Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation


Over the past 20 years, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has evolved from an experimental treatment for patients with advanced acute leukemia to a therapeutically effective modality that is now standard therapy for selected diseases. HSCT, which is known to be curative in several malignant and nonmalignant disorders, is a transplant of hematopoietic stem cells at various stages of differentiation and maturation.

Astute nursing care of transplant recipients is essential to prevent treatment-related complications and death. Even when a patient is cured of the original disease, he or she may have delayed and long-term complications that can shorten or negatively affect the quality of his or her remaining life. These complications include infections, thyroid dysfunction, pulmonary complications, cataracts, and the development of second malignancies. Allogeneic HSCT recipients may also have chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). In general, autologous transplantation has fewer long-term complications, largely because no GVHD is associated with autologous transplantation.

Advances in histocompatibility matching, safer preparative regimens, improvements in stem cell collection and cryopreservation techniques, and the development of pharmacological agents to accelerate the recovery of hematopoiesis, manage bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, and prevent and treat acute and chronic GVHD after transplant have contributed to the success of HSCT. This chapter reviews the principles of caring for patients undergoing autologous or allogeneic HSCT.

Types of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

The various types of HSCTs can be differentiated in terms of the hematopoietic stem cell donor, the method used to collect the cells, and the intensity of the conditioning regimen. Each type of HSCT has relative advantages and disadvantages, as summarized in the table below. In an autologous stem cell transplant, the patient serves as his or her own donor of stem cells, whereas for an allogeneic transplant the donor is either related (typically a sibling) or unrelated. If an identical twin donor is available, the transplant is termed a syngeneic transplant. The source of the stem cells may be the peripheral blood stream (peripheral blood stem cell transplant), or the cells may be collected directly from the bone marrow spaces (bone marrow transplant) or from a placenta (cord blood transplant). Transplants can also be differentiated on the basis of the intensity of the conditioning regimen. A myeloablative transplant provides high doses of radiation or chemotherapy to treat the underlying malignancy and ablate the bone marrow, thereby causing myelosuppression that would be irreversible without stem cell support. A reduced-intensity transplant delivers lower doses of radiation or chemotherapy, typically causing less severe myelosuppression and less nonhematologic toxicity.

Comparison of Techniques for Harvesting Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Technique Advantages/Disadvantages
Bone marrow harvest
Peripheral blood stem cells
Cord blood

Indications for and Outcomes of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

HSCT represents an important advance in restoring hematopoietic function in patients whose bone marrow has been destroyed by radiation or high-dose chemotherapy to treat an underlying malignancy. Many factors influence the indications for and patient eligibility for transplantation. HSCT is used when bone marrow is defective or destroyed by a disease process or as a result of treating an underlying disease. The box below lists the diseases for which adults are currently treated with autologous or allogeneic HSCT.

Factors that may affect the outcomes of HSCT include the type and stage of disease at the time of transplantation, the type of transplant (allogeneic versus autologous), the degree of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching in allogeneic transplants, the intensity of the conditioning regimen, the ages of both the donor and the recipient, and the experience of the transplantation center. In general, the transplant-related mortality risk in allogeneic HSCT is about 20% to 30% higher than in autologous HSCT. At most transplant centers, the transplant-related mortality rate in autologous HSCT is less than 5%.

Disease-free survival at 5 years after HSCT varies substantially, depending on the age of the recipient, the underlying disease, disease status at the time of transplantation, the type of HSCT procedure, and the extent of prior treatment. Depending on these factors, disease-free survival can range from 10% to 75% (Baron & Storb, 2007; Brunstein, Baker, & Wagner, 2007; Chantry et al., 2006; Koreth et al., 2007; Nademanee & Forman, 2006; Tabbara et al., 2002; Yakoub-Agha et al., 2006).


Pretransplant Evaluation of the Recipient and Donor

The pretransplant evaluation of the recipient includes physical and psychosocial evaluation, an evaluation of the adequacy of insurance coverage, and family support and education about the transplant process to permit informed consent for the procedure. Evaluation before final selection of a donor includes confirmatory high-resolution tissue typing, an assessment of viral serology, and an evaluation of overall health. The components of the evaluation of recipient and donor are summarized in the box on page 144.

