Continuous Passive Motion Device Use

Continuous Passive Motion Device Use
A continuous passive motion (CPM) device is frequently used after joint surgery—particularly after total knee arthroplasty. The device increases range of motion in the joint as the flexion and extension settings are adjusted during therapy. The device also minimizes the negative effects of immobility because it increases passive range of movement of the limb. The CPM device also stimulates healing within the articular cartilage and reduces adhesions and swelling. The doctor determines the amount of flexion and extension of the joint and the cycle rate (the number of revolutions per minute) as well as the length of time it’s to be used.
Although the CPM device is usually used on the knee, it may be appropriate for other joints as well.
Preparation of Equipment
Apply the soft-goods padding to the CPM device. Turn the unit on at the main power switch and set the controls to the level prescribed by the doctor to ensure that the unit is functioning.
Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Continuous Passive Motion Device Use

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