Fig. 15.1
T-1-weighted MRI with contrast demonstrating a ring-enhancing lesion suspicious for intracranial abscess

Fig. 15.2
T-1-weighted MRI with contrast revealing right-sided enhancement along the cortical surface of the brain with a hypointense (dark appearing) fluid collection representing a subdural empyema
15.1.5 Treatment Options
For brain abscesses, surgical treatment is determined based on clinical status, mass effect, location of the abscess, failure of lesions to improve with 1–2 weeks of antibiotic therapy, or the need to obtain organism for culture and susceptibilities. Surgical treatment consists of needle aspiration or excision. Medical management may be considered if treatment is begun early in the infection, improvement is seen with initiation of treatment, the lesions are smaller than 3 cm, or the abscess is located in an eloquent brain area.
For subdural empyemas and epidural abscesses, surgical treatment is indicated in most cases. But like brain abscesses, surgical drainage will depend on the size of the abscess and clinical status of the patient. The surgical therapy can range from simple burr holes to a large craniotomy, with possible conversion to a craniectomy if the bone flap is infected. In infants with subdural empyemas, medical management usually suffices, but in certain cases, transfontanel needle aspiration or burr holes are needed.
Antibiotic therapy should be started immediately upon determination of intracranial infection. Initial antibiotics for empiric therapy for all intracranial suppurative processes should include medications that cross the blood–brain barrier. Typically, vancomycin is used for gram-positive organisms, a third-generation cephalosporin for gram-negative organisms, and metronidazole for anaerobic coverage (Long et al. 2008). Clindamycin is increasingly being used for Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and anaerobic infections. However, clindamycin does not have any gram-negative coverage and does not cross the blood–brain barrier, so it would not be a treatment option with intracranial abscess.
Once the bacteria is cultured and identified, antibiotic therapy may be narrowed although caution should be used in narrowing antibiotic coverage too far as some intracranial abscess are polymicrobial in nature and certain organisms can be difficult to grow, particularly anaerobic organisms. Intravenous antibiotic therapy is usually needed for 6–8 weeks. Length of therapy will depend on the clinical course, organisms identified, and whether the patient underwent surgical drainage.
A distinctive form of posttraumatic brain abscess seen in children results from penetrating injuries to the orbital region, as well as other areas of the skull. These injuries are caused by such things as pencil tips, wooden sticks, wooden toys, and lawn darts. Treatment involves prompt surgical debridement. The use of prophylactic antibiotic therapy for penetrating brain injury to prevent meningitis or abscess depends on the degree of contamination and location. A broad-spectrum cephalosporin with good blood–brain barrier penetration with metronidazole would be recommended, or a carbapenem such as meropenem would give gram-positive, gram-negative, and anaerobic coverage. In general, prophylaxis should consist of a short course of therapy, typically 5–7 days. Prophylaxis will not totally eliminate the risk of infection, and a prolonged course of prophylaxis will only encourage infections with multidrug-resistant organism. With all penetrating trauma, tetanus status should be documented and vaccine updated as needed. Additionally depending on the location of the penetrating trauma, Pneumococcal vaccine should be considered particularly if the penetration involves the sinus region or CSF leak.
15.1.6 Nursing Care
Nursing care is focused on observation of the patient, with special attention paid to any change in the neurological exam. Serial exams will allow the nurse to distinguish any signs of deterioration which should be reported immediately. Age-appropriate neurological exam is key to the nursing care of these patients. Mental status, irritability, cranial nerve exam (especially pupil reactivity), motor and sensory testing, reflexes, as well as fever curves will help dictate care. Inspect incisions or wounds for increasing tenderness, erythema, drainage, and dehiscence. Ensure proper and timely delivery of antibiotics. Monitor fluid and electrolyte status closely, since this can change drastically with deleterious effects. Attempt to keep head of bed raised to at least 30° to help protect against elevated ICP, and provide a quiet environment that does not overstimulate the patient. Be sure all caregivers and visitors undergo thorough handwashing before and after visiting.
15.1.7 Patient and Family Education
Upon discharge to home, educate the patient and family to monitor for any type of change in neurological status. For infants, family should call the physician if they detect any change in alertness, difficulty in arousing, irritability, decreased feeding, bulging fontanels, seizures, or intractable vomiting. Also, the family should note fevers, and any temperature greater than 100.8F warrants a call to the physician. The patients should be kept away from sick contacts during their convalescence. Discharge instructions should cover wound care, activity, follow-up, and medications. Home health nursing care may be needed for long-term intravenous antibiotic therapy.
