


  • Before teaching, assess family member’s readiness to learn and barriers that would affect teaching, including communication barriers and cultural beliefs and practices.

  • Obtain child’s immunization record from family member or Statewide IIS. If child does not already have an immunization record, provide one to the family.

  • Provide the family with verbal and written information about the vaccines to be administered i.e., VISs, along with other vaccine education materials that apply.

  • Teach the family about the recommended immunization schedule necessary for children and the rationale for administration, routes of administration, immunizations required for school entry, possible adverse reactions, and side effects.

  • Assess the child’s previous vaccine history.

  • Assess the child’s allergy history, including latex allergy.

  • Assess the child for the presence of fever and illness symptoms, and pregnancy in postpubertal females; assess the immunocompromised status of child and family.

  • Obtain informed consent from the parent or legal guardian to administer the immunization.

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Immunizations

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