5: Anaemias and the haemoglobinopathies

Chapter 5 Anaemias and the haemoglobinopathies


The blood

The blood is the transport system of the body, as it carries materials via blood vessels. It is a red viscous fluid consisting of two components, a fluid portion or plasma, which makes up 55–60% of blood volume, and a cellular component comprising red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

An average man has, circulating in his body, approximately 5.6 L of blood, 1 L in lungs, 3 L in systemic venous circulation and 1 L in heart and arteriolar circulation. A woman has approximately 4.5 L of blood and a newborn baby, conversely, has only 250–300 mL. Blood volume can be calculated for either a man or woman by calculating 7% of body weight in kilograms (Martini 2005).


Plasma (Fig. 5.1) is the straw coloured fluid which remains after the blood cells have been removed. It is composed of 90–95% water and plasma proteins, which are formed in the liver and have many uses: nutrients, electrolytes, hormones, enzymes and waste products.

Plasma and interstitial fluid encompass most of the volume of extracellular fluid in the body. As water, ions and small solutes are continually exchanged between interstitial fluid, capillary walls and plasma their composition is very similar (Martini 2005). The characteristic straw colour of plasma is formed from bilirubin – the main bile pigment derived from haemoglobin breakdown (Stables & Rankin 2005). Plasma contains dissolved proteins, which because of their large size and shape, cannot cross capillary walls. The main plasma proteins are albumin, globulins and fibrinogen.

Albumin accounts for approximately 60% of plasma proteins and is a contributor to osmotic pressure of plasma. It also assists in the transport of lipids and steroid hormones.

Globulins include antibodies which attack foreign proteins and pathogens, and transport globulins which are used in the transport of ions, hormones and lipids. They constitute approximately 35% of proteins in plasma.

Fibrinogen accounts for approximately 4% of plasma proteins and is essential in the clotting of blood and can be converted into insoluble fibrin. The remaining 1% is composed of specialized plasma proteins whose roles vary widely (Martini 2005).

The remaining 40–45% of blood volume is made up of the cells, most of which are erythrocytes (red blood cells) the smaller proportion remaining containing leucocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes (platelets). Each will be discussed in turn.


Erythrocytes (Fig. 5.2) or red blood cells are non-nucleated bi-concave discs. This unusual shape has an important effect on the function of erythrocytes. Large surface area to volume allows rapid exchange of oxygen from the cell to tissues. When passing through narrow blood vessels erythrocytes can form stacks one behind each other to smooth the flow without restriction. Additionally they are able to bend and flex when entering and squeezing through small arterioles and capillaries.

Erythrocytes are produced in the red bone marrow of the ribs, sternum, vertebrae, skull and long bones. There are approximately 4.5–5.5 million/ml3 of blood, and they have a life span of 120 days. At the end of this time, the erythrocyte is destroyed in the spleen, liver and bone marrow.

Erythropoiesis or red cell production is stimulated by the hormone erythropoietin, mainly produced in the kidney. Erythrocytes develop from myeloid stem cells as erythroblasts, which are nucleated, and as they mature, they become reticulocytes, amass haemoglobin and lose the nucleus.

Oxygen is carried in erythrocytes bound to the protein haemoglobin (Fig. 5.3). A haemoglobin molecule consists of four polypeptide chains, with a ‘haem’ portion at the centre of each chain. Each ‘haem’ portion is a deep red pigment that contains one iron atom bound to one oxygen molecule. Haemoglobin molecules can bind up to four oxygen molecules (Box 5.1).

Haemoglobin picks up oxygen in the lungs becoming oxyhaemoglobin and thus carries oxygen to the tissues. The cell membrane of the erythrocyte is thin and pliable and allows gaseous exchange between the cell and tissues. Haemoglobin exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide and becomes carboxyhaemoglobin. The deoxygenated blood returns to the lungs for removal of the waste products.

If the body detects low levels of oxygen, for example at high altitude, or through anaemia,the release of erythropoietin is increased; this in turn stimulates the bone marrow to produce more erythroblasts. If the demand is excessive, immature cells such as reticulates may be released prematurely into the circulation (Hand 2001).

Estimation of the amount of haemoglobin in the circulation is a measurement of the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. Normal levels for Hb are11–13 g/dL for women, and 14–17 g/dL for men.


Leucocytes (Fig. 5.4) (white blood cells) are nucleated cells, are much larger than red blood cells and are involved in protecting the body against disease. Leucocytes comprise 1% of the circulating blood volume. They have the ability of leaving the blood vessels to invade diseased tissues. Leucocytes are classified according to whether they are granular or agranular.

