25 Enteral Nutrition via a Nasoenteric Feeding Tube

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Enteral Nutrition via a Nasoenteric Feeding Tube

Enteral nutrition, or tube feeding, is a method for providing nutrients to patients who are not able to meet their nutritional requirements orally. As a rule, candidates for enteral nutrition must have a sufficiently functional gastrointestinal (GI) tract to absorb nutrients. Examples of indications for enteral feeding include the following:

Gastric feedings are the most common type of enteral nutrition, allowing tube-feeding formulas to enter the stomach and then pass gradually through the intestinal tract to ensure absorption. In contrast, small bowel feeding occurs beyond the pyloric sphincter of the stomach, which theoretically reduces the risk for pulmonary aspiration, provided that feedings do not reflux into the stomach (Metheny et al., 2011).

Feb 19, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 25 Enteral Nutrition via a Nasoenteric Feeding Tube

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