Antineoplastic Drugs Part 1: Cancer Overview and Cell Cycle–Specific Drugs

Antineoplastic Drugs Part 1: Cancer Overview and Cell Cycle–Specific Drugs


When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

Briefly describe the concepts related to carcinogenesis.

Define the different types of malignancy.

Discuss the purpose and role of the various treatment modalities in the management of cancer.

Define antineoplastic.

Discuss the role of antineoplastic therapy in the treatment of cancer.

Contrast the cell cycle of normal cells and malignant cells with regard to growth, function, and response of the cell to chemotherapeutic drugs and other treatment modalities.

Compare the characteristics of highly proliferating normal cells (including cells of the hair follicles, gastrointestinal tract, and bone marrow) with the characteristics of highly proliferating cancerous cells.

Briefly describe the specific differences between cell cycle–specific and cell cycle–nonspecific antineoplastic drugs (cell cycle–nonspecific drugs and miscellaneous other antineoplastics are discussed in Chapter 46).

Identify the drugs that are categorized as cell cycle specific, including mitotic inhibitors, topoisomerase inhibitors, and antineoplastic enzymes.

10 Describe the common adverse effects and toxic reactions associated with the various antineoplastic drugs, including the causes for their occurrence and methods of treatment, such as antidotes for toxicity.

11 Discuss the mechanisms of action, indications, dosages, routes of administration, cautions, contraindications, and drug interactions of cell cycle–specific drugs, including mitotic inhibitors, topoisomerase inhibitors, and antineoplastic enzymes.

12 Apply knowledge about the various antineoplastic drugs to the development of a comprehensive nursing care plan for patients receiving cell cycle–specific drugs, including mitotic inhibitors, topoisomerase inhibitors, and antineoplastic enzymes.

Drug Profiles

Key Terms

Analogue A chemical compound with a structure similar to that of another compound but differing from it with respect to some component. (p. 730)

Anaplasia The absence of the cellular differentiation that is part of the normal cellular growth process (see differentiation; adjective: anaplastic). (p. 728)

Antineoplastic drugs Drugs used to treat cancer. Also called cancer drugs, anticancer drugs, cancer chemotherapy, and chemotherapy. (p. 728)

Benign Denoting a neoplasm that is noncancerous and therefore not an immediate threat to life. (p. 724)

Cancer A malignant neoplastic disease, the natural course of which is fatal (see neoplasm). (p. 724)

Carcinogen Any cancer-producing substance or organism. (p. 726)

Carcinomas Malignant epithelial neoplasms that tend to invade surrounding tissue and metastasize to distant regions of the body. (p. 724)

Cell cycle–nonspecific Denoting antineoplastic drugs that are cytotoxic in any phase of the cellular growth cycle. (p. 728)

Cell cycle–specific Denoting antineoplastic drugs that are cytotoxic during a specific phase of the cellular growth cycle. (p. 729)

Clone A cell or group of cells that is genetically identical to a given parent cell. (p. 724)

Differentiation An important part of normal cellular growth in which immature cells mature into specialized cells. (p. 724)

Dose-limiting adverse effects Adverse effects that prevent an antineoplastic drug from being given in higher dosages, often restricting the effectiveness of the drug. (p. 729)

Emetic potential The potential of a drug to cause nausea and vomiting. (p. 729)

Extravasation The leakage of any intravenously or intraarterially administered medication into the tissue space surrounding the vein or artery. Such an event can cause serious tissue injury, especially with antineoplastic drugs. (p. 729)

Gene expression How a cell expresses a receptor or gene; the process in which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a gene product. (p. 726)

Growth fraction The percentage of cells in mitosis at any given time. (p. 728)

Intrathecal A route of drug injection through the theca of the spinal cord and into the subarachnoid space. This route is used to deliver certain chemotherapy medications to kill cancer cells in the central nervous system. (p. 734)

Leukemias Malignant neoplasms of blood-forming tissues characterized by the replacement of normal bone marrow cells with leukemic blasts resulting in abnormal numbers and forms of immature white blood cells in the circulation. (p. 724)

Lymphomas Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid tissue. (p. 724)

Malignant Tending to worsen and cause death; anaplastic, invasive, and metastatic. (p. 724)

Metastasis The process by which a cancer spreads from the original site of growth to a new and remote part of the body (adjective: metastatic). (p. 724)

