



Helping women and their partners make decisions about contraception is an important role for a nurse who provides care for women and families during the postpartum period. Some contraceptive methods require the participation of the woman’s sexual partner, so it may be appropriate to include that person in the discussion. Short hospital stays for women after childbirth means that they and their significant family members might have limited contact with health care providers during the initial days following childbirth. If decisions are not made early in the postpartum period, couples might use contraceptive methods that are inappropriate for the postpartum period and, therefore, ineffective. Nursing practice must include assessment of the couple’s contraceptive knowledge, attitudes toward contraception, plans related to future pregnancies, and the need for contraception methods.



1. Contraceptive history

2. Reproductive health history

3. Breastfeeding plans

4. Psychosocial responses regarding contraception

5. Contraceptive knowledge


1. Deficient knowledge about postpartum fertility

a. Interventions

b. Outcomes

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Oct 29, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Contraception

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