Antilipemic Drugs

Antilipemic Drugs


When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

Drug Profiles

Key Terms

Antilipemic drugs Drugs that reduce lipid levels. (p. 444)

Apolipoproteins The protein components of lipoproteins. (p. 444)

Cholesterol A fat-soluble steroid found in animal fats, oils, and egg yolk and widely distributed in the body, especially in the bile, blood, brain tissue, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. (p. 444)

Chylomicrons Microscopic droplets made up of fat and protein that are produced by cells in the small intestine and released into the bloodstream. Their main purpose is to carry fats to the tissues throughout the body, primarily the liver. Chylomicrons consist of about 90% triglycerides and small amounts of cholesterol, phospholipids, and proteins. (p. 445)

Exogenous lipids Lipids originating outside the body or an organ (e.g., dietary fats). (p. 445)

Foam cells The characteristic initial lesion of atherosclerosis, also known as a fatty streak. (p. 446)

Hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG–CoA) reductase inhibitors A class of cholesterol-lowering drugs that work by inhibiting the rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis; also commonly referred to as statins. (p. 448)

Hypercholesterolemia A condition in which higher than normal amounts of cholesterol are present in the blood. High levels of cholesterol and other lipids may lead to the development of atherosclerosis and serious illnesses such as coronary heart disease. (p. 445)

Lipoprotein A conjugated protein synthesized in the liver that contains varying amounts of triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and protein; classified according to its composition and density. (p. 444)

Statins A class of cholesterol-lowering drugs that are more formally known as HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors. (p. 447)

Triglycerides Compounds that consist of fatty acids and a type of alcohol known as glycerol. Triglycerides make up most animal and vegetable fats and are the principal lipids in the blood, where they circulate bound to a protein, forming high-density and low-density lipoproteins (HDLs and LDLs). (p. 444)


Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology Overview

Key to understanding the use of antilipemic drugs is a working knowledge of the pathology of lipid abnormalities and their contribution to coronary heart disease (CHD). It is also important to understand, at the cellular level, the transporting and use of cholesterol and triglycerides in the human body. Lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, receptors, and enzyme systems are all integral parts of these processes. Armed with this knowledge, you can develop and implement a rational approach to treatment using both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions. See to the Safety: Herbal Therapies and Dietary Supplements boxes below and on p. 446 for information on some common dietary supplements patients may use to control hyperlipidemia.

Lipids and Lipid Abnormalities

Primary Forms of Lipids

Triglycerides and cholesterol are the two primary forms of lipids in the blood. Triglycerides function as an energy source and are stored in adipose (fat) tissue. Cholesterol is primarily used to make steroid hormones, cell membranes, and bile acids. Triglycerides and cholesterol are both water-insoluble fats that must be bound to specialized lipid-carrying proteins called apolipoproteins. The combination of triglycerides and cholesterol with an apolipoprotein is referred to as a lipoprotein.

Lipoproteins transport lipids via the blood. The various types of lipoproteins are classified according to their density and the type of apolipoproteins they contain. The lipoproteins and their classifications are presented in Table 27-1.

Cholesterol Homeostasis

Cholesterol homeostasis involves a complex array of biochemical factors. Figure 27-1 summarizes the major concepts. Fats are taken into the body through the diet and are broken down in the small intestine to form triglycerides. Triglycerides are then incorporated into chylomicrons in the cells of the intestinal wall and are absorbed into the lymphatic system. The primary purpose of chylomicrons is to transport lipids obtained from dietary sources (exogenous lipids) from the intestines to the liver to be used to make steroid hormones, lipid structural components for peripheral body cells, and bile acids.

The liver is the major organ where lipid metabolism occurs. The liver produces very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) from both endogenous and exogenous sources. The major role of VLDL is the transport of endogenous lipids to peripheral cells. Once VLDL is circulating, it is enzymatically cleaved by lipoprotein lipase and then loses triglycerides. This creates intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), which is soon also cleaved by lipoprotein lipase to create low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Cholesterol is almost all that remains in LDL after this process. Any tissues that require LDL, such as endocrine cells, have LDL receptors. LDL and about half of IDL are reabsorbed from the circulation into the liver by means of LDL receptors on the liver.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is produced in the liver and intestines and is also formed when chylomicrons are broken down. Lipids that are not used by peripheral cells are transferred as cholesterol esters to HDL. HDL then transfers the cholesterol esters to IDL to be returned to the liver. HDL is responsible for the “recycling” of cholesterol. HDL is sometimes referred to as the good lipid (or good cholesterol) because it is believed to be cardioprotective.

If the liver has an excess amount of cholesterol, the number of LDL receptors on the liver decreases, which results in an accumulation of LDL in the blood. One explanation for hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol in the blood), therefore, is downregulation (reduced production) of hepatic LDL receptors. A major function of the liver is to manufacture cholesterol, a process that requires acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) reductase. Inhibition of this enzyme thus results in decreased cholesterol production by the liver.

Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation

Lipids and lipoproteins participate in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, which subsequently leads to the development of CHD. When serum cholesterol levels are elevated, circulating monocytes adhere to the smooth endothelial surfaces of the coronary vasculature. These monocytes burrow into the next layer of the blood vessel (subendothelial tissue) and change into macrophage cells, which then take up cholesterol from circulating lipoproteins until they become filled with fat. Soon they become what are known as foam cells, the characteristic precursor lesion of atherosclerosis, also known as a fatty streak. Once this process is established, it is usually present throughout the coronary and systemic circulation.

Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease

Numerous epidemiologic trials have shown that as blood cholesterol levels increase, the incidence of death and disability related to CHD also increases. The risk for CHD in patients with cholesterol levels of 300 mg/dL is three to four times greater than that in patients with levels of less than 200 mg/dL. The incidence of CHD is lower in premenopausal women. This is thought to be secondary to the effects of estrogen, because the risk for CHD climbs considerably in postmenopausal women. However, there is controversy regarding this longstanding belief, because two major trials of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) did not demonstrate prevention of cardiovascular events in women receiving ERT. Other experimental studies that looked for any benefits of low-dose estrogen therapy in male patients also failed to demonstrate significant cardioprotective efficacy.

Statistics show that half of all Americans, both male and female, will die of a heart attack. Thus, the goals of treatment are two-pronged: primary prevention of cardiac events in patients with risk factors and secondary prevention of subsequent cardiac events in individuals who have previously experienced a cardiac event (e.g., myocardial infarction). The benefits of cholesterol reduction for primary prevention have been illustrated in a number of trials. Results of some of the larger investigations support the view that, in patients with known risk factors for CHD, therapy with an antilipemic drug can reduce the occurrence of CHD. Drug therapy can also reduce first-time heart attack and death caused by heart disease. Benefits of cholesterol reduction for secondary prevention have been illustrated in a variety of trials as well. In patients with documented CHD, treatment with a cholesterol-lowering drug has many positive outcomes; decreased coronary events, regression of coronary atherosclerotic lesions, and prolonged survival.

Measures taken early in life to reduce and maintain cholesterol levels in a desirable range can have a dramatic effect in terms of preventing CHD. These include lifestyle modifications related to diet, weight, and activity level. Diets lower in saturated fat and higher in fiber and plant chemicals known as sterols and stanols, and possibly the substitution of soy-based proteins for animal proteins, appear to promote healthier lipid profiles. These are among the dietary recommendations made by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) of the National Institutes of Health. The consumption of fatty fish or dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids appears to have beneficial effects on triglyceride and HDL levels and is currently recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA also strongly emphasizes the substantial therapeutic benefits of even modest weight reduction and exercise in both improvement of lipid profiles and reduction of the likelihood of heart disease.

Hyperlipidemias and Treatment Guidelines

The decision to prescribe antilipemic drugs as an adjunct to dietary therapy in patients with an elevated cholesterol level is based on the patient’s clinical profile. This includes the patient’s age, sex, menopausal status for women, family history, and response to dietary treatment, as well as the presence of risk factors (other than hyperlipidemia) for premature CHD and the cause, duration, and phenotypic pattern of the patient’s hyperlipidemia.

A major source of guidance for antilipemic treatment in the United States has been the NCEP, which is developed in close cooperation with major professional organizations such as the AHA. This program has two main focuses, both aimed at reducing the total risk for CHD. One is focused on the entire population and consists of general guidelines for the prevention of CHD. It emphasizes the appropriate dietary intake of total cholesterol and saturated fat, weight control, physical activity, and the control of other lifestyle risk factors. The other focus is on the management of individual patients who are at increased risk for CHD. The original guidelines for the detection, evaluation, and treatment of high serum cholesterol levels in adults were published in 1988 and 2001. They were updated again in July 2004 and will be updated in 2012.

The selection of dietary and drug therapy options is determined by the presence of certain risk factors. The latest guidelines are the first to include CHD risk equivalents. CHD risk equivalents have been statistically calculated to equate a person’s 10-year risk for a major coronary event (e.g., myocardial infarction) for those patients who do not currently have CHD, but may have other diseases such as diabetes. These risk factors and risk equivalents are listed in Box 27-1.

When the decision to institute drug therapy has been made, the choice of drug is determined by the specific lipid profile of the patient. Five patterns or phenotypes of hyperlipidemia have been identified, and these are defined by the plasma (serum) concentrations of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein fractions (i.e., HDL, LDL, IDL, VLDL). The various types of hyperlipidemia are listed in Table 27-2. The process of characterizing a patient’s specific lipid profile in this way is referred to as phenotyping.

