

b indicates boxes, f indicates illustrations, and t indicates tables.



to avoid, 420t

commonly used, 421

dangerous, 420

do not use list of, 420t

ABO incompatibility, 258–259

Abortion, 44, 250–252

classification of, 250–251

elective, 363

management of, 250–251

spontaneous, 251f

management of, 252t

types of, 252t

Abruptio placentae, 256–257
See also Placenta

assessment of, 256–257

complications of, 256

management of, 256–257

placenta previa v., 256t

preeclampsia and, 260

types of, 257, 257f

Abstinence, 373

Acceleration, 123

Acceptance, grief stage of, 276

Accessory glands, 26

ACHES, 381b

Acini, 22

Acme, 97

Acquired conditions in newborn, 320–341
See also specific conditions

common, 324–332

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 401t

Acrocyanosis, 140, 171t

Acupressure, 409

contraindications to, 409

definition of, 409

goals of, 409

performing, 409

side effects of, possible, 409

Acupuncture, 409–410

contraindications to, 410

definition of, 409–410

goals of, 410

performing, 410

side effects of, possible, 410

Admission assessments, pharmacologic pain management and, 157b

See also Pregnant adolescents

community influences on behavior of, 356t

confidentiality and, 358

contraception and, 362

date rape prevention and, 358b

development, 355–357

early adolescence, 356

fathers, 359–360

interviewing, 363b

during labor, care of, 360

late adolescence, 356–357

legal considerations for, 362b

middle adolescence, 356

nurse as counselor for, 364b

as obstetric patient, 355–363

parenting, 357t, 360–361

problems, coping with, 364t

sexual activity in, 357t

STIs in, 361–362

teaching sessions for, 363b

UTIs in, 361–362

Adverse drug event (ADE), 7

Advice telephone lines, 365

Afebrile, 232

African American cultural beliefs, 12t

labor and delivery, 108t

Afterpains, 228

Age of viability, 37

Allopathic care, 407

Alpha-fetoprotein test (AFP), 67t

Alternative health care practices, 14, 365

Alternative therapies, 14, 407
See also Complementary and alternative medicine

Alveoli, 22

Ambulation, postpartum, 240

Amenorrhea, 393

American Indian cultural considerations, for labor and delivery, 108t

Amniocentesis, 64, 67t, 69f

Amnioinfusion, 127–128, 294

oligohydramnios, 294

Amnion, 32–33

Amniotic cavity, 32

Amniotic fluid, 32–33

embolism, 346

functions of, 32–33, 33b

hydramnios, 32–33, 293–294

monitoring status of, 127

oligohydramnios, 32–33, 294

testing for

purpose of, 128

steps in, 128

Amniotic fluid index (AFI), 67t

Amniotomy, 290

Analgesia, 152

BP, maternal and, 157b

pregnancy and, physiology of, 151–155

Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy, 346

Android, 21–22, 22f
See also Pelvis


folic acid deficiency, 267

iron deficiency, 267

sickle cell, 267–268

Anemia in pregnancy, 266–268

Anesthesia, 153–155, 153t

general, 155

headaches with, 155

perineal topical application of, 241

pregnancy and, physiology of, 151–155

regional, 153–155, 154f

nurse’s role in, 155

side effects of, 155

toxicity with, 155

Anger, grief stage of, 276

Antepartum care, adolescent, 360

Anterior position, fetal, 93

Anthropoid, 21–22, 22f
See also Pelvis

Antibiotics contraindicated in pregnancy, 273b

Aortocaval compression, 151

Apgar score, 140, 140t

Apnea monitoring, 368


newborn’s general, 167–168

during pregnancy, 55

SGA and physical, 304

Appropriate for gestational age (AGA), 303
See also Gestational age


Arabic, glossary of symptoms in, 425–427

Arabic cultural considerations, for labor and delivery, 108t

Armenian, glossary of symptoms in, 425–427

Aromatherapy, 317, 410–411

contraindications to, 410, 410t

definition of, 410

goals of, 410

performing, 410

side effects of, possible, 411

Artificial insemination, 386

Artificial rupture of membranes (AROM), 290

Asian cultural beliefs, 12t

Assisted reproductive technology (ART)

