7. Endocrine system

Section 7. Endocrine system

7.2 Pituitary gland and adrenal cortex 310

7.3 Disorders of bone and bone metabolism 319

7.4 Sex hormones 322

7.5 Pregnancy 331

7.1. Endocrine pancreas and diabetes mellitus

The pancreas produces two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans and is secreted when blood glucose levels rise. The overall impact is increased utilisation of glucose and a reduction in the level of glucose in the blood. Glucagon is produced by the alpha cells in the islets when blood glucose levels are low and stimulates the conversion of glycogen stored in the liver to glucose, thus raising the level of glucose in the blood and preventing hypoglycaemia.

Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterised by a persistently raised blood glucose level and associated with a deficiency of or resistance to insulin. Over 2.5 million people in the UK have diabetes (Diabetes UK 2008) and more than 120 million people worldwide. In health the normal range for blood glucose is 4.0–7.0 mmol/l.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the beta cells that produce insulin are destroyed. Eventually no insulin at all is secreted. Type 2 diabetes is a different disease. The patient still produces some insulin but this is either low in quantity or the cells are resistant to its action (insulin resistance). There are a great many more people with type 2 diabetes (95% of all those with diabetes) than type 1. The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing in this country and is linked to obesity, hypertension and heart disease.

Action of insulin

▪ Insulin secretion is dependent upon the level of glucose in the blood.

▪ A low basal level of insulin is secreted throughout the day and night, but after a meal when glucose levels rise, more insulin is secreted. There is a 7–10-fold difference in insulin concentrations between meals and following a meal. Secretion in health is about 30–40 units daily.

▪ Insulin is necessary to allow glucose to enter most body cells and so be used for energy. If there is excess glucose, insulin encourages its storage as glycogen in the liver and muscles and as fat in adipose tissue.

▪ If there is insufficient insulin the body cannot utilize its glucose which will then accumulate in the blood (hyperglycaemia) and spill over into the urine.

Effect of insulin on target cells

▪ Insulin causes the rapid uptake, storage and use of glucose by almost all tissues in the body but especially by the muscles, liver and adipose tissue.

▪ Binds with a specific membrane receptor protein on the surface of the target cell, which becomes activated and triggers the cell’s response.

▪ Within seconds of binding, about 80% of all body cells become highly permeable to glucose. This allows the rapid entry of glucose into the cells by specific carriers.

B9780443102172000077/fx1.jpg is missingGlucose uptake by the brain is not dependent on insulin secretion.

Type 2 diabetes

▪ This is due to insulin resistance or deficiency. There is some insulin available but the body may not be able to utilise this adequately.

▪ The majority of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes and the numbers are increasing worldwide.

▪ The disease is associated with obesity, and although it used to be considered a disease of middle or old age, there are now cases occurring in children.

▪ Onset is insidious and the person may have type 2 for years and not know about it.

▪ It is possible to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by eating a healthy diet, keeping slim and exercising sufficiently.

▪ Type 2 can usually be controlled by diet alone or tablets but some patients may eventually need insulin injections.

▪ There is no cure for diabetes at present and the aim of treatment is to control the blood glucose levels and prevent long-term complications occurring.

The diet in diabetes

Although the patient with type 1 diabetes will need to have insulin injections, diet is still important.

The patient will always see a dietician who will advise them and their families on the types of foods that may need to be avoided.

The diet should be a balanced diet that is low in animal fats to reduce atheroma deposition. It is the sort of healthy diet that we should all be eating.

Carbohydrate should be ‘starchy’ and long lasting such as that found in bread, rice and potatoes. Less should be eaten in the form of foods containing ‘fast’ sugar.

At least five portions of fruit and vegetables should be eaten daily but it must be remembered that fruit does contain fructose which is a fast sugar and so cannot be eaten freely.

The use of foods labelled ‘diabetic’ is not encouraged as these are unnecessary and expensive.

