4. Selected Childbirth Complications

Selected Childbirth Complications

This section presents information on selected labor and birth complications, including preterm and postterm birth, preterm premature rupture of membranes, infections, dystocia, induction/augmentation of labor, and vaginal birth after cesarean. Assisted births, including cesarean birth and forceps- or vacuum-assisted vaginal births, are also addressed. Finally, information on managing selected emergency situations, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, shoulder dystocia, and prolapsed umbilical cord, is included.

Preterm Labor and Birth

Preterm labor is defined as cervical changes and uterine contractions occurring between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. Preterm birth is any birth that occurs before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. About 75% of all preterm births in the United States are termed late preterm births because they occur between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation. The steady increase in the preterm birth rate has been attributed to the rise in the rate of late preterm births, which has increased 25% since 1990.


Increasingly, preterm births are being divided into two categories, spontaneous and indicated. Spontaneous preterm births occur following an early initiation of the labor process and comprise nearly 75% of all preterm births in the United States. Box 4-1 lists risk factors for spontaneous preterm labor.

Indicated preterm births, on the other hand, occur as a means to resolve maternal or fetal risk related to continuing the pregnancy. About 25% of all preterm births in the United States are indicated because of medical or obstetric conditions that affect the mother, the fetus, or both. An increase in the number of indicated preterm births accounts for much of the rise in late preterm births. Box 4-2 lists common causes of indicated preterm birth.

Predicting Preterm Labor and Birth

ent Major risk factors for spontaneous labor and birth include:

ent History of previous preterm birth

ent Multiple gestation

ent Bleeding after the first trimester of pregnancy

ent Low maternal body mass index (BMI)

ent Other risk factors for spontaneous labor and birth include

ent Non-Caucasian race

ent Low socioeconomic status

ent Low educational status

ent Living with chronic stress

ent Domestic violence

ent Lack of social support

ent Smoking

ent Substance abuse

ent Physically demanding working conditions

ent Periodontal disease

ent At least 50% of all women who ultimately give birth prematurely, however, have no identifiable risk factors.

ent Biochemical marker

ent Fetal fibronectin—Glycoprotein found in plasma and produced during fetal life. Fetal fibronectin normally appears in cervical and vaginal secretions early in pregnancy, and then again in late pregnancy.

ent The presence of fetal fibronectin during the late second and early third trimesters may be related to placental inflammation, which is thought to be one cause of spontaneous preterm labor. The presence of fetal fibronectin is not very sensitive as a predictor of preterm birth, however. Often the test is used to predict who will not go into preterm labor, because preterm labor is very unlikely to occur in women with a negative result.

ent The test is performed by collecting fluid from the woman’s vagina using a swab during a speculum examination.

ent Endocervical length

ent A shortened cervix as determined by ultrasound measurement may precede preterm labor. Changes in cervical length occur before uterine activity, so cervical measurement can identify women in whom the labor process has begun. However, because preterm cervical shortening occurs over a period of weeks, neither digital nor ultrasound cervical examination is very sensitive at predicting imminent preterm birth. Women whose cervical length is more than 30 mm are unlikely to give birth prematurely even if they have symptoms of preterm labor.



ent Teach all pregnant women the early signs and symptoms of preterm labor listed in Box 4-3 and what to do if they occur. (See the Teaching for Self-Management box: What to Do if Symptoms of Preterm Labor Occur.) In particular, education regarding any symptoms of uterine contractions or cramping


ent The diagnosis of preterm labor requires all of the following:

ent Gestational age between 20 and 37 weeks

ent Uterine activity (contractions)

ent Progressive cervical change (effacement of 80% or greater or cervical dilation of 2 cm or greater)

ent If preterm labor is diagnosed, the woman will be admitted to the hospital for tocolytic therapy, medications to suppress uterine activity in an attempt to prevent preterm birth. Research has demonstrated that prolonging the pregnancy 48 hours to several days is the best outcome that can be expected. The purposes of tocolytic therapy are to gain time for administering antenatal corticosteroids and transporting the mother to a facility with a neonatal intensive care unit.

ent There is no clear first-line tocolytic drug. Medications commonly used for tocolytic therapy include the following:

ent Magnesium sulfate

ent Terbutaline (Brethine)

ent Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)

ent Indomethacin (Indocin)

See the Medication Guide in Appendix B for information on these medications.

Antenatal glucocorticoids (betamethasone, dexamethasone), given as intramuscular injections to the mother to accelerate fetal lung maturity by stimulating fetal surfactant production, are considered one of the most effective and cost-efficient interventions for preventing neonatal morbidity and mortality associated with preterm labor. Antenatal glucocorticoids have been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and death in neonates, without increasing the risk of infection in mothers or newborns. All women between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation should be given a single course of antenatal glucocorticoids when preterm birth is threatened unless evidence indicates that glucocorticoids will have an adverse effect on the mother or birth is imminent. Because optimal benefit begins 24 hours after the first injection, timely administration is essential. (See the Medication Guide: Antenatal Glucocorticoid Therapy with Betamethasone, Dexamethasone in Appendix B.)

ent Management of inevitable preterm birth

ent Once the cervix dilates to 4 cm or more, preterm birth is likely.

ent If preterm birth appears inevitable, transfer the woman before birth, if possible, to a facility equipped to care for the infant. Give the first dose of antenatal corticosteroids before transfer.

ent Monitor for rapid progression to birth. Remember that very tiny preterm infants may pass through a cervix that has not completely dilated.

ent Gather equipment, supplies, and medications used for neonatal resuscitation in advance and prepare them for immediate use.

ent Have personnel skilled in neonatal resuscitation present during the birth.

ent If birth occurs in a hospital that is not prepared to provide continuing care for a preterm neonate, make plans for immediate transfer of the infant to a higher level of care.

