CHAPTER 39. Influenza: Seasonal, Avian, and Pandemic
Sherri-Lynn Almeida
Historically, influenza has caused outbreaks of respiratory illness for centuries, including three pandemics (worldwide outbreaks of disease) in the twentieth century. There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C. Influenza type A viruses have the potential to cause pandemics. Seasonal influenza outbreaks can be caused by either influenza type A or type B viruses. Influenza type C viruses cause mild illness in humans but do not cause epidemics or pandemics. Of the three types of influenza viruses, only type A is divided into subtypes. Subtype designations are based on the presence of two viral surface proteins (antigens): hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). To date, 16 different hemagglutinin and 9 different neuraminidase surface proteins have been identified in influenza A viruses. 13 Subtypes are designated as the H protein type (1 to 16) solely or followed by the N protein type (1 to 9) (e.g., H5N1). Three different subtypes (i.e., H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2) caused pandemics in the twentieth century. Influenza A viruses vary in virulence, infectivity to specific hosts, modes of transmission, and the clinical presentation of infection.
Influenza viruses are normally highly species-specific, meaning that viruses infect an individual species and stay true to that species and only rarely spill over to cause infection in other species. Seasonal, avian, and pandemic influenza can occur in humans. 19
Seasonal (or common) flu is a respiratory illness caused by influenza (A or B) viruses. Seasonal flu can be transmitted person to person. Most people have some immunity, and a vaccine is available. 3
Avian (or bird) flu (AI) is caused by influenza viruses that occur naturally among wild birds. Low pathogenic AI is common in birds and causes few problems. Highly pathogenic H5N1 is deadly to domestic fowl, can be transmitted from birds to humans, and is deadly to humans. There is virtually no human immunity, and human vaccine availability is very limited. 2
Pandemic flu is virulent human flu that causes a global outbreak, or pandemic, of serious illness. Because there is little natural immunity, the disease can spread easily from person to person and can sweep across the country and around the world in very short time.
During the past 100 years, three worldwide (pandemic) influenza outbreaks have occurred. Each differed from the others with respect to etiologic agents, epidemiology, and disease severity. The first was the “Spanish flu” (influenza A [H1N1]) of 1918. The origin of this pandemic has always been disputed and may never be resolved. It is estimated that approximately 20% to 40% of the world population became ill and over 20 million people died. Between September 1918 and April 1919 approximately 500,000 deaths from influenza occurred in the United States alone. Many people died very quickly. The Spanish flu was unique because the causative agent was very deadly. One of the most unusual aspects of the Spanish flu was its ability to kill young adults. The reasons for this remain uncertain. With the Spanish flu, mortality rates were high among healthy adults as well as the usual high-risk groups. The attack rate and mortality was highest among adults 20 to 50 years old. The severity of that virus has not been seen again. 6
In February 1957 the Asian influenza, (influenza A [H2N2]) pandemic was first identified in the Far East. Immunity to this strain was rare in people less than 65 years of age, and a pandemic was predicted. In preparation, vaccine production began about 3 months after the first outbreaks occurred in China, and health officials increased surveillance for flu outbreaks. By June 1957, it had spread to the United States and subsequently caused approximately 70,000 deaths with the highest mortality among the older adult population. Infection rates were highest among school children, young adults, and pregnant women. By December 1957, the worst seemed to be over. However, during January and February 1958, there was another wave of illness among older adults. This is an example of the potential “second wave” of infections that can develop during a pandemic. The disease infects one group of people first, infections appear to decrease, and then infections increase in a different part of the population. 6
The pandemic of 1957 provided the first opportunity to observe vaccination response in that large part of the population that had not previously been primed.