In selecting an individual to serve as an allogeneic HSCT donor, histocompatibility testing (tissue typing) is performed to evaluate the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match between antigens of the donor and that of the recipient. A person’s tissue type is coded by genes of the major histocompatibility complex. These genes contain information for cell surface antigens that differentiate self from nonself. The major histocompatibility complex involved in the immune response include class I antigens (A, B) and class II, the DR antigens. Each person has two A-, B-, and DR-locus antigens that are inherited as a haplotype (i.e., a single unit) from each parent. Many possible antigens may occur at each locus, resulting in a large number of HLA combinations. The higher the number of antigens that match, the higher the likelihood of compatibility, and the lower the risk of acute and chronic GVHD and graft rejection.

Selection of a donor for HSCT is based on the type and stage of the underlying disease, donor and recipient age, and comorbidities, together with HLA- and mixed leukocyte culture (MLC)-matched donor. MLC is performed to observe for interaction between the potential donor’s cells and recipient cells. Low reactivity indicates greater compatibility. A related donor is usually a sibling (siblings have the greatest chance of matching on both HLA and on other minor and as yet unrecognized antigens). If more than one donor is HLA identical to the patient, donor selection is based on sex, ABO compatibility, negative viral titers, younger donor age, and donor nulliparity because all these factors are associated with an improved outcome of HSCT (Confer & Miller, 2007). Into the future, there is a potential role for non-HLA genetics in donor selection, based on the insights into the immunobiology of HSCT complications provided by genotyping for non-HLA genes (Dickinson, 2007).

If the patient does not have a suitable family donor, a search for an unrelated donor may be undertaken. The National Marrow Donor Program, a donor registry developed in 1986, allows patients without a related donor to find an HLA-matched unrelated donor. Umbilical cord blood is another potential stem cell source, particularly in pediatric allogeneic transplantation.

Mismatch in ABO blood group between patient and donor does not preclude successful HSCT. Depending on the direction of the incompatibility (major versus minor incompatibility), the hematopoietic stem cell product may have to be depleted of RBCs to prevent a hemolytic reaction caused by ABO antibodies still circulating in the patient’s bloodstream. After engraftment and approximately 100 days after transplantation, the recipient of an ABO-mismatched transplant will seroconvert to the ABO type of the donor.

Pretransplant Evaluation of Recipient and Donor


Pretreatment testing and evaluation of the patient undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation includes the following:

History of current illness, including presenting signs and symptoms; previous therapies; initial diagnosis; pathology and staging; complications; relapses or progressions; current disease status; transfusion history

Medical history, including major illnesses, chronic illnesses, recurring illnesses, surgical history, childhood illnesses, and infectious disease exposure. For women, the medical history should also include menarche, onset of menopause or date of last menstrual period, pregnancies, and outcomes.

Current medications


Social and family history

Performance status

Current laboratory studies, including liver function tests, renal function, and complete blood cell count (CBC)

Infectious disease serologies, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C, cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV)-1, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), toxoplasma titer, and ABO and Rh typing

Human leukocyte antigen typing and deoxyribonucleic acid procurement for future engraftment studies (allogeneic transplant recipients)

Chest x-ray film


Multiple gated acquisition (MUGA) scan

Pulmonary function tests, including single-breath diffusing capacity

24-Hour urine for creatinine clearance

Computed tomography (CT) of chest and sinuses periodically for surveillance and if there are symptoms or a history of repeated infections

Disease restaging, including radiographic studies (computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine studies), bone marrow aspirate and biopsy, cytogenetics, molecular diagnostics, and measures of minimal residual disease

Dental evaluation, including full-mouth x-rays and cleaning

Sperm/fertilized embryo banking

Autologous stem cell backup if undergoing unrelated or mismatched transplantation

Informed consent for treatment, transfusion support, clinical trials

Nutritional evaluation, if appropriate

Consultations with radiation therapy, infectious disease, pulmonary, cardiology, or renal services, if clinically indicated

Financial screening

Psychosocial evaluation

Stem Cell Harvesting, Mobilization, and Collection

Stem cells are most numerous in the bone marrow spaces, and some circulate in the peripheral blood. The process of harvesting and collecting hematopoietic stem cells differs depending on the type of transplant. Progenitor cells may be obtained through a bone marrow harvest or collected through the peripheral blood. Immediately after delivery, hematopoietic stem cells may also be collected from the placental cord and cryopreserved for subsequent use.