15.1.8 Outcome
The prognosis for survival and neurological morbidity depends on the patient’s level of consciousness at presentation, rapid onset, or rapid progression of disease (Long et al. 2008). Mortality rates range from 5 to 15 % (Long et al. 2008; Menon et al. 2008). Morbidity remains a problem, with patients experiencing seizures (10–30 %), hemiparesis (10–15 %), cranial nerve palsy (5–10 %), hydrocephalus (5–10 %), and behavioral or intellectual problems (Long et al. 2008). The younger population, especially those under 2 years of age, has a high risk of learning disability. Delayed diagnosis, immunocompromised host, abscess rupture into ventricular space, and fungal etiology are associated with worse outcomes (Bonfield et al. 2015):
Treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, as well as surgical intervention when indicated.
Time is essential because rapid intervention leads to improved outcome.
15.2 Neurocysticercosis
Cysticercosis is a common parasitic infection accounting for 50 million infections worldwide with the most common manifestation being neurocysticercosis, but extraneural infections can additionally be seen (Ndimubanzi et al. (2010)). Neurocysticercosis is a leading cause of seizures and epilepsy in developing countries (Leonard et al. 2006). It dates back to the time of ancient Greece, where it was known as the disease of the swine. Since the seventeenth century, it has been recognized as a disease which affects humans, and only since the second half of the nineteenth century has this pathogen been studied and understood. It is one of the few conditions included in a list of potentially eradicable infectious disease of public health concern, but it still remains a problem in our world today (Garcia and Del Brutto 2005).
15.2.1 Etiology
Worldwide distribution is higher in areas with poor sanitation. Neurocysticercosis is highly endemic in Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Asia. Hispanic race has more prevalence of neurocysticercosis due to countries of origin. Neurocysticercosis is the leading cause of foodborne disease and it is estimated by the World Health Organization estimates that 50 million people are infected with 2.8 million disability-adjusted life years worldwide. Because immigration rates have continued to increase in the United States along with increasing international adoption, the incidence of this disease is on the rise in the United States. Neurocysticercosis is currently one of the most common parasitic diseases of the central nervous system in the United States and a leading cause of epilepsy among Hispanic children living in US metropolitan areas along the Mexican border (Gershon et al. 2004).
Taenia solium is the parasite responsible for neurocysticercosis. Parasite infections result when the adult pork tapeworm ingestion occurs from eating undercooked pork contaminated with the organism called Taenia solium (Leonard et al. 2006; Ndimubanzi et al. 2010). The pig is the intermediate host, where ingested larvae cysts embed themselves in the pig’s muscle. Transmission can occur by ingesting eggs of the pork tapeworm or via the fecal-oral route (Wallin and Kurtzke 2004).
Incubation period from time of infection to presenting symptoms can be years. This has nursing implications as many born in developing countries do not know they are infected and can present with symptoms once settled in the United States (Wallin and Kurtzke 2004). Due to the long incubation period, age does not seem to predispose a person, although it is rare to see a child under the age of 2 years diagnosed with neurocysticercosis.
15.2.2 Pathophysiology
Upon reaching the human GI tract, the egg’s thin outer membrane will dissolve, releasing the inner oncosphere or larvae. Oncospheres are released into the intestines and then migrate through the blood and lymphatic system before being distributed into tissues where they form cysts (Wallin and Kurtzke 2004). The oncospheres readily cross the intestinal lining but are usually destroyed by the immune system. They will escape the defenses of the host if they reach immunologically privileged sites, such as the central nervous system or eyes. In the CNS, the larvae tend to lodge in the small arterioles at the gray-white interface of the cerebral hemispheres and at the leptomeninges (Albright et al. 1999; Choux et al. 1999). However, the larvae can invade any part of the central nervous system, and once they invade, they will each mature into a cysticercus with a life span of approximately 18 months. The cysticercus is characterized by a head, body, four suckers, and some 20 pairs of hooks arranged as a crown (Choux et al. 1999).
The immunological response to the cysticercus lays the foundation for what is known as neurocysticercosis and manifests pathological changes like gliosis, necrosis, vasculitis, blockage of CSF drainage, meningitis, intracranial hypertension, and demyelination. Specifically with neurocysticercosis, the cysts form in the central nervous system. The types of infestation can be categorized according to location. These are parenchymal, meningeal, intraventricular, spinal, or mixed. Even once the cysticercus has died, inflammatory reactions can continue to occur for years (Fig. 15.3).

Fig. 15.3
T-2-weighted MRI showing a cystic lesion in the right parietal lobe with a nodule on the inferior aspect which represents the larvae of Taenia solium
15.2.3 Presenting Symptoms
The most common presenting symptoms are seizures, headache, and intracranial hypertension. Parenchymal forms manifest as convulsive disorders, motor or sensory deficit, or deterioration of consciousness. Meningeal involvement presents with photophobia, headache, nausea, vomiting, nuchal rigidity, and cranial nerve palsies (particularly II, V, VI, VII). Intraventricular infestation may manifest as intermittent acute hydrocephalus, which may result in loss of consciousness with position changes as the cyst blocks the flow of spinal fluid. Hydrocephalus with increased intracranial pressure is associated with a higher mortality rate. Spinal involvement has not been documented in children but presents in adults as motor or sensory deficit, with a combination of upper and lower motor neuron pathology.