The patient with type 2 diabetes usually needs to lose weight and will need advice on how this may be achieved.


It is now realised that regular exercise should be encouraged for everyone, when possible. Half an hour of moderate exercise at least five times a week is recommended. It makes people feel good and helps with weight loss as well as increasing fitness.

Insulin therapy

Insulin as therapy in diabetes is indicated in:

▪ type I diabetes

▪ all patients presenting with ketoacidosis, regardless of age

▪ any type of diabetes where oral therapy has failed

▪ intercurrent illness e.g. myocardial infarction

▪ pregnancy

▪ surgery.

Aims of insulin therapy

▪ Abolition of symptoms.

▪ Maintenance of ideal body weight.

▪ Optimisation of glucose control – without making the patient obsessional.

▪ Prevention of complications or delay in progress.

▪ Reduction in associated risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Close co-operation between the patient and the healthcare team is needed and the patient should be involved in decision making about their treatment. The dose of insulin needs adjustment on an individual basis.

Healthy nondiabetic fasting glucose is very close to 4.3 mmol/l. After a meal it does not rise to above 7.0 mmol/l.

In diabetes the aim is to maintain blood glucose levels as close as possible to normal physiological levels without hypoglycaemia.

Self-monitoring of blood glucose

▪ The aim is to keep blood glucose between 4 and 7 mmol/l between and before meals.

▪ Target levels of <7.8 mmol/l 2 hours postprandial (after food) in type 1. In type 2 may accept up to 9 mmol/l.

▪ The person with diabetes usually gives their own insulin injections and monitors their glucose levels.

▪ Finger prick glucose measurements are taken up to four times daily and insulin doses and physical activity may be adjusted according to these levels.

HbA 1C levels

This is another means of assessing control of blood glucose. It is a measure of the percentage of haemoglobin (Hb) in the blood that is carrying glucose – glycated Hb. It is slower to change than blood glucose and monitors glucose control over a period of 2–3 months. In a person without diabetes, the normal percentage is less than 6.5%.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends that most people with diabetes should aim for between 6.5% and 7.5%.

Types of insulin available

The main types of insulin are:

▪ fast acting with short duration – analogues such as aspart and soluble insulin

▪ intermediate acting e.g. isophane insulin

▪ long acting e.g. insulin zinc suspension and analogues e.g. glargine.

Table 7.1 The different action of various types of insulin
Types of insulin Brand names Following subcutaneous administration Description
Quick acting
Onset Peak Duration
Recombinant human insulin analogues Insulin Lispro ( Humalog®) 5–20 min 30–60 min 2–5 hours Amino acid structure slightly altered to make action faster and of shorter duration
Insulin Aspart ( NovoRapid®) 2-4 hours
Insulin Glulisine ( Apidra®)
Soluble insulin (insulin injection; neutral insulin) Human sequence insulins: Actrapid®, Humulin S®, Velosulin®, Insuman Rapid® 30–60 min 2–4 hours 4–8 hours Structure as in the human body
Highly purified animal insulins: Hypurin Bovine Neutral®, Hypurin Porcine Neutral®, Pork Actrapid® Porcine 1 AA different to human
Intermediate acting
Isophane insulin (isophane protamine, isophane NPH) Insulatard®, Humulin I®, Insuman Basal® Porcine and Bovine Isophane®, Pork Insulatard® 1–2 hours 5–8 hours 12–18 hours Soluble insulin and the protein protamine in equal amounts
Long acting
Onset Peak Duration
Insulin zinc suspension Hipurin Bovine Lente®, Hipurin Bovine PZI® 1–2 hours 6–20 hours Up to 36 hours Combined with zinc for longer action
Basal insulin analogue Glargine ( Lantus®) Detemir ( Levemir®) 90 min Flat profile 24 hours Amino acid structure changed – long action for basal level
Biphasic insulins
Biphasic isophane Human Mixtard® 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Hypurin Pork® 30/70 Humulin® M3, Insuman Comb® 15,25,50 Mixture of fast-acting soluble and intermediate-acting isophane Mixtard 10 is 10% soluble, 90% isophane. Reduces the number of injections. Often twice daily Usual mix is 30% soluble, 70% isophane
Biphasic insulin lispro Biphasic aspart Humalog Mix® 25 Humalog Mix® 50 NovoMix® 30 25% lispro and 75% insulin lispro protamine 50% of each 30% aspart and 70% aspart protamine