Nursing Considerations

Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes

Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is the rupture of the amniotic sac and leakage of amniotic fluid beginning before the onset of labor at any gestational age. In preterm premature rupture of membranes (preterm PROM) rupture of the amniotic sac occurs before 37 weeks of gestation. The woman may complain of either a sudden gush or a slow leak of fluid from the vagina.


Preterm PROM most likely results from pathologic weakening of the amniotic membranes caused by inflammation, stress from uterine contractions, or other factors that cause increased intrauterine pressure. Infection of the urogenital tract is a major risk factor associated with preterm PROM.

Risks Associated with Preterm PROM




ent Diagnosis is confirmed by a Nitrazine or fern test. The Procedure box: Tests for Rupture of Membranes on page 120 describes these tests in detail. An ultrasound will most likely reveal oligohydramnios or anhydramnios.

ent Management decisions are based on gestational age and maternal and fetal condition. The woman may either be admitted to the hospital or be cared for at home with more frequent visits to her health care provider.

ent Preterm PROM is often managed expectantly or conservatively if the risks to the fetus and newborn associated with preterm birth are considered to be greater than the risks of infection.

ent Conservative management includes the following:

ent Maternal monitoring for signs of labor, placental abruption, or infectious organisms.

ent Fetal assessment (daily fetal movement counting, nonstress test, biophysical profile)

ent Administering antenatal glucocorticoids to women who are less than 34 weeks of gestation because they have been proven to reduce the risk of several neonatal complications

ent Administering a 7-day course of broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin, erythromycin) to treat or prevent intrauterine infection

Nursing Considerations

Postterm Pregnancy

A postterm pregnancy (also sometimes referred to as a postdate or prolonged pregnancy) is one that extends beyond the end of week 42 of gestation, or 294 days from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). The incidence of postterm pregnancy is estimated to be between 4% and 14% (Resnik & Resnik, 2009). Many pregnancies are misdiagnosed as prolonged because of inaccurate dating.


The exact cause of true postterm pregnancy is not known. However, it is clear that the timing of labor is determined by complex interactions among the fetus, the placenta and membranes, the uterine myometrium, and the cervix.

Risk Factors for Postterm Pregnancy

Clinical Manifestations

Maternal Risks

Fetal Risks


ent The management of postterm pregnancy is still controversial. However, because perinatal morbidity and mortality increase greatly after 42 weeks of gestation, pregnancies are usually not allowed to continue after this time.

ent In the United States, most physicians induce labor at 41 weeks of gestation. During labor the fetus of a woman with a postterm pregnancy should be continuously monitored electronically for a more accurate assessment of the FHR and pattern.

ent An alternative approach for managing postterm pregnancy is to initiate twice-weekly fetal testing at 41 weeks of gestation. The testing generally consists of either a BPP or NST along with an assessment of amniotic fluid volume. In addition, the woman is encouraged to assess fetal activity daily, assess for signs of labor, and keep appointments with her primary health care provider.

ent Evidence is insufficient to determine which of the two management approaches described above is better.

Nursing Considerations

The woman and her family should be encouraged to express their feelings (e.g., frustration, anger, impatience, fear) about the prolonged pregnancy and helped to realize that these feelings are normal. At times the emotional and physical strain of a postterm pregnancy may seem overwhelming. Referral to a support group or another supportive resource may be needed.


Maternal Group B Streptococci (GBS) Infection



ent All women with a positive culture result should receive intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) during labor

ent Women with an unknown GBS status (i.e., culture was not done or results are unknown) should also receive IAP if any of the following risk factors are present:

ent Less than 37 weeks of gestational age

ent Fever greater than 38.0° C (100.4° F)

ent Ruptured membranes for more than 18 hours

ent History of previous infant with GBS infection

ent GBS-positive urine culture during current pregnancy

ent Be aware that some practitioners give IAP during labor to all women with an unknown GBS status, even if none of the risk factors listed above are identified.

ent Accurate rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing is available for use in women who are admitted with an unknown GBS status to give birth.

ent Recommended IAP

ent Penicillin G, 5 million units IV loading dose, then 2.5 million units IV every 4 hours during labor, or

ent Ampicillin, 2-g loading dose IV followed by 1 g IV every 4 hours during labor

ent Women who are allergic to penicillin may be treated with cefazolin (Ancef), clindamycin (Cleocin), erythromycin, or vancomycin (Vancocin)

ent IAP is not necessary before planned cesarean births if the woman is not in labor and the membranes have not ruptured.

Maternal and Newborn Effects



Chorioamnionitis is usually diagnosed by the clinical findings of maternal fever, maternal and fetal tachycardia, uterine tenderness, and foul-smelling amniotic fluid.

Risk Factors


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