Antiepileptic Drugs

Antiepileptic Drugs


When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

Drug Profiles

Key Terms

Anticonvulsants Substances or procedures that prevent or reduce the severity of epileptic or other convulsive seizures. (p. 221)

Antiepileptic drugs Prescription drugs that prevent or reduce the severity of epilepsy and different types of epileptic seizures, not just convulsive seizures. (p. 221)

Autoinduction A metabolic process in which a drug stimulates the production of enzymes that enhance its own metabolism over time, which leads to a reduction in therapeutic drug concentrations. (p. 229)

Convulsion A type of seizure involving excessive stimulation of neurons in the brain and characterized by the spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles. (See also seizure.) (p. 220)

Electroencephalogram (EEG) A recording of the electrical activity that arises from spontaneous currents in nerve cells in the brain, derived from electrodes placed on the outer skull. (p. 220)

Epilepsy A general term for any of a group of neurologic disorders characterized by recurrent episodes of convulsive seizures, sensory disturbances, abnormal behavior, loss of consciousness, or any combination of these. (p. 220)

Generalized onset seizures Seizures originating simultaneously in both cerebral hemispheres. (p. 220)

Gingival hyperplasia Overgrowth of gum tissue and often a side effect of phenytoin. (p. 228)

Partial onset seizures Seizures originating in a more localized region of the brain (also called focal seizures). (p. 221)

Primary epilepsy Epilepsy in which there is no identifiable cause. Also known as idiopathic. (p. 220)

Seizure Excessive stimulation of neurons in the brain leading to a sudden burst of abnormal neuron activity that results in temporary changes in brain function, primarily affecting sensory and motor activity. (p. 220)

Status epilepticus A seizure disorder characterized by generalized tonic-clonic convulsions that occur repeatedly; considered a medical emergency. (p. 221)

Tonic-clonic seizures Seizures involving initial muscular contraction throughout the body (tonic phase), progressing to alternating contraction and relaxation (clonic phase). (p. 220)


Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology Overview


Epilepsy is a syndrome of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction that can cause symptoms ranging from momentary sensory disturbances to convulsive seizures. It is the most common chronic neurologic illness, affecting 3 million people in the United States and 50 million people worldwide. It results from excessive electrical activity of neurons (nerve cells) located in the superficial area of the brain known as the cerebral cortex or gray matter. The terms seizure, convulsion, and epilepsy are often used interchangeably, but they do not have the same meaning. A seizure is a brief episode of abnormal electrical activity in the nerve cells of the brain, which may or may not lead to a convulsion. A convulsion is a more severe seizure characterized by involuntary spasmodic contractions of any or all voluntary muscles throughout the body, including skeletal, facial, and ocular muscles. Commonly reported symptoms include abnormal motor function, loss of consciousness, altered sensory awareness, and psychic changes. In contrast, epilepsy is a chronic, recurrent pattern of seizures. Excessive electrical discharges can often be detected by an electroencephalogram (EEG), which is obtained to help diagnose epilepsy. Fluctuations in the brain’s electrical potential are seen in the form of waves. These waves correlate well with different neurologic conditions and are used as diagnostic indicators. In the case of epilepsy, they are used to identify specific seizure subtypes.

Up to 50% of patients with epilepsy have normal EEGs; therefore a careful history is very important for accurate diagnosis. Other applicable diagnostic tests include skull radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. These procedures help to rule out structural causes of epilepsy, such as brain tumors. In particularly severe cases, patients may be observed in a hospital setting or sleep study laboratory. This allows for continuous EEG and video monitoring to identify detailed patterns of seizure activity and to allow tailoring of an effective treatment.

Epilepsy occurs most commonly in children and the elderly. Epilepsy without an identifiable cause is known as primary epilepsy or idiopathic epilepsy. Primary epilepsy accounts for roughly 50% of cases. Evidence indicates genetic predispositions, but these have yet to be clearly defined. Studies in the field of pharmacogenomics (see Chapter 8) are beginning to clarify genetic factors that can help optimize antiepileptic drug therapy. In other cases, epilepsy has a distinct cause, such as trauma, infection, cerebrovascular disorder, or other illness. This is known as secondary or symptomatic epilepsy. The chief causes of secondary epilepsy in children and infants are developmental defects, metabolic disease, and injury at birth. Febrile seizures occur in children 6 months to 5 years of age, and by definition are caused by fever. Children usually outgrow the tendency to have such seizures, and thus these seizures do not constitute a chronic illness. Antipyretic drugs (e.g., acetaminophen [see Chapter 10]) are normally adequate for acute treatment.

