5. Assessment of maternal and neonatal vital signs
blood pressure measurement
Factors influencing arterial blood pressure44
Role and responsibilities of the midwife51
Self-assessment exercises52
Having read this chapter the reader should be able to:
• discuss the midwife’s role and responsibilities in relation to the measurement of blood pressure, identifying when and how it is undertaken
• discuss the factors that influence blood pressure and the changes relating to child bearing
• discuss factors that influence the accuracy of blood pressure measurement and consider how the midwife can minimise these
• describe how central venous pressure is measured using a manual manometer.
Maternal deaths from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are the second highest direct cause of maternal deaths in the UK (Lewis 2007). The midwife is ideally placed to measure blood pressure in the childbearing woman, confirming normality and detecting deviations from the norm. It is essential that the midwife is able to undertake this procedure as accurately as possible as changes in blood pressure can have serious consequences for both the woman and the fetus/baby.
This chapter considers the issues surrounding the accurate measurement of arterial blood pressure, physiology, influencing factors and changes that occur during childbirth. The equipment available, technique of blood pressure measurement and factors influencing the accuracy of the recording are discussed, concluding with a discussion of venous blood pressure measurement.
Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the blood vessel walls. It varies within the different blood vessels, being highest in the large arteries closest to the heart and decreasing gradually within the smaller arteries, arterioles and capillaries. Blood pressure continues to reduce as blood returns to the heart via the venules and veins. Blood pressure measurement (measured in millimetres of mercury – mmHg) usually reflects the arterial blood pressure although venous pressure may also be measured.
Arterial blood pressure
This is the pressure exerted on the arterial walls. Arterial blood pressure facilitates blood flow around the body to ensure adequate oxygenation of the tissues and vital organs. It is not constant, increasing during ventricular contraction (systole) and decreasing when the ventricles relax (diastole). When recording blood pressure it is important to assess both the highest and lowest levels of pressure as these reflect differing physiological responses of the cardiac cycle.
Mean arterial pressure
The mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the average pressure needed to push the blood through the circulatory system and provides a sensitive indicator of acute changes in perfusion pressure making it a valuable tool in caring for the critically ill woman (Roberts 2006). The MAP helps to interpret the changes that occur in blood pressure measurements when the systolic and diastolic pressures alter at different rates. It can be estimated electronically or mathematically, using the formula:

Alternatively, it can be calculated quickly by doubling the diastolic pressure reading, adding it to the systolic reading and dividing the total by 3. Thus a blood pressure of 100/70 mmHg has a MAP of 80 mmHg and a blood pressure of 140/80 mmHg has a MAP of 100 mmHg.
Systolic pressure
This is the pressure exerted on the blood vessel walls following ventricular systole, when the arteries contain the most blood and is the time of maximal pressure. Systolic pressure is determined by the:
• amount of blood ejected into the arteries (stroke volume)
• force of the contraction
• distensibility of the arterial wall.
An increase in the first two factors, or a decrease in the third factor, raises systolic pressure and vice versa.
Diastolic pressure
This is the pressure exerted on the blood vessel wall during ventricular diastole, when the arteries contain the least amount of blood, resulting in the least pressure being exerted on the blood vessel walls. Diastolic pressure is influenced by the:
• degree of peripheral resistance
• systolic pressure
• cardiac output.
Diastolic pressure is lower when these are reduced, particularly when the heart rate is slower as there is less blood remaining in the arteries.
Pulse pressure
This is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure and reflects the stroke volume. The normal pulse pressure is 20 mmHg (Roberts 2006). A rise in pulse pressure is associated with pyrexia, infection, bradycardia and exercise whereas a decrease in pulse pressure can be the result of hypovolaemia, for example shock, haemorrhage and increased systemic vascular resistance.
Venous blood pressure
This is the pressure exerted on the walls of the veins, reflecting venous flow to the heart (particularly circulating blood volume) and cardiac function. Central venous pressure measures the pressure within the right atrium and is determined by:
• the volume of blood entering the right atrium (venous return)
• right ventricular function
• venous tone
• intrathoracic pressure.
