Drug treatment of gastrointestinal disorders

Chapter 11 Drug treatment of gastrointestinal disorders



Food is digested both mechanically and chemically. Mechanical digestion results from voluntary and involuntary muscle action, i.e. nervous control; chemical digestion is produced by the action of enzymes and hormones. The digestive processes taking place in each section of the gastrointestinal tract are summarised in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1 Stages of digestion

Organ Mechanical Chemical
Mouth Food taken in is masticated (chewed) by the teeth. The muscular action of the tongue and the presence of saliva convert the food into a moist bolus ready for swallowing. Saliva is produced by the salivary glands under the control of the autonomic nervous system. It consists of water and the enzyme salivary amylase. Salivary amylase converts cooked starches into maltose.
Oesophagus Bolus is propelled forwards first by voluntary muscle action and then under autonomic nerve control. No chemical action initiated in the oesophagus.
Stomach The muscular layers produce a churning action and assist peristalsis. The semisolid mixture produced is known as chyme. Stimulated by the hormone gastrin, gastric juice is produced by the gastric mucosa. It is composed of:

Small intestine Onwards movement of contents by peristalsis and segmental movement. The hormones secretin and cholecystokinin–pancreozymin stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice, which consists of:

    Stimulated by cholecystokinin–pancreozymin, bile, secreted by the liver but stored in the gall bladder, passes into the duodenum after a meal has been taken. Bile consists of:

    Bile is essential for the emulsification of fats and the absorption of vitamin K, and it colours and deodorises the faeces. Intestinal juice is secreted by glands in the small intestine and consists of:

Large intestine Intermittent waves of peristalsis known as mass movement, often precipitated by the gastrocolic reflex following the entry of food into the stomach.

Food allergy is best dealt with by avoidance. Sodium cromoglicate 200 mg four times daily may be useful.


The absorption of some nutrients begins in the stomach, and some absorption takes place in the large intestine. By far the most absorption, however, occurs in the small intestine (see Fig. 11.2). Table 11.2 summarises some aspects of the absorption of nutrient materials and drugs from the gastrointestinal tract.

Table 11.2 Absorption in the gastrointestinal tracta

Organ Site of absorption and notes Substances absorbed
Stomach Walls of the stomach. Systemic absorption influenced by acid environment and gastric emptying time.

Small intestine The villi and microvilli into the capillaries and lacteals. Largest gastrointestinal surface area for absorption. Alkaline environment may influence absorption of some substances.

Large intestine Predominantly the caecum and ascending colon.

a Absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract is very complex and may be affected by a range of factors, including dosage form, pH, gut motility, presence or absence of food, and pathology.



Dyspepsia is characterised by recurrent pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen. Heartburn and acid regurgitation may be accompanied by bloating, nausea or vomiting. Patients may also experience early satiety, feelings of upper abdominal fullness and belching. It is essential to ensure that patients presenting with dyspeptic symptoms are fully investigated so as to eliminate (or treat) serious conditions such as malignancy or ulcer disease.

Duodenal and gastric ulcer disease are significant causes of morbidity and mortality despite the great advances made in both their diagnosis and treatment. Well-managed treatment will bring about control of these conditions. Maintenance therapy following healing of an ulcer is frequently required. The key diagnostic features of ulcer disease are localised epigastric pain and nocturnal pain. The pain is often relieved by food and antacids. In some patients, the pain may be relieved by vomiting. Endoscopy is used to confirm the diagnosis. There are significant differences between gastric and duodenal ulcers; these are summarised in Table 11.3.

Table 11.3 Peptic ulceration: a comparison

Gastric ulcers Duodenal ulcers
Rare in patients under 40 Prevalence highest in patients over 60 but occur in all age groups
Pain relief following food intake short-lived Pain relieved by food intake, pain generally worse before meals
Anorexia and nausea more prominent than in duodenal ulcers
Gastric acid secretion may be normal or even below normal Gastric acid is a major factor
Antisecretory therapy produces healing but more slowly than with duodenal ulcers Antisecretory therapy often produces healing in 4 weeks; lesions smaller than in gastric ulcers
Healing can occur without active treatment
Recurrence rate lower than with duodenal ulcers Ulcers recur when therapy stopped
Helicobacter pylori infection present in 85% of cases H. pylori infection present in 100% of cases
Very important to exclude gastric cancer in patients who present with symptoms of gastric ulcer

The importance of accurate diagnosis cannot be overemphasised. Patients with alarm symptoms such as gastrointestinal bleeding, anaemia, jaundice, vomiting, severe pain or the presence of an epigastric mass need referral to a consultant gastroenterologist.

