13. Peripheral Vascular Disease

Deep vein thrombosis, 453.8

Occlusive arterial disease, 444.22

Peripheral vascular disease, 443.9

Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), 443.1

Venous disease, 459.9

I. Definition/Incidence.

A. Disorders of the peripheral arteries and veins

B. Commonly occurs in the lower extremities

C. Affects approximately one in five adults

D. Includes two categories of disease:

1. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

2. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)

IV. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

A. Subjective/physical examination findings.

1. Dependent edema to the feet

2. Leg swelling or “tightness”

3. Shiny, taut, hyperpigmented skin

4. Ulcerations or varicosities to legs or feet

B. Diagnostic testing.

1. Doppler plethysmographic studies to measure changes in leg size or volume.

2. Venography

C. Management.

1. Symptomatic treatment

2. Control edema

a. Elevation

b. Support hose

3. Weight reduction, as appropriate

4. Need for meticulous skin care

5. Review medications for agents that may potentially cause edema (e.g., calcium channel blockers).

Mar 3, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 13. Peripheral Vascular Disease

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