66 After a child dies, there are certain procedures and policies in place that must be followed. This must be done with great sensitivity and must respect the needs and wishes of each individual family. The procedures and policies to be followed are dependent on whether a child’s death was expected or unexpected. This chapter will focus on care after an expected death but practitioners must also familiarize themselves with procedures in place for unexpected deaths. Caring for a grieving family can be incredibly challenging but it is a very important part of nursing care. Care should be taken to gently guide the family through the activities that need to be done at their own pace. Consideration, however, must be given to the condition of the body and health care professionals must balance this with meeting the needs of the family. It is anticipated that conversations will have taken place about care after death in the cases where death was expected, including where the child’s body will be stored. Parents do not have to adhere to the original plan though, and some parents find that after death they want to deviate from the plan. This must not be discouraged and parents need to understand that whatever they choose is acceptable. Following the verification of death, the family can be supported to carry out personal care to the child. The optimal time to do this is within two hours as rigor mortis will begin at this time. The limbs should be straightened out and medical devices such as cannulas, tracheostomies and gastrostomies should be removed as per local policy. No devices should be removed if a post mortem is required. Insertion sites and wounds should be cleaned and a dressing applied. If there is likely to be any exudate, the dressing should be waterproof. Jewellery should be removed unless the parents wish otherwise. Legible identity bands in accordance with local policy must be applied to the child’s body. Some parents may want to be present, whereas others may find this too distressing. The nurse can also support families to wash and dress the child and many families appreciate the support in doing this. The child’s body should then be covered with a clean sheet and a toy or flower placed with the child as the parent wish. Some physical changes may happen after death. As part of advanced care planning, parents (sometimes in discussion with the child) may have decided where they want the body to be kept after death and before the funeral. Options that may be available to families are for the body to be kept at home, at a hospice or at the funeral directors. Not all options will be available to all families, however, and considerations of each option are outlined. The death of a child has a profound impact on parents, siblings, grandparents and many more family members and friends. Each individual will grieve and express grief in their own way and this should be respected, but health care workers do have a role in the grieving process and there are certain protective factors that have been offered for ‘successful bereavement’. These include the benefit of adequate information giving and pre-bereavement counselling. Health care professionals may offer signposting to other services to support the grieving process, although their purpose is not to show the family how to grieve, but to support them as necessary and with respect to individual spiritual, cultural and religious needs. Staff can be greatly affected following end-of-life care and care of the family following death.
Care after death
Care after death overview
Legal requirements after death
Looking after the family
Care of the dead body
Storing the body after death
The grieving process
Supporting staff