12 Caregiving in later life
• To explore what we mean by the term caregiving
• To investigate societal and policy trends in family caring in later life
• To consider the impact of caring on the individual family carer from a range of perspectives
• To explore how nurses and other healthcare professionals can work with family carers effectively across a range of care settings
Family care
This is an important observation with regard to the way in which broader economic and social change has the potential to impact significantly with regard to caregiving responsibilities across a range of settings. You may also be able to think of other examples from your own observations and experiences where informal support structures and networks are undergoing change and consider how this might affect caregiving for older people. It is important when reading this chapter and in your encounters with carers that you are mindful of different patterns and experience of caregiving in different situations, cultures and circumstances.
To put the scope of caring into context, it has been estimated that nearly 6 million people in the UK provide unpaid (informal) care for a close relative or friend on a regular basis. Approximately 3 million of these are aged over 50 years and together they provide more than £15 billion in care every year (Age UK 2010).
Historically, the contribution of unpaid carers has been associated with a better quality of care for many people and significant cost savings to the state (Royal Commission on Long Term Care 1999). However, conversely, there is also evidence that caring for a friend or relative has a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the family carer.
Societal and policy trends in family caregiving
Historically, family carers have been appreciated but largely ignored by government policy makers. For much of the period after the Second World War, the unquestioned assumption was that support for older people in the community would be provided by (female) family members (Lewis & Meredith 1988). As late as 1981, the White Paper Growing Older emphasised that ‘Care in the community should mean care by the community’ (Department of Health (DoH) and Social Security 1981). There was a reluctance to offer services to support carers as it was feared that, as services became available, family members would withdraw from caring (Qureshi & Walker 1989).
More recently, there has been a recognition that it is in the interest of government to offer support to family carers. One of the main assumptions that lay behind the NHS and Community Care Act (DoH 1990) was the acknowledgement that most people prefer to spend their later years in their own homes supported by community services rather than spending the time in a care home. This change in attitudes led to the publication of the National Strategy for Carers (DoH 1999) and the passing of the Carers and Disabled Children Act (DoH 2000). This identified three broad strategies with the aim of supporting family carers (DoH 1999):
1. Information: so that carers are well informed about the help and services that are available to them.
2. Support: so that service providers are sensitive to the needs of carers and view them as partners in the provision of help to the person needing care.
3. Care: access to an assessment of need, even when the person needing the care declines to have such an assessment, and the provision of support to meet the needs identified in the assessment.
This has meant that, when service providers arrange support for older people living in the community, they need to recognise any family member or friend who is supporting the individual, consider their needs as well as the older person who is living in the community and offer services to meet their needs. Subsequent to this, further policy initiatives have been introduced relating to family carers. The Community Care (Delayed Discharges, etc.) Act (DoH 2003) requires NHS organisations to consult with patients and family carers about the possibility of referral for community services and requires that an assessment of the needs of the carer be conducted, if the carer requests it, or if they have asked for one within the previous 12 months.
The rights of the family carer to an assessment were extended with the passage of the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act (DoH 2004). This states that, should a family carer qualify for an assessment under the Carers and Disabled Children Act (DoH 2000), the local authorities have a duty to inform the carer of this right. In addition, such assessments needed to include consideration of whether the carer worked or wished to work and of their desires to undertake education, training or leisure activities.
The impact of caring on the individual
A wealth of literature has been published considering the negative effects of caring for a relative, especially if that relative has dementia. On the whole, this suggests that such caring is stressful and has negative implications for the health of the family carer. However, this is a gross generalisation. There is a need to consider the nature of the health issue that has resulted in the need for family care. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that family carers can face situations that, on the face of it, appear to be very similar yet some people find things very stressful while others less so (Ayres 2000). This section explores a few of these issues in a little more detail.
When considering the nature of the health problem and its impact on the role of the carer, it is important to consider how this caring might be experienced. Rolland (1994), for example, has identified a few particular features of health problems that have an impact on how family carers might experience caring. This is outlined in Table 12.1 and an explanation offered for each category follows.
Table 12.1 Features of health problems that have the potential to affect family carers
Feature of health problem | Alternatives |
Onset | Acute Gradual |
Course | Progressive Constant Relapsing |
Outcome | Non-fatal Shortened lifespan Fatal |
Type and degree of incapacitation | Mild, moderate or severe Physical, psychological or social |