When stem cells are obtained from the donor’s bone marrow, the harvesting procedure is performed in the operating room under spinal or general anesthesia. Multiple aspirations are obtained from each posterior iliac crest with large-bore needles until a total of 2 to 3 × 108 nucleated cells per kilogram of recipient’s body weight is obtained. The total volume of aspirate is 1 to 2 L. The marrow is placed in a heparinized tissue culture medium and filtered for the removal of fat and bone particles, and the cells are taken directly to the recipient’s room for infusion or cryopreserved for subsequent infusion. The bone marrow harvest procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours, and the donor is often hospitalized overnight for observation. The harvest sites may be mildly uncomfortable for 2 to 7 days after the procedure.

Hematopoietic stem cells may also be collected from the peripheral blood. However, because stem cells are not abundant in the peripheral blood, chemotherapy (for autologous transplant recipients who are providing their own stem cells for subsequent administration) or colony-stimulating factors (for healthy donors providing an allogeneic stem cell transplant product) (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF] or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor [GM-CSF]) must be given before collection to drive progenitor cells into the peripheral circulation. This process is termed mobilization or priming. The chemotherapy that patients undergoing an autologous stem cell transplant receive for stem cell mobilization is also useful for tumor reduction. For both related and unrelated donors, colony-stimulating factors (CSF) alone are used to increase the number of stem cells in the peripheral blood. Protocols vary, but G-CSF or GM-CSF is given by a subcutaneous injection daily. Stem cell collections begin after 4 or 5 days of CSF injections.

Hematopoietic progenitor cells are collected from the peripheral blood by a method called leukapheresis. A commercial cell separator machine collects the progenitor cells and returns the remainder of the plasma and cellular components to the bloodstream. This is performed either through wide-bore double-lumen central catheters or large-bore antecubital angiocath intravenous catheters. The procedure takes approximately 3 to 4 hours, and the number of leukapheresis procedures required is determined by the number of stem cells harvested at each session. The goal is to collect 5 × 106 CD34-positive cells per kilogram of recipient body weight. The CD34-positive antigen is an antigen expressed on the surface of early progenitor cells.

During and immediately after apheresis and stem cell collection, the donor may have a transient hypocalcemia reaction with chills, fatigue, tingling in the lips and extremities, and vertigo resulting from the citrate infusion, which is used to prevent clotting of the blood during the procedure. The symptoms can be prevented or treated by taking an oral calcium carbonate supplement, such as Tums.

Conditioning Therapy/Preparative Regimen

A conditioning therapy or preparative regimen including total body irradiation or chemotherapy is administered for several days before stem cell infusion; it is designed to prepare the recipient to receive the transplanted stem cells. The goals of the conditioning regimen depends in part on whether the transplant is autologous or allogeneic and on the nature of the patient’s underlying disease. In allogeneic transplantation, the purpose of conditioning is to eradicate any malignant disease, eliminate the bone marrow to create a space for the new donor stem cells, and provide sufficient immunosuppression to allow engraftment of the transplanted stem cells. In autologous transplantation, immunosuppression is not required because the patient is the source of the hematopoietic stem cells. However, intensive therapy is still needed to eradicate the underlying malignant disease.

