The five essential goals (5 Ps) of the microsystema
1. Purpose. What is the purpose of the clinical microsystem and how does that purpose fit within the overall vision?
2. Patients. Who are the people served by the microsystem?
3. Professionals. Who are the staff who work together in the microsystem?
4. Processes. What are the care-giving and support processes the microsystem uses to provide care and services?
5. Patterns. What are the patterns that characterize microsystem functioning?
Quinn studied companies that achieved consistent growth, high quality, and high margins as well as exceptional reputations with their customers. He found that these smallest replicable units were the key to implementing effective strategy, engendering loyalty , leveraging information technology, and embedding other performance-enhancing practices into the service delivery process . Health care microsystems consist of a small group of people who provide care to a defined set of patients and for a particular purpose, such as the peri-operative care continuum . Microsystems have both clinical and business aims, tightly coupled processes, and a shared information platform. Clinical, service, and financial outcomes are measured systematically and with a view toward continuous improvement [23].
A microsystem’s developmental journey toward maturation and improved performance entails five stages of growth [24] (Box 37.1).
The clinical microsystem approach emphasizes identifying and promoting the strengths of both the team and individuals. It maintains a focus on continuous improvement rather than externally imposed targets and initiatives that members think do not directly have an impact on their work. In addition, the microsystem incorporates the experience and perceptions of patients and their families in the strategic development to deliver the most desirable service from the end user’s point of views. A surgical microsystem can involve, for example, a pediatric cardiac surgical team that includes the corresponding critical care team, wards, or perhaps a large surgical critical care unit providing services in a defined geographic space [25]. The microsystem includes patients and their family members given the need for real co-production convergence between patients and providers to achieve a patient’s full recovery [26–28].
Characteristics of high-performing microsystems applied to assessing RRT teams include—leadership, organizational support, staff focus, education and training, interdependence, patient focus, community and market focus, performance results, process improvement, and information and information technology—and can be linked to specific design concepts, actions and impact, to enhance patient safety in microsystems (Box 37.2).
Rapid Response Systems
Rapid Response Systems (RRS ) were introduced in order to reduce the failure to rescue when patients had a cardio-pulmonary arrests and preventable admissions to critical care units [29]. Much of the literature on failure to rescue has been published in the context of these clinical conditions. A short introduction is therefore necessary.
RRS consist of several parts [30]: The afferent limb of the system records physiological abnormalities and escalates care when significant pre-defined abnormalities in a patient’s vital signs are evident. The efferent limb responds to calls from the afferent part. The third part, the system is usually supplemented by an administrative limb and structures supporting education (Fig. 37.1).

