Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention


  • Review child’s health history, age, height, weight, review of systems, physical examination, baseline laboratory values, presence of orthopedic devices or the need for such devices, and current home medications (Chart 40-1).

  • Ensure child is oriented to unit environment. Falls can occur due to unfamiliarity with environment.

TABLE 40-1 Pediatric Fall Assessment Tools


Evaluation Criteria

CHAMPS (Razmus et al, 2006)

Change mental status/Disorientation, History of Fall, Age less than 36 months, Mobility Impairment, Family Involvement, Safety

Cummings Pediatric Fall Assessment Scale (Cummings, 2005)

Fall History, Physical Function, Cognitive/Psychological Impairment, Equipment Need, Medication Altering Equilibrium

GRAF-PIF (Graf, 2004)

LOS, IV free, PT/OT need, Antiepileptic Medication, Ortho-muscular/skeletal Disorder, Fall history (past month or during this hospitalization)

Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale (Hill-Rodriquez et al., 2009)

Diagnosis & Age Driven; Cognitive Impairment, Environmental Factors, Responses to Surgery/Sedation/Anesthesia, Medication Usage

I’M SAFE (Neiman et al., 2011)

Impairment (PT/OT involved), Medication (seizure, narcotics, epidurals), Sedation, Admitting diagnosis (Neuro/Ortho), Fall History, Environment Care (restraints, IV, Foley, RN)

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Fall Prevention

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