Admission of the Child

Admission of the Child


  • Inform the family regarding guidelines for room assignments:


    Room Placement Guidelines

    All children

    Placement based on admitting diagnosis and the bed availability on the day of admission

    Children >1 yr of age

    Placed with children of the same gender and developmental age

    Very sick children who may require quiet and rest or who may be nearing death

    Single-patient room; avoid room near very active and loud children or near children requiring extensive personnel and procedures at the bedside

    Immunocompromised children

    Room with positive airflow ventilation system; should not be placed in rooms with children who have infections

    Children with communicable diseases

    Room with negative airflow ventilation system; should not have a roommate

    Children with cystic fibrosis (CF)

    May not share room with other children (with CF) unless their sputum is negative for Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria to avoid cross-colonization.

    Children with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

    Single room or may share a room with another child who has MRSA and employ contact precautions.

    Children requiring respiratory isolation

    Room with a negative airflow ventilation system

  • Determine if an adult family member will be spending the night at the bedside. Ensure cot or sleep chair is available. Ensure family members have been identified as visitors per institutional policy and have received information about visitor policies (see Chapter 118).

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Admission of the Child

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