In adults, acquired brain disorder is the major cause of secondary epilepsy. Examples include head injury, disease or infection of the brain and spinal cord, stroke, metabolic disorders, adverse drug reactions (e.g., meperidine [see Chapter 10], theophylline [see Chapter 37]), primary or metastatic brain tumor, or other nonspecific neurologic diseases. The elderly have the highest incidence of new-onset epilepsy. Fortunately, seizures in the elderly are often well controlled with drug therapy.

Seizures are classified into different categories based on their presenting features. There are three major categories: partial onset, generalized onset, and unclassified seizures (Box 14-1). Evidence provided by EEG and other diagnostic techniques indicates that different types of seizures originate from disruptions of normal brain electrical activity in different regions or lobes of the brain.

BOX 14-1


Partial Seizures


Short alterations in consciousness, repetitive unusual movements (chewing or swallowing movements), psychologic changes, and confusion

Simple Seizures

Complex Seizures

Generalized Seizures


Most often seen in children and commonly characterized by temporary lapses in consciousness lasting a few seconds. Staring off into space, daydreaming, and inattentive look are common symptoms. Patients may exhibit rhythmic movements of their eyes, head, or hands but do not experience convulsions. Patients may have several attacks per day.

Unclassified Seizures


Seizures that are not officially classified due to inadequate data, as well as seizures that do not fit into the above categories. These include neonatal seizures such as those manifested by rhythmic eye movements, chewing, and swimming movements.

Generalized onset seizures, formerly called grand mal seizures, are characterized by neuronal activity that originates simultaneously in the gray matter of both hemispheres. There are several subtypes of generalized seizures. Tonic-clonic seizures begin with muscular contraction throughout the body (tonic phase) and progress to alternating contraction and relaxation (clonic phase). Tonic seizures involve spasms of the upper trunk with flexion of the arms. Clonic seizures are the same as tonic-clonic seizures but without the tonic phase. Atonic seizures, also known as drop attacks, involve sudden global muscle weakness and syncope. Myoclonic seizures are characterized by brief muscular jerks, but not as extreme as in other subtypes. Finally, absence seizures involve a brief loss of awareness that commonly occurs with repetitive spasmodic eye blinking for up to 30 seconds. This type occurs primarily in childhood and rarely after 14 years of age.

Partial onset seizures originate in a localized or focal region (e.g., one lobe) of the brain. There are three types of partial onset seizures. Simple partial onset seizure, formerly called petit mal seizure, is characterized by brief loss of awareness (e.g., blank stare) but without loss of consciousness or spasmodic eye blinking as in absence seizures. In complex partial onset seizure, the level of consciousness is reduced but is not completely lost. Partial onset seizures can progress to generalized tonic-clonic seizures in up to 40% of patients. This third type is known as a secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The latter two types are also associated with postictal confusion, a term for the confused mental state that follows seizure activity. Unclassified seizures are those that do not clearly fit into any of the other categories.

Seizure episodes can sometimes start off as partial and then become generalized. If the partial component is not noticed, the patient may be misdiagnosed and receive suboptimal drug therapy. Another important seizure condition is status epilepticus. In status epilepticus, multiple seizures occur with no recovery between them. If appropriate therapy is not started promptly, hypotension, hypoxia, brain damage, and death can quickly ensue. Thus, status epilepticus is considered a true medical emergency (see Table 14-3 for drugs used to treat status epilepticus). Febrile seizures can also sometimes progress to status epilepticus. In addition to the website of the International League Against Epilepsy, other helpful websites include and

Pharmacology Overview

Antiepileptic Drugs

Antiepileptic drugs are also called anticonvulsants. Antiepileptic drugs is a more appropriate term, because many of these medications are indicated for the management of all types of epilepsy, and not necessarily just convulsions. Anticonvulsants, on the other hand, are medications that are used to prevent the convulsive seizures typically associated with epilepsy.

The goal of antiepileptic drug therapy is to control or prevent seizures while maintaining a reasonable quality of life. Approximately 70% of patients can expect to become seizure free while taking only one drug. The remaining 30% of cases are more complicated, and often require multiple medications. Antiepileptic drugs have many adverse effects, and it is often difficult to achieve seizure control while avoiding adverse effects. In most cases, the therapeutic goal is not to eliminate seizure activity but rather to maximally reduce the incidence of seizures while minimizing drug-induced toxicity. Many patients must take these drugs for their entire lives. Treatment may eventually be stopped in some, but others will experience repeated seizures if constant levels of antiepileptic drugs are not maintained in the blood. Abrupt discontinuation of these drugs can result in withdrawal seizures. In both children and adults, there is only a 40% chance of recurrence after the first partial or generalized seizure. Therefore, antiepileptic drug therapy is not recommended after a single isolated seizure event.