The action profile of insulin is also affected by:

▪ dose

▪ injection site

▪ injection technique

▪ exercise

▪ temperature

▪ insulin species (e.g. human or porcine).

Short-acting insulins

Soluble insulin (human sequence- Actrapid, Humulin S, Velosulin, Insuman Rapid. Also porcine – Hypurin Porcine Neutral, Hypurin Bovine Neutral, Pork Actrapid)

▪ The original form of insulin.

▪ Clear solution. Additive such as phenol prevents growth of micro-organisms.

▪ Injected 15–30 minutes before food.

▪ Used in medical emergencies e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis and also in surgery.

▪ Can be given intravenously and intramuscularly as well as subcutaneously.

▪ Given intravenously has half-life of only 5 minutes and duration of action only 30 minutes.

Subcutaneous administration results in onset of action at approximately 30 minutes–1 hour; peak action 2–4 hours; duration of action 4–8 hours.

Recombinant human insulin analogues – the most rapid onset of action – insulin lispro (Humalog®), insulin aspart (NovoRapid®), insulin glulisine (Apidra®)

Modified soluble insulin where two amino acids have changed places.

▪ Faster onset and shorter duration of action than soluble.

▪ This results in higher preprandial glucose levels and lower postprandial levels.

▪ Hypoglycaemia occurs less frequently.

▪ Convenient as the injection is given just before eating or while eating.

▪ Can also be given intravenously and is an alternative in diabetic emergencies or surgery.

Subcutaneous administration results in onset of action in 10–20 minutes; time to peak 1 hour; duration of action 3–4 hours.

Intermediate-acting insulins

These have a slower onset and act for varying periods depending on what the insulin is combined with to increase its length of action.

Long-acting insulins

Insulin zinc suspension (mixed) (IZS) e.g. Hypurin®, Bovine Lente, Protamine Zinc Insulin Hypurin®, bovine protamine zinc

There is more zinc than insulin. It is crystallised and the duration of action varies by varying the size of the crystal. A smaller crystal has a proportionately larger surface area and so a faster onset of action.

Must not be mixed with soluble as there is excess zinc and this will combine with the soluble to make it longer acting.

▪ Onset 2–4 hours; time to peak 6–20 hours; duration up to 36 hours.

Long-acting analogue insulins

Insulin detemir (Levemir®), insulin glargine (Lantus®)

▪ Long-acting basal insulins usually given once daily at bedtime.

▪ Human insulins produced by recombinant DNA technology.

▪ Clear insulin. Must not be mixed with other types.

▪ When injected form a microprecipitate in the subcutaneous tissue that delays absorption and extends action.

▪ Allows a fairly constant basal insulin supply and smoothes out unwanted peak effects that are seen with other intermediate- and long-acting insulins.

▪ Low, flat profile of systemic insulin exposure over 24 hours.

Biphasic insulins

These are premixed set ratios of short-acting and isophane insulin that have been prepared in the pen/vial by the manufacturer.

The soluble or analogue component acts quickly and the isophane component last longer. This allows twice-daily administration before breakfast and evening meal.

Administration of insulin

The standard strength of insulin in the UK is 100 international units per ml.

The word units should not be abbreviated.

Small amounts can be measured accurately using special insulin syringes.

▪ Absorption after subcutaneous injection is variable and influenced by many factors e.g. site, angle and depth of injection, time of day, environmental temperature, phase of menstrual cycle, insulin species and formulation used.

