Chapter 15 Get the Best Advice
Know where to go for legal advice
Know where to go for professional advice
Utilise the chaplaincy department
Use but don’t abuse the nurse specialists
Help patients and relatives access the right advice
Keep up-to-date with risk management issues
Consult policies, procedures and guidelines
Utilise the knowledge and skills of your nursing colleagues
Know where to go for legal advice
Know where to go for professional advice
The nursing and midwifery council
maintaining the professional register
investigating and dealing with allegations of misconduct
providing a professional advice service for nurses and midwives.
The advice service is free and confidential. It is provided by a team of professionals qualified in various specialties such as mental health nursing, paediatric nursing, adult nursing and learning disabilities. You can e-mail or call one of the professional officers with your query or access information from their Web site:
Utilise the chaplaincy department
Part of the role of the chaplaincy department is to educate staff in dealing with bereavement (Department of Health 2003). They can also provide support to members of your team who suffer a personal bereavement. However, they will not come to you; you have to access these services in times of need. It can be difficult if you do not know them very well. It is better to prepare by building up a good relationship with your chaplaincy team before you get to the stage of requesting their services.
Staff training and development
Their skills may also be helpful in the facilitation of clinical supervision groups for your staff.