CHAPTER 18. Nuclear, Biologic, and Chemical Agents of Mass Destruction
Knox Andress
Emergency nursing requires preparation for many types of disasters and mass casualty incidents (MCIs), including those caused by nuclear, biologic, or chemical (NBC) agents, collectively referred to as potential weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The United States Code, Title 50, defines WMD as “any weapon or device that is intended or has the capacity to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of (a) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors; (b) a disease organism; or (c) radiation or radioactivity.” WMD are used or stockpiled by both terrorists (domestic and foreign) and military agencies because their primary purpose is to kill, injure, sicken, threaten, or strike fear in a target population. Because of the potential for such a widespread psychologic effect, WMD have also been termed weapons of mass effect (WME). 45 This chapter outlines the characteristics and medical response considerations for NBC agents of mass destruction.
Who Threatens
Both domestic and foreign terrorist threats could involve NBC agents. These threats include lone individuals, political and special-interest groups, nonaligned groups, doomsday or religious cults, and insurgents. 8 Domestic terrorists are those from the United States. They may be individuals such as Ted Kaczynski (i.e., the “Unabomber”); Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted of the Murrah Federal Building bombing; or Eric Rudolph (Olympic Park Bomber). Domestic terrorists may also belong to hate-associated organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK); ecology “special interest” groups like the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), which was responsible for multiple acts of arson to vehicles and buildings; religious cults such as the Aum Shinrikyo, which was responsible for the sarin gas attacks in Japan; and/or followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who were responsible for sickening hundreds of residents in (the city of) The Dalles, Oregon. Foreign terrorists may belong to organizations such as al Qaeda, Hamas, and/or may be state sponsored. 10 Terrorists seek to injure, kill, cause destruction, and instill fear for their personal or political agenda. The use or threatened use of WMD agents is a federal crime with the FBI having jurisdictional authority.
Why Nuclear, Biologic, and Chemical Agents
NBC agents are practical tools for terrorism. NBC weapons require only small quantities of an agent or pathogen to achieve a high impact. NBC agents are easy to conceal and transport and can be hard to detect. Many of these small, potent agents do not have a characteristic odor or other obvious physical characteristics. NBC components are widely available within the community, are readily made, and are relatively inexpensive. Bioweapons have been cited as “the poor man’s atomic bomb” because of their potentially high impact and relatively low cost. 36 Materials can be found in local factories, hardware stores, industrial settings, school laboratories, universities, and hospitals.
Mass Casualty Differences
There are differences between the mass casualties arising from a natural disaster and those resulting from terrorism involving NBC components. MCIs occur every day, resulting in injured persons presenting to the emergency department (ED). MCIs may result from manmade events such as a transportation crash or from natural events such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or epidemic. Natural disasters are not premeditated, whereas terrorism is a planned and perpetrated event. Terrorism or threats of terrorism are federal crimes and require collaboration with multiple organizations, which includes following chain of custody when collecting the victim’s personal belongings. Responders need to be aware of possible secondary terrorism devices intended for the rescuers. 5 There is a greater potential for death and destruction with NBC agents. Many natural disasters come with some sort of warning beforehand; however, there is usually little to no preparation for an act of terrorism. MCIs involving NBC agents, whether accidental (e.g., Chernobyl, Russia) or intentional (e.g., Tokyo, Japan) will result in reactions of anxiety and increased fear of possible exposure or contamination. Persons with exacerbations of preexisting psychogenic illnesses may also present to the ED. 24 Hospital and emergency medical services (EMS) systems could easily become overwhelmed.
Most people are exposed to some level of environmental radiation every day. Ionizing radiation sources are used in commercial food sterilization processors, smoke detectors, medical therapy devices, radiopharmaceuticals, and radiography devices to name a few. A nuclear threat may be the result of an accident or malfunction, or it may involve a terrorist’s use of a radioactive source either alone, in combination with an explosive, or in a nuclear detonation. A nuclear detonation is considered the least likely threat-scenario because of its complexity and the security processes in place; however, it may create the greatest destructive impact. 39 The nuclear detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, during World War II were some of the first accounts of overt nuclear-radiologic threats against man. Current nuclear threats are considered to come from nations such as North Korea and Iran and from both domestic and foreign terrorist elements.
