Introduction for Students Preparing for the NCLEX-RN® Examination
Classification of Questions
Client Need
These categories reflect activities most frequently performed by entry-level nurses.
General Clues for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions
A Read the question carefully before looking at the answers.
1. Determine what the question is really asking; look for key words.
2. Read each answer thoroughly and see if it completely covers the material asked by the question.
3. Narrow the choices by immediately eliminating answers you know are incorrect.
B Because few things in life are absolute without exceptions, avoid selecting answers that include words such as always, never, all, every, and none. Answers containing these key words are rarely correct.
C Attempt to select the answer that is most complete and includes the other answers within it. An example might be as follows. A stem might ask “A child’s intelligence is influenced by:” and three options might be genetic inheritance, environmental factors, and past experiences. The fourth option might be multiple factors, which is a more inclusive choice and therefore the correct answer.
D Make certain that the answer you select is reasonable and obtainable under ordinary circumstances and that the action can be carried out in the given situation.
E Watch for grammatical inconsistencies. If one or more of the options is not grammatically consistent with the stem, the alert test taker can identify it as a probable incorrect option. When the stem is in the form of an incomplete sentence, each option should complete the sentence in a grammatically correct way.
F Avoid selecting answers that state hospital rules or regulations as a reason or rationale for action.
G Look for answers that focus on the client or are directed toward feelings.
H If the question asks for an immediate action or response, all of the answers may be correct, so base your selection on identified priorities for action.
I Do not select answers that contain exceptions to the general rule, controversial material, or degrading responses.
J Reread the question if the answers do not seem to make sense, because you may have missed words such as not or except in the statement.
K Do not worry if you select the same numbered answer repeatedly, because there usually is no pattern to the answers.
L Mark the number next to the answer you have chosen.
M Answer every question because on the NCLEX-RN® exam you must answer a question before you can move on to the next question.