The rationale for selecting the agents that are included in the preparative regimen is based on the hypothesis that increasing the total dose or dose rate will kill more tumor cells, resulting in improved response and survival rates. Typically, drugs with different (i.e., nonoverlapping) nonhematologic dose-limiting toxicities are combined in maximal doses. Alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, carboplatin, busulfan, thiotepa, cisplatin, melphalan, carmustine), etoposide, cytarabine, and sometimes total-body irradiation are used to destroy the bone marrow and eradicate disease. The regimen is administered over 2 to 8 days. The individual drugs that may be used in combination as part of the transplant conditioning regimen may have several adverse effects (see table on page 146). The patient is then allowed 1 or 2 rest days to clear the chemotherapy from the system before the infusion of stem cells. Bone marrow aplasia occurs within days after the conditioning regimen is completed.

A reduced intensity conditioning regimen followed by allogeneic HSCT is a newer approach that may provide a treatment option for older patients and those who have undergone a prior autologous transplant or have comorbidities, such as lung, kidney, or liver disease and cannot tolerate the toxicities of a high-dose conditioning regimen. The rationale for reduced intensity conditioning regimens is that the immune-mediated graft-versus-tumor effect provided by the new immune system, rather than primarily the conditioning regimen itself, is responsible for control of the disease. Reduced intensity regimens under investigation include fludarabine, single-dose total-body irradiation (≤500 cGy), cyclophosphamide, melphalan, busulfan, and a combination of potent immunosuppressive medications. Data to support the potential efficacy of a reduced intensity regimen exist for patients with Hodgkin disease, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (Giralt, 2005). These reduced intensity regimens are not without risk, and patients undergoing transplant after a reduced intensity conditioning regimen still experience many of the expected complications of a conventional, fully myeloablative allogeneic transplantation. The problems encountered in the early posttransplantation period, such as infection, bleeding, and regimen-related toxicities, may be reduced after nonmyeloablative transplantation, but the risk of GVHD and the long-term risks of infection continue to be important. The role of strategies such as posttransplant immunotherapy and posttransplant maintenance therapy with agents such as rituximab or imatinib in improving the outcomes for patients who have received a reduced intensity allogeneic HSCT are the subject of continuing study.

Stem Cell Infusion

The infusion of stem cells is a relatively simple procedure, much like a blood transfusion. The cells are infused through a central venous catheter over 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the total volume of the product. In allogeneic HSCT, the stem cells are usually infused immediately after they are collected. Autologous stem cells are cryopreserved with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and must be thawed in a warm normal saline solution bath at the bedside immediately before reinfusion. Premedication with acetaminophen, hydrocortisone, and diphenhydramine is usually recommended, and patients may also receive prehydration to maintain renal perfusion. Vital signs and pulse oximetry are monitored closely before, during, and at intervals after stem cell infusion. An infusion pump should not be used to administer stem cells; normal saline solution is used to prime and flush the tubing.

Nonhematologic Side Effects of Agents Used in Preparative Regimen/Conditioning Therapy

Therapeutic Agent Side Effects
Antithymocyte globulin (ATG) Mucositis, diarrhea, cardiotoxicity, fever, chills and hypersensitivity during infusion (reaction may worsen with each subsequent dose)
Busulfan Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, hepatic dysfunction, including veno-occlusive disease, acute cholecystitis, generalized seizures, mucositis, skin (hyperpigmentation, desquamation, acral erythema), nausea and vomiting
Carmustine (BCNU) Hepatic, pulmonary, central nervous system, cardiac effects (arrhythmias and hypotension), nausea and vomiting
Carboplatinum Nausea and vomiting, nephrotoxicity, liver function abnormalities including veno-occlusive disease, ototoxicity
Cisplatinum Nausea and vomiting, neurotoxicity (peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, visual disturbances), ototoxicity, renal
Cyclophosphamide Cardiac effects (cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, hemorrhagic cardiac necrosis, pericardial effusion, electrocardiographic abnormalities), interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, hemorrhagic cystitis, elevation in liver enzymes, nausea and vomiting, metabolic (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)
Cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) Cerebellar toxicity, encephalopathy, seizures, conjunctivitis, skin (rash, acral erythema), nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, renal insufficiency, liver function abnormalities, pancreatitis, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, fever, arthralgias
Etoposide Hypersensitivity reactions, hypotension, liver function abnormalities and chemical hepatitis, renal dysfunction, nausea and vomiting, metabolic (metabolic acidosis), mucositis, stomatitis, painful skin rash on the palms, soles, and periorbital area
Fludarabine Mucositis, diarrhea, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonitis, hypersensitivity reaction during infusion
Ifosfamide Hemorrhagic cystitis
Melphalan Acute hypersensitivity, renal, mucositis, nausea and vomiting, hepatic toxicity including veno-occlusive disease
Thiotepa Hyperpigmentation, acute erythroderma, dry desquamation, liver function abnormalities, including veno-occlusive disease, mucositis, esophagitis, dysuria, hypersensitivity reaction during infusion
Total body irradiation Nausea, vomiting diarrhea, parotitis, xerostomia, stomatitis, erythema, pneumonitis, veno-occlusive disease

