13. Eardrops: Instillation of

Learning outcomes

By the end of this section, you should know how to:

▪ prepare the patient for this nursing practice

▪ collect and prepare the equipment

▪ instil drops safely and effectively into the patient’s ear.

Background knowledge required

Revision of the anatomy of the ear

Revision of ‘Administration of medicines’, especially checking the medication against the prescription (seep. 13).

Indications and rationale for instilling eardrops

The instillation of eardrops involves dropping a prescribed solution into the external auditory canal from a dropper. This may be required:

to soften wax before syringing. If the wax has become impacted, syringing the external canal with solution will be ineffective unless the wax has first been softened (Aung and Mulley 2002)

to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort

to combat infection.

B9780443102707500157/fx1e.jpg is missingEquipment

1. Prescribed eardrops

2. Cotton wool balls

3. Receptacle for soiled disposable items.

B9780443102707500157/fx1g.jpg is missingGuidelines and rationale for this nursing practice

▪ explain the practice to the patient to ensure understanding and gain consent and co-operation

▪ wash hands to reduce the potential of cross infection (Jeanes 2005)

Oct 26, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on 13. Eardrops: Instillation of

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