▪ Absorption is slowest from the thigh – but physical activity will affect this.

▪ There is no difference in potency between human and animal insulins. Human insulin is absorbed from subcutaneous tissue slightly more rapidly than animal insulins and it has a slightly shorter duration of action. The chief reason for using human insulin is not difference in biological activity, but reduced immunogenicity.

▪ Some sources report that there may be less warning of a hypoglycaemic attack after human than animal insulin.

▪ The rate of absorption may be affected by smoking, alcohol intake (vasodilation) and drugs such as propranolol (peripheral vasoconstriction) and nifedipine (vasodilation).

▪ It has been said that the problem in type I diabetes is not the insulin deficiency but the insulin therapy. This is because getting the correct type of insulin and the regimen right can be difficult.

Insulin regimens

The number of available insulins, injection devices and pumps produces a daunting array of choices.

The overall aim is to produce as near a normal glycaemic profile as is achievable in the individual.

In the young person with type 1 diabetes we need to emulate the body’s secretion patterns, where there is a sharp rise in available insulin following meals and snacks with a rapid return to the low basal rate between meals and at night.

To acquire a similar profile with injected insulin would need continuous blood glucose monitoring, together with minute-by-minute insulin regulation. This is not yet available.

Common insulin regimens

2. Twice-daily isophane

Provides good control with minimum risk of hypoglycaemia.

▪ Particularly effective in older people with type 2, changing to insulin from oral hypoglycaemic agents.

▪ Some patients with type 2 diabetes may receive just once-daily insulin before breakfast or at bedtime.

3. Basal/bolus regimen

This is usually the regimen of choice for those with acute-onset diabetes.

Short-acting insulin (soluble insulin or insulin analogue such as aspart) is given before meals, three times daily and isophane or a long-acting insulin analogue (e.g. glargine) at bedtime to provide a 24 hour basal level.

This regimen emulates the body’s basal insulin secretion with mealtime boluses.

▪ Advantages – flexibility of lifestyle, mealtimes, meal sizes and when exercising.

▪ Disadvantage – need four injections daily.

Basal insulin is usually best given in the late evening. This reduces overlap with the action of the evening soluble.

▪ Most people need more soluble with breakfast than other meals.

▪ Most people need less soluble with lunch.

▪ May vary according to individual lifestyles.

▪ May not necessarily achieve better control than twice-daily insulin.

Sometimes fast-acting analogue insulins may be given before eating up to five times daily with long-acting insulin at night.

4. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump

Continuous supply of preprogrammed basal insulin with addition of boluses whenever food is taken. A small pump is attached to the abdomen via a cannula.

This has been approved by NICE for certain patients. It provides the best control and is well tolerated by some.


▪ Most closely matches normal functioning.

▪ Flexibility of lifestyle.

▪ Can make adjustments for exercise more easily.


▪ Cost of equipment and disposables.

▪ Inconvenience of wearing pump.

▪ Can cause problems on abdominal site.

Adverse effects of insulin therapy


The risk of hypoglycaemia is highest before meals and during the night.

Causes include too high a dose of insulin, irregular eating habits, unusual levels of exercise or excessive alcohol intake (Table 7.2).

B9780443102172000077/fx3.jpg is missingIt is important not to let glucose levels fall below 4 mmol/l.

The saying is ‘four is the floor’.

Table 7.2 Changes in insulin requirements
Increased insulin requirements Decreased insulin requirements
Stress Renal or hepatic impairment
Accidental or surgical trauma Puberty Some endocrine disorders e.g. Addison’s disease, hypopituitrism
Second and third trimesters of pregnancy Coeliac disease

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia

The brain is totally reliant on the blood glucose for its energy and so is the first organ to suffer when glucose levels are low.

▪ At first there may be just a headache, but as the glucose levels fall, thinking processes are disrupted. Confusion follows and the person may behave strangely, often becoming aggressive.