legal/ethical factors in, 385

procedures, 385–386

Assisted vaginal delivery, 292–293

forceps-assisted birth, 292, 292f

vacuum extraction, 292–293, 293f

See also Parent-newborn bonding

high-risk pregnancy and delayed, 250

postpartum development of, 241–243

Augmentation of labor, 289–291

oxytocin, 290–291

Automated drug-dispensing unit (ADU), 7

Autosomes, 29–30

Awake state, of newborn, 179t


Babinski’s reflex, 180t

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), 273–274, 401t

Bacteriuria, 272

assessment of, 272–273

management of, 272–273

Bar code medication administration (BCMA), 7

Bargaining, grief stage of, 276

Basal body temperature (BTT), 373


of newborn, 192–194

purpose of, 193

steps for, 193

during pregnancy, 66–69

Betamethasone, 282t

Billings method, 373

Biofeedback, 411

contraindications to, 411

definition of, 411

goals of, 411

performing, 411

side effects of, possible, 411

Biophysical profile (BPP), 67t

Bioterrorism exposure during pregnancy, 275, 275t


cleansing of perineum before

purpose of, 134

steps for, 134

complications of, 280–300

cultural beliefs and, 12t

determining date of, 44

impending, 133b

signs of, 133b

infection prevention/control in, 129b

loss of expected birth experience, 275–276

nursing responsibilities during, 138b

physical care during, 129–132

nurse’s role in, 129

process of

passenger and, 92–95

pelvis and, 92

powers and, 95–98

psyche and, 98

variables in, 92–98

provision of care during, 133–138

psychological support during, 129–132

nurse’s role in, 129

water, 132, 133f, 133t

Birth centers, 2

when to go to, 110–113

Birth certificates, 187

Birth defects, 320

blood, 321

chromosomal disorders, 321–322

classification of, 321b

examples of, 321b

malformation, 321

metabolic, 321, 322–324

perinatal injury, 321

Birth rate, 7

statistics, 5, 6t

Birth settings, 2, 106–107

birth centers, 2

freestanding centers, 107

home birth, 2, 107

in-hospital birthing rooms, 107, 107f

LDR room, 2

Birth weight, gestational age and, 304–313, 305f, 306f

Bishop score, 290, 290t


distended, signs of, 232b

postpartum changes in, 232

Blastocyst, 31

Bleeding disorders, pregnancy, 250–259

care of, 257b

early, 250–254

late, 254–259

nursing interventions for, 251–252

Blink (reflex), 180t


coagulation, postpartum, 231

disorders, 321

incompatibility, 258–259

Rh, 258, 258f

labor and changes in, 103t

patch, 155, 155f

Blood pressure (BP)