Mitosis The process of cell reproduction occurring in somatic (nonsexual) cells and resulting in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells containing the diploid (complete) number of chromosomes characteristic of the species. (p. 727)

Mitotic index The number of cells per unit (usually 1000 cells) undergoing mitosis during a given time. (p. 728)

Mutagen A chemical or physical agent that induces or increases genetic mutations by causing changes in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). (p. 726)

Mutation A permanent change in DNA that is transmissible to future cellular generations. Mutations can transform normal cells into cancer cells. (p. 724)

Myelosuppression Suppression of bone marrow function, which can result in dangerously reduced numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. (p. 729)

Nadir Lowest point in any fluctuating value over time; for example, the lowest white blood cell count measured after the count has been depressed by chemotherapy. (p. 729)

Neoplasm Any new and abnormal growth, specifically growth that is uncontrolled and progressive; a synonym for tumor. A malignant neoplasm or tumor is synonymous with cancer. (p. 724)

Nucleic acids Molecules of DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the nucleus of every cell (hence the name nucleic acid). Chromosomes are made up of DNA and encode all of the genes necessary for cellular structure and function. (p. 726)

Oncogenic Cancer producing; often applied to tumor-inducing viruses. (p. 726)

Paraneoplastic syndromes Symptom complexes arising in patients with cancer that cannot be explained by local or distant spread of their tumors. (p. 725)

Primary lesion The original site of growth of a tumor. (p. 724)

Sarcomas Malignant neoplasms of the connective tissues arising in bone, fibrous, fatty, muscular, synovial, vascular, or neural tissue, often first presenting as painless swellings. (p. 724)

Tumor A new growth of tissue characterized by a progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Tumors can be solid (e.g., brain tumor) or circulating (e.g., leukemia or lymphoma), and benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Circulating tumors are more precisely called hematologic tumors or hematologic malignancies. A tumor is also called a neoplasm. (p. 724)

Tumor lysis syndrome A common metabolic complication of chemotherapy for rapidly growing tumors. It is characterized by the presence of excessive cellular waste products and electrolytes, including uric acid, phosphate, and potassium, and by reduced serum calcium levels. (p. 731)


Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology Overview

Cancer is a broad term encompassing a group of diseases that are characterized by cellular transformation (e.g., by genetic mutation), uncontrolled cellular growth, possible invasion into surrounding tissue, and metastasis to other tissues or organs distant from the original body site. This cellular growth differs from normal cellular growth in that cancerous cells do not possess a growth control mechanism. Lack of cellular differentiation or maturation into specialized, productive cells is also a common characteristic of cancer cells. Figure 45-1 illustrates the multiple steps involved in the development of cancer. Cancerous cells will continue to grow and invade adjacent structures. They may break away from the original tumor mass and travel by means of the blood or lymphatic system to establish a new clone of cancer cells and create a metastatic growth elsewhere in the body. A clone is a cell or group of cells that is genetically identical to a given parent cell. For the remainder of this and the next chapter, the term cancer will generally be used to refer to any type of malignant neoplasm.

Metastasis refers to the spreading of a cancer from the original site of growth (primary lesion) to a new and remote part of the body (secondary or metastatic lesion). The terms malignancy, neoplasm, and tumor are often used as synonyms for cancer. A neoplasm (“new tissue”) is a mass of new cells. It is another term for tumor. There are two types of tumors: benign and malignant. A benign tumor is of a uniform size and shape and displays no invasiveness (in terms of infiltrating other tissues) or metastatic properties. The terms nonmalignant and benign suggest that tumors may be harmless, which is true in most cases. However, a benign tumor can be lethal if it grows large enough to mechanically interrupt the normal function of a critical tissue or organ. Malignant neoplasms consist of cancer cells that invade (infiltrate) surrounding tissues and metastasize to other tissues and organs. Some of the various characteristics of benign and malignant neoplasms are listed in Table 45-1.

Over 100 types of cancer affect humans. Various tumor types based on tissue categories include sarcomas, carcinomas, lymphomas, leukemias, and tumors of nervous tissue origin. Examples of these common types of malignant tumors are presented in Table 45-2. It is important to know the tissue of origin, because this determines the type of treatment, the likely response to therapy, and the prognosis.

Carcinomas arise from epithelial tissue, which is located throughout the body. This tissue covers or lines all body surfaces, both inside and outside the body. Examples are the skin, the mucosal lining of the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and the lining of the bronchial tree (lungs). The purpose of these epithelial tissues is to protect the body’s vital organs.