Fig. 37.1
Structure for a Rapid Response System
The afferent limb relies on assessments of vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturations, temperature, and level of consciousness. Alerts triggered by abnormalities in some of all of these parameters are complemented by alerts related to “nurse concerns” acknowledging the fact that not all deterioration is proceeded by measurable abnormalities and the intuition, experience, and “gut feeling” is hugely important, and can supplement the quantifiable abnormalities.
The efferent limb responds to calls for help from the afferent part. The efferent limb can take different forms in different health systems. In Australia, this consisted mainly of a team of doctors from intensive care and general wards supported by nurses with critical care skills (Medical Emergency Team (MET) [29]). In the UK, however, critical care trained nurses would respond (Critical Care Outreach [31]), and while in the USA, a teams of doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists might respond (RRT [30]). This diversity and heterogeneity creates immense challenges in making meaningful comparisons about the relative effectiveness of each of these staffing models.
Hospitals analyze complications as a means to reduce failure to rescue and improve their patient outcomes [32]. The resulting discussions led quickly to changes in health policy in several countries with RRS becoming a new standard of care, despite many remaining questions about how best to deploy RRS and their effectiveness. In the USA, the 100,000 Lives Campaign chose RRTs in 2005 as one of five interventions to reduce preventable mortality in hospitals. The campaign run by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) resulted in some measurable changes in hospital mortality; however, some controversy remains regarding its generalizability and lasting impact [33, 34]. Subsequent spread to the UK (supported by the IHI) resulted in initial pilot projects in small groups of hospitals (Safer Patients Initiative I and II) that followed the pattern of the US campaign. Published results came to mixed conclusions [35, 36]. While there was clear evidence of improvement in processes of care and clinical outcomes in the participating units, these improvements were in line with other organizations that did not take part in the initiative. The UK’s Intensive Care Society and the Modernisation Agency published recommendations on the make up of services and funding from the Department of Health following the report “Comprehensive Critical Care ” that lead to rapid spread prior to detailed evaluation [37].
The largest interventional trial, a cluster randomized study of 23 hospitals created massive interest and the majority of Australian hospitals adopted METs with limited follow-up. This further impacted objective assessment [38]. The patient safety movements inspired by the IHI have led to spread of national programs through Denmark and the Netherlands. Interestingly these have been often without attempted standardization of the tools used to assess patients at risk or the format of the responding team structure, leading to further confusion as to the effectiveness of these interventions.
Box 37.1: Clinical Microsystems: Five Stages of Growth
- 1.
Awareness as an interdependent group with the capacity to make changes
- 2.
Connecting routine daily work to the high purpose of benefiting patients
- 3.
Responding successfully to strategic challenges
- 4.
Measuring performance as a system
- 5.
Juggling improvements while taking care of patients
Box 37.2: Questions to Ask When Assessing an RRT Team’s Performance [39]
Is the team the right size and composition?
Are there adequate levels of complementary skills?
Is there a shared goal for the team?
Does everyone understand the team goals?
Has a set of performance goals been agreed on?
Do the team members hold one another accountable for the group’s results?
Are there shared protocols and performance ground rules?
Is there mutual respect and trust between team members?
Do team members communicate effectively?
Do team members know and appreciate each other’s roles and responsibilities?
When one team member is absent or not able to perform the assigned tasks, are other team members able to pitch in or help appropriately?
Chain of Survival
Principles of Reliable and Safe Care
Failure to rescue patients in hospital is often due to a systems failure and breakdown in care at a number of levels which we have described as a “chain of survival” [40]. Safe care of deteriorating patients depends on robust and reliable recording of vital signs, recognition of abnormalities, reporting of patient deterioration as soon as detected, an appropriate and timely response, and more often than not a repeat cycle to check whether interventions have had the desired effects (Fig. 37.2). All elements of the chain need to function seamlessly in order to provide reliable and safe care [41]. The following sections will describe the elements of the chain of survival, the reasons for failure and possible mediating mechanisms.

