competence in health promotion

Developing competence in health promotion

Part Summary

Part 3 aims to provide you with guidance in how to assess, develop and improve your competencies in health promotion.

Competencies are the combinations of knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion activities in a range of settings. You will also need to develop other core competencies of health promotion, such as communicating and educating, marketing and publicising, facilitating and networking and influencing policy and practice. Some chapters of Part 3 will be more important to some professions or disciplines than others. So you may wish to start by studying the chapters most relevant to you, rather than going through them in sequence. Cross-referencing is provided to help you to identify which sections of other chapters may also be relevant to your particular needs.

In Chapter 10 the fundamentals of communication are addressed, including establishing relationships, and the links with promoting self-esteem and assertiveness. Four basic communication skills are identified and guidance provided on how to improve them. Communication and language barriers, nonverbal communication and written communication are discussed.

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Apr 17, 2017 | Posted by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT | Comments Off on competence in health promotion

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