Types of Nuclear-Radiologic Devices
Potential radiologic and nuclear threats include the following:
• Radiologic exposure device (RED): A radioactive source is placed where numerous individuals can be unknowingly irradiated. An RED could be placed in a common public location, or radioactive material could be placed in food or drink, causing internal irradiation as experienced by the Soviet dissident Alexander Litvinenko. 25
• Radiologic dispersal device or RDD (dirty bomb): A radioactive source is combined with/in a traditional explosive device. The bomb explodes and spreads radioactive particulate and aerosolized radiation sources. Geographic areas and people within the plume incur varying levels of contamination. Injuries can arise from explosion burns, blast, radioactive contaminates, contaminate inhalation, and shrapnel injuries.
• Nuclear installation or reactor: Intentional (sabotage) or unintentional (cracks or meltdown) damage to a reactor can release high levels of radiation via contaminated steam and smoke.
• Thermonuclear weapon: A weapons-grade, atomic or hydrogen bomb. This device creates energy from atomic fission or fusion. The effects of a 1-kiloton blast (equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT) over 1 minute would be as follows:
• Blast range of approximately 400 yards
• Thermal radiation burns approximately 400 yards out
• High rates of radioactive fallout up to ½ mile from blast
• Gamma and neutron radiation up to ½ mile from blast
• Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would destroy or damage computer microchips and circuits (an aerial burst would increase the effects of an EMP)
All of these nuclear threats have the potential to release ionizing radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma rays; neutrons; and x-rays in either a particulate matter or “wavelike” form.
Radiation Basics
Radiation is energy emitted from a source and is a constant occurrence in our natural environment. We are surrounded by low-level, background radiation coming from the soil, sun, and certain products within our living space and workplace. 26 There are two principal radiation forms, nonionizing and ionizing, and it is the ionizing radiation that poses the potential health risks addressed here. Ionizing radiation has enough energy that it can break chemical bonds of impacted atoms, creating energized, or ionized particles. There are two forms of ionizing radiation: waves (electromagnetic) and particles. Types of ionizing radiation include alpha, beta, gamma, neutron, and x-rays. Under the correct conditions and amounts, the ionized particles can interact with living cells, creating free radicals that cause chemical changes within those cells. Biologic damage can occur to cellular DNA bonds, proteins, and membranes and can be expressed later as tissue alterations, mutations, tumors, or cancers.
Types of Radiation
Ionizing radiation may be emitted directly in the forms of alpha or beta particles along with gamma and or x-rays. Neutrons are indirectly ionizing particles because they do not carry an electrical charge
• Alpha particle radiation is composed of two neutrons and two protons, is very energetic, and highly ionizing. Alpha is the least penetrating, traveling several centimeters in air, and particles can be blocked by a sheet of paper, clothing, or by the outer layer of dead human skin. There is a minimal external-exposure threat, but inhalation or absorption/internalization can be a serious hazard.
• Beta radiation is emitted from the nucleus. It is a smaller particle than alpha and penetrates moderately, moving up to a few meters in air and a few millimeters through tissue. Beta particles can be blocked with glass, wood, or plastic. Beta particles and energy can cause skin injury known as “beta burns” over time.
• Gamma rays and x-rays are high-energy, wavelike forms of radiation that can penetrate deeply and are difficult to shield. Gamma rays travel farther and require special shielding such as appropriate amounts of lead or concrete.