Granular leucocytes are large cells containing a nucleus and granular cytoplasm. There are three kinds: neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Neutrophils are highly mobile and specialize in attacking and ingesting bacteria. They have a very short life span of approximately 10 h. Eosinophils attack objects that are coated with antibodies. Through phagocytosis, they engulf antibody marked bacteria, protozoa, or cellular debris. Basophils are the rarest of the white cells and they migrate to sites of injury, where they release histamine, which acts as a vasodilator and attracts other white cells to the injury site.

Agranular leucocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, have round or kidney-shaped nuclei and cytoplasm that lacks any granules. Monocytes become tissue macrophages. There are three different types of lymphocytes. T cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity whereas B cells are primarily responsible for humoral immunity (relating to antibodies). Some T lymphocytes act as natural killer cells and are responsible for the detection and destruction of abnormal tissue cells, for example viruses and cancers.

Leucocytes develop from stem cells in the bone marrow and mature through several stages. Lymphocytes mature in bone marrow or the thymus gland. They have varying life spans from 100 days to several years.

Classification of blood

The differences in human blood are due to the presence or absence of certain protein moleculescalled antigens and antibodies. The antigens are located on the surface of the red blood cells while the antibodies are found in the blood plasma.

Rhesus factor

Rhesus (Rh) antigens are transmembrane proteins exposed at the surface of red blood cells. There are a number of different Rh antigens. Red cells that are ‘Rhesus positive’ express the antigen designated D. About 15% of the population have no RhD antigens and thus are ‘RhD (Rhesus) negative’.

Individuals either have, or do not have, the Rhesus factor (or RhD antigen) on the surface of their red blood cells. A person is either Rhesus positive (does have the Rhesus antigen) or Rhesus negative (does not have the antigen). The antibody anti-D does not occur normally in the serum of Rhesus negative blood. If a person receives a Rhesus positive blood transfusion or if during childbirth a woman who is Rhesus negative receives red blood cells from a Rhesus positive baby, antibodies are produced, and if in a subsequent pregnancy the fetus is Rhesus positive, maternal antibodies will cause haemolysis of fetal red blood cells, which causes anaemia and jaundice or if severe, may even cause death (Box 5.2).

Identification of the ABO and Rhesus blood grouping systems are necessary during early pregnancy to ensure safe blood transfusion where necessary, and for the detection and management of Rhesus iso-immunization.


These changes develop primarily to meet the increasing metabolic demands of the mother andfetus. Circulating blood volume increases gradually and progressively from about 6 weeks’ gestation and continues until 32–34 weeks approximately. This increased blood volume is required to supply the uterus, breasts, kidneys, skin and to a lesser extent other organs, facilitating the exchange of maternal and fetal gases and nutrients. Plasma volume is increased by approximately 40% and is greater than the increase in erythrocytes, which is approximately 20%. This results in haemodilution and consequently, a decrease in haemoglobin concentration, resulting in a physiological anaemia.

Pregnancy causes a rise in cardiac output by about 40%, due to an increase in stroke volume in early pregnancy. This results in more blood being ejected with each ventricular contraction and is maintained by a slight increase in heart rate. The increase in output occurs mainly in the first and second trimesters, with a levelling out in the third trimester.

Heart size increases to cope with increased cardiac output. Upward displacement of the diaphragm by the enlarging uterus causes the heart to be displaced to the left and rotated anteriorly.

Blood pressure remains relatively unchanged in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the increase in blood volume and cardiac output. However, the diastolic pressure may fall in the second trimester and then rise progressively in the third trimester. This is thought to be due to a decreased systemic resistance associated with the local production of vasodilatory prostaglandins.


Anaemia can be defined as a deficiency in the quality or quantity of red blood cells, with the result that oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced. Every body system is affected as organ function is impaired and deteriorates due to oxygen starvation.

Anaemia is considered to be present in a pregnant woman when haemoglobin is 11 g/dL or less. In the UK, where general health and nutrition is considered to be ever improving, some areas do not consider a woman to be anaemic until her haemoglobin level is 10 g/dL or less. A word of caution, however, with the increasing numbers of asylum seekers and people immigrating to the UK with different health status and cultural practices, it is mandatory that each woman is assessed as an individual. Globally, iron deficiency anaemia is found in 20–25 % of the world’s population.

During pregnancy, there is rapid cell division and a greater demand for haemoglobin synthesis. Serum ferritin levels should remain at or above 10 μg/dL to meet the demands of the enlarging uterus and fetus.

