2: Hypertensive disorders

Chapter 2 Hypertensive disorders


Blood pressure is the force that drives the cardiovascular system. It is the result of the contraction of the heart on blood, forcing it through the blood vessels. The anatomy of the cardiovascular system is shown in Figure 2.1.

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels – the heart pumps blood around the closed system of arteries and veins.

The heart is composed of four chambers separated into a right and left side by a continuous septum. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body and directs the blood into the right ventricle where it is pumped out by a muscular contraction of the ventricular wall to the lungs. Here the blood is oxygenated and carbon dioxide is removed. The blood then leaves the respiratory system and is returned to the left atrium where it is passed down to the highly muscular left ventricle. The heart contracts and the blood is moved forcibly out into the largest artery in the body, the aorta, and directed to all parts of the body to transport oxygen, along with other chemicals, to body cells. The pressure of the expulsion of blood from the ventricles on the walls of the blood vessels is the force known as blood pressure. Blood then moves through the circulatory system from the initial area of high pressure to areas of decreasing pressure as shown in Figure 2.2.

In the aorta of a resting healthy young adult, blood pressure rises to about 120 mmHg with each contraction of the ventricles of the heart, the systolic measurement, falling to approximately 80 mmHg (diastole) when the heart is at rest.

Blood pressure is dependent on two factors:

Cardiac output is the volume of blood which passes through systemic or pulmonary blood vessels each minute. Cardiac output equals the heart rate multiplied by the stroke volume (amount of blood leaving the heart), i.e. 70 beats × 70 mL, which equals approximately 5 L (litres) of blood.

Should the heart fail to beat efficiently or should there be an insufficient amount of blood in the heart, cardiac output will decrease and blood pressure will decrease also, thus creating hypotension. For example, haemorrhage would cause a decrease in stroke volume and thus ultimately in cardiac output and blood pressure. Body cells will become starved of oxygen, and nutrientsand waste products such as carbon dioxide will accumulate, upsetting the fine acid-base balance required for normal cellular metabolism.

Should cardiac output increase due to increased heart rate or stroke volume or a combination of the two, blood pressure will rise. Increased cardiac output may be required if greater demands are made on the body such as during exercise, with body cells requiring increased amounts of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients. Alternatively, increased cardiac output may be required to push blood through damaged blood vessels, such as in atherosclerosis. This is hypertension.

Peripheral resistance is the extent to which the diameters of blood vessels resist the flow of blood. Resistance in the aorta is very low due to the large diameter of the blood vessel and its proximity to the left ventricle of the heart. Blood pressure at this point is therefore high and blood moves easily through the larger arteries. However, as blood moves into the smaller peripheral arteries, the diameter of these individual vessels decreases, causing a resistance to the flow of blood. Blood pressure begins to fall. This is seen most dramatically in the arterioles, where mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) more than halves – from approximately 85 mmHg to 35 mmHg. By the time blood has passed through the tiny capillaries, MAP has decreased further to about 15 mmHg. Thus, blood pressure in the venous system is very low. The venous blood vessels are anatomically altered to prevent back flow of blood returning to the heart by the presence of valves.

Resistance refers therefore to the opposition to blood flow through the circulatory system as a result of friction of the blood with blood vessel walls. Friction and therefore resistance depends on three factors:

Viscosity is the ‘thickness’ of the blood, i.e. the ratio of blood cells and other solids such as proteins to the fluid part of blood – plasma. In conditions such as dehydration, the blood contains a high proportion of solids, and is less easy to move along the blood vessels. Resistance, due to friction along the vessel walls, will be increased. Where solids such as red blood cells are decreased, resistance is also decreased.

Blood vessel length affects resistance to blood flow which is directly proportional to the length of a blood vessel; the longer the blood vessel, the higher the resistance.

Blood vessel diameter also affects resistance but is inversely proportional to the diameter of the blood vessel. The narrower the diameter, the more difficult it becomes for blood to move through it. Resistance is increased.

The sum total of all the influences detailed above throughout the circulatory system produces the total peripheral resistance. The biggest influence is found in the smallest blood vessels of the body, the arterioles, capillaries and venules. In addition, arteriole walls contain smooth muscle, which can be influenced by chemicals to contract or relax, causing increased diameter, vasodilation, or decreased diameter, vasoconstriction, and thus have the greatest effect on peripheral resistance.

Control of blood pressure

Blood pressure must be maintained at a level sufficient to meet the needs of all the systems and organs of the body. Additionally, local demands on body organs and structures are constantly changing. In order to meet these demands a mechanism must be in place to adjust the blood flow to these areas according to need. For example, when undertaking exercise, the muscles of the limbs require an increase in oxygen and glucose in order to continue functioning. Blood flow is rapidly increased to these areas therefore by relaxation of the smooth muscles in local arteriole walls – vasodilation. Blood flow to the brain however, remains nearly constant.