▪ Some symptoms of hypoglycaemia are due to adrenaline (epinephrine) release and these include tremor, pallor and sweating.

▪ The blood pressure will be normal or even raised slightly.

▪ If the condition is not corrected, consciousness will be lost.

▪ Warning signs of hypoglycaemia may be less in those who have had diabetes for many years.


Changes in the fat deposits beneath the skin may occur at injection sites after they have been used repeatedly. The fat becomes lumpy and may be unsightly but is otherwise harmless. The site should not be used further as absorption may be erratic.

Drug interactions with insulin

The most important interactions are those that result in a rise or fall in blood glucose levels.

Oral antidiabetic drugs

These are used in type 2 diabetes that is not controlled by diet alone. Dietary and lifestyle changes will be tried for at least 3 months. If there is no response, tablets may be needed.

There are several groups of drugs:

▪ Biguanides e.g. metformin.

▪ Sulphonylureas e.g. gliclazide.

▪ Glitazones e.g. rosiglitazone.

▪ Prandial glucose regulators e.g. nateglinide.

▪ Enzyme inhibitors e.g. acarbose.

Some patients may be taking more than one type of antidiabetic drug.

The majority of patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight and the main problem is insulin resistance. For this group a drug that increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin is need. Metformin and the glitazones are insulin sensitisers.

If the person with type 2 is not overweight the problem is likely to be insufficient insulin secretion, and now a drug that stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin is needed. Sulphonylureas and prandial glucose regulators work this way.

Insulin sensitisers

These act directly against insulin resistance.

Biguanides – metformin

Originated from a plant remedy, French lilac, in the 1950s.

Metformin is the only drug available at the moment. Phenformin was discontinued in the 1970s due to high incidence of lactic acidosis.

B9780443102172000077/fx4.jpg is missingMetformin is the most extensively used oral agent for type 2 diabetes worldwide.

Mechanism of action

Decreases the endogenous/exogenous insulin requirement. Has a variety of metabolic effects, being antihyperglycaemic rather than hypoglycaemic.

▪ Does not alter insulin production or release. Increases insulin sensitivity and requires the presence of insulin to work.

▪ Reduces blood glucose by increasing the body’s ability to use it.

▪ Reduces the production of glucose by the liver mainly by increasing sensitivity to insulin.

▪ Increases the uptake of glucose by the cells as long as there is some insulin available.

▪ May interfere with the absorption of glucose.

▪ Decreases fatty acid oxidation and reduces triglyceride levels.

▪ Increases intestinal use of glucose with the production of lactate.

▪ Especially useful in the obese when dietary management has failed.

▪ May be used on its own or in combination with other antidiabetic drugs or insulin.

▪ Equally effective in normal weight patients and is now used extensively as monotherapy in all patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled by diet.

▪ Decreases basal and postprandial glucose measurements after 2–6 weeks of treatment.

▪ Decreases HbA 1c, plasma insulin, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglyceride levels. Slightly increases high density lipoprotein (HDL) after 3–4 months of treatment.

▪ Reduces the risks of thromboembolism by making platelets less sticky and increasing clot breakdown.

▪ Intensive management with metformin has been found to significantly reduce diabetes-related complications and mortality (UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group 1998).


▪ Quickly absorbed and quickly eliminated unchanged in the urine.

▪ Time to peak plasma concentration is 1–2 hours, half-life is 2–5 hours. Effect lasts about 5 hours.

▪ Not metabolised and is eliminated unchanged in the urine (90% in 12 hours).

▪ Gastrointestinal absorption is complete within 6 hours of ingestion.


Need sufficient renal function to avoid accumulation of the drug. Tubular secretion is more important than glomerular filtration.

Lactic acidosis may occur with other chronic conditions and metformin is contraindicated in renal failure or impairment, hepatic impairment, cardiac or respiratory insufficiency and alcohol dependence.