maternal, analgesia and, 157b

newborn, 169–170

postpartum, 232

in pregnancy, measuring

purpose of, 262

steps in, 262

prenatal visits and, 64

Blood values

postpartum, 231

pregnancy, 52t

Bloody show, 98

Body image, pregnancy and, 55

Bonding, with newborn
See also Parent-newborn bonding

partner, 241–242

sibling, 191, 191f

Bottle feeding, 219f

advantages/disadvantages of, 204–205, 205t

burping after, 221

frequency of, 221–222

nursing caries and, avoiding, 222

positioning for, 221

for preterm newborn, 313, 313b

safety tips for, 219b

techniques for, teaching, 221–222

purpose of, 221

steps in, 221

Brachystasis, 96

Bradycardia, 168, 232

Braxton Hicks contractions, 50, 98–99

Brazilian cultural considerations, for labor and delivery, 108t

Breast(s), 22–23, 25f

breastfeeding and preparing, 208

breastfeeding and removal from, 211, 213f

cancer in, 397–398

disorders of, benign, 395

engorgement of, 206–207, 215–216, 233

lobes, 22

lobules, 22

during pregnancy, 22–23

pregnancy and care of, 78

pregnancy-related changes in, 50

self-examination of, 395–396

purpose of, 396

steps in, 396

Breast milk, 207–208

formula v., 207t

freezing, 215

pumping, 214, 214f

storing, 215

transitional, 207

Breast pumps/pumping, 214, 214f

tips for, 214b

use of, 214

Breastfeeding, 208–216, 212t

advantages/disadvantages of, 204–205, 205t

CAM during, 216

classes, 86

contraception and, 381

contraindications for, 216

delayed feedings, 214, 214f

frequency/length of feedings, 208–209

hand position for, 209–210, 210f

home care for, 368–369

immunizations and, 216

infectious disease and, 216

initiating, 211

legislation for, 205–206

maternal illness and, 216

multiple births and, 213–214

nipple soreness and, 215

nursing care plan for, 217b

positioning for, 209, 209f

preparing breasts for, 208

preterm birth and, 214

for preterm newborn, 313

removal from breast and, 211, 213f

special situations for, 213–216

sucking patterns, 210–211

supplemental feedings and, 214–215

techniques for

evaluating, 212–213

purpose of, 211

steps in, 211

teaching, 209–213, 213t

weaning from, 216

See also Respiratory system

labor and, 86–87

modified paced, 87, 87f


onset of, 160

preparatory events for, 160

paced, 86, 87f

second-stage, 87

slow paced, 87, 87f

Breathing techniques, 86, 86b, 150

during childbirth, 84

first-stage breathing, 87, 87f

second-stage breathing, 87

Breech presentation, 92–93, 287, 287f
See also Fetal presentation

mechanism of labor in, 288f

Broad ligaments, 19

Bromocriptine (Parlodel), 386t

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 314

Brow fetal presentation, 287

Brown adipose tissue (BAT), 167, 167f

Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands), 26

Burping, 214f

bottle feeding and, 221

breastfeeding and, 211

Butorphanol (Stadol), 152


Calendar method, 374


cultural considerations, labor and delivery, 108t

glossary of symptoms in, 425–427


breast, 397–398

adjuvant therapy for, 397–398

discharge planning after surgery for, 398b

nursing care for, 397–398

risk factors for, 397–398

self-examination for, 395–396

surgical procedures for, 397, 397b

treatment of, 397–398

mammography, 397

Pap test for, 395

screening tests for detecting, 395–397

vulvar self-examination for, 395

Candidiasis, 401t

Caput chignon, 292–293, 293f

Caput succedaneum, 170, 173f

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

newborn, 198

for pregnant women

purpose of, 267

steps in, 267

Cardiorespiratory support, for newborn, 139–140, 139f

Cardiovascular system

disorders of, in pregnancy, 259–268

labor and changes in, 103t

postpartum changes in, 230–232

pregnancy-related changes in, 50–51, 51t

Carpal tunnel syndrome, 53

Cavernous bodies, 23

Cell division

gametogenesis and, 30

meiosis, 30

mitosis, 30

Celsius, conversion tables for, 428t

Central American cultural considerations, for labor and delivery, 108t

Cephalhematoma, 170, 173f

Cephalic presentation, 92–93
See also Fetal presentation

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD), 285, 286

Certified nurse-midwives (CNMs), 3

Cervical cap, 376–378

Cervical cerclage, 252–253

Cervical mucus method, 373

Cervical ripening, 290

nonpharmacologic methods for, 290

pharmacologic methods for, 290

Cervix, 19

change in, 99

dilation of, 96, 97f

effacement of, 96, 97f

incompetent, 252–253

pregnancy-related changes in, 50

uterine contraction effects on, 96

Cesarean birth, 295–300

complications of, 296

on demand, 296

diabetes mellitus and, maternal, 270

indications for, 296, 296b

nursing care for, 297–300

newborn care, 297

postoperative, 297–300

preoperative, 297, 298f

summary of, 299b

preparation for, 296–297

risk of, 296

surgical techniques for, 296, 297f

Chemical predictor test, 374

Chemical stimulus, breathing onset in newborn, 160

Chest circumference of newborn, 189, 190

Child development, tasks of parent and, 56, 57t

Childbirth education, 84–87

prenatal classes and, types of, 86b

Childbirth preparation classes, 86


cultural considerations for, labor and delivery, 108t

glossary of symptoms in, 425–427

Chlamydia, 401t

Chloasma, 53–54

Chorioamnionitis, 284

Chorion, 32–33

Chorionic villi, 31

sampling of, 67t

Chromosomal disorders, 321–322

Down syndrome, 321–322

Chromosomes, 29–30, 30f

Chronic hypertensive disease, 263–265

postpartum management of, 265

with superimposed preeclampsia, 265


embryonic, 35

fetal, 35, 36f, 36t

newborn, 160–162, 163t

closing down fetal structures and, 161–162, 161f

emergency equipment needed for, 161b

preterm, 310

persistent fetal, 335

Circulatory shunts, fetal, 35–36

Circumcision, 197–198, 197f

home care of, 198b

pain relief during, 197b

Cleansing breath, 86, 87f

Cleft lip and palate, 325t

Climacteric, 393

Clindamycin, 273–274

Clinical pathways, 3–4

Clitoris, 17

Clomid, See Clomiphene citrate

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid), 386t

Clothing, during pregnancy, 77–78

Clubfoot, 325t

Coaxial technique, 154

Cognitive stimulation, 150

Coitus interruptus, 381

Cold foods, 81b

Cold stress, 162, 165f

Collaborative care, 3

pregnancy and, 62

Colostrum, 50, 207

Communication, 8

SBAR and, 8


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