• Neutrons are highly penetrating and energetic particles emitted from the nucleus. Neutrons, like gamma rays and x-rays, require special shielding. 37
To understand exposure one must study or measure the dose of radiation. Radiation measurement factors include the activity (A), absorbed dose (D), and the dose-equivalent (H). Activity is a measurement of ionized particles discharged and is measured in a unit called a curie (Ci). More curies present means more radioactivity. The time it takes for a quantity of radioactive material to decay by half of its original amount is its “half-life.” A Geiger counter is used to detect and measure radioactive decay. Absorbed dose (D), or rad, is energy deposited in the tissue per unit mass of irradiated tissue. The rad is the U.S. standard unit of measurement, whereas the International System (SI) of units for the absorbed dose is the gray (Gy). Dose-equivalent (H) is measured in rems, comprises the absorbed dose (D), and is weighted for the effectiveness of causing biologic damage. 26 The Sievert is the SI unit used to measure dose-equivalent. Dose-equivalantassists by providing a common scale for all types of radiation tissue damage
Everyone receives natural, background radiation exposure from his or her living and working environment. The annual natural background radiation dose a person receives from sun, soil, building materials, etc., is approximately 300 millirem (300 mrem). Airline passengers flying from Los Angeles to New York might receive 2.5 mrem of cosmic radiation, whereas an unprotected ED nurse potentially receives 5 mrem during a portable chest x-ray examination. Other typical patient radiation doses include the following: bone scan, 400 mrem; abdominal computerized tomography (CT) scan, 760 mrem; barium enema, 870 mrem; and cardiac catheterization, 45,000 mrem. The goal is to keep radiation exposure and contamination levels as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
The hospital radiation safety officer or health physicist can assist with calculating dose exposures and monitoring the effectiveness of decontamination actions.
Protection Principles: Time, Distance, Shielding
Principles for protection from the effects of ionizing radiation include factors of time, distance, and attenuation or shielding. Limiting time spent near a radioactive source limits dosage and possible effects. Remain as far away from a source as possible. The intensity of ionizing radiation is minimized by the inverse of the distance squared (i.e., the greater the distance, the less of a dose received). Radiation attenuation or shielding with proper materials can reduce radiation exposure and dose received. Proper shielding materials are a factor of the type of radiation emitted, with alpha particles being blocked by clothing or paper and beta particles by a thicker plastic or wood material, which can impede absorption. Gamma rays, neutrons, and x-rays require substantially more shielding with appropriate amounts of lead (aprons or lead-lined rooms), concrete (radiation bunkers), or earth (berms).
Exposure, Contamination, and Incorporation
Radiation injury begins after external or internal exposure (contamination) or irradiation occurring from exposure to a penetrating radioactive source. The body’s incorporation or uptake of radioactive contaminants results in systemic injury. Contamination occurs after internal or external exposure to radioactive materials by inhalation, ingestion, or when deposited on the body or clothing. Patients considered potentially contaminated should be surveyed and appropriately decontaminated.
External irradiation exposure does not make the victim radioactive or pose a threat to caregivers. A person contaminated with radioactive isotopes should be medically stabilized, appropriately decontaminated, and referred for further treatment and evaluation. 9
Internal contamination results when radioactive contaminants are blast embedded, inhaled, or ingested. This might occur to victims near a detonated RDD when radioactive fragments and bomb particulates become imbedded or nuclear material is aerosolized and inhaled. Incorporation begins when the cells and tissues of the body’s radiosensitive system cells, such as bone marrow stem cells, gastrointestinal (GI) villi, liver cells, and thyroid cells, begin uptake of the radioactive contamination. 37
Acute Radiation Syndrome
The acute illness arising from a significant and penetrating, partial- or whole-body irradiation is referred to as acute radiation syndrome (ARS). Ionizing radiation affects the most radiosensitive cells first, which include those involving hematopoiesis, digestion, and the central nervous system (CNS). 3 ARS is subdivided into three syndromes that are based on the body’s affected system and includes potential cutaneous radiation injury.
Body Systems Affected
The order of syndrome appearance is based on cell radiosensitivity and the absorbed dose. Syndromes include the hematopoietic syndrome, the GI syndrome, CNS or neurovascular syndrome, and cutaneous radiation injuries.
Bone marrow stem cells and accessory cells are most notably radiosensitive, and their irradiation results in increasingly rapid cellular death and alterations in blood component formation. The destruction of bone marrow stem cells and similar systems results in lymphopenia, pancytopenia, sepsis, and hemorrhage. Radiation doses resulting in a hematopoietic syndrome may be seen in an exposure of 0.3 to 0.7 Gy (30 to 70 rads). 19 The rate of decline in absolute lymphocytes over a 2-day period is used to help predict radiation level exposure.
