

2. Administer oxygen if variable decelerations are recurrent, BL FHR is increasing or decreasing, and variability is absent, or if overshoots are present; oxygen administered via rebreather face mask at 10 to 12 L/min.

3. Perform vaginal examination to assess for prolapsed cord or imminent delivery; if prolapsed cord, elevate fetal presenting part off of umbilical cord.

4. Perform amnioinfusion according to institutional protocol.

a. Increases cushion effect for the umbilical cord

b. Relieves or lessens variable decelerations when effective

c. Dilutes thick, particulate meconium, if it is present

d. Sample protocol (also refer to own institutional guidelines)

(1) Most protocols recommend initial bolus of 800 mL; follow bolus with maintenance infusion to replace lost amniotic fluid (ACOG, 2005; Simpson, 2009).

(2) Some protocols recommend titration of fluid bolus at 15 to 20 mL/min until deceleration resolves, followed by an additional 250 mL.

(3) Warming of solution is not required for full-term fetuses; appropriate for preterm or growth-restricted fetuses; keep temperature between 34° and 37° C (93° and 96° F) (Simpson, 2009).

(4) Infusion may be discontinued when variables are abolished, the meconium is diluted, 800 mL is infused, or the amniotic fluid index (AFI) is used to determine infusion amounts.

(5) Maintenance fluid is 120 to 180 mL/hr (Simpson, 2009).

(6) Amnioinfusion should reach therapeutic result or increase the AFI in approximately 30 minutes (ACOG, 2005; Snell, 1993).

(7) It is important to monitor maternal vital signs, FHR and variability, resolution of decelerations, and uterine tone.

e. Discontinue oxytocin or other uterotonics; obtain order for and administer tocolytics (terbutaline) if UA continues.

f. Assess for accelerations.

g. Perform scalp stimulation if baseline is normal range and decelerations are not recurrent. Do not perform scalp stimulation during deceleration.

h. Instruct mother to alter her breathing or pushing technique.

i. Communicate findings to primary care provider, and document events on the patient’s record.

(1) Note trends and recurrency of deceleration pattern.

(2) Recovery time: If slow, note the recovery time in seconds.

(3) Note BL rate and variability.

(4) Document in trends; use hospital-approved abbreviations (see examples in Box 12-1).

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