Colostomy and Ileostomy Care

Colostomy and Ileostomy Care
A patient with an ascending, transverse, or descending colostomy or an ileostomy must wear an external pouch to collect emerging fecal matter, which may be watery, pasty, or formed, depending on location of the stoma. Besides collecting waste matter, the pouch helps to control odor and protect the stoma and peristomal skin. Most disposable pouching systems can be used for 3 to 7 days; however, single-use, closed-end pouches should be changed more frequently.
All pouching systems need to be changed immediately if a leak develops, and every pouch needs emptying when it’s one-third to one-half full. The patient with an ileostomy may need to empty his pouch four or five times daily.
The best time to change the pouching system is when the bowel is least active, usually in the morning before breakfast. After a few months, most patients can predict the best changing time.
The selection of a pouching system should take into consideration which system provides the best adhesive seal and skin protection for the individual patient. The type of pouch selected also depends on the stoma’s location and structure, availability of supplies, wear time, consistency of effluent, personal preference, and finances.
Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Colostomy and Ileostomy Care

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