Chapter 1 For an in-depth study of health care terminology, consult the following publications: Chabner, D-E: Medical terminology: a short course, ed 6, St Louis, 2012, Mosby. Mosby: Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions, ed 8, St. Louis, 2009, Mosby. Patton K, Thibodeau G: Structure and function of the human body, ed 14, St. Louis, 2012, Mosby. AA Alcoholics Anonymous; ascending aorta ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ADLs activities of daily living AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AML acute monocytic (myelogenous) leukemia AODA alcohol and other drug abuse A&P auscultation and percussion ARC AIDS-related complex; American Red Cross ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome BAC blood alcohol concentration BBB blood–brain barrier; bundle-branch block BL bleeding; baseline; blood loss BM bowel movement; body mass; bone marrow BP blood pressure; bathroom privileges; birth place BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy BRBPR bright red blood per rectum BS blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds BT bleeding time; brain tumor; bladder tumor CABG coronary artery bypass graft cath catheter; catheterization CBI continuous bladder irrigation CD cadaver donor; cardiac disease CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CF cystic fibrosis; cardiac failure CHD coronary heart disease; congenital heart disease CLD chronic liver (lung) disease CO carbon monoxide; cardiac output; castor oil comp complaint; complication; compound COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP cerebral palsy; closing pressure CS central supply; central service; coronary sinus CSF cerebrospinal fluid; colony-stimulating factor CV cell volume; central venous DG diagnosis; diastolic gallop DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation DJD degenerative joint disease DM diabetes mellitus; diastolic murmur DPT diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus DW distilled water; dry weight ED effective dose; emergency department EDD estimated date of delivery (E)ENT (eye) ear, nose, throat ER emergency room; ejection rate ET endotracheal; etiology; effective temperature FD fatal dose; forceps delivery FF force fluids; fat free; flat feet; foster father FP false positive; family practice; frozen plasma FSH follicle-stimulating hormone GB gallbladder; Guillain-Barré syndrome grav I, II, III, and so on pregnancy one, two, three, and so on HB heart block; hemoglobin; house bound hCG human chorionic gonadotropin HD heart disease; Hodgkin disease HIV human immunodeficiency virus HR heart rate; hospital record HS herpes simplex; house surgeon HVD hypertensive vascular disease IC inspiratory capacity; intercostal; intracellular; intracerebral; intracranial ID infant death; ineffective dose; intradermal IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IM intramuscular; infectious mononucleosis IP intraperitoneal; interphalangeal IPPB intermittent positive-pressure breathing IS in situ; intercostal space; interspace IT inhalation test; intratracheal tube JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JVP jugular vein pressure (pulse) L liter; left; length; low; lower LA lactic acid; left arm; left atrial; left atrium LAD left anterior descending (coronary artery) LD lethal dose; left deltoid; living donor LFD lactose-free diet; least fatal dose LL left leg; left lower; left lung LOC loss of consciousness; level of consciousness LP lumbar puncture; low protein LS lumbar sacral; left side; liver and spleen LT left; left thigh; long term LV left ventricle; live vaccine LVH left ventricular hypertrophy MD medical doctor; manic depressive; medium dose; muscular dystrophy ME medical examiner; middle ear MI myocardial infarction; mitral insufficiency MM mucous membrane; malignant melanoma; multiple myeloma MP mean pressure; menstrual period MR mental retardation; metabolic rate; mitral reflux MRI magnetic resonance imaging MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MS multiple sclerosis; mitral stenosis MSW master’s degree in social work NAS no added salt; no added sugar ND no disease; normal delivery NI no information; not identified NIDDM non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NIH National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD) NR do not repeat; no response; not readable NS normal saline; nervous system; no sample; not sufficient OC office call; on call; oral contraceptive OP opening pressure; osmotic pressure ORIF open reduction with internal fixation OS left eye; mouth; oral surgery PA physician’s assistant; pathology; primary anemia; pulmonary artery Paco2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide (arterial) Pao2 partial pressure of oxygen (arterial) pat paroxysmal atrial tachycardia pc after meal; platelet count; pulmonic closure PCA patient-controlled analgesia Pco2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure PD postural drainage; papilla diameter; poorly differentiated PDR Physician’s Desk Reference PE physical examination; pleural effusion; pulmonary emboli PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light, and accommodating PET positron emission tomography PI present illness; pulmonary infarction PID pelvic inflammatory disease Po2 partial pressure of oxygen PP partial pressure; pink puffers (emphysema) PR per rectum; practical remission; peripheral resistance; pulse rate PS per second; physical status; Pseudomonas PT physical therapy; parathyroid; pneumothorax PTT partial thromboplastin time PV peripheral vascular; peripheral vein PVC premature ventricular contraction; pulmonary venous congestion PVD peripheral vascular disease R right; radiology; rectal; remote; resistance RA rheumatoid arthritis; renal artery; right arm; right atrium rad radiation unit; radical; right axis deviation RBBR right bundle-branch block RCM right costal margin; red cell mass RDA recommended daily allowance; right dorsoanterior RF rheumatic fever; releasing factor RM radical mastectomy; respiratory movement RP refractory period; resting pressure RT respiratory therapy; radiation therapy; reaction time RV residual volume; respiratory volume s without; sacral; single; smooth SA salicylic acid; sarcoma; surface area SB sternal border; single breath; stillbirth SC subcutaneous; semiclosed; sickle cell; sugar coated SD skin dose; septal defect; standard; standard deviation; sudden death SF scarlet fever; spinal fluid SG skin graft; specific gravity SH serum hepatitis; sex hormone SIDS sudden infant death syndrome SLE systemic lupus erythematosus SM simple mastectomy; systolic murmur SOB short of breath; shortness of breath SOBOE short of breath on exertion SQ subcutaneous; social quotient; square sr sedimentation rate; sinus rhythm ST let it stand; straight; subtotal STD sexually transmitted disease STS serologic test for syphilis SVT supraventricular tachycardia T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy TAH total abdominal hysterectomy TB tuberculosis; total base; total body TCDB turn, cough, and deep breathe TD therapy (treatment) discontinued TIBC total iron-binding capacity TL time lapse; time limited; total lipids TN total negatives; true negative TPN total parenteral nutrition TPR temperature, pulse, respiration TS test solution; total solids; triple strength TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone TT thrombin time; total thyroxine TURP transurethral resection of the prostate UA/UC urinalysis with cultures URI upper respiratory infection USP United States Pharmacopeia UV ultraviolet; urinary volume VD venereal disease; vapor density VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory VF field of vision; ventricular fibrillation VH vaginal hysterectomy; viral hepatitis VP vasopressin; venipuncture; venous pressure VR vocal resonance; right arm; valve replacement; venous return VRE vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. VT tidal volume; ventricular tachycardia WB weight bearing; whole blood WBC white blood cell; white blood cell count WC ward clerk; white blood cell; whooping cough WD well developed; well differentiated
Health Care Terminology
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