43. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

I. Definition

A. Enlargement of the prostate gland; a condition commonly seen in men older than age 50

B. Progressive condition that can cause obstruction of the urethra with interference in urine flow

C. BPH is a hyperplastic process that results from an increase in cell numbers.

II. Etiology/incidence

A. Incidence is age related.

1. Men ages 41 to 50: 20%

2. Men ages 51 to 60: 50%

3. Men older than age 80: more than 90%

B. Exact cause is unknown.

C. The condition may be a response of the prostate gland to androgen hormones over time.

D. Dietary fat may play a role.

IV. Laboratory findings

A. Urinalysis

1. Pyuria suggests infection.

2. Hematuria may be a sign of malignancy.

B. Urine culture to rule out urinary tract infection if irritative symptoms are present

C. BUN/creatinine (CR) to assess for renal insufficiency

D. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

1. Considered optional, yet most practitioners include it in the initial evaluation

2. Values greater than 10 ng/ml suggest prostate cancer.

3. Because an overlap is seen between levels seen in BPH and in prostate cancer, its use is controversial.

E. Transrectal ultrasound with a palpable nodule or elevated PSA

Mar 3, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 43. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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