Disease patterns

Chapter 10 Disease patterns

Often when a patient comes to see a naturopathic practitioner they have already been diagnosed with a disease. Every disease, and its associated symptoms, carries a pattern that assists the practitioner in determining the causal factors. A practitioner’s knowledge of the pathophysiology and the etiology of disease assists in guiding the breadth of the holistic intake, physical exam, and associated tests. For example, if a patient presents with cholelithiasis during the intake a practitioner would be listening and looking for factors that are associated with gallbladder concerns, such as dyspepsia, intolerance to fatty foods, belching, bloating, fullness, and nausea (Merck Manual 1999). As the gallbladder is a fire organ (see Table 5.6) a practitioner would also be listening and looking for lifestyle and external factors that have a ‘fire’ quality, such as increased alcohol consumption, spicy hot food; situations that are irritating, frustrating, or that cause anger; cigarettes or medications that ‘heat’ up the body; and a life style that a patient feels is too hectic or too busy.

Every disease conveys a pattern with specific qualities and attributes. Together they tell a story and reveal a pattern of disharmony. This pattern relates back to the disrupting factors. When exploring the qualities and characteristics of diseases it is important to remember that there can be more than one explanation for any symptom. For example, a lack of water, an excess of fire, and an excess of air all cause dryness; stiffness can be due to an excess of earth or a lack of water. Human beings are dynamic, complex systems with all parts networked in a specific pattern. The factors behind disease are multi-factorial and the site of disease does always indicate where the disease pattern originated. When assessing a disease, look for the range of possibilities and the relationship between all parts of the body.


The aim of assessing the patterns of disease is to see how the qualities and characteristics of a patient’s diseases and symptoms overlap with the qualities and characteristics of the patient’s temperament, lifestyle, life events, and external factors. The following steps provide a guide for determining the patterns of diseases.

Characteristics of symptom patterns

Identify the signs and symptoms that are being manifested, and the associated qualities and characteristics. Identify the characteristics associated with both the primary and the secondary levels of manifestation. For example, if the chief concern was asthma the characteristics associated with the respiratory system (primary level) would be considered as well as those associated with the psychological and structural levels, which are secondary. The symptoms that manifest indicate the stage and progression of disease.

Chapter 5 explores symptom patterns in detail, such as the patterns of internal and external, Yin–Yang, excess and deficiency, and the five elements. There is often a blending of the qualities, such as an excess of fire, a deficiency of Yang. The symptom pattern can either mirror or balance the disrupting factor. For example, if the disrupting factor is the consumption of too much food that is causing dampness, the symptom will likely be one of dampness, if the disrupting factor involves worrying too much (excess air) the body may balance that disruption with a symptom of constricted or deficiency of air, i.e., wheezing in the lungs, or constipation. Below is a review of the five elements and a look at how excesses and deficiencies in these elements might manifest.

Nature of signs and symptoms

The nature of signs and symptoms provides information on the onset, intensity, and frequency of the symptoms (refer to Chapter 6). It also provides information on the degree that the symptom pattern has impacted health. The nature of signs and symptoms provides an insight as to the factors that have disrupted health and the length of time an individual has been in a state of overwhelm.

Mar 24, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Disease patterns

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