There are numerous antiepileptic drugs available. To optimize drug selection, neurologists must consider the known efficacy of a drug for a certain type of seizure, the adverse effects and drug interaction profile, the cost, ease of use, and the availability of pediatric dosage forms. Many antiepileptic drugs are also used to treat other types of illnesses, including psychiatric disorders (see Chapter 16), migraine headaches (see Chapter 13), and neuropathic pain syndromes (see Chapter 10).

It is sometimes difficult to control a patient’s seizures using a single drug. Single-drug therapy must fail before multidrug therapy is attempted. Patients are normally started on a single antiepileptic drug, and the dosage is slowly increased until the seizures are controlled or until clinical toxicity occurs. If the first antiepileptic drug is not effective, the drug is tapered slowly while a second drug is introduced. Antiepileptic drugs are never to be stopped abruptly unless a severe adverse effect occurs.

Therapeutic drug monitoring (see Chapter 2) of serum drug concentrations provides a useful guideline in assessing the effectiveness of and adherence to therapy. For example, if a patient has a very low serum level, it may mean the patient is not taking the medication as prescribed. This gives the nurse an opportunity to ask about why the patient may not be taking the medication. If the level is above normal, the nurse needs to contact the physician before giving the next dose. Maintaining serum drug levels within therapeutic ranges helps not only to control seizures but also to reduce adverse effects. Drugs that are routinely monitored in this way have a low therapeutic index (see Chapter 2). There are established normal therapeutic ranges for many antiepileptic drugs, but these are only guidelines (see Table 14-6). The serum concentrations of phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and primidone correlate better with seizure control and toxicity than do those of valproic acid, ethosuximide, and clonazepam. Each patient must be monitored and dosed based on the individual case. In many patients, maintenance is successful at levels below or above the usual therapeutic range. The goal is to slowly titrate to the lowest effective serum drug level that controls the seizure disorder. This reduces the risk for adverse drug effects and drug interactions. Successful control of a seizure disorder hinges on selection of the appropriate drug class and drug dosage, avoidance of drug toxicity, and patient compliance with the treatment regimen.

TABLE 14-5


  Beta blockers, corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone), oral contraceptives, dihydropyridine, calcium channel blockers, metronidazole, quinidine, theophylline Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced effects of listed drugs
  ethanol (alcohol) Enhanced CNS depression Can be fatal
phenytoin amiodarone, benzodiazepines, azole antifungals, isoniazid, proton pump inhibitors, sulfonamide antibiotics, SSRIs Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced hydantoin clearance and increased effects
  carbamazepine Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased hydantoin clearance and reduced effects
  cyclosporine, loop diuretics, meperidine, methadone, rifampin, quinidine, quetiapine, theophylline, zonisamide Increased metabolism Reduced effects of listed drugs
  warfarin Displacement of warfarin from plasma protein binding sites Increased free warfarin levels and bleeding risk
carbamazepine Azole antifungals, diltiazem, isoniazid, macrolides, protease inhibitor antiretrovirals, SSRIs, valproic acid, verapamil Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased carbamazepine levels and toxicity risk
  Barbiturates, hydantoins, rifampin, succinimides, theophylline Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced carbamazepine levels and efficacy
  acetaminophen Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased hepatic metabolism of acetaminophen and toxicity risk, and reduced efficacy
  Antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, cyclosporine, oral contraceptives Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced efficacy; patient response must be monitored
  Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) Altered CYP450 metabolism Increased MAOI toxicity risk
oxcarbazepine Barbiturates, hydantoins Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased barbiturate and hydantoin levels and reduced oxcarbazepine levels
  valproic acid, verapamil Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced oxcarbazepine levels
  lamotrigine Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced lamotrigine levels
  Oral contraceptives Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced oral contraceptive levels and increased likelihood of pregnancy
Valproic Acid and Derivatives
valproic acid valproate sodium and divalproex sodium aspirin Displacement of valproic acid from plasma protein binding sites Increased free valproic acid levels and toxicity risk
  carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced valproic acid efficacy; increased lamotrigine levels; increased or decreased carbamazepine levels
  lorazepam Altered hepatic metabolism Increased lorazepam toxicity risk
  rifampin Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced valproic acid efficacy
  Tricyclic antidepressants Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased tricyclic antidepressant toxicity risk
ethosuximide Hydantoins, barbiturates, valproic acid Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased or reduced involved drug clearance
Miscellaneous AEDs
gabapentin Alcohol Additive CNS depression Increased CNS depression
pregabalin None listed    
lamotrigine Hydantoins, oral contraceptives, oxcarbazepine, rifampin Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced lamotrigine levels and efficacy; may need dosage increase
lamotrigine CNS depressants Additive effects Increased CNS depression
lamotrigine valproic acid Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased lamotrigine levels and toxicity risk; may need dosage reduction
levetiracetam None listed    
tiagabine CNS depressants Additive effects Increased CNS depression
topiramate carbamazepine, hydantoins, valproic acid, oral contraceptives Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Reduced object drug activity
zonisamide CYP450 enzyme inducers or inhibitors Altered CYP450 enzyme metabolism Increased or reduced clearance and effects