Destruction of microvilli and GI tract lining occurs with absorbed doses of 6 to 10 Gy (600 to 1000 rads). Mucosal lining breakdown and sloughing of the intestinal wall results in diarrhea, severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and subsequent systemic effects that could include fever, GI bleeding, dehydration, and anemia. The LD 100, or lethal dose for 100% of the population, is approximately 10 Gy (1000 rads).
CNS syndrome is equated with an expectant or fatal outcome. CNS syndrome may be noted after absorbed doses of 20 to 50 Gy (2000 to 5000 rads) and is indicated by nervousness, confusion, altered level of consciousness, convulsions, and death. Symptoms can begin minutes after exposure to this intense irradiation.
Radiation injury to the skin and tissues can occur with doses as low as 2 Gy (200 rads). Because minimal energy is required, injury can occur without other ARS symptoms. An example would be the beta burns resulting from beta radiation. Dermal and underlying tissue damage increases as dose is increased. Radiation burn injuries can present over weeks or months and are staged and graded. Symptoms can include itching, tingling, edema, erythema, ulcerations, and the injuries may result in dry or moist desquamation and necrosis. Pain management and infection control are important for care.
Acute Radiation Syndrome Stages
ARS symptoms are also classified into a sequence of four phases or stages. Stage development is dependent on cell radiosensitivity and dose and type of radiation received. The four stages of ARS are prodromal, latent, manifest illness, and recovery or death. The prodromal or nausea-vomiting-diarrhea stage is dose dependent. It usually begins minutes to days after exposure, and symptoms may last for days The latent phase occurs hours to weeks after the prodromal stage and is marked as a period when the patient feels and may look healthy. In the manifest illness stage symptoms due to the particular syndrome appear and may last from hours to months. The recovery or death stage lasts from days to years, again depending on the syndrome. 19
Diagnosis and Treatment
ARS follows a predictable course of illness after substantial irradiation. Complete blood count (CBC) analysis can be correlated to exposure level. ARS should be evaluated with serial CBC analysis with a focus on lymphocyte count every 2 to 3 hours for the first 8 to 12 hours after exposure, and then every 4 to 6 hours for the subsequent 2 to 3 days. 33 Dosimetry for exposure dose levels can also be quantified via genetic assay with dicentric chromosome analysis considered the “gold standard.” Record all symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin erythema, and any blistering, as well as their time of onset. The onset time of vomiting has been correlated to prognosis and exposure level. Treatment considerations will be largely supportive based on ARS symptoms, including antiemetics and fluids. Other possible treatments include stem cell replacement, cytokines, and if internalized or incorporated, cathartics, chelators, and binding agents, some of which may be implemented in the ED.
• Stabilize the patient first. Ensure airway, breathing, and circulation.
• If contamination is suspected, decontaminate appropriately and survey for effectiveness.
• An exposure without contamination does not need decontamination.
• Treat any traumas, burns, or other injury symptoms. Provide supportive care.
• Notify public health and law enforcement.
• Obtain laboratory specimens, including serial CBC, human leukocyte antigen (HLA), and serum amylase. Other specimens collected might include swab samples from body orifices and urine specimens if contamination or a substantial dose was internalized. Consider dicentric chromosomal assay.
• Consult specialists, including the hospital radiation safety officer, health physicist, Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Training Site (REAC/TS), and/or the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI). 24
Biologic pathogens have been researched, weaponized, and employed by armies against their opponents for hundreds of centuries. Pathogens were used in the Middle Ages, during the French and Indian War, by Germany in World War I, and Japan in World War II. In 1984 The Dalles, Oregon, was the scene for the first known biologic attack in the United States. There the Rajneeshee, a religious cult, attempted to gain control of the local county government by spraying salmonella on salad bars and throughout public venues before a county election. Over 500 persons became ill. 46 The September 2001 anthrax attacks on various U.S. news media offices and two U.S. Senate offices resulted in 22 infections including 5 deaths. Today both domestic and foreign terrorists have developed and deployed bioweapons. Countries with offensive biologic weapons programs have included South Africa, United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and Iran. The signing of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty by a majority of nations, including the United States, ended offensive biologic weapons development for the signing countries. Although also signing, the Soviet Union reportedly continued clandestine research, development, and production of genetically altered “super pathogens” well into the 1990s. Production activities were curtailed and facilities closed after defecting Soviet microbiologists revealed ongoing bioweapons activities and facility locations. 2
Biologic Threats: Bacteria, Viruses, and Toxins
Biologic threat agents include bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that may form spores and produce a tissue inflammatory reaction. Viruses are the simplest pathogen, consisting of protein-coated RNA or DNA. Viruses require a host cell and can cause a variety of cell-specific diseases. Viral diseases may end in vascular damage and multiple system organ failure. Toxins are nature’s poisons and are more deadly than comparable amounts of any manmade chemical agent. 49 Toxins or their precursors may be found in the outside garden (ricin) or may exist in the kitchen pantry (botulinum).