Sarcomas are malignant tumors that arise primarily from connective tissues, but some sarcomas are tumors of epithelial cell origin. Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed of all tissues and includes bone, cartilage, muscle, and lymphatic and vascular structures. Its purpose is to support and protect other tissues.

Lymphomas are cancers within the lymphatic tissues. Leukemias arise from the bone marrow and are cancers of blood and bone marrow. Leukemias differ from carcinomas and sarcomas in that the cancerous cells do not form solid tumors but are interspersed throughout the lymphatic or circulatory system and interfere with the normal functioning of these systems. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as circulating tumors, although hematologic malignancy is a more precise term. Lymphomas can be quite bulky and are usually classified as solid tumors.

Cancer patients may also experience various groups of symptoms that cannot be directly attributed to the spread of a cancerous tumor. Such symptom complexes are referred to as paraneoplastic syndromes. They are estimated to occur in up to 15% of patients with cancer and may even be the first sign of malignancy. Cachexia (general ill health and malnutrition) is the most common such symptom complex. Examples of other common paraneoplastic syndromes are given in Table 45-3. These syndromes are believed to result from the effects of biologically or immunologically active substances, such as hormones and antibodies, secreted by the tumor cells. Many patients also exhibit more generalized symptoms, such as anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, and fever.

Etiology of Cancer

The etiology of cancer remains a mystery for the most part, and cancer researchers have made slow progress toward identifying possible causes. Certain etiologic factors have been identified, and some of these factors and the cancers with which they are causally associated are listed in Table 45-4. Causative factors that have been identified include age-related and sex-related characteristics; genetic and ethnic factors; oncogenic viruses; environmental and occupational factors; radiation; and immunologic factors.

Age- and Sex-Related Differences

The probability that a neoplastic disease will develop generally increases with advancing age. A number of rare cancers, such as acute lymphocytic leukemia and Wilms tumor, occur predominantly in pediatric patients.

With the exception of cancers affecting the reproductive system, few cancers exhibit a sex-related difference in incidence. Lung and urinary cancers are more common in men than in women, but this may have more to do with exogenous factors such as smoking patterns and occupational exposure to environmental toxins than to sex-related characteristics. The incidence of colon, rectal, pancreatic, and skin cancers are comparable in men and women. A number of hematologic cancers have a slight male predominance.

Genetic and Ethnic Factors

Few cancers have been confirmed to have a hereditary basis (some types of breast, colon, and stomach cancer are exceptions). The understanding of tumor biology has helped guide therapy tremendously. Two such advances are determination of hormone receptor status and identification of specific gene expression in various types of tumor cells. For example, some tumor cells express themselves on their cell membrane surfaces, either estrogen receptors or progesterone receptors, and some tumor cells express specific genes such as the HER2/neu gene. Because these indicators aid in classification of a patient’s tumor, they also help in choosing appropriate drug therapy, predicting response to therapy, and anticipating prognosis. Discovery of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has allowed identification of women who are at risk of breast cancer because they have a certain alteration in one of these BRCA genes. Many women with a family history of breast cancer choose to be tested for the presence of a BRCA gene mutation, which has led some women to undergo prophylactic breast removal. Tumors with identifiable gene expression patterns can show a familial pattern of inheritance. For example, Burkitt’s lymphoma is more common in young African children and children of African descent. Another example of an ethnic predisposition is the high incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer in persons of Chinese descent. These associations with race are complicated by a well-recognized viral pathogenesis for both diseases.

Oncogenic Viruses

Extensive research has indicated that there are cancer-causing (oncogenic) viruses that can affect most mammalian species. Examples include human papillomavirus, the various cat leukemia viruses, the Rous sarcoma virus in chickens, and the Shope papillomavirus in rabbits.

The herpesviruses are common examples of oncogenic viruses. Epstein-Barr virus is a type of herpesvirus. It is most commonly recognized as the cause of infectious mononucleosis (commonly referred to as “mono” or the “kissing disease”). However, it is also associated with the development of Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal cancer. Infection with human papillomavirus (often abbreviated as HPV) has been linked to both cervical and anal cancer.