Thiazolidinediones (glitazones)

Pioglitazone (Actos®), rosiglitazone (Avandia®)

▪ These drugs were introduced in the late 1990s and reduce insulin resistance. They are known as insulin sensitisers and require the presence of insulin to work.

Mechanism of action

▪ Combine with a receptor inside the cell nucleus – peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ). Known as PPARγ agonists.

▪ May take several weeks for effect to be seen on blood glucose levels because the drugs act by increasing gene transcription in the nucleus. Full expression of the drug may not occur for 2–3 months after first administration.

▪ They enhance the response of the tissues to insulin and so target insulin resistance. Aid insulin action by promoting glucose utilisation in the tissues.

▪ Decrease hepatic glucose production.

▪ Overall cause a decrease in circulating insulin and triglycerides in type 2 diabetes.

▪ Reduce insulin resistance and preserve beta cell function when added to metformin or sulphonylureas.

▪ Lower incidence of hypoglycaemia than sulphonylureas.

▪ Give an additional decrease in HbA 1C of about 1–1.2% that is sustained for at least 2 years.

▪ Do not increase the risk of hypoglycaemia.

▪ Do not cause gastrointestinal side effects.

Cardiovascular safety

Patients with diabetes are at an increased risk of heart disease. The use of these drugs may be associated with weight gain and fluid retention that may make some heart conditions worse. They are contraindicated in heart failure.

Only licensed for use in combination with metformin or sulphonylureas and not recommended with insulin as this combination has precipitated heart failure.

Rosiglitazone may be associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction and so caution is advised in those with ischaemic heart disease.

Safety has been reviewed by a European Commission in 2007 that advised the benefits of glitazones in type 2 outweighed the risks, but individual risk should be evaluated.

Adverse reactions

▪ Liver function tests should be done as a precautionary measure before commencement of treatment. Liver function monitored every 2 months for 12 months and then occasionally while still taking the drug.

▪ Increased risk of fracture mainly of the foot and arm in women.

▪ Worsening of macula oedema in some patients with decreased vision.

▪ May cause ovulation to resume and so may be a risk of pregnancy.

▪ Anaemia.

▪ Can be used in the elderly if no contraindications.


Monotherapy may reduce fasting glucose by 3 mmol/l.

▪ Not all patients respond. If no response after 3 months it is likely the patient is a nonresponder.

▪ Efficacy enhanced if combined with other drugs.


These drugs stimulate the release of preformed insulin from the pancreas.

There are two classes:

▪ Sulphonylureas.

▪ Prandial regulators.


Mechanism of action

▪ Stimulate insulin secretion by binding to a receptor on the beta cell in the pancreas and allowing an influx of calcium into the cell. This stimulates the release of preformed insulin and results in a fall in plasma glucose levels.

▪ They are of no use in type 1 diabetes where the beta cells are largely destroyed.

▪ The drugs have different potencies according to their ability to bind to receptors on the beta cells and stimulate insulin release.

▪ Usually reduce fasting plasma glucose (FPG) by 2–4mmol/l.

▪ Associated with a fall in HbA 1c of 1–2%.

▪ Action dependent on adequate beta cell function but independent of age and body weight.

▪ As the disease progresses there is a deterioration in beta cell function and insulin may then be required. Insulin resistance remains essentially unchanged.

▪ There appears to be a lower secondary failure rate with gliclazide and this is the most commonly prescribed drug in this group.


The drugs are well absorbed orally and reach their peak plasma concentration after 2–4 hours.

Should be taken at least half an hour before food. This is because they are not absorbed until they reach the duodenum.

Their duration of action varies and this determines the number of doses needed daily.

Sulphonylureas are mostly excreted in the urine and so action is increased in the elderly (whose renal function is impaired) and in those with renal disease.

Cross the placenta and so may cause hypoglycaemia in the newborn.

Jun 15, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 7. Endocrine system

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