AED, Antiepileptic drug; CNS, central nervous system; CYP450, cytochrome P-450; GI, gastrointestinal; SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

The antiepileptic drugs traditionally used to manage seizure disorders include barbiturates, hydantoins, and iminostilbenes, plus valproic acid. Second- and third-generation antiepileptics are also available (Table 14-1). The latter drugs may have fewer adverse effects and drug interactions than the more traditional drugs. This may benefit elderly patients, who are more likely to be taking multiple medications and, therefore, are more prone to drug interactions. However, there is currently debate in the neurologic literature as to whether patients actually benefit more from newer than from older drugs. It is now believed that the majority of pediatric and adult epilepsy patients who have been seizure free for 1 to 2 years while taking antiepileptic drugs can eventually stop taking them with medical supervision.

For many years, only the name-brand form of phenytoin, Dilantin, was available. However, generic dosage forms are also available now. Both name-brand and generic phenytoin are commonly prescribed. Phenobarbital and valproic acid are used almost exclusively in the generic forms. The remainder of the newer antiepileptic drugs is still available in brand-name forms only, with the exception of gabapentin and levetiracetam. All generic drug manufacturers are required to provide research data that demonstrate bioequivalency of their generic drugs to the corresponding original brand-name drugs. This means that the generic drug product must meet federal standards that include equality of absorption and distribution (bioavailability), as well as equal clinical efficacy compared with the brand-name drug. In spite of the existence of these standards, both the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society are concerned that generic drug products may be less clinically efficacious than brand-name drug products. Of particular concern is the common requirement of health insurance companies that patients receive generic drugs when available. Increased monitoring of patients is necessary when switching from brand-name products to generics.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

As with many classes of drugs, the exact mechanism of action of the antiepileptic drugs is not known with certainty. However, evidence indicates that they alter the movement of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions. The changes in the movement of these ions result in more stabilized and less excitable cell membranes.

The major pharmacologic effects of antiepileptics are threefold. First, they increase the threshold of activity in the area of the brain called the motor cortex. In other words, they make it more difficult for a nerve to be excited, or they reduce the nerve’s response to incoming electrical or chemical stimulation. Second, they act to limit the spread of a seizure discharge from its origin. They do this by suppressing the transmission of impulses from one nerve to the next. Third, they can decrease the speed of nerve impulse conduction within a given neuron. Less well understood are mechanisms that involve drug effects outside the neuron. For example, some drugs may indirectly affect seizure foci (locations) in the brain by altering the blood supply to these areas. Some drugs


Antiepileptic Drugs

• If a skin rash develops in a child or infant taking phenytoin, discontinue the drug immediately and notify the prescriber.

• Chewable dosage forms of antiepileptic drugs are not recommended for once-a-day administration. Intramuscular injections of barbiturates or phenytoin must never be used.

• Encourage family members, parents, significant others, or caregivers to keep a journal with a record of the signs and symptoms before, during, and after a seizure and before, during, and after treatment with an antiepileptic drug.

• Encourage the wearing of a medical alert bracelet or necklace at all times with information about the diagnosis, drug therapy, and any drug allergies.

• Shake suspension dosage forms thoroughly before use. A graduated device or oral syringe may be used for more accurate dosing of this liquid.

• Pediatric patients are more sensitive to barbiturates and may respond to lower than expected dosages. They may also experience more profound central nervous system depressive effects related to the antiepileptic drug or show depression, confusion, or excitement (a paradoxical reaction).

• Any excessive sedation, confusion, lethargy, hypotension, bradypnea, tachycardia, and/or decreased movement in pediatric patients taking any antiepileptic drug must be reported to the prescriber immediately.

• Carbamazepine may be given with meals to reduce risk of gastrointestinal distress. All suspension forms are to be shaken and mixed thoroughly before use.

• Oral forms of valproic acid are not to be given with milk, because this may cause the drug to dissolve early and irritate the mucosa. Carbonated beverages must also be avoided.

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