The third pandemic and the most recent, “Hong Kong flu” (influenza A [H3N2]), occurred in 1968. The first cases were detected in Hong Kong in early 1968. The pandemic, which was milder than 1957, is thought to have caused around 1 million deaths worldwide, and nearly 34,000 deaths in the United States. Those over the age of 65 were most likely to die. There could be several reasons why fewer people in the United States died as a result of this virus. First, the Hong Kong flu virus was similar in some ways to the Asian flu virus that circulated between 1957 and 1968. Earlier infections by the Asian flu virus might have provided some immunity against the Hong Kong flu virus that may have helped to reduce the severity of illness during the Hong Kong pandemic. Second, instead of peaking in September or October, as pandemic influenza had in the previous two pandemics, this pandemic did not gain momentum until near the school holidays in December. Because children were at home and did not infect one another at school, the rate of influenza illness among schoolchildren and their families declined. Third, improved medical care and antibiotics that are more effective for secondary bacterial infections were available for those who became ill. In the 1968 pandemic, vaccines became available 1 month after the outbreaks peaked in the United States. 6
It is difficult to predict when the next influenza pandemic will occur or how severe it will be. Wherever and whenever a pandemic starts, everyone around the world is at risk. Countries might, through measures such as border closures and travel restrictions, delay arrival of the virus, but cannot stop it.
In January 1976 an outbreak of respiratory disease was identified at Ft. Dix, New Jersey. On February 12 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) influenza laboratory notified the CDC director that a swine influenza virus strain (H1N1) had been isolated from patients that possessed hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subtypes that had not circulated for more than 50 years. Experience had led scientists to conclude that introduction of a new strain inevitably resulted in a pandemic. On March 24, 1976, President Ford met with representatives from the CDC, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as other experts. There was a unanimous recommendation to initiate mass immunization. The first vaccine dose was given 7½ months after the virus was identified. Within 9½ months, 150 million doses of vaccine had been produced under a federal contract. The first vaccine was shipped to state health departments on September 22, 1976, and the first injections were given on October 1, 1976. Vaccination programs continued based on state plans and capacities, with some states aggressively implementing mass vaccinations and others implementing more limited programs. Overall, between October 1 and December 16, more than 40 million civilians were vaccinated. In November 1976 several cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome—a severe neurologic condition associated with paralysis that may include the respiratory muscles and may be fatal—were reported from Minnesota. On December 16, 1976, based on CDC’s recommendation and after consultation with the president, the assistant secretary for health announced the suspension of the swine influenza vaccination program. 4
In May 1977 influenza A(H1N1) viruses, isolated in northern China, spread rapidly and caused epidemic disease in children and young adults (less than 23 years of age) worldwide. The 1977 virus was similar to other influenza A(H1N1) viruses that had circulated before 1957. In 1957 the A(H1N1) virus was replaced by the new A(H2N2) viruses. Because of the timing of the appearance of these viruses, persons born before 1957 were likely to have been exposed to A(H1N1) viruses and to have developed immunity against A(H1N1) viruses. Therefore, when the A(H1N1) reappeared in 1977, many people over the age of 23 had some protection against the virus and it was primarily younger people who became ill from A(H1N1) infections. By January 1978 the virus had spread around the world, including the United States. Because illness occurred primarily in children, this event was not considered a true pandemic. Vaccine containing this virus was not produced in time for the 1977-1978 season; however, the virus was included in the 1978-1979 vaccine. 12
Box 39-1 describes a more recent outbreak of influenza A(H1N1).
Box 39-1
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In 2009 a swine influenza outbreak in Mexico resulted in a public health emergency in the United States. Swine flu virus (an influenza type A H1N1 virus) was first isolated from a pig in 1930. Before this outbreak there were limited reports of swine flu in humans. There were 12 U.S. human cases of swine flu reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between December 2005 through February 2009.
Swine flu is not typically transmitted to humans; however, there have been previous reports of swine flu outbreaks after direct contact with pigs. The symptoms of H1N1 virus infection is consistent with other influenza-like illnesses. People commonly report fever, general malaise, coughing, and decreased appetite. Runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are also frequent presenting complaints. Management is aimed at supportive care; not a lot is known about the effectiveness of antiviral medications on the H1N1 swine flu virus. Disease transmission is believed to occur person to person through coughing or other droplet spread. Disease prevention is focused on good handwashing technique, use of a mask, and droplet precautions, as well as having those who believe they are infected with swine flu stay home.