Iron requirements during pregnancy

Extra iron is required by the body during pregnancy; the total iron demands range between 580 and 1340 mg, and of that, up to 1050 mg will be lost at birth (Hillman 1996). In early pregnancy, the requirement is approximately 2.5 mg/day and this increases to around 6.6 mg/day in the third trimester. A normal diet contains 15–20 mg of iron/day in developed countries, and 3–10% is absorbed mainly from the duodenum. In a healthy woman, the loss of iron daily is 1–2 mg (Jordan & McOwat 2002).

Anaemia in pregnancy

Iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency anaemia occurs in 23% of pregnant women in developed countries and in 52% of women in developing countries (WHO et al 2001).

Predisposing factors

Poor nutrition or absorption of nutrients

The aim of a good diet in pregnancy is to optimize the health of the woman and to enhance the health of the developing fetus. Malnutrition is associated with low birthweight and disease in later life. Poverty and malnutrition go hand in hand, particularly in developing countries. The best possible environment for pregnancy is where the woman is healthy with a wide varied diet and adequate nutritional stores, which will optimize maternal and fetal health.

The Western diet with refined foods can be deficient in B vitamins, especially folic acid. A vegetarian diet may need to be supplemented with iron, vitamins B and D. Conversely, some micronutrients are hazardous if overused in pregnancy, for example, vitamin A, found in liver, which is associated with birth defects, such as cleft palate and heart defects (IVAC 2006).

Maternal nutrition even in developed countries can be less than optimum, particularly where women with low income, as a result of poor education, minimum wage employment or unemployment, are unable to provide themselves with an adequate diet. It is also well known that there are many misconceptions of what constitutes a healthy diet and health education advice may be misunderstood (Blincoe 2006).

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) published, through their Screening committee, a policy position stating that all pregnant women should be offered a test for anaemia. This should be considered a fundamental part of antenatal care. NICE plans to publish a routine antenatal care guideline in late 2007 (National Screening Policy Position 2006).

A varied diet should contain all the food groups, with sufficient calories to maintain metabolic needs and to enable normal activity and exercise. This diet should not lead to excessive storage of fat. It should contain all the micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Foods of a low nutritional value, such as alcohol, salt and processed foods should be taken only in moderation.

Women on low incomes may not take in enough calories to meet the energy demands of pregnancy, and consequently, the intake of micronutrients may also be insufficient (Jordan & McOwat 2002). Poor nutrition can lead to the woman being less able to cope with the rigours of labour. This in turn may lead to low birthweight infants with a poor ability to cope with illness or disease.

Midwives are well placed to provide women with accurate up-to-date information on nutrition that takes into account their individual situation. It is pointless advising costly items of food where income prohibits the purchase of these items. Many other factors affect dietary habits, for example availability of particular foods, the ease or difficulty in obtaining them, eating habits, such as whether families eat as a unit, or separately, their likes and dislikes and the support of the family unit when implementing change.

Certain chronic infections and diseases cause several changes in erythropoiesis. These include a slightly shortened red blood cell life span; decreases in the amount of iron that is available in the plasma; and decreases in the activity of the bone marrow. In the presence of these three effects, a low to moderate grade anaemia may develop. The symptoms of the anaemia often go unnoticed in the face of the primary disease. Conditions associated with the anaemia of infection and chronic diseases include malaria, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. A person suffering from chronic renal disease rarely achieves a pregnancy but should it occur, the disease may produce a similar anaemia because it causes reduced levels of erythropoietin – the hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Treatment of the underlying disease can prevent or reverse the anaemia. Chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease are difficult to treat and patients may exhibit intermittent anaemia that varies with their condition.

Excessive or prolonged blood loss

Frequent or prolonged menses or bleeding haemorrhoids can leave a woman with a less than optimal haemoglobin level and inadequate nutrient stores prior to pregnancy. If these are combined with repeated or multiple pregnancies, anaemia may quickly develop. Even a relatively minor antepartum haemorrhage may have a very serious effect on the woman’s well-being.

Chronic infections such as pyelonephritis, malaria, or intestinal parasites may also lead to anaemia (Box 5.3 and Fig. 5.6). Malaria is not endemic in the UK, but approximately 2000 cases occur every year in travellers returning from malaria-endemic countries. Pregnant women should be advised against travel into such areas (Health Protection Agency 2007).

Box 5.3 Hookworm

Infestation with hookworm can provoke iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia (Fig. 5.6). The hookworm is a parasitic worm. It thrives in warm climates, including African and American countries. The hookworm enters the body through the skin, through the soles of bare feet, where it then migrates to the small intestines and attaches itself to the villi. The hookworm damages the villi, resulting in blood loss, and they produce anticoagulants that promote continued bleeding. Each worm can provoke the loss of up to 0.25 mL of blood/day. Because of international travel and the migrant population, hookworm is increasingly likelyto be seen in the UK.

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