The infection methods or delivery routes include inhalation, ingestion, injection, and dermal contact. Examples include inhalation of respiratory droplets infected with a virus such as smallpox, ingestion of salmonella, or dermal contact with anthrax spores. Many biologic agents are contagious from person to person.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has categorized certain bacterial, viral, and toxin biologic threats into Category A, B, and C diseases or agents. Categorization factors include ease of dissemination; transmissibility; potential for high morbidity and mortality; potential for social disruption; surveillance needs, and ease of production among others. The CDC Category A agents are anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs), including Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, and Machupo. 13 All suspected biologic agent cases should result in notification of the infection control practitioner, appropriate hospital personnel, and public health officials.
Epidemiology: The Clues
A biologic attack or infectious outbreak will be insidious, but there will be clues. Clues include infections unusual for a geographic region; increased deaths among the immunocompromised; multiple, similar outbreaks of disease; multiple, drug-resistant pathogens; increased or many sick and dying animals; physical evidence; or agent delivery device. Disease surveillance factors during triage and medical history might include travel history, infectious contacts, activities over the previous 3 to 5 days, and employment history. 49 The hospital infection control practitioner along with local and state public health officials should be notified for any suspected Category A patient.
CDC Category A Bacteria
Bacillus anthracis is a rod-shaped, gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria endemic within certain agricultural regions and livestock populations and may cause woolsorter’s disease from handling contaminated hides or fluids. Spore inoculation may result in cutaneous anthrax; spore ingestion may result in GI anthrax; whereas spore inhalation may result in respiratory or inhalational anthrax. Infection results in bacterial migration to regional lymph nodes, producing an edema-factor toxin or a lethal-factor toxin. 30 Inhalational anthrax is the most lethal variation and may result in mediastinitis, as opposed to pneumonia, as evidenced by a widened mediastinum on chest x-ray films.
Cutaneous anthrax results in itching skin and papular lesions that become vesicular and ulcerative. Ulcerative areas may develop moderate to severe edema. The lesions develop a black eschar within 1 to 2 weeks. There is a slight possibility that cutaneous anthrax could be transmitted by contact with another person.
Gastrointestinal anthrax arises from spore germination within the upper or lower intestinal tract. Upper GI tract involvement results in edema, lymphadenopathy, and sepsis. Lower GI tract involvement includes symptoms of bloody diarrhea, ascites, abdominal pain, and sepsis associated with a partially necrotic lower intestine.
Inhalational anthrax victims may initially feel like the seasonal flu victim. Those infected may experience a 2- to 6-day incubation period followed by a dry cough, myalgias, fatigue, and fever. Victims may experience a short period of improvement followed by a sudden onset of high fever, respiratory distress, shock, and death possibly with 24 to 36 hours. Patients may develop a mediastinitis, and approximately 50% will have hemorrhagic meningitis.
Standard precautions are needed when caring for anthrax or potentially anthrax-exposed patients. 5 Avoid any contact with wound drainage. Anthrax victims will require specimen cultures and then antibiotics. Treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, doxycycline, and penicillin. Other care includes supplemental oxygen, managing respiratory compromise, and supportive care. A vaccination regimen involving six courses is available to the Department of Defense, whereas a new civilian anthrax vaccination protocol is being developed by the CDC.
• Hospitals, including EDs, should have a protocol and/or plan to deal with potentially contaminated mail and “white powder” events.
• Report suspected cases to the infection control practitioner and public health officials.
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