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Swine flu. Retrieved April 30, 2009 from
Until 1997 the risk for avian flu was considered to be rare in humans. In 1997 at least a few hundred people became infected with the avian A(H5N1) flu virus in Hong Kong; 18 people were hospitalized, and 6 died. This virus was different because it moved directly from chickens to people, rather than having been altered by infecting pigs as an intermediate host. In addition, many of the most severe illnesses occurred in young adults similar to illnesses caused by the 1918 Spanish flu virus. To prevent the spread of this virus, approximately 1.5 million chickens were slaughtered in Hong Kong. The avian flu did not easily spread from one person to another, and after the poultry slaughter no new human infections were found. In 2001 Hong Kong reported an outbreak in its live bird markets of avian influenza type A(H5N1) that is highly pathogenic. As a preventive measure, 1.2 million susceptible birds were destroyed. The 2001 strain did not affect humans. 17
Of all influenza viruses that circulate in birds, the H5N1 virus is of greatest present concern for human health for two main reasons. First, the H5N1 virus has caused the greatest number of human cases of very severe disease and the greatest number of deaths. It has crossed the species barrier to infect humans. Since 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported 319 human cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) with 192 deaths. 18 As more humans become infected with the H5N1 virus, transmissibility to humans improves. 15
The virus can improve its transmissibility among humans via two principal mechanisms. The first is a reassortment event, in which genetic material is exchanged between human and avian viruses during co-infection of a human or pig. Reassortment could result in a fully transmissible pandemic virus, announced by a sudden surge of cases with explosive spread. 17
The second mechanism is a more gradual process of adaptive mutation, whereby the capability of the virus to bind to human cells increases during subsequent infections of humans. Adaptive mutation, expressed initially as small clusters of human cases with some evidence of human-to-human transmission, would probably give the world some time to take defensive action, if detected sufficiently early. 17
A second concern for human health is the risk that the H5N1 virus will develop the characteristics it needs to start an influenza pandemic. The virus has met all prerequisites for the start of a pandemic except one: the ability to spread efficiently and develop sustainability among humans. Although H5N1 is presently the virus of greatest concern, the possibility that other avian influenza viruses, known to infect humans, might cause a pandemic cannot be ruled out. 17
Current available data indicate that close contact with dead or sick birds is the principal source of human infection with the H5N1 virus. Especially risky behaviors include the slaughtering, defeathering, butchering, and preparation for consumption of infected birds. At present, H5N1 avian influenza remains largely a disease of birds. Investigations of all the most recently confirmed human cases, in China, Indonesia, and Turkey, have identified direct contact with infected birds as the most likely source of exposure. 17
Avian Influenza Clinical Signs and Symptoms
In many patients the disease caused by the H5N1 virus follows an unusually aggressive clinical course, with rapid deterioration and high fatality. Like most emerging disease, H5N1 influenza in humans is poorly understood. Clinical data from cases in 1997 and more recent outbreaks are beginning to provide a picture of the clinical features of disease, but much remains to be learned. However, the clinical picture could change given the propensity of this virus to mutate rapidly and unpredictably. 17
The incubation period for H5N1 avian influenza may be longer than that for normal seasonal influenza, which is around 2 to 3 days. Current data for H5N1 infection indicate an incubation period ranging from 2 to 8 days and possibly as long as 17 days. However, the possibility of multiple exposures to the virus makes it difficult to define the incubation period precisely. WHO currently recommends that an incubation period of 7 days be used for field investigations and the monitoring of patient contacts. 17
Initial symptoms include a high fever, usually with a temperature higher than 100.4° F (38° C) and influenza-like symptoms. Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, chest pain, and bleeding from the nose and gums have also been reported as early symptoms in some patients. Watery diarrhea without blood appears to be more common in H5N1 avian influenza than in normal seasonal influenza. The spectrum of clinical symptoms may, however, be broader, and not all confirmed patients have presented with respiratory symptoms. In two patients from southern Vietnam, the clinical diagnosis was acute encephalitis; neither patient had respiratory symptoms at presentation. In another case, from Thailand, the patient presented with fever and diarrhea, but no respiratory symptoms. All three patients had a recent history of direct exposure to infected poultry. 17