Blood flow and thus pressure is therefore constantly being adjusted throughout the body centrally via the nervous system, peripherally by hormonal intervention and locally by autoregulation.

Central regulation

Central control is found in the medulla of the brain. Clusters of neurons in the medulla regulate heart rate, force of contraction of the ventricles of the heart (contractility) and blood vessel diameter. Information is gathered from many sources and sent to this area – the cardiovascular centre – to enable it to adjust the heart’s function according to need.

Baroreceptors are found in the walls of arteries and veins and in the right atrium of the heart. These are collections of sensory nerve cells that respond to changes in pressure or stretch. Thus, if these receptors identify an increase in blood pressure they send this information to the cardiovascular centre, which will decrease both heart rate and force of contraction. Alternatively, if a fall in stretch of the blood vessel walls is detected, indicating a fall in blood pressure, this information, when sent to the cardiovascular centre, will result in an increase in heart rate and force anda decrease in blood vessel diameter – vasoconstriction, to increase blood pressure.

Chemoreceptors are situated in the carotid artery and aorta and monitor chemicals in the blood. Chemoreceptors monitor levels of carbon dioxide, pH and oxygen. If there is an increase in carbon dioxide levels or pH, or a decrease in oxygen levels, this information is again sent to the cardiovascular centre in the medulla, and the cardiac rate and rhythm alter accordingly.

The cerebral cortex, limbic system and hypothalamus also play a part in this central control. In response to information received from the body, these organs constantly detect and control other factors that may affect blood pressure such as body temperature (the hypothalamus) and excitement and anticipation, via the cortex and limbic system.

Hormonal regulation

Several hormones are involved in the regulation of blood pressure:


It is thought that at least 18% of the UK population suffers from hypertension; the majority, at least 95%, of unknown cause (Beevers et al 2001). Hypertension is present in 1–6% of women of childbearing age (Magee 2001). Hypertension has been termed the ‘silent killer’ because the sufferer commonly has no symptoms and is only diagnosed through screening or when the disease manifests itself in a complication of the disorder. Hypertension is present in up to 10% of all pregnancies either as a pre-existing disease (5–15% of the total) or as a disorder specific to pregnancy, pre-eclampsia (Lloyd 2003). Diagnosing and treating the hypertensive diseases of pregnancy is very challenging and may involve a balancing act between the health of the mother and the maturity of the fetus.

Pathophysiology of hypertension

Secondary hypertension

Secondary hypertension is the result of an identifiable abnormality which causes increased peripheral resistance (Gutierrez & Petersen 2002). For example, renal disease may result in decreased renal perfusion stimulating the kidneys to release increased amounts of renin; an adrenal tumour or hyperthyroidism will stimulate increased amounts of catecholamines. Inappropriately increased levels of renin or catecholamines will cause vasoconstriction and thus increase peripheral resistance. Cardiac output will increase in order to raise blood pressure sufficiently to get sufficient gases and nutrients to all the cells of the body.



Hypertensive disorders occur in up to 10% of all pregnancies and contribute significantly to both maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity rates (Lloyd 2003). Caring for the pregnant women with hypertension is a considerable challenge for the multidisciplinary team. As in the general population, there are seldom any signs or symptoms of hypertension and as the midwife is the primary care giver in the majority of pregnancies, she must be alert for this condition. Screening early in pregnancy will identify women with pre-existing hypertension. Ongoing examination throughout pregnancy will identify women developing pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia. However, hypertension may be a late sign of pre-eclampsia and thus the health of both mother and fetus may be compromised before the condition is detected.

Relevant physiological changes in the cardiovascular system in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the cardiovascular system must meet the increasing demands of both the pregnant woman and the growing fetus. In the heart, cardiac output will increase by up to 40% during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy (Murray 2003). Both stroke volume and heart rate will contribute to this. The raised cardiac output enables blood to flow through the added circulation formed in the enlarging uterus and placental bed, and also to meet the extra needs of other organs of the mother’s body.

Blood vessels increase in number and length to supply the placenta. Vasodilation occurs as a result of the action of the hormone progesterone on the smooth muscle of the vessel walls. Plasma volume increases by up to 50% and the number of blood cells by up to 18% during pregnancy to compensate for the apparent loss in blood volume resulting from the presence of extra blood vessels and vasodilation (Blackburn 2002). A resultant lowering of blood pressure in mid-pregnancy may contribute to feelings of lightheadedness and fatigue in the mother. The disproportionate increase in plasma volume over the number of blood cells and proteins present in circulating blood may result in the loss of fluid to the interstitial fluid compartment in the capillary bed, giving rise to generalized oedema in many pregnant women.

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Jul 11, 2016 | Posted by in MIDWIFERY | Comments Off on 2: Hypertensive disorders

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