Dressings and Devices
With more than 2,000 wound care products on the market, choosing the correct dressing or device may be difficult. In developing a management pathway and planning wound care, the health care professional must consider:
wound- and skin-related factors, such as cause, severity, environment, condition of periwound skin, size and depth, anatomic location, volume of exudate, and the risk or presence of infection
patient-related factors, such as vascular, nutritional, and medical status; odorcontrol requirements; comfort and preferences; and cost-benefit ratio
dressing-related factors, such as availability, durability, adaptability, and uses.
Familiarizing yourself with the major categories of wound care products and their actions, indications, contraindications, advantages, and disadvantages will help you choose the most appropriate dressing. Also consider the product’s availability and its application and removal procedures. In many cases, one product can help you meet more than one therapeutic goal.