One feature seen in many patients is the development of manifestations in the lower respiratory tract early in the illness. Many patients have symptoms in the lower respiratory tract when they first seek treatment. Based on present evidence, difficulty in breathing develops around 5 days after the first onset of symptoms. Respiratory distress, a hoarse voice, and a crackling sound when inhaling are common findings. Sputum production is variable and sometimes bloody. Most recently, blood-tinged respiratory secretions have been observed in patients in Turkey. Almost all patients develop pneumonia. During the Hong Kong outbreak, all severely ill patients had primary viral pneumonia, which did not respond to antibiotics. Limited data on patients in the current outbreak indicate the presence of a primary viral pneumonia in H5N1, usually without microbiologic evidence of bacterial suprainfection at presentation. Turkish clinicians also reported pneumonia as a consistent feature in severe cases; as elsewhere, these patients did not respond to treatment with antibiotics. 17
In patients infected with the H5N1 virus, clinical deterioration is rapid. In Thailand, the time between onset of illness and the development of acute respiratory distress was around 6 days, with a range of 4 to 13 days. In severe cases in Turkey, clinicians observed respiratory failure 3 to 5 days after symptom onset. Another common feature is multiorgan dysfunction. Common laboratory abnormalities include leukopenia (mainly lymphopenia), mild-to-moderate thrombocytopenia, elevated aminotransferase levels, and some instances of disseminated intravascular coagulation. 17
Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza: Antivirals and Vaccines
Limited evidence suggests that some antiviral drugs, notably oseltamivir (commercially known as Tamiflu), can reduce the duration of viral replication and improve prospects of survival, provided they are administered within 48 hours following symptom onset. However, before the outbreak in Turkey, most patients had not been detected and treated until late in the course of illness. For this reason, clinical data on the effectiveness of oseltamivir are limited. Moreover, oseltamivir and other antiviral drugs were developed for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal influenza, which is a less severe disease associated with less prolonged viral replication. Recommendations on the optimum dose and duration of treatment for H5N1 avian influenza, also in children, need to undergo urgent review, and this is being undertaken by WHO. 17
In suspected cases, oseltamivir should be prescribed as soon as possible (ideally, within 48 hours following symptom onset) to maximize its therapeutic benefits. However, given the significant mortality currently associated with H5N1 infection and evidence of prolonged viral replication in this disease, administration of the drug should also be considered in patients presenting later in the course of illness. 17
Recommended doses of oseltamivir for the treatment of influenza are contained in the product information at the manufacturer’s Web site. The recommended dose of oseltamivir for the treatment of influenza, in adults and adolescents 13 years of age and older, is 150 mg per day, given as 75 mg twice a day for 5 days. Oseltamivir is not indicated for the treatment of children younger than 1 year of age. 17
Because the duration of viral replication may be prolonged in cases of H5N1 infection, clinicians should consider increasing the duration of treatment to 7 to 10 days in patients who are not showing a clinical response. In cases of severe infection with the H5N1 virus, clinicians may need to consider increasing the recommended daily dose or the duration of treatment, recognizing that doses above 300 mg per day are associated with increased side effects. For all treated patients, consideration should be given to taking serial clinical samples for later assay to monitor changes in viral load, assess drug susceptibility, and assess drug levels. These samples should be taken only in the presence of appropriate measures for infection control. 17
In severely ill H5N1 patients or in H5N1 patients with severe gastrointestinal symptoms, drug absorption may be impaired. This possibility should be considered when managing these patients. 17
There currently is no commercially available vaccine to protect humans against the H5N1 virus that is being seen in Asia, Europe, and Africa. A vaccine specific to the virus strain causing the pandemic cannot be produced until a new pandemic influenza virus emerges and is identified.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through its National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is addressing the problem in a number of ways. These include the development of prepandemic vaccines based on current lethal strains of H5N1 (the FDA has approved a vaccine based on an early strain of the H5N1 virus that is not commercially available, but is being added to the Strategic National Stockpile); collaboration with industry to increase the nation’s vaccine production capacity; seeking ways to expand or extend the existing supply; and doing research in the development of new types of influenza vaccines. 11

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