4. Neurologic Trauma

Head trauma/traumatic brain injury, 959.01

Spinal cord trauma, 952.9

I. Head trauma accounts for two thirds of all casualties of motor vehicle accidents.

A. Head trauma is the leading cause of death in all trauma cases.

B. Anatomic structures and physiologic functions of the head provide protection for the brain.

1. Scalp

2. Skull

3. Cerebral meninges (PAD—pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater)

4. CSF

C. The brain is dependent on glucose (25%) and oxygen (20%) for functioning.

II. Mechanism of injury

A. Acceleration

B. Deceleration

C. Deformation

III. Type of injury

A. Blunt trauma

B. Penetrating injury

1. High-velocity object

2. Low-velocity object

C. Coup-contrecoup injuries: brain tissue injury directly at the site of impact (coup) and at the pole opposite the site of impact (contrecoup) that may be caused by movement of cranial contents within the skull

IV. Categories of injury

A. Primary head injury

1. Scalp laceration

a. Most common head injury

b. May result in profuse bleeding caused by the great vascular supply to the scalp (monitor for signs and symptoms of hypovolemia, such as increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure)

c. Apply direct pressure to control bleeding (first assess for skull fracture).

d. Suture/staple laceration after thorough examination and cleansing

i. Lidocaine 1% with epinephrine should be used on scalp lacerations to help control bleeding.

ii. Do not use lidocaine with epinephrine on lacerations located on the nose or ears.

2. Skull fracture

a. Simple: no displacement of bone. Observe for scalp laceration, protect the cervical spine; may indicate underlying brain injury

b. Depressed: bone fragment depressing the thickness of the skull

i. Patients often have a scalp laceration.

ii. Patient may be asymptomatic or may have altered level of consciousness.

iii. Surgery is required to elevate and debride the wound.

iv. Prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotics

v. Tetanus toxoid, if indicated

vi. Institute seizure precautions.

c. Basilar: fracture in the floor of the skull

i. Raccoon eyes—periorbital ecchymosis

ii. Battle’s sign—mastoid ecchymosis

iii. Otorrhea and/or rhinorrhea (positive Dextrostix test result, halo or target sign, and salty taste in mouth). Do not obstruct the flow.

iv. Prophylactic antibiotic coverage

v. Oral intubation and oral gastric tube are indicated instead of nasal intubation and nasogastric tube.

B. Hematoma

1. Epidural hematoma: collection of arterial blood between the skull and the dura mater within the epidural space

a. Loss of consciousness, followed by a lucid interval, then rapid deterioration

b. Stupor progresses to coma.

c. Ipsilateral pupil dilatation

d. Hemiplegia

i. Obtain CT scan.

ii. Mannitol may be given to “buy time.”

iii. Immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

2. Subdural hematoma: venous bleeding between the dura mater and the brain tissue

a. Most frequently seen type of intracranial bleeding

b. Acute: develops over minutes to hours

i. Drowsiness, agitation, confusion

ii. Headache

iii. Unilateral or bilateral pupil dilatation

iv. Late hemiparesis

v. Obtain a CT scan.

vi. Surgery is required.

c. Chronic: develops over days or weeks

i. Headache

ii. Memory loss

iii. Personality changes

iv. Incontinence

v. Ataxia

vi. Obtain a CT scan.

vii. Surgery is usually required, but close monitoring may be sufficient if the hematoma is small.

C. Infection

1. Meningitis

2. Brain abscess

D. Brain swelling or edema

VI. Management

A. Consult a neurosurgeon.

C. Hyperventilation/hyperoxia

1. Hyperventilation (PaCO2 [partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood], 25-30 mmHg) has been used for decades to cause cerebral vasoconstriction and thereby lower ICP. Cerebral vasoconstriction caused by hyperventilation has also been known to cause cerebral ischemia.

2. Experts now recommend that hyperventilation should not be used routinely, especially during the first 24 hours after injury, unless ICP is severely high or the patient requires suctioning.

a. Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines specifically recommend that hyperventilation to bring PaCO2 to less than 35 mmHg should be undertaken only if a measured increase in ICP is reported, or if increased ICP is suspected because of physical signs, while intracranial hypertension is refractory to other interventions.

b. Other methods known to control ICP (e.g., elevating the head of the bed, sedation, paralysis, mannitol, CSF drainage) should be instituted first.