Occupational and Environmental Carcinogens

A carcinogen is any substance that can cause cancer. In the nucleus of every cell are found molecules of nucleic acids, so named because of their location in the cell nucleus. The two types of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA molecules are the master molecules of genetic material within cells and contain the approximately 30,000 genes of the human genome. Genes are transcribed into messenger RNA molecules, which in turn are translated into protein molecules necessary for cellular structure and function. This process is discussed further in the section on alkylating drugs in Chapter 46. A mutagen is any substance or physical agent (e.g., radiation) that induces changes in DNA molecules. Mutations often transform normal cells into cancer cells. Thus, mutagenicity is associated with and often (but not always) leads to carcinogenicity. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandates that carcinogenic studies be performed before any new drug is approved for use. However, no amount of clinical testing can fully reveal all of a drug’s possible carcinogenic effects. Carcinogenic effects may not be observed in the laboratory animals on which the drug has been tested but may be reported when the drugs are used in human subjects. Given the relatively small numbers of patients tested in clinical research trials, the carcinogenic potential of a given drug may not be observed until after the drug is marketed for use in the general population. If patterns of carcinogenicity begin to emerge during this period of postmarketing surveillance (or postmarketing studies), the drug may be recalled from the market.


Radiation is a well-known and potent carcinogenic agent. There are two basic types of radiation: (1) ionizing, or high-energy, radiation, and (2) nonionizing, or low-energy, radiation. Both types can be carcinogenic. Ionizing radiation is very potent and can penetrate deeply into the body. It is called ionizing because it causes the formation of ions within living cells. This type of radiation (e.g., that used in radiographic studies) is also used to treat (irradiate) cancerous tumors (e.g., radium implants). Nonionizing radiation is much less potent and cannot penetrate deeply into the body. Ultraviolet light is an example of this type of radiation and is the cause of skin cancer. In contrast to chemotherapy, radiation therapy is considered to be a locoregional and not a systemic cancer treatment. Adverse effects of radiation therapy (e.g., radiation burns; nausea with GI tract irradiation) tend to be more localized to the site of treatment as well. Scientific specialists known as radiation oncologists are involved in the planning of radiation treatments, including calculation of the appropriate dose (dosimetry).

Immunologic Factors

The immune system plays an important role in the body in terms of cancer surveillance and the elimination of neoplastic cells. Neoplastic cells are believed to develop in everyone; however, a healthy person’s immune system recognizes them as abnormal and eliminates them by means of cell-mediated immunity (cytotoxic T lymphocytes; see Chapter 47). It has also been shown that the incidence of cancer is much higher in immunocompromised individuals. The relationship between cancer and a suppressed immune system has also been noted in cancer patients being treated with immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation. The higher rates of cancers such as skin cancer and lymphoma in transplant patients is a result of this aggressive use of drugs to prevent organ rejection.

Cell Growth Cycle

Normal cells in the body divide (proliferate) in a controlled and organized fashion, and this growth is regulated by various mechanisms. In contrast, cancer cells lack such regulatory mechanisms and divide uncontrollably. Often the growth of cancer cells is more constant or continuous than that of nonmalignant cells. Thus, one important growth index for malignant tumors is the time it takes for the tumor to double in size. This doubling time varies greatly for various types of cancers and is directly related to and important in determining the prognosis. Cancer treatment that cannot destroy every neoplastic cell does not prevent the regrowth of the tumor. The time it takes for regrowth to occur depends on the doubling time of the particular cancer. For instance, Burkitt’s lymphoma has an extremely short doubling time. This shorter doubling time is associated with a tumor that, although it may be chemosensitive, is often difficult to cure due to rapid regrowth.

The cell growth characteristics of normal and neoplastic cells are similar. Both types of cells pass through five distinct gap phases: G0, the resting phase, in which the cell is considered out of the cell cycle; G1, the first gap phase; S, the synthesis phase; G2, the second gap phase; and M, the mitosis phase (Figure 45-2). During mitosis, one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Mitosis is further subdivided into four distinct subphases related to the time periods before and during the alignment and separation of the chromosomes (DNA strands): prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. A complete cell cycle from one mitosis to the next is called the generation time. It is different for all tumors, ranging from hours to days. The cell growth cycle and the events that occur in the various phases are summarized in Table 45-5. Figure 45-3 shows where in the general phases of the cell cycle the various cell cycle–specific chemotherapeutic drugs show their greatest activity.