Normal maternal arterial values
The normal range for a healthy adult is 100–140/60–90 mmHg (Bailey et al 2008), but varies according to age and other variables. Both the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE 2006) and the World Health Organization (WHO 2003) define hypertension (raised blood pressure) as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or above and a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or above. Bailey et al (2008) define hypotension (low blood pressure) as occurring when the systolic pressure is below 100 mmHg. Blood pressure may vary between the right and left arm. Consequently Beevers et al., 2001a, British Hypertension Society, 2009a, NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence), 2006 and Poon et al., 2008 recommend that blood pressure should be measured in both arms initially to determine if significant differences are present (20 mmHg systolic pressure, 10 mmHg diastolic pressure). Thereafter, the same arm should be used to measure blood pressure to ensure consistency.
Blood pressure changes related to childbirth
Haemodynamic changes occur during pregnancy primarily as a result of hormonal and anatomical changes, resulting in an increased blood volume, increased cardiac output and heart rate. In the non-pregnant individual this would result in an increase in blood pressure; however, during pregnancy these changes are counterbalanced by the effect of progesterone on the blood vessel walls, resulting in decreased peripheral resistance. Pregnancy is not normally associated with significant changes in arterial blood pressure. Blood pressure usually begins to decrease during the first trimester, as the effects of progesterone are evident before blood volume has increased to its maximum point in the third trimester. Blood pressure begins to rise gradually from the middle of pregnancy, returning to prepregnancy levels by term. The early decrease in blood pressure is much less for systolic pressure than for diastolic pressure (Blackburn 2007). Murray & Hassell (2009) suggest the systolic blood pressure decreases by an average of 5–10 mmHg, whereas the diastolic blood pressure can decrease by up to 10–15 mmHg below the baseline by 24 weeks’ gestation. Venous pressures do not alter significantly during pregnancy, although venous pressure below the uterus does increase with gestation. This may impede venous return to the heart but does not usually create problems. However, some women may experience a transient hypotensive episode (supine hypotensive syndrome) due to the weight of the gravid uterus compressing the inferior vena cava, impeding venous return. This occurs more commonly when in a supine position and is quickly rectified by changing to a lateral or recumbent position and it is advisable that women are not laid flat on their back during the second half of pregnancy.
Increased anxiety and pain levels can result in a rise in blood pressure. Additionally, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures increase during uterine contractions; the greater increase is seen in the systolic values. Both these increases return to the baseline level once the contraction is over (Blackburn 2007). It is therefore important to estimate the blood pressure between contractions.
Postnatal period: maternal
Increased venous return following delivery results in higher venous pressures. As the blood volume and physiological effects of pregnancy decrease, the blood pressure will return to its prepregnant level.
Postnatal period: baby
Blood pressure increases with gestational age; blood pressure is lower in the preterm baby than the term baby. A rapid rise in arterial blood pressure occurs during the first week of life, with blood pressure increasing gradually with age (Swinford et al 2006).
Factors influencing arterial blood pressure
A variety of factors influence arterial blood pressure, including:
• Blood volume: a reduction in circulating blood volume (e.g. haemorrhage, shock), resulting in a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
• Heart rate: blood pressure increases with an increasing heart rate providing the circulating blood volume is unaltered.
• Age: blood pressure increases with age due to loss of elasticity of the arterial walls.
• Diurnal variations: systolic pressure is highest in the evening, lowest in the morning and changes during rest and sleep periods.
• Weight: overweight people tend to have higher blood pressure.
• Alcohol: a consistently high alcohol intake is associated with higher blood pressure, although alcohol may also lower blood pressure by inhibiting the effects of antidiuretic hormone, resulting in vasodilatation.
• Smoking: smoking increases blood pressure, with effects lasting up to 30–60 minutes.
• Eating: blood pressure increases for 30–60 minutes following ingestion of food.
• Stress, fear, anxiety: these can all raise blood pressure by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system; ‘white coat’ syndrome refers to anxiety-related hypertension resulting from attending a healthcare setting.
• Exercise: exercise increases blood pressure, with effects lasting 30–60 minutes.
