20 Dressings

Skill 20



A transparent film dressing is a clear, adherent, nonabsorptive, polyurethane sheet. Once it is applied, a moist exudate forms over the wound surface, which prevents tissue dehydration and allows for rapid, effective healing by speeding epithelial cell growth. The adhesive is inactivated by moisture and does not adhere to a moist surface. A transparent film has no absorbent capacity and is impermeable to fluids and bacteria (Rolstad, Bryant, and Nix, 2011). The dressings are appropriate for prophylaxis on high-risk intact skin (e.g., high-friction areas), superficial wounds with minimal or no exudate, and eschar-covered wounds when autolysis is indicated and safe (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel [NPUAP] and European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel [EPUAP], 2009). Clinicians commonly use transparent dressings as the dressing of choice over an IV catheter insertion site.

Delegation Considerations

The skill of applying a transparent dressing for select wounds can be delegated to nursing assistive personnel (NAP) (refer to agency policy). The assessment of the wound and care of sterile or new acute wounds cannot be delegated to NAP. The nurse directs the NAP about:

Feb 19, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 20 Dressings

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