The growth activity in a mass of tumor cells has an important bearing on the killing power of chemotherapeutic drugs. The percentage of cells undergoing mitosis at any given time is called the growth fraction of the tumor. The actual number of cells that are in the M phase of the cell cycle is called the mitotic index. Chemotherapy is most effective when used in a rapidly dividing or highly proliferative tumor.

Hematopoietic stem cells are cells in the bone marrow that have the capacity for self-renewal and repopulation of the different types of blood and bone marrow cells. In the bone marrow, the hematopoietic stem cell divides asynchronously, regenerating itself while producing a cell that will go through a series of cell divisions to produce mature blood cells. Tumors in the bone marrow that affect a cell close to the stem cell are unable to mature and are considered poorly differentiated. The level of differentiation within a tumor, whether solid or circulating, becomes especially important in the treatment of neoplasms. This is because more highly differentiated tumors generally have a better therapeutic response (tumor shrinkage) to treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. In contrast, some cancers, such as leukemia, involve proliferation of immature white blood cells (WBCs) known as blast cells. Cancers with a larger proportion of such undifferentiated cells are often less responsive to chemotherapy or radiation and therefore are more difficult to treat. Lack of normal cellular differentiation is known as anaplasia, and such undifferentiated cells are said to be anaplastic cells.

Pharmacology Overview

Cancer Drug Nomenclature

The more technical term for cancer is malignant neoplasm. Drugs used to treat cancer are therefore known as antineoplastic drugs but are also called cancer drugs, anticancer drugs, and, most commonly, cytotoxic chemotherapy or just chemotherapy. The nomenclature (naming system) of cancer drugs can be somewhat more complex and confusing than that for other drug classes. Cancer treatment is an intensively researched area in health care with many active research protocols. Multiple names are often used for the same drug, depending on its stage of development.

Recall from Chapter 2 that medications have a chemical name, a generic name, and a trade name. This section introduces yet another name for medications, especially cancer drugs: the investigational or protocol name. A drug’s chemical name is used by the chemists who first discover and work with the drug. The generic name is frequently first assigned to a chemical compound after a pharmaceutical manufacturer has determined that it is worthy of continued clinical research. It is often at this point that the chemical compound becomes an investigational drug. The trade name is a marketing name used by the manufacturer of a given drug primarily to market the drug. During the time before marketing and while a given medication is undergoing clinical research, it is frequently referred to by its protocol name. The protocol name is often a code name that consists of a combination of letters and numbers separated by one or more dashes. Although investigational drugs for all disease classes usually have some kind of protocol name, protocol names tend to be used more commonly in patient care settings for cancer drugs than for other drug classes. Here are two typical examples that illustrate these concepts:

Other Name Generic Name Trade Name
STI-571 (protocol name) imatinib Gleevec
5-fluorouracil (chemical name) fluorouracil Adrucil

The “5” refers to the position of a fluorine atom in the cyclic ring structure of the uracil molecule.

Drug Therapy

Cancer is normally treated using one or more of three major medical approaches: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The term chemotherapy is a general term that technically can refer to chemical (drug) therapy for any kind of illness. In practice, however, this term usually refers to the pharmacologic treatment of cancer.

Normal cells in the body divide (proliferate) in a controlled and organized fashion, and this growth is regulated by means of various mechanisms. In contrast, cancer cells lack regulatory mechanisms, and they proliferate uncontrollably. Figure 45-4 shows how various combinations of cancer treatment may succeed, or fail, over time.

Cancer chemotherapy drugs can be subdivided into two main groups based on where in the cell cycle they have their effects. Antineoplastic drugs that are cytotoxic (cell killing) in any phase of the cycle are called cell cycle–nonspecific drugs. Those drugs that are cytotoxic during a specific cell cycle phase are called cell cycle–specific drugs. These are broad categories that describe the activity of a drug with regard to cell cycle. Individual drugs may have actions that fall into both of these categories. Regardless of the cell cycle characteristics of a drug, it is more effective on rapidly growing tumors. This chapter discusses the cell cycle–specific drugs. Chapter 46 focuses on cell cycle–nonspecific drugs as well as various miscellaneous antineoplastic drugs.

The ultimate goal of any anticancer regimen is to kill every neoplastic cell and produce a cure, but this goal is not achieved in most cases. Fortunately, some patients’ immune systems may be able to clear the remaining tumor. Factors that affect the chances of cure and the length of patient survival include the cancer stage at time of diagnosis, the type of cancer and its doubling time, the efficacy of the cancer treatment, the development of drug resistance, and the general health of the patient. When total cure is not possible, the primary goal of therapy is to control the growth of the cancer while maintaining the best quality of life for the patient with the least possible level of discomfort and fewest treatment adverse effects.