• Distended bladder: this can increase blood pressure, with effects lasting 30–60 minutes.
• Hereditary factors: some people have an inherited predisposition to raised blood pressure; where one parent is hypertensive there is a 10–20% risk of the offspring developing hypertension with the risk increasing to 25–45% where both parents are hypertensive (Dungan et al 2008).
• Disease: any disease process affecting stroke volume, blood vessel diameter, peripheral resistance or respiration will alter blood pressure.
• Renin: high renin levels cause vasoconstriction and an increase in blood volume (due to increased salt and fluid retention within the kidneys), resulting in a rise in blood pressure.
Blood pressure is often recorded as a matter of routine throughout pregnancy and labour, less so during the postnatal period. While the circumstances in which the estimation of blood pressure is undertaken can vary, they include:
• the initial booking history to establish a baseline. ideally by 10 weeks gestation (NICE 2008)
• at each antenatal visit (NICE 2008)
• during labour, initially and then 4 hourly (NICE 2007)
• following each epidural bolus/top-up (see Chapter 25)
• as the clinical condition dictates, e.g. shock and haemorrhage, symptoms such as headaches, visual disturbances, proteinuria
• pregnancy-induced hypertension
• preterm or sick babies
• blood transfusion (see Chapter 49)
• before, during and after surgery: with other vital sign observations, it should be taken at 5-minute intervals for 30 minutes, every 30 minutes for 2 hours and then hourly until stable after caesarean section (NICE 2004).
The basis of measuring blood pressure is to exert a measured pressure on an artery (commonly brachial), usually with a sphygmomanometer, which comprises a manometer (pressure gauge) and an inflatable cuff. The blood flow is occluded and as the pressure is released and blood begins to flow through the artery, different sounds can be heard through a stethoscope (auscultatory). Oscillatory sphygmomanometers detect the pulsation of blood flow via a pressure sensor in the cuff, avoiding the need to listen for sounds.
Different types of sphygmomanometer are available and can be divided into two categories: (1) auscultatory (manual) and (2) oscillatory (automated, electronic). Aneroid and mercury column manometers are the two forms of auscultatory sphygmomanometer available and are seen more commonly in the community setting. Auscultatory sphygmomanometers are considered to be the gold standard for blood pressure measurement [Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), 2006 and Beevers et al., 2001a consider mercury manometers to be more accurate than aneroid devices. Oscillatory systolic values tend to be higher than auscultatory values, but oscillatory diastolic values tend to be lower than auscultatory values. To ensure accurate blood pressure comparisons between different recordings, measurements should be undertaken on similar equipment. It is important to record the type of sphygmomanometer used. The use of oscillatory manometers is increasing, particularly within hospitals.
All sphygmomanometers should be maintained properly, with manometers being recalibrated every 6–12 months to maintain accuracy. Turner et al (2006) suggest that lack of sphygmomanometer calibration can result in both over- and underdetection of hypertension, proposing that systolic hypertension is not detected in 20% adults but might be falsely detected in 15% of adults. Diastolic hypertension may be undiagnosed in 28% of adults and falsely diagnosed in 31% adults, indicating that some women will be wrongly treated for hypertension and some who should be treated will be missed. The date of the last calibration should be marked on the machine. The tubing should also be checked regularly for signs of deterioration and replaced accordingly. The control valves should be able to hold a pressure of 200 mmHg for 10 seconds, allowing for a rate of fall of 1 mmHg per second (Jolly 1991); it is important for the control valves to be checked regularly to ensure the free passage of air without undue force.
Aneroid manometers
This type of manometer has a circular gauge encased in glass, with a needle that points to numbers. Pressure variations within the inflated cuff cause metal bellows within the gauge to expand and collapse, moving the needle up and down the gauge. Prior to use, the needle should be set at zero.
These are lightweight, compact and portable but less accurate than mercury column manometers as the metal parts are liable to expand and contract with temperature changes. Aneroid manometers should undergo biomedical calibration on a regular basis to increase accuracy. Beevers et al (2001a) suggest these devices lose accuracy with time, resulting in falsely low readings.

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