15.2.4 Diagnostic Tests
Diagnosing is made with neuroimaging with CT or MRI (Saenz et al. 2006). Imaging can reveal active cysts with or without calcified granulomas that represent nonviable cysts. In active disease, a ring-enhancing cyst is noted on CT or MRI, which may have surrounding edema. On these images, the larvae can sometimes be seen within the walls of the cyst (Fig. 12.3).
Confirmation can be obtained on serum and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) with the enzyme-linked immunotransfer blot (EITB) assay that is used to detect the antibody to T. solium (Mody et al. 2005). This type of testing has a sensitivity of 98 % and specificity of 100 %, but in patients with only a single brain lesion, up to 30 % test negative (Garcia et al. 1991; Richards and Schantz 1991). CSF enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies or antigens to T. solium is also available and has a sensitivity of 87 % and specificity of 95 % (Rosas et al. 1986).
15.2.5 Treatment Options
Treatment is controversial and is based on the number of viable cysts seen on imaging. Symptomatic management is a mainstay with seizure control and reducing intracranial pressure a priority. Treatment with antiparasitic drugs can cause an inflammatory host response, and, therefore, if antiparasitic therapy is initiated, it should be done in combination with steroid therapy (Marconi et al. 2006). Antiparasitic agents that are used for treatment include albendazole (15 mg/kg/day) and praziquantel (50–100 mg/kg/day) and should only be considered when multiple viable cysts are seen (Sotelo 2004). The risks and benefits must be weighed before initiation of therapy. Patients without evidence of active disease, as evident by only calcified granulomas, do not require treatment and should receive supportive care with anticonvulsant therapy. In cases of encephalitis and intracranial hypertension, antiparasitic therapy is contraindicated because treatment may cause exacerbation of cerebral swelling and edema, leading to herniation and death (Gershon et al. 2004). Other medical management focuses on antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), steroids, analgesics, and osmotic agents. As stated, steroids have a significant role with the initiation of antiparasitic therapy, since the destruction of the cysticerci may lead to significant and devastating inflammatory responses, resulting in increased intracranial pressure and even death.
Surgical therapy is indicated for the removal of space-occupying lesions causing significant mass effect and for the removal of seizure foci that are refractory to AEDs. Endoscopic removal is an option for ventricular lesions, and CSF diversion is often needed to treat communicating or obstructive hydrocephalus. In the case of obstructive hydrocephalus due to intraventricular neurocysticercosis, an attempt should be made to remove the lesion before shunting.
15.2.6 Nursing Care
Nursing care is essential during the administration of antiparasitic agents. Analgesics will play a major role, since many will experience headaches during antiparasitic therapy. One must also be on guard for signs of increased intracranial pressure, such as lethargy, vomiting, increasing headache, and unresponsiveness. Steroid administration should be initiated prior to antiparasitic therapy. Seizure precautions should be enforced to protect the child from injury.
15.2.7 Patient and Family Education
Neurocysticercosis can cause rapid deterioration, which can ultimately result in death. During discharge education, this needs to be emphasized, and the family should be instructed to seek immediate medical attention for any change in neurological status. Education should also focus on medications, since the child may be discharged on an AED, an antiparasitic agent or steroids.
Since a large proportion of pediatric patients inflicted with neurocysticercosis may be of Hispanic descent or from a part of the world other than the United States, an interpreter may be needed to help overcome the communication barrier. In addition, cultural issues may need to be addressed, and special help may be sought from the hospital or community to help bridge any gaps. The family members should be screened for disease, especially if the family comes from an endemic part of the world. Also, the patient and family should be taught how the disease is transmitted. Education should focus on frequent handwashing and sanitary handling of food. If the family and patient plan to travel to endemic areas or areas with poor sanitation, caution should be undertaken in the consumption of foods from unsanitary restaurants or street vendors.
15.2.8 Outcome
Morbidity and mortality are based on whether the disease process is complicated or not. Most cysts are benign and resolve in 2–3 months. Children with a single cyst that can be controlled symptomatically have a favorable prognosis. If neurocysticercosis is treated properly, a cure rate of 90 % can be achieved in children. The real cure will not come from the treatment of the disease but only with the eradication of the parasite. Complications include increased intracranial pressure and difficulty controlling seizures, resulting in hydrocephalus, papilledema, and headaches; therefore, symptomatic management is crucial. Although complications are on the rare end of the spectrum, prognosis is less favorable when they are present.

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