It must be emphasized that cancer care and treatment involve many rapidly evolving medical sciences. Cancer is an intensively researched area, with the ultimate goals being to prevent cancer and to prevent premature death. Chemotherapy medications are often dosed as part of complex, specific treatment protocols that are subject to frequent revision by oncology clinicians and researchers. For these reasons, you must recognize that the drug dosing information provided in this chapter is intended only to be representative of current cancer treatment and is not absolute or comprehensive. Furthermore, the indications that are listed for each specific drug are the primary FDA-approved indications that are current at the time of this writing. These, too, may change unpredictably with time as a given drug is determined to be more (or less) effective for treating certain types of cancer. Also, in clinical practice, patients are often treated with one or more antineoplastic medications in “off-label” uses; that is, the drug is not currently approved for those particular uses by the FDA.

No antineoplastic drug is effective against all types of cancer. Most cancer drugs have a low therapeutic index, which means that a fine line exists between therapeutic and toxic levels. Clinical experience has shown that a combination of drugs is usually more effective than single-drug therapy. Because drug-resistant cells often develop, exposure to multiple drugs with multiple mechanisms and sites of action will destroy more subpopulations of cells. The delayed onset of resistance to a particular antineoplastic drug is one benefit of combination drug therapy. To be most effective, however, the drugs used in such a combination regimen would ideally possess the following characteristics:

One major drawback to the use of antineoplastic drugs is that nearly all of them cause adverse effects. These toxicities generally stem from the fact that chemotherapy drugs affect rapidly dividing cells—both harmful cancer cells and healthy, normal cells. Three types of rapidly dividing human cells are the cells of hair follicles, GI tract cells, and bone marrow cells. Because most of today’s antineoplastic drugs cannot differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells, the healthy cells are also destroyed, so hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and bone marrow toxicity are the undesirable consequences. Effects on the GI tract and bone marrow are often dose-limiting adverse effects; that is, the patient can no longer tolerate an increase in dosage that may be necessary to adequately treat the cancer and achieve good disease response.

Hair follicle cells are rapidly dividing cells. Cancer drugs that affect these cells often cause the adverse effect known as alopecia, or hair loss. Many patients, especially women, choose to wear wigs, hats, or scarves to disguise this adverse effect. Some antineoplastic drugs are more harmful to the epithelial cells of the stomach and intestinal tract, which often leads to diarrhea and mucositis, and may also increase the risk of nausea and vomiting. The likelihood that a given drug will produce vomiting is known as its emetic potential. Anticancer drugs cause nausea and vomiting by stimulating the cells of the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Several antiemetic drugs are used to prevent these symptoms and are described in Chapter 52. Box 45-1 lists the relative emetic potential of selected chemotherapy drugs.

Myelosuppression, also known as bone marrow suppression or bone marrow depression, is another unwanted adverse effect of certain antineoplastics. It commonly results from drug- or radiation-induced destruction of certain rapidly dividing cells in the bone marrow, primarily the cellular precursors of WBCs, red blood cells (RBCs), and platelets. This can also occur due to the disease processes of the cancer itself. Myelosuppression, in turn, leads to leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. The cancer patient is often at greater risk for infection because of leukopenia (reduced WBC count) secondary to chemotherapy. Patients often need antibiotics intravenously (IV), either to prevent or to treat bacterial infections. Such patients are referred to as being neutropenic. Drug-induced anemia (reduced RBC count) often leads to hypoxia and fatigue, whereas thrombocytopenia (reduced platelet count) makes the patient more susceptible to bleeding. The lowest level of WBCs in the blood following chemotherapy (or radiation) treatment is called the nadir. The time until the nadir is reached in a given patient may become shorter and the recovery time for the bone marrow may become longer with multiple courses of antineoplastic treatment. The nadir normally occurs roughly 10 to 28 days after dosing, depending on the particular cancer drug or combination of drugs that is used to treat the patient. Anticipation of this nadir based on known cancer drug data can be used to guide the timing of prophylactic (preventative) administration of antibiotics and blood stimulants known as hematopoietic growth factors (see Chapter 47).