Data from Chan, 2000; Gupta-Burt & Okunieff, 1998; McAdams & Burgunder, 2004; Petros & Gilbert, 1998; Rees, Beale, & Judson, 1998; and Solimando, 1998.

Complications of stem cell infusion are rare but may include pulmonary edema, hemolysis, infection, and anaphylaxis. Infrequently, DMSO can cause an infusion reaction that may include bradycardia (rarely heart block) or hypertension, and an acute hypersensitivity reaction may occur; this is caused by excretion of DMSO. The excretion of DMSO used in cryopreserving autologous stem cells typically causes a characteristic odor or taste that may be described as “garlicky.” DMSO-associated RBC hemolysis may also occur and may require vigorous hydration to prevent renal toxicity. During infusion, patients are also monitored for volume overload and for complaints suggestive of pulmonary embolism such as chest pain, dyspnea, and cough.

Early Complications of Stem Cell Transplantation

After stem cell infusion, the hematopoietic stem cells migrate to the bone marrow spaces, where they are attracted by chemotactic factors. Engraftment occurs when the transplanted progenitor cells begin to grow and manufacture new hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. After the stem cell infusion but before complete hematopoietic cell engraftment, patients have severe pancytopenia, and the resulting complications may include infection and bleeding. Patients are also at risk for mucositis, skin toxicities, and veno-occlusive disease of the liver. Examples of early and late complications arising from autologous and allogenic stem cell transplantation can be found in the box on page 147. Nonhematologic adverse effects vary depending on the agents used for the conditioning regimen. The nonhematologic adverse effects that are associated with the agents that typically comprise stem cell transplant conditioning regimens are outlined in the table on left.


Infection is the most common posttransplantation complication owing to mucositis, the presence of central venous access devices, and severe neutropenia. In allogeneic HSCT recipients, the use of immunosuppressants compounds the infection risk. Pathogens may be bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, including herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses, cytomegalovirus, Candida species, Aspergillus species, and Pneumocystis carinii. Infections caused by bacteria and other organisms that commonly occur after HSCT at each phase of the posttransplant period are listed in the box on left. Until their blood counts begin to recover, patients typically receive prophylaxis for viruses and fungi. If febrile neutropenia develops, empirical treatment with broad-spectrum antimicrobials is initiated. Screening for cytomegalovirus reactivation and for invasive aspergillosis may also be conducted during periods of greatest risk (neutropenic transplant recipients, graft versus host disease flare, intensive immunosuppressive treatment) or when infection is suspected.

Strategies to limit exposure to infectious organisms are essential in transplant recipients who are neutropenic and may also be receiving immunosuppressive medications. Important nursing responsibilities include maintaining a protective environment, practicing consistent and thorough provider hand hygiene, delivering meticulous oral and skin care, monitoring vital signs frequently, and conducting a thorough review of systems and physical examination to identify potential sites (e. g., alimentary tract, skin, lungs, sinuses, intravascular access device sites) of infection. Although there is limited evidence to support their effectiveness, in some transplant centers additional protective measures include low-microbial diets, protective isolation, air filtration, gowning, and gut and skin decontamination.

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