

Admission to the nursing unit prepares the patient for his stay in the health care facility. Whether the admission is scheduled or follows emergency treatment, effective admission procedures should include certain steps to accomplish important goals. These steps include verifying the patient’s identity using at least two patient identifiers according to your facility’s policy,1 assessing his clinical status, making him as comfortable as possible, introducing him to roommates and staff members, orienting him to the environment and routines, and providing any supplies and special equipment needed for daily care.

During your assessment, prioritize the patient’s needs, and always be conscious of the patient’s levels of fatigue and comfort. Maintain the patient’s privacy while obtaining his health history; he also has the right to expect that his examinations, consultations, and treatment will be conducted in a manner that protects his privacy.

Effective admission routines that show appropriate concern for the patient can ease his anxiety and promote cooperation and receptivity to treatment. Conversely, admission routines that the patient perceives as careless or excessively impersonal can heighten the patient’s anxiety, reduce cooperation, impair his response to treatment, and possibly aggravate symptoms.

Preparation of Equipment

Obtain a gown. Position the bed as the patient’s condition requires. If the patient is ambulatory, place the bed in the low position; if he’s arriving on a stretcher, place the bed in the high position. Fold down the top linens. Prepare any emergency or special equipment, such as oxygen or suction, as needed.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Admission

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