Common indications for various antineoplastic drugs are listed in the Dosages tables. Also provided in various locations in this chapter and in Chapter 46 are tables and boxes (Tables 45-8 and 46-2 and Boxes 46-1 and 46-2) containing drug-specific guidelines for the treatment of extravasation—unintended leakage of a chemotherapy drug (with vesicant potential) into the surrounding tissues outside of the IV line.

Because of the often severe toxicity of cancer medications, a current major focus of cancer drug research is the development of targeted drug therapy. Targeted drug therapy utilizes drugs that recognize a specific molecule involved in the growth of cancer cells, while mostly sparing healthy cells. One example of such targeted therapy is the newer class of cancer drugs known as monoclonal antibodies (see Chapter 47).

Pharmacokinetic data for antineoplastic medications is seldom used to guide dosing. Assay complexity coupled with a poor correlation between blood concentration and toxicity and efficacy limits its value. Only a handful of anticancer drugs benefit from therapeutic drug monitoring. For these reasons, pharmacokinetic data are not included with the drug profiles in this chapter.

In spite of their notorious toxicity, given the often fatal outcome of neoplastic diseases, most cancer drugs are only rarely considered to be absolutely contraindicated. Even if a patient has a known allergic reaction to an antineoplastic medication, the urgency of treating the patient’s cancer necessitates administering the medication and treating any allergic symptoms with premedications such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, and acetaminophen. For these reasons, no specific contraindications are listed for any of the drugs in this chapter.

Common relative contraindications for cancer drugs include weakened status of the patient as manifested by indicators such as very low WBC count, ongoing infectious process, severe compromise in nutritional and hydration status, reduced kidney or liver function, or a decline in organ function in any system that may be further affected by the toxic effect of the drug being administered. These are situations in which chemotherapy treatment is commonly delayed until the patient’s status improves. In general, most chemotherapy is held when the patient’s absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 500 cells/mm3 (severe neutropenia) (see Chapter 46). Alternatively, dosages are often reduced for frail elderly patients or others with significantly compromised organ system function, depending on the drugs used.

Reduction in fertility is a major concern in postpubertal patients. Cancer also complicates 1 in 1000 pregnancies. All chemotherapy drugs are classified as pregnancy category D. The choice to use chemotherapy in a pregnant woman is based on risk versus benefit. Both radiation and chemotherapy treatments can cause significant permanent fetal harm or death. The greatest risk is during the first trimester. Chemotherapy treatment during the second or third trimester is more likely to improve maternal outcome without significant fetal risk. However, radiation treatment poses great risk to the fetus throughout pregnancy and is reserved for the postpartum period if possible. Prepubertal patients are more resilient, however, and can have normal puberty and fertility.

In the elderly, frailty refers to loss of most of the patient’s functional reserve and limited ability to tolerate even minimal physiologic stress (e.g., chemotherapy treatment). More robust elderly patients are certainly better candidates for cancer treatment, although frail patients often benefit as well, especially in terms of palliative (noncurative) symptom control.

Cell Cycle–Specific Antineoplastic Drugs

Cell cycle–specific drug classes include antimetabolites, mitotic inhibitors, alkaloid topoisomerase II inhibitors, topoisomerase I inhibitors, and antineoplastic enzymes. These drugs are collectively used to treat a variety of solid and/or circulating tumors, although some drugs have much more specific indications than others.


A compound that is structurally similar to a normal cellular metabolite is known as an analogue of that metabolite. Analogues may have agonist or antagonist activity relative to the corresponding cellular compounds. An antagonist analogue is also known as an antimetabolite.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

Antineoplastic antimetabolites are cell cycle–specific analogues that work by antagonizing the actions of key cellular metabolites. More specifically, antimetabolites inhibit cellular growth by interfering with the synthesis or actions of compounds critical to cellular reproduction: the vitamin folic acid, purines, and pyrimidines. Purines and pyrimidines make up the bases contained in nucleic acid molecules (DNA and RNA). Antimetabolites work via two mechanisms: (1) by falsely substituting for purines, pyrimidines, or folic acid; and (2) by inhibiting critical enzymes involved in the synthesis or function of these compounds. Thus, they ultimately inhibit the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins, all of which are necessary for cell survival. Antimetabolites work primarily in the S phase of the cell cycle, during which DNA synthesis is most active. The available antimetabolites and the metabolites they antagonize are as follows:

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