One of the basic tenets of the NCEP guidelines is that all reasonable nonpharmaceutical means of controlling the blood cholesterol level (e.g., diet, exercise) are to be tried for at least 6 months and found to fail before drug therapy is considered. This is because the drug treatment for hyperlipidemias entails a long-term commitment to the therapy. Factors to be considered before the initiation of therapy are the type and magnitude of dyslipidemia, the age and lifestyle of the patient, the relative indications and contraindications of different drugs, potential drug interactions, adverse effects, and the overall cost of therapy. The 2004 NCEP guidelines recommend that all patients with LDL cholesterol levels exceeding 190 mg/dL and those with LDL cholesterol levels between 160 and 190 mg/dL who have CHD or two or more risk factors for heart disease be considered for drug therapy after an adequate trial of dietary and other nondrug therapies has proved ineffective. The treatment decisions made based on the LDL cholesterol levels are listed in Table 27-3. The updated guidelines also recommend optional use of drug therapy to reduce LDL to less than 70 mg/dL in patients at very high risk and to less than 100 mg/dL in patients at moderately high risk. “Very high risk” patients include those with active cardiovascular disease with other major risk factors such as diabetes, continued smoking, or metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors associated with obesity, including hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL level. “Moderately high risk” patients include those without cardiovascular disease but with two or more risk factors. Box 27-2 lists the identifying features of metabolic syndrome.

There are currently four established classes of drugs used to treat dyslipidemia: hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG–CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins), bile acid sequestrants, the B vitamin niacin (vitamin B3, also known as nicotinic acid), and the fibric acid derivatives (fibrates). In addition, a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, ezetimibe (Zetia), is also available. Vytorin is an example of a combination tablet that contains both the statin drug simvastatin and ezetimibe.

Pharmacology Overview

Hydroxymethylglutaryl–Coenzyme a Reductase Inhibitors

The rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis is known as HMG–CoA reductase. The class of medications that competitively inhibit this enzyme, called the hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG–CoA) reductase inhibitors, are the most potent of the drugs available for reducing plasma concentrations of LDL cholesterol. Lovastatin was the first drug in this class to be approved for use, which occurred in 1987. Since that time, six other HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors have become available on the U.S. market: pravastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, fluvastatin, rosuvastatin, and pitavastatin. Because of the shared suffix of their generic names, these drugs are often collectively referred to as statins. Lipid levels may not be lowered to their maximum extent until 6 to 8 weeks after the start of therapy. Few direct comparisons of the statins have been reported in the literature. The following doses of drugs are considered to be “therapeutically equivalent,” meaning they produce the same therapeutic effect: simvastatin 20 mg, pravastatin 40 mg, lovastatin 40 mg, atorvastatin 10 mg, fluvastatin 80 mg, rosuvastatin 5 mg, and pitavastatin 2 mg.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

Statins lower the blood cholesterol level by decreasing the rate of cholesterol production. The liver requires HMG–CoA reductase to produce cholesterol. It is the rate-limiting enzyme in the reactions needed to make cholesterol. The statins inhibit this enzyme, thereby decreasing cholesterol production. When less cholesterol is produced, the liver increases the number of LDL receptors to recycle LDL from the circulation back into the liver, where it is needed for the synthesis of other required substances such as steroids, bile acids, and cell membranes. Lovastatin and simvastatin are administered as inactive drugs or prodrugs that must be biotransformed into their active metabolites in the liver. In contrast, pravastatin is administered in its active form.


The statins are recommended as first-line drug therapy for hypercholesterolemia (especially elevated levels of LDL cholesterol), the most common and dangerous form of dyslipidemia. More specifically, they are indicated for the treatment of type IIa and IIb hyperlipidemia and have been shown to reduce the plasma concentrations of LDL cholesterol by 30% to 40%. Their cholesterol-lowering properties are dose dependent; that is, the larger the dose, the greater the cholesterol-lowering effects. A 10% to 30% decrease in the concentrations of plasma triglycerides has also been observed in patients receiving these drugs. Another very important therapeutic effect of the statins is an overall tendency for the HDL cholesterol level to increase by 2% to 15%, a known beneficial factor that reduces risk (i.e., a negative risk factor) for cardiovascular disease.

These drugs appear to be equally effective in their ability to reduce LDL cholesterol concentrations. However, simvastatin, atorvastatin, and pitavastatin are more potent on a milligram basis. Atorvastatin appears to be more effective in lowering triglyceride levels than other HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors. Combined drug therapy with more than one class of antilipemic drug may be necessary for desired results. The statins are often combined with niacin or fibrates for this purpose, though this combination can increase the risk of adverse drug effects (see Adverse Effects).


Contraindications to the use of HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) include known drug allergy and pregnancy. Other contraindications may include liver disease or elevation of liver enzyme levels.

Adverse Effects

The HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors are generally well tolerated, and significant adverse effects are fairly uncommon. However, mild, transient gastrointestinal disturbances, rash, and headache are the most common problems and tend to be underreported in clinical trials. These and other less common adverse effects are listed in Table 27-4. Elevations in liver enzyme levels may also occur, and patients need to be monitored for excessive elevations, which may indicate the need for alternative drug therapy. Dose-dependent elevations in liver enzyme levels to values of more than three times the upper limit of normal have been noted in 0.4% to 1.9% of patients taking HMG–CoA reductase inhibitors. Serum creatine phosphokinase concentrations may be increased to more than 10 times the normal level in patients receiving these drugs. Most of these patients have remained asymptomatic, however.

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