3. Other studies support that hyperoxia during acute hyperventilation improves oxygen delivery to the brain, as indicated by improved jugular venous bulb saturation and arteriovenous oxygen content difference. Moderate hyperventilation to a PaCO2 of 30 mmHg in combination with a higher PaO2 may be beneficial in patients with head injury.

4. Nasal intubation and a nasogastric (NG) tube have traditionally been preferred over oral intubation, given the possibility of cervical spine injury, with the exception of basilar skull fracture.

E. Steroids

1. Corticosteroids remain controversial.

a. Theoretically, these drugs work by preventing fluid from entering the cells and by increasing blood vessel diameter, thereby promoting cerebral blood flow.

b. However, according to Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines, the use of steroids is not recommended for improving outcomes or reducing ICP in patients with severe head injury.

2. Many practitioners believe that the risks of steroids (e.g., compromise of immune function, infection, delayed wound healing, gastric distress) far outweigh the benefits.

a. No significant improvement or reduction in ICP has been noted with the use of steroids.

b. A study performed on rats found that low doses of dexamethasone (Decadron) appear to be beneficial for the treatment of cerebral trauma because they decrease brain water content.

F. Osmotherapy (mannitol)

1. Very useful in certain patients; drug of choice in an emergency situation when brain herniation is pending

2. Mannitol creates an osmotic gradient across the blood–brain barrier that pulls water from the CNS into the intravascular space.

3. Mannitol may enhance cerebral oxygen delivery via decreased blood viscosity, increased CPP, or both.

4. Mannitol may also provide some cytoprotective effects through oxygen-free radical scavenging.

5. Administer as a bolus (0.25-1 g/kg).

6. Results are quick, occurring usually within 10 to 20 minutes, and can last up to 6 hours.

7. Monitor serum osmolarity, and maintain at less than 320 mOsm. Monitor electrolytes as well, and replace as needed.

8. Monitor blood pressure closely.

a. Hypotension is an adverse effect that results from dehydration caused by diuresis.

b. The goal is to attain beneficial effects without inducing dehydration.

9. Volume replacement may be necessary to keep the patient euvolemic and to prevent hypotension (e.g., replace urinary output volume-for-volume each hour, or one-half volume-for-volume each hour, with isotonic crystalloids).

10. An indwelling urinary catheter should be in place and urine output recorded each hour.

11. Some investigators are replacing mannitol with loop diuretics such as furosemide (Lasix) and ethacrynic acid (Edecrin) to control ICP, believing that these drugs are less likely to cause severe dehydration.

H. It is recommended that anticonvulsants (phenytoin [Dilantin], carbamazepine [Mazapine]) may be used to prevent early posttraumatic seizures in those at high risk after a head injury. Prophylactic use is not recommended for preventing late posttraumatic seizures.

I. Patient must undergo ongoing neurologic assessment for evaluation of treatment effectiveness and the need for additional interventions.

1. Evaluation of the Glasgow coma scale score may be necessary every 30 to 60 minutes for the first 24 hours. Note whether the patient is receiving sedation and/or paralytics because these may lower the score.

2. Pupil size and reaction

3. Vital signs

J. It is suggested that by the seventh day after injury, 140% of resting metabolism expenditure is replaced in nonparalyzed patients, and that 100% of resting metabolism expenditure occurs in paralyzed patients who use enteral or parenteral formulas that contain at least 15% of calories as protein.

K. All patients with head injury are presumed to have a cervical spine injury until proven otherwise. Once the patient’s condition has stabilized, a cervical spine series should be ordered.

L. Avoid any condition (e.g., fever, pain, shivering) that increases metabolic rate and therefore increases the demand for O2 and glucose.

M. Prospective treatment

1. Polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase is a drug that investigators are exploring to determine whether it can decrease toxicity to the brain associated with free radicals that are released during trauma. This drug appears to improve clinical outcomes in head trauma victims.

2. Lazaroids—synthetic nonglucocorticoids—constitute a group of experimental drugs that may slow cellular membrane breakdown after head injury by inhibiting lipid peroxidation.

4. Hypothermia had been thought to possibly improve clinical outcomes through control of ICP.

a. Lowering the temperature to 89.6° F to 91.4° F has resulted in improved outcomes in animals, and the procedure has been tested in humans.

b. Recent studies found no evidence that hypothermia is beneficial in the treatment of patients with head injury.

Mar 3, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 4. Neurologic Trauma

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