Hemodynamic Monitoring Maintenance: Arterial Pressure

Hemodynamic Monitoring Maintenance: Arterial Pressure


  • Assess the cognitive level, readiness, and ability to process information of the child and family.

  • In collaboration with other healthcare team members, identify and discuss the risks and benefits of monitoring with the family.

  • Assess for signs of fluid deficit (i.e., sunken fontanel, lethargy, poor skin turgor, tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, dark and sunken orbits, and decreased urine output).

  • Assess for signs of fluid overload (i.e., wet and congested breath sounds, bulging fontanel, fluid intake greater than output, excessive weight gain, and dependent edema).

  • Assess the child’s need for sedation and pain management.

  • Instruct the child and family about the possibility of the use of restraints, sedation, or a limb-immobilization device.

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Hemodynamic Monitoring Maintenance: Arterial Pressure

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