Blood Gas Sampling and Monitoring

Blood Gas Sampling and Monitoring


  • Assess child and child’s medical record for:

    • History of circulatory impairment (i.e., presence of cardiac or vascular grafts). Puncture of vessels or grafts may cause hematoma and decreased circulation

    • Prolonged clotting times or bleeding disorders that may affect clotting times

    • Impaired gas exchange related to underlying disease processes or for impaired breathing and note oxygen therapy and whether child requires continuous ventilatory assistance

    • Factors that may influence blood gas measurements (i.e., anxiety, suctioning, child’s position, temperature, oxygen therapy, metabolic rate)

    • Allergies to local anesthetics (e.g., lidocaine) or latex; implement latex precautions if necessary

  • Explain the procedure, as appropriate, to both the child and the family. Provide the opportunity to ask questions and alleviate fears.

  • Explain to the child and family that a lancet or needle will be used to puncture the child’s skin and gain access to the blood that is needed for this procedure. A topical anesthetic may be administered with arterial punctures before the procedure to minimize the pain of this needle stick. Explain that the blood withdrawn will be used to look at the amount of oxygen in the child’s blood. After the procedure, a Band-Aid or small dressing will be placed on the site.

  • Encourage a family member to remain with the child during the procedure. Discuss with the family member comfort measures (e.g., swaddling, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, use of sucrose pacifiers, sweet tasting solutions) and distraction techniques (e.g., audio-visual, music) that they can use with their child. Select measures to employ and initiate use of these measures before beginning the procedure (see Chapter 7).

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Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Blood Gas Sampling and Monitoring

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