Fig. 37.2
The chain of survival for the deteriorating patient on a general ward
Failure to Record
Deterioration of patients is often clear in hindsight from the characteristic changes in vital signs [42, 43] or pathology results [44]. The majority of patients admitted to Intensive Care Units or suffering cardio-pulmonary arrests demonstrate signs of deterioration for a minimum of 6 h prior to the “event” [45]. In the majority of patients failure to rescue is therefore not due to a failure to record vital signs but failure to recognize the trend in the patient status. It is unclear how many patients have cardiac arrests without physiological abnormalities purely due to the fact that no observations or no complete set of observations were recorded in the hours prior to the event. In general terms, a full set of vital signs could comprise respiratory rate, oxygen saturations, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, level of consciousness, and possibly urine output. The most powerful parameter predicting patient deterioration, and at the same time the most often missed vital sign, is the respiratory rate [46]. Respiratory rate (RR) changes with thoracic cage and lung conditions, metabolic acidosis, infection, fever, etc. RR is measured manually and not electronically like other key measured parameters and is more time consuming. The optimal frequency of observations for acutely unwell patients is not clear from the literature. A report about “Standardising the assessment of acute-illness severity in the NHS” by the Royal College of Physicians [47] recommended at least 4 h vital signs on general wards. In Dutch hospitals the frequency is often less [48]. In many other systems vital signs might only be assessed by healthcare providers once or twice per day and consist of blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature only, thus potentially missing opportunities to capture deterioration through a full set of vital signs.
Standardization of vital sign recordings might improve the number of opportunities for intervention. Standardization of vital sign recordings and analysis of abnormality is described in the literature as Medical Emergency Criteria [49] (Table 37.1. Medical Emergency Team criteria) and as Early Warning Scores [50] (Table 37.2. Modified Early Warning Score). Triggers of abnormal physiological signs are complemented by nurse concerns as an important safety net for those patients who do not or not yet exhibit gross abnormalities [51].
Table 37.1
Modified Early Warning Score
3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) | <70 | 71–80 | 81–100 | 101–199 | ≥200 | ||
Heart rate (bpm) | <40 | 41–50 | 51–100 | 101–110 | 111–129 | ≥130 | |
Respiratory rate (bpm) | <9 | 9–14 | 15–20 | 21–29 | ≥30 | ||
Temperature (°C) | <35 | 35–38.4 | ≥38.5 | ||||
AVPU score | Alert | Reacting to Voice | Reacting to Pain | Unresponsive |
Table 37.2
The Medical Emergency Team is activated according to the following criteria
Acute physiology change in |
• Airway Threatened |
• Breathing All respiratory arrests |
• Respiratory rate ≤5 |
• Respiratory rate ≥36 |
• Circulation All cardiac arrests |
• Pulse rate ≤40 |
• Pulse rate ≥140 |
• Systolic blood pressure ≤90 mmHg |
• Neurology Sudden fall in level of consciousness |
• Fall in GCS |
• ≥2 points |
• Repeated or prolonged seizures |
• Other Any patient who you are seriously worried about that does not fit into the above criteria |
Validation of Early Warning Scores has been undertaken predominantly in acutely unwell medical patients [47] and to a lesser extent in surgical patients [52]. Standardization can be anchored in clinical teams through training using a common model to describe severity of illness [48]. Automated monitoring can also improve monitoring of post-surgical patients [53–55].
Failure to Recognize Pathophysiological Changes
Perception of “illness” and mental models of providers about the disease severity can have a major influence on behavior and decisions of healthcare professionals. In the words of Peter Senge [56]: “Mental models are deeply held internal images of how the world works, images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting. Very often, we are not consciously aware of our mental models or the effects they have on our behavior.” Mental models are subtle but powerful. Subtle, because we usually are unaware of their effect. Powerful, because they determine what we pay attention to, and therefore what we do. For example, if a young patient “looks well” with red cheeks and a smile despite a systolic blood pressure of 70 mg than the nursing staff is much less likely to trip the alarm than in an elderly patient who has been unwell for several days with the same vital signs. The perception that young patients are usually well and can’t really be that ill remains an ongoing recognized risk and a form of normalized deviance [57]. Recognition of physiological abnormalities is often in the context of what is expected: it is easier to spot “abnormal” in a patient in whom staff expect this abnormality. For example, in a post-operative patient hypotension might be expected; a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease might post-operatively be more short of breath because of metabolic acidosis or volume overload but his or her respiratory rate will be interpreted in the context of their previous condition. Furthermore, we know that elderly patients’ physiological response to acute illness is attenuated [58]. This might make it more difficult for staff to classify changes in vital signs as “critical” and requiring further action. Age might, however, not be the defining factor for prognosis. Crucial to the understanding of acute physiology is the underlying degree of frailty. Frailty is a syndrome with measurable metrics [59] based on pathophysiological modeling and epidemiological data from large cohorts of aging patients (Fig. 37.3).

Fig. 37.3
Clinical frailty scale (reprinted with permission from CFS©)
Increased levels of frailty are associated with higher mortality, higher levels of complications after surgery, and higher mortality after admission to ICU. The majority of patients with physiological deterioration and those experiencing failure to rescue are frail [60] (Fig. 37.4).

Fig. 37.4
Breakdown of patients who trigger a National Early Warning Score by degree of frailty
Failure to Report
Reporting on patient abnormalities or staff concerns are an important function of communication between professional groups. Real or perceived hierarchy plays a major role in acting on available warning signs [61]. Professionals might hesitate to discuss abnormalities if they fear and lack psychological safety or have a non-supportive recipient of the information. In the context of activation of RRS nurses might be hesitant to call a physician if they fear that the physician will not take their concerns seriously or will be short on the phone because of real or perceived pressures of work. The failure to report can be “simple forgetfulness” when workflow pressures and conflicting priorities over-ride the need to escalate care. It can be a conscientious decision that the reporting of abnormalities is not a priority for the patient or workflow. Nursing staff might judge abnormalities to be within the expected range for a given patient or hope that they are transient and resolve without further intervention.
Failure to Treat
Failure to treat can be the consequence of a failure to record or recognize or equally a failure despite recording and recognizing. Correct treatment will depend on the clinical competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitudes) of the treating clinician and their mental model of the patient’s disease and situation [62]. Reliability of treatment can be enhanced by using “care bundles” [63] and by making available a RRT with critical care skills [64].

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