Risk factors in dyspepsia

The risk factors are summarised in Table 11.4.

Table 11.4 Risk factors in dyspepsia

Risk factor Notes
Acid This is especially important in duodenal ulcer patients, who often have twice as many parietal cells as normal subjects.
Mucus Reduced mucus production may be involved, because the protective effect of mucus may be lost.
Helicobacter pylori H. pylori has the ability to colonise human gastric mucosa, especially the distal antral region of the stomach. The bacteria are found on the mucosal surface and do not penetrate the underlying tissues. The organism stimulates an inflammatory response and produces ammonia (an alkali), which protects the organism from gastric acid. The organism is widely distributed in the population and has a major role in dyspepsia. The mechanisms involved in acquiring H. pylori infection are not well understood. The presence of this organism can be confirmed by a breath test. Breath samples are taken before and after ingestion of an oral solution of carbon-13 urea. Laboratory analysis of the samples is required.
Cigarette smoking The smoking of cigarettes is a major risk factor; peptic ulcers in smokers heal more slowly and are more likely to recur than those in non-smokers.
Drugs Many NSAIDs (see p. 442) can cause serious gastric damage; the extent to which duodenal ulceration is caused by NSAIDs is still the subject of much debate and research.
Stress Stress has long been associated with dyspepsia.
Foods Some foods have been associated with dyspepsia – there is considerable variation between patients; avoidance of foods that cause problems is advocated.
Hereditary factors There is a proven hereditary component in duodenal ulcers.

NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

In healthy people, there is a balance between damaging forces (e.g. acid, smoking, drugs, stress) and protective and repair mechanisms. When these forces become out of balance, ulcers and erosions can occur.

Treatment of uncomplicated dyspepsia

Various aspects of treatment are as follow.

Atropine-like antisecretory agents.

Antimuscarinic agents have little antisecretory effect in doses that are practicable because of atropine-like side-effects (see Ch. 9). The more specific antisecretory drugs, the H2-receptor antagonists, are the basis of the treatment of peptic ulceration.

Peptic ulcer

Dyspepsia may be a symptom of peptic ulcer, which is treated by more sophisticated drugs than simple antacids.

Histamine H2-receptor antagonists (see p. 133). The introduction of cimetidine and ranitidine (and similar drugs such as famotidine) has played a major part in improving the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Cimetidine is given orally in a dose of 400 mg twice daily or as a single dose of 800 mg at night. A 4-week course of treatment is given in duodenal ulceration, and a 6-week course in the treatment of gastric ulceration. Once healing has been achieved, a maintenance dose must be given over a long period. Ranitidine is also given orally, 150 mg twice daily or 300 mg at night. The side-effect profile of ranitidine is lower than that of cimetidine. The use of both these drugs has greatly reduced the need for surgical treatment of peptic ulcers. Parenteral forms of the drug are available for use in conditions in which the oral route is inappropriate, for example when there is severe bleeding, for the prevention of stress ulceration in seriously ill patients, and prophylactically in patients thought to be at risk from acid aspiration syndrome. Although these two drugs have similar properties, there are significant differences (Table 11.5). Ranitidine has been combined with a bismuth compound to form a compound ranitidine bismuth citrate. This drug is used together with antibacterial agents in eradication therapy and to treat duodenal and gastric ulceration associated with Helicobacter pylori. A dose of 400 mg twice daily for 8 weeks is used to treat benign gastric ulceration. H. pylori eradication therapy (see p. 170) has replaced low-dose maintenance therapy with H2-receptor antagonists. It should be noted that a number of H2 antagonists are available without prescription from pharmacies. The indications for which these products may be sold are defined in the product licence. Dizziness, somnolence and fatigue have been reported.

Table 11.5 Similarities of, and differences between, cimetidine and ranitidine

  Cimetidine Ranitidine
Mode of action Selective histamine H2-receptor antagonist As cimetidine
Indications Peptic ulcer disease, Zollinger–Ellison syndrome As cimetidine
Oral dose 400 mg twice daily 150 mg twice daily
Maintenance 400 mg at night 150 mg dose at night
Availability Tablets, syrup; parenteral As cimetidine – also granules
Contraindications and warnings Dose reduced in patients with impaired renal function As cimetidine
  Prolongs elimination of drugs metabolised by oxidation in the liver Some changes (transient) have been reported in liver function
  May mask symptoms of gastric carcinoma As cimetidine
  Some drug interactions, especially with oral anticoagulants and phenytoin (dosage reduction of these drugs may be needed) Few drug interactions have been reported
  Rare reports of bradycardia and arteriovenous block As cimetidine
  H2-receptor antagonism may potentiate falls in blood cell counts caused by other factors (e.g. disease or other drug treatment) Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia have been rarely reported
  Gynaecomastia has been reported but is reversible on stopping treatment Few reports with ranitidine

Although some degree of freedom to adjust dosage (note, not in eradication therapy) may be an acceptable part of controlling symptoms, primary carers should be alert for any tendencies the patient may have to increase the dose prior to a planned episode of overindulgence.

Proton pump inhibitors.

Esomeprazole, omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole and rabeprazole are effective drugs used in the treatment of both gastric and duodenal ulcer. These drugs are the treatment of choice in stricturing and erosive oesophagitis. Patients very much welcome rapid relief from the distressing symptoms of this condition.

The mode of action is based on the property of blocking the hydrogen potassium ATP enzyme system (see Fig. 11.3) in the parietal cell. This is also a very effective treatment for Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (see below) and reflux oesophagitis. An oral dose of 20 mg daily for 4 weeks is often effective but can be increased in refractory cases to 40 mg daily. It should be noted that the degree of acid suppression achieved is directly related to the rate of ulcer healing. Omeprazole 20 mg daily can produce healing within 4 weeks. This rate of healing can be achieved with H2 antagonists given in higher doses (e.g. ranitidine 300 mg twice daily). The dosage range of the other proton pump inhibitors is similar to that of omeprazole.

Triple therapy.

Triple therapy, designed to eradicate H. pylori, has an important place in the treatment of dyspeptic disease. Eradication of H. pylori is achieved in over 90% of cases by the use of triple therapy. The following regimens, among others, are advocated (see British National Formulary, BNF). Each regimen utilises a proton pump inhibitor (acid suppressant) plus antibiotics. Treatment must be given for 7 days. Eradication therapy should not be given to patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia or oesophagitis. Chest pain caused by H. pylori infection may be difficult to distinguish from cardiac pain. If cardiac problems can be eliminated, eradication therapy may be helpful:

or, if allergic to penicillin,

A 2-week dual therapy regimen using a proton pump inhibitor and a single antibacterial agent is inferior to triple therapy and should not be used. Factors such as acceptance by the patient, bacterial resistance, antibiotic allergy, local policies and cost are taken into account. Successful eradication therapy leads to long-term remission, but reinfection can occur with H. pylori.

If the patient’s symptoms persist, this may or may not indicate ‘success’ of the eradication therapy. If a breath test, carried out 4 weeks after the completion of a course of eradication therapy, indicates the continuing presence of infection, a second but different course of eradication therapy should be given. It is important to check patient compliance before commencing a second course of therapy.

Quadruple therapy may be required for 2 weeks if triple therapy fails. Quadruple therapy comprises a proton pump inhibitor (in standard dosage) twice daily, tripotassium dicitratabismuthate 120 mg four times daily, metronidazole 400–500 mg three times daily and tetracycline 500 mg four times daily.

In view of the nature of the condition, it is essential to ensure that patients comply with treat-ment regimens, especially in eradication therapy. Concordance by the patient can be improved by explaining to the patient the nature of the condition and the need to take the medication regularly over a period of time. The tendency of some patients to discontinue therapy once the symptoms ease must be recognised and appropriate action taken, otherwise a serious relapse may occur.

Patients receiving eradication therapy must avoid alcohol because of severe interactions.

The availability of H2 antagonists and a wide variety of antacids over the counter may lead to difficulties if patients receiving prescribed medicines purchase additional medicines. Community nurses (and community pharmacists) will need to be alert to any inappropriate or overuse of non-prescription medicines, especially anti-inflammatory pain-relieving medicines (see pp. 42, 442).


Patients presenting with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) complain of a burning sensation, which is often accompanied by severe pains in the chest that may be difficult to distinguish from cardiac pain. Many patients admitted to hospital for suspected myocardial infarction are found to be suffering from GORD. In other patients, the diagnosis creates no difficulty, especially when symptoms occur after a meal. Peptic ulcer disease may coexist with GORD (as may cardiac disease), and it is also important to eliminate gastric neoplasm as a factor. Full diagnostic measures are used to establish the true nature of the patient’s condition. Barium meal, endoscopic examination and oesophageal pH monitoring are cornerstones of